Posted by Stat system needs something to be done

Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-16 19:46:50
Well I jnderstood from the news that some kind of actions are probably taken considering the inheritance system. I hope this includes a way better stat inheritance system...

I've played about a month now, I have 800+ stat male and several over 500 stat females, and the average cub I get is 200+. Now I just recently paid pretty much SB to breed a 101 lioness to 1600+ male, ang got 306 cub.

I'm not going to lie, this all kind of eats my fun playing this game... that kind of inheritance makes no sense. If 800 +700 gives you a 223 cub, you are literally not able to breed any decent stats with your pride. I've also noticed that if I breed my 800+king to a lioness with 400+stat, I get as good or even better (still poor though) statted cubs than the male gets with 700+ female. Which kinda sucks, because I feel I'm punished from buying/developing good statted females.

I have no SB to spend breeding to those high statted males owned by someone else, nor do I have the will; I find it kinda unrealistic that lionesses of my pride and not related to my king breed with others...

Any others feeling the same?

This suggestion has 47 supports and 1 NO support.

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Seiden (#31503)

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Posted on
2015-03-16 19:51:22
I support. The current stat system doesn't make sense. It looks like the father's stats are way more important than the mother's stats, and I feel like this should change. Breeding a 400 female to a 1000 male doesn't give the same result than breeding a 1000 female to a 400 male.... Why?

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-03-16 20:24:18
Seiden: no, the stats of both parents have equal significance, I've seen a +/- 200 stat difference between Cubs even within the same litter, it's based on how high the litters stats are (the variation should be based on a percentage). What you've witnessed is simply the natural variation.

That said, no support. Stats used to be way too easy, and the nerfed system makes it extremely rewarding to breed 1k Cubs out of your own lions. With the current system, it's still easily possible to increase stats with every generation, granted you work for it- actively hunting will allow you to breed a cub with higher birth stats than the mother by the end of her lifetime, if not earlier.

1k stats being more easy to obtain will just cause the same complaints from users breeding the, that they can't to get to 2k cubs, like the more active players who are breeding 1k now. This is essentially the reason that the stat system was initially nerfed. With the current system, it's possible for anyone to be on the stat leaderboards if they're willing to put in the time in. With the old system, old players had too much of a head start, essentially.

There's no significance in making stats easier to obtain, it'll just make it even less possible for less active players to keep up with the active populace, save spending tons of GB on their Cubs. As-is, all my high stat lions originate from lionesses born with 700-800 stats pre stat nerf-anyone can get there, if willing.

Not to mention, I really don't get the reason you're complaining, to be honest, you're breeding low to low medium stat parents, and get stats that beget their parents ranges,

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Maulise | Floof King (#32469)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-03-16 20:33:15
Your problem isnt with the stat inheritance in general but with the stat boost that lower statted lions get upon breeding. Lower stats get a boost in the stat inheritance, hence why lower stats at a point seem to produce better cubs than higher stats.

In my opinion, if the owners of Lioden want satisfied customers, yet want to keep the current low inheritance, then maybe take out the stat boost from lower stats. That is what is driving everyone insane.

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Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-17 00:53:14
Maulice, the reason I'm complaining is because there is no sense in the system; why does 700 + 800 produce WAY lower stats? Where is the realism? I don't say you should breed 800+ cubs out from that, but it would be way more realistic if a cub is near the stats of it's parents. It just simply makes more sense than breeding hundreds of less stat cubs.

I can understand that people who play this game like 8 hours a day get better stats eventually, but I have a life, a family and a job :D This is simply one kind of fun I like to have every now and then. The point is, it's losing it's fun because stat system doesn't really make sense.

I understand lower stat, but not this much lower stats. If both parents are like, 500 or so, then you should be able to breed cubs more or less near that in general. Not saying they should be all 500 like parents, but it kind of felt pretty insane when I'm able to breed just and just over 200 from parents waaaaay better than that. Like I said, eats the fun, makes no sense.

Id be perfectly OK with the fact that a cub out of 1600 and 101 is 306, if by having better statted females reproduce with a male near their stats or better would provide me cubs that are not much lower than the lowest statted parent. That means, it would be impossible to breed 200 cub out of 700 and 800 parents, and disappoint every time you have a litter.

This is a game and developers are asking critique. This is, to me personally, the worst thing in this game by far and I hope something is done. If it's ok to others, it's OK. If majority feel this system is good, then they should stick to it. Nothing forces me to play here, but since I have heard many people complain about this new stat system, I thought that giving my opinion would hopefully add to their thoughts and something could be done :)

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:18:08
Stop right there. The key is in what you said.
You say that you arent as active, and so your lions have lower stats and are complaining that active members have more stats than you.

Logic, my friend. If you invest more time/effort in a game, you will progress faster than those who cannot. The game will not care that you have a family, you have work or school. No. That is your personal reason why you cannot be active. Not everyone can be active, and only those will be able to have high stats who invest time/effort/money.

Every game works like that.

The current inheritance works fine. No matter how strong two lions are, their cubs will not be nearly as strong as its parents upon birth. It will be stronger than cubs of weaker parents but it will need to train to achieve what their parents had but they will be able to become better because their birthstats are higher than the birthstats of their parents.

Like real life. Two horses breed, the foal will not be nearly as strong as its parents. It will need to train a lot to match them. It will have the potential but it wont get it for free. Effort is key.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Axel (#6627)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:23:00
^This, pretty much.

Also, what you have issue with is the stat boost that lower stat lions receive with their cubs, rather than parents with slightly higher stats not geting enough of them, as Axel also mentioned.

I spend 10+ hours a day on Lioden, mostly with it running in the background while I go about my day so I can hunt and patrol. I /should/ be doing better than a casual player, and so I am. You have your priorities, and there's nothing wrong with that, just don't expect to do as well as players like me.

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ambers. 🍊 (#15417)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:24:00
At least in the old system, there was an equation floating around that could be used to determine the Stat of cubs. It wasn't that accurate, but wasn'tway off either.

Now I want to know how a 2000+ stud and 1000+ lioness equals a 700 stat cub.:/

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Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:27:25
Maulice, Axel: That's why I said I'm OK with lower stats. But not this much lower stats. It makes no sense 700 + 800 get 300 cub at maximum. I'm pretty sure many agree.

And irl, if you breed those two champion racing sighthounds, their pup has a high change to grow up better than their parents with proper training. It's not like them at the beginning, but it's not way worse either. My problem is cubs are way worse than their parents, not the fact that they are somewhat worse, which is OK. Having like 400-500 out of 700 and 800 would be totally fine.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Trisha (#55051)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:28:18
amberpelt: The current system is too tough to even remotely guess an accurate formula for, but with time you can determine what ranges of parents give what ranges of cubs.

There's a percentage roll for sure that involves how far cubs can be dispersed in terms of stats (I have a litter with 2 1.2k cubs and a 1k cub in the same one), and I believe stat inheritance itself is based on some kind of exponent, which is why lower stat parents pass on a larger percentage of their stats. That being said, all speculation

And honestly, 700 stats isn't too bad, considering, in the current market, 700 stats goes for GB :P In the old system, you could get a 1ker for SB if you were lucky, if I recall.


Trisha, that's WAY too high. With that high a percentage inheritance, you'd be able to get a cub up to its mother's stats within a week of it aging up, if you're active, if not less time :/ With that kind of inheritance rate again, leaderboards would sky-rocket up to the 10k's again, and new players just wouldn't have a chance to catch up without forking out GB for cubs, regardless of how active they are.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Maulise | Floof King (#32469)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:33:31
The current inheriting system gives it back fabulously. When you train two lions, they will have higher stats. You breed them together, they will produce a cub that will have higher birthstats than the parents had at their own birth, so they have the potential to become way better than them.

What you are asking for is to give the potential to the cubs to become 2x as good as its parents with the same training. No. Not even if you breed two champion horses or dogs together will their offspring become twice as good. Slightly better? They have the potential. But twice as good will take a few generations and a ton of training.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Axel (#6627)

Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:36:16
I don't get why 100 or more to the current rate (as current stats out of 700 and 800 seem to be 300 at the highest, and what I think wouöd be better is 400 or so) suddenly messes all things up :D If your words are true, it's less than two days of work for an active player. So what's the problem?

EDIT: It seems to me that it's pretty obvious to everyone that getting 200 stats per week is pretty impossible even with good luck. So adjusting the system a bit would not mess things up and suddenly make the stats lose their worth. It would just simply make this game more fun to those who play every day, like I do, but who don't play it hours in a row. It would still be pretty much so that active players get best cubs. And raising the inheritance percent a bit would not bump up the leaderboards up to ridiculous 10k lions. We are talking a bout a minor adjustment here.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Trisha (#55051)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:38:39
Trisha: It would have to scale up to higher stats in exponential fashion because that's how an inheritance formula works. What's 'only' 100-200 stats on lower lions will easily be in the 500-800's on higher lions, if not more, which is where the issue lies.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Maulise | Floof King (#32469)

Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:42:55
Then something should be done to the inheritance system itself, which kinda is what I'm saying here.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:43:54
That 100 stat would exponentially grow the higher the birth stats are. So basically you want a specific % boost for inheritance. Which might mean 100 for a 700 and 800 stats parents, but it would mean 500 for a 3,5k and 4k parents. And that means a lot. You boost stat growth per generation and the problem is with higher stats skyrocketing. Lower stats already get a boost, so be happy with that. If that wasnt in place, you would get 200 stats cubs instead.

Currently stat inheritance is fine. What I would like to see is the removal of the lower stat breed boost.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:44:54
It just seems to me that you're complaining that things are 'too hard' on un-based grounds. You don't put in time, so of course you don't see 'fast enough improvement'. You wouldn't, even with a change, because effort has to be put in, regardless of the system. I honestly don't understand why you're so concerned with stats to begin with, when you don't seem to be a stat breeder.


Axel: Exactly, thanks for phrasing that better. On my phone at the moment, not fun typing out things on here.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Maulise | Floof King (#32469)

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