Posted by Stat system needs something to be done

Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-16 19:46:50
Well I jnderstood from the news that some kind of actions are probably taken considering the inheritance system. I hope this includes a way better stat inheritance system...

I've played about a month now, I have 800+ stat male and several over 500 stat females, and the average cub I get is 200+. Now I just recently paid pretty much SB to breed a 101 lioness to 1600+ male, ang got 306 cub.

I'm not going to lie, this all kind of eats my fun playing this game... that kind of inheritance makes no sense. If 800 +700 gives you a 223 cub, you are literally not able to breed any decent stats with your pride. I've also noticed that if I breed my 800+king to a lioness with 400+stat, I get as good or even better (still poor though) statted cubs than the male gets with 700+ female. Which kinda sucks, because I feel I'm punished from buying/developing good statted females.

I have no SB to spend breeding to those high statted males owned by someone else, nor do I have the will; I find it kinda unrealistic that lionesses of my pride and not related to my king breed with others...

Any others feeling the same?

This suggestion has 47 supports and 1 NO support.

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Icy (#2810)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:51:50
Mehh, on the fence. As said above, it makes one work all the more hard to work up your lions to a decent stat set. You feel good to train a lion(ess) to high stats; it's rewarding in a way. It sucks to constantly take two steps backward after breeding, though. I can pay out of my nose to breed my high stat female to a super high stat male, and get only fairly decent statted cub who I now have to work insanely hard to get stats up to at least match the parents. If i'm lucky it'll match it's parents by the time it's 7-8 years. e_e

Only thing I don't like is that these changes were implemented only recently, and so now there is a sheer disadvantage as some people used the hunting boost some months back to raise lioness' stats unbelievably high, and those also likely had cubs born from the superman-statted leaderboard kings who recently coraked. So here we have the disadvantage with the new breeding numbers, where these users will breed their ultra-high lions and still come out on top, while those who didn't "take advantage" of the hunting skip feature when it was cheap or have 25gbs to breed to the highest statted lions are basically breeding flunky cubs who don't sell and don't breed anything but lower numbers each time.

Not that i'm exactly complaining. I don't sell my cubs for stats (Not that I could, anyway. x3) The only reason i'm moderately upset is because I like high stats in my pride. I can breed similar statted lions above the 1000 mark and end up with 500 statted cubs. I don't want to spend a fortune breeding outside of my den and I don't want to waste my time training a sub-par cubs' stats if they only match their parent's when they are old.

I'm still not sure I support, though, as changing the system we have now to the way it was will cause unrealistically high-statted lions again. I do think the female's stats ought to have a little more worth, though, especially considering how much more work people put into raising their stats through hunting.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:55:26
Icy: Thing is, from all my observation and records, females and males have the same effect on cub stats. There's just a natural variation between cubs from any given range of parents, and the fact that female stats give less sway is likely just observational bias.

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Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:56:31
"Which might mean 100 for a 700 and 800 stats parents, but it would mean 500 for a 3,5k and 4k parents."

I don't see a problem here. Better lions, better stats. Percents work that way, and I see no problem if those 2000+ and 1000+ parents amberbelt mentioned would get 1000 statted cubs. There could also be a limit telling that a cub can never be more than a certain amount of % better than his/her worst parent. That would mean breeding a 100+ female to 3,5k lion doesn't give you 700 or so cubs instantly, or cubs that are way better than their worst parent.

Maulise, well considering this IS a forum that asks people to give critique, I find it pretty obvious that I can say if I feel something is wrong. And I do feel something is wrong. Seeing there are supports, there are others too who find this a problem. Also, I read from another stat inheritance topic that quite a few people left Lioden when the system was renewed, so I see it was not a succesfull update. I'm not asking them to give me 800 cubs here. I'm merely asking them to think this system through, because I don't find it working now. Like I said, many find it working and if the majority thinks things are ok, they are. What matters here is that if majority think it's NOT OK, something should be done. And since this is a place to give critique, this is a place where I will give my critique.

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Francxs -muts- (#35539)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:59:20
I'm neutral either way. I managed to get my current king from 128 birth stats to 625+ in less than a month or so.

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Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:59:37
Any trend to think that the male's stats have more of an effect on the cub's stats than the mother does is probably more to do with females /generally/ being bred to higher stat males. I mean, if you have a 1k+ lioness you'll likely seek out a higher stats stud for her than a 100-500 stat boy, but you wouldn't have the same qualms about breeding a 100-500 lioness to a 1k+ stud.

"I see no problem if those 2000+ and 1000+ parents amberbelt mentioned would get 1000 statted cubs."

That right there is the issue e.e

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Bilby .:Hunter/Hunted:. (#22185)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 01:59:40
You're pretty much suggesting that we go back to the old inheritance system, that was riddled with even more issues than the current one, which I've already tried to explain to you multiple times. Don't try fix what's not really broken, or you're liable to make it even worse.

To try and articulate it properly, again, stats used to inherit similar to that. We had 10k lions on the board. Fantastic. Problem? New active users couldn't get nowhere near there without buying what few cubs those that monopolized the leaderboard sold. They never sold their highest stat cubs, either, as they didn't want their precious leaderboard spot to ever be threatened. Bottom line, this system is much fairer on players - anyone can reach leaderboards with enough planning and effort.


Gotta agree with Bilby. A male with twice the stats of a female shouldn't give cubs that have the female's stats. That's completely unreasonable.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Maulise | Floof King (#32469)

Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-17 02:03:55
I don't really see how a minor system rethinking would affect that. Like I said, if a minor tweak causes that kind of problems, then they should think the whole inheritance system again and base it something else than it's currently based upon.

I can't see how it's possible to get 10k lions to the leaderboard if it's impossible to breed stats that are better than the parents (as a matter of fact birth stats are lower than their parents, significantly). It's not that easy to obtain stats by training at this point.

If the inheritance system is not touched, them something should be done to the amount of stats lionesses get when they hunt.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 02:08:46
You don't seem to be listening. The issue is that, with a ridiculous boost like that, things are going to go out of control within three generations, if not less. You weren't around with the old inheritance system, but that's what essentially happened.

And the thing is, you're failing to understand that it's not the cubs stats being higher than the parents that matters, it's the fact that the cubs birth stats are higher than the mother's birth stats, which is fairly quick to achieve, by the second or third breeding of a lioness. Within 2-3 generations of a system like that, you'll be having cubs with 2-2.5k birth stats again, and it'll just continue balling out of control. Those who are active easily train over 3k stats onto a lioness or lion within their lifetime, so it won't take near as long as you seem to think.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Maulise | Floof King (#32469)

Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 02:09:13
*checks join date*

Okay, you'v not been here long really, about a month, so you haven't actually /seen/ any of the issues we've had getting to this nicely balanced inheritance rate.

There was the stat inheritance without dampening on the exponential growth, which resulted in 7k leaderboard studs, which still haven't entirely died out. Then that was nerfed, about six months later we got the chance fo a second stat gained from hunting + the ability to skip hunts for 100SB. THAT is where the 10k monsters came from. I know as a newbie the leaderboard seems quite impossibly out of reach, but that's because those lions are relics of previous inheritance systems, and will slowly be bred out.

Edit: Well xD
Not all of them are relics, some are from a helluva a lot of dedicated training o3o

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Bilby .:Hunter/Hunted:. (#22185)

ambers. 🍊 (#15417)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 02:13:26
Maybe I'm still bitter over my lioness giving birth to one 700 Stat cub after I dished out a shitload of GB only to get a fraction of it back.

I'd still kinda like to stat system to be fixed just a bit.

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Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-17 02:14:41
"You don't seem to be listening."

No, you don't seem to be listening. This is a critique forum and I gave a qritigue. Leave it to the developers to decide it they listen. Nothing that you say makes me feel THIS CURRENT SYSTEM is good. Apparently tweaking it to make easier birth stat gain would do bad things, so that's why, maybe, the whole system should be thought over.

I see a problem that affects my fun of playing, I tell it.

Bilby here explained with a nice manner that tweaking the current system would do bad things. Ok. I get that. Then I think something other should be done; tweaking the stat gaining system, tweaking the inheritance system as a whole. What, I leave that to the game developers.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 02:16:21
amberpelt: I suppose? If anything, I'd only want to see the boost lower statted lions get removed. Then it'll be more of a smooth stat progression.

I understand the stat woes, believe me, but it is just a matter of stock market type predictions, at this point, which is what makes the stat market interesting, IMO. I.e. is this stud/cub worth the investment, or not, etc.


Trisha, no need to be rude. I'm simply explaining why what you keep pressing forward isn't a good choice, several of us have been doing it for a number of posts. This is a suggestions board, I have full rights to critique your suggestion, and state my opinion on it, just as much right as you have to critique the site in the first place.

The inheritance system works, the boost for lower stat lions simply needs to be removed, but there will be an outcry from casual players if anything like that's done, so it's not that likely to be altered, hence stats are currently in a bit of stalemate.

Stats were cut down to this point by staff for a reason, and I don't see things returning to the way they were, or to any point similar, for that matter.

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Edited on 17/03/15 by Maulise | Floof King (#32469)

Trisha (#55051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-17 02:22:10
Like I said, me and apparently several others find the current stat system a problem. I leave it, once again, to the developers to decide what to do if anything. Apparently something IS done to the inheritance, because it was mentioned in the news.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 02:24:35
Well then. Critique will not really do much without making a working suggestion. Without it, it is just a rant and belongs to the rant board, but then again, Lioden-based issues arent allowed there. In order to make this to a suggestion, you will actually need to suggest. Dont just say that you are upset about the inheritance, but come up with a solution.

Saying that you want x stats from x statted parents isnt a suggestion.

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Shu .Gaggle™
Clean.G4 [5K] (#42)

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Posted on
2015-03-17 02:25:27
As the others have said, a lot of where this problem is coming from is the fact that lower stats don't actually inherit the same way as higher stats do. But most players aren't even aware of the boost, so it seems like as you go up higher, it gets a lot more difficult to pass on higher stats to the cubs.

Well, although that's true, it's also because your perception of stat inheritance from lower statted lions is warped by the stat boost for lower stats. If we removed that boost, although lower statted lions would get much lower cubs, it would probably also be alot easier to anticipate and expect the same out of higher statted parents.

As for the suggestion of changing the stat system, well... honestly, even though I know I'd love to have higher stats as much as the next person, there isn't really anything that'll fix your problem. If they did as you suggested and increased stat inheritance by 100-500 stats, depending on the lions that were bred, this will be reflected exponentially through generations of cubs, thus leading us to the exact same problem as before, except instead of having 5k stats on the leaderboards, we would have 10k stats, and be left with the exact same problem with just double the original numbers.

At the very least, with this system, new players aren't left out as much - with higher stat inheritance, it would mean that you don't even have the slightest chance of getting a high stat without paying for it. Now, you can actually breed up your own if you put in the effort.

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