-LOCKED - New Layout!
Posted on 2015-04-17 06:58:57

New layout!

This wonderful new layout is a step into more friendly interface for PC users, iPad and mobile users! Everything is very flexible, the colours are less brown-boring now. The new layout is intended to be a lot more mobile friendly - there are some areas we're aware of that are buggy, but they should hopefully be fixed in a few days. Yay for mobile!
We hope that before you state "I hate this" you browse for a few days and see if you actually enjoy the changes! Every change is affecting your daily routine so obviously it's gonna be different for a while. We believe this layout is easier on gameplay, colours vibrant and positive and the background is very exciting!

EVENT now has its own separate tab, and FAQ next to it is something I have prepared for new users or common questions - if you think of any common question please PM me, I will be editing the FAQ few days a week.

If you notice any issue with new layout please report to This Thread

Remember that your personal Den .css coding is not going to be working in new layout, you need to edit it :x


SYC boards

We are taking off Sharpen Your Claws forums temporarily due to neverending arguing. We have noticed there's a trend of people reposting same controversial topics worded in a very specific manner just to get more fights between players. We want to see how Lioden's community will act without the venting boards, without the aggression. If you want to share stuff about your friend's death, that would belong to 18+ forums, if you want to complain about your lions being lazy and not bringing food, Free-For-All would be great, etc. But some topics will now stay off Lioden and we want to keep it that way for a while.

Raffle Lioness

Congrats Nathanael (#44616)!! you have won Silky Rims girl!
Newest lady has Silky Undercover and is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Explore or in NEWS section under News Post List!

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Edited on 17/04/15 by Xylax (#4)

Seria(main) -
|Cel.20m Smilus| (#3299)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:22:44
No..... No..... No...... ; v ;

I just, I can't. I absolutely can not with this new layout... It definitely looked more cleaned up with the other layout....

Can we please have an option to switch back to the original layout, otherwise I will not be able to stand Lioden anymore... I'm sorry.. ; v ;

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Sivi (#57189)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:28:26
Its nice, but I have to zoom out on chrome because it's so huge. I thought I had zoomed inn on the page when I entered Lioden >_>

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Tortuga (#54751)

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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:30:41
I like the mobile friendly big, but I need my sidebar back. All my bookmarks are gone and that's not cool. My den layout got screwed and I'm not happy about that either. And did you really have to add so much white? It's blinding! Please give back our sidebars and bookmarks, so we don't have to go all the way to our kings page just to see how much energy, imp%, exp%, and hunger he has. And the clock needs to come back too.

I really wish you all would have done a trial of this or something to get feedback and make necessary changes before forcing it on everyone. I don't mind changes, if they're for the better. This...is not at all better. I highly preferred the desktop layout on my iPad.

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Nightshade (#38162)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:32:27
This is awsome!! :)

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Kiku (#9052)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:32:46
I was put off a bit by the new layout after logging in on my phone but seeing in on my computer it looks smoother.

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:32:53
Yay! Thanks I love the new layout, gonna take a bit to get used to but :)

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Doed (#32367)

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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:34:08
I still have my bookmarks :P but maybe you can't see them on mobile.....

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imayooshi (#30137)

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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:35:48
ah, no wonder the update took so long, the layout looks so...clean..

i think i actually prefer the old layout than this one, now all i have to do is to edit the CSS >_

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Bilby [pm on #22185] (#22017)

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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:38:10
I'm... not sold on it yet, tbh. I actually had no issues using the old version on my mobile, and everything just feels very... big as it is now. I get going to zoom out because it's too big and too much white/empty space >.

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Crumbinatr (Maki) (#43022)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:42:41
These Formats are so confusing <.>

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Doed (#32367)

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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:42:42
I still like the lay-out, but I loved the other one more. Because it gave you the idea that it was really 'wild-ish'. More nature and gave me the idea too almost be part of it or something :P
I don't get that feeling with this lay-out. But it works okay for me but I have an 17" laptop X3

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Toradaeus [Request
Roll] (#49785)

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Posted on
2015-04-17 15:45:32
I hate to be whiny, but honestly, using this interface is a pain in the keister.
It is way too big, It takes forever to scroll to anything. All the different parts look the same now, so its harder to tell what you are trying to do/where you are. It is MUCH more boring imo, it just looks block-y and simple and not very professional at all. The old version was nice and clean and professional with the wood and stone look and had good dimension. This version just looks flat and well....bad.
I would very much like to go back to to original design, and perhaps only have a new design for mobile only? If you want to add/change the organization of things, that is fine, but this interface/web design stinks. Sry. :\

(This is all not even mentioning the glitches because I know those are bound to be fixed so I'm not worrying too much about them, but there are lots of things like ad bars overlapping control buttons/chat/etc, not being able to click tiles to hunt without popup boxes getting in the way, etc....it's just impossible to use the site anymore.)

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Sivi (#57189)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-17 16:02:33
Now that I have TRIED to play around... I want the old layout back!!!
The hunt is so glitchy I have to click around like a mad man to ber able to get on a space to send my lioness . My eyes and heads hurt because of the colors and how the layout are zoomed-in. I might have bad eye-sight, but this is to smashed together and looks more like how Lioden might have looked like when it started. I wanted to play Lioden because I really liked the layout you had, it had so much charm and looked more like a lionsim.
Right now it reminds me more of a mix batch of difftent layouts of Art sites from across the webs.
I hope things gets fixed asap so its possible to play again.

also it dont look good on my phone and by other comments it seems the layout fits better for Tablets which I dont have. I have only laptop and phone...

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Roseful (#52662)

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Posted on
2015-04-17 16:05:21
Sweet update! I love the new layout and changes made to lioden! uvu Hopefull we'll see more of your amazing works!

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Lion Tamer (#48364)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-17 16:11:54
The new layout looks great!

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