Posted by I solemnly swear :: HP Inspired RP OOC

SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-04 22:59:07


:: Click here to go to the RP thread


:: Rules

:: Basics

1- Treat everyone with kindness and respect; we're all buddies here! Please take any disagreements to PM.

2- This is Literate-Advanced Literate roleplay. You'll be expected to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You're to make your post at least a paragraph long (5-7 sentences) if not more. Role-players who do not meet these requirements will be removed from the role-play.

3- Being active is a must! Try to pop in at least once every 2 or 3 days. If you're going to be away for an extended period of time, or will have a change in normal activity, please let me know so that your character is saved; members that give no word and are inactive for over 2 days will be deleted.

4- Upon joining the thread, there will be a 2 day grace period. Within these two days, you're able to join the RP and test the waters. After the grace period, your character is considered a full part of the roleplay, which means if you suddenly leave the thread after the period, your character will be written out of the story in any way we see fit, especially if they leave plot gaps. Characters who have not posted at least once during this 2 day grace period will also be written out.

5- Don't make every other character a werewolf or veela or metamorphmagus or animagus, those characters are few and far between. PM if you want to make one of these ahead of time so I can give you the go or no go.

6- Follow Lioden ToS when roleplaying please.

7- I reserve the right to reject character applications if I feel you are not a good fit for this role-play. This includes if I feel you will be unable to reach the lit-adv lit requirements set in rule 2.

New Rule: 8- When filling out your application you may use real photos or REALISTIC pictures (no anime, cartoon style pictures).


:: Rules

:: Hogwarts Rules

These may not always be strictly enforced

Students shall not leave Hogwarts grounds, unless they leave with the Headmaster's permission, if collected by a parent or guardian
Students are not allowed in the Forbidden Forest, unless accompanied by a professor

Third and Fourth years may visit Hogsmead on weekends only
Fifth through Seventh years may visit Hogsmead anytime during the weekend or after class

No boys in the girls dorms
No girls in the boys dorms

Access to commons areas are strictly controlled, and students are not allowed in the other commons areas
Each common room has a protective measure in place to restrict access. The Gryffindor Tower and Slytherin Dungeon require passwords. Ravenclaw Tower requires the answer to a riddle. The Hufflepuff Basement requires tapping a specific barrel in a particular rhythm.

Students are expected to be in their commons areas by 10 pm.
Students are expected to be in their commons areas till 6 am.


Gryffindor; Fairy lights
Hufflepuff; Top middle, bottom right, top middle, bottom left
Ravenclaw; Pick a riddle
Slytherin; Salazar
Prefect bathroom; Bubble bath


:: Application

Please post applications here and PM me to know you did

Age: (13-18)
House Request: (If you'd like more information on house sorting and the common personalties and quirks that make up each house please take a look at this article. The Traits of the Four Houses)
Year: (Keep it realistic, your characters can skip or get held back ONE grade. DUE TO AN UNINTERESTED CROWD, FIRST AND SECOND YEARS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE PLAYED. THEY WILL BE NPC'D)
Heritage: (Pure blood, mud blood, half blood)
Orientation: (Gay, Straight, Bi, etc.)
Significant Other: (Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Partner, Etc.)
Crush: (not who you're dating but who you have a crush on)
Strengths: (at least 3+ in a list format)
Weaknesses: (at least 3+ in a list format)
Personality: (No "Played out in RP" allowed. At least a paragraph.)
Played By:
Picture: (Optional)
RP Example:


:: Characters

(Please, only 5 characters of each year allowed)
Gender Ratio: 10 Girls // 8 Boys
Years Ratio: Third 2/5 :: Fourth 2/5 :: Fifth 4/5 :: Sixth 5/5 :: Seventh 4/5
"Other" Ratio: Metamorphmagi 2/2 // Animagi 4/4 // Werewolves 1/3 // Half-Veelas 1/3
- Light Stryker // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // N/A // Starwolf, 28052
- Katherine Gayle Luvika // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // Animagus (not fully achieved yet) // West, 43497
- Lwaxana “Rixx” Zane // 14 // Feminine // Fourth // Half-Veela // Kovu, 24258
- Levanna Anael Everett // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // N/A // Njay, 43822
- Holly Renee Andrews // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // Metamorphmagus // Astera, 15276
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- Hunter Godfrey // 16 // Masculine // Sixth // Metamorphmagus // SilverWolfLeopard, 5102
- River St. Claire // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // N/A // Rainy, 50592
- Dawn Fildrew // 15 // Feminine // Fourth // N/A // Sohodora, 48779
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- Alice Charlotte Jackson-Thomas // 14 // Feminine // Third // N/A // FantasyDragone, 54330
- Eve Vivienne Edwards // 14 // Feminine // Third // N/A // Aurielle, 22994
- Otho Godfrey // 15 // Masculine // Fifth // N/A // WARTIME, 56542
- Feya Verbic // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // Animagus // Summer, 59192
- Leland Verbic // 15 // Male // Fifth // Animagus // Thistle, 55660
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- John-Pierre Augustus Severus Cavendish // 15 // Masculine // Sixth // N/A // Kovu, 24258
- Storm Stryker // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // Animagus // Starwolf, 28052
- Sebastian Campbell // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // Werewolf // Aurielle, 22994
- Alexandria Maria Yeager // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // N/A // Dick Grayson, 34810
- Harold Edward Luvika // 18 // Masculine // Seventh // N/A // West, 43497
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by


:: Relationships

Siblings ★
Cousins ☆
Crushing → ←
Dating ❤
Exes ✖

- Storm Stryker ★ Light Stryker
- Hunter Godfrey ★ Otho Godfrey
- Leland Verbic ☆ Feya Verbic
- Harold Luvika ★ Katherine Luvika


:: Character Profiles

[Page 1]
Hunter Godfrey
John-Pierre Augustus Severus Cavendish
Alice Charlotte Jackson-Thomas
Storm Stryker
Light Stryker

[Page 2]
Katherine Gayle Luvika
Harold {Harry} Edward Luvika
Eve Vivienne Edwards
River St. Claire
Lwaxana “Rixx” Zane

[Page 3]
Otho Godfrey
Feya Verbic
Levanna Anael Everett
Sebastian Campbell

[Page 4]
Alexandria Maria Yeager

[Page 5]
Dawn Fildrew

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Edited on 10/06/15 by SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 07:06:33
Sure! Alice is socially awkward and a bit shy, so be prepared XD

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 07:11:38
Light will probably try and become friends with all who can put up with him ^.^
Storm, on the other hand, is someone you'll have to work to gain his affections ^.^'

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 07:15:26
@West. Her being chill friends with Harry works well since they are both Slytherins. Her and Kat can be aquaintances, but it's unlikely it'll develop into a super great friendship as Alexandria's pretty resistant to people who aren't Slytherin. ^^ Since her and Harry know each other and Kat is Harry's sister (from what I understand anyways) then it would make sense for Alexandria to know Kat. ^^

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Aurielle (#22994)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 07:15:44
@Fantasy - Both of them can be shy and socially awkward together! xD

@Starwolf - Looking forward to your characters too :3 Just randomly matching characters up, but I think Katherine and Storm, being both Animagi, would be a lot of fun to play with together for you and West. ^^

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 07:23:06
Man I don't even know a ton about Harry Potter but I'm really excited for this RP. ^^

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 07:27:41
@Dick Grayson ~ Oh yes yes, that's what I was looking for exactly. Kat isn't too ambitious in making friends unless someone really intrigues her, so she'll probably just tolerate her existence because her brother is a Slytherin and is chill with Alex.

@Starwolf ~ Aurielle is right, maybe Storm and Katherine would be fun to play with together because of her learning to be an Animagus.

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 07:30:40
I'm sure Storm would enjoy teaching her, even if he does act grumpy about it ^.^

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Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 08:41:41
Is anyone looking for a close buddy? I think it would be nice to start the rp with River with like... A like long best friend?

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FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 09:13:50

I think it would be cool to start with Alice's hawk making friends with the cat and Alice bumping into Eve chasing after her hawk. And the two becoming friends. I looked through the forms and they should totally be study buddies- oddly they complement each other's weaknesses.

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Aurielle (#22994)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 09:20:15
@Fantasy - Sounds like a good idea! I think Anya would be a pretty relaxed, friendly cat since Eve's so shy, so making friends with a hawk would probably be no biggie for Anya. :) They also both have older sisters that hog their parent's attention. ^^

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FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 09:30:55

Perfect! I can't wait to start! They'll be perfect friends- Alice is only good at Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, and Eve is good at the other classes. Not to mention they both have attention hogging big sisters and a younger sibling. :)

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WARTIME (#56542)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 10:39:24
Stares at all I missed.. weeps a little. Kidding with that, but scheming.. yes, I'm down for it. Given Otho's personality, I definitely want to have a bestfriend for him that he's comfortable around and known a long time. If there's any other fifth years up for it?.. And houses don't matter, they could've kindled a relationship in classes, the library (as he spends most of his time there), etc. He isn't very outgoing and either his bestfriend could be the same or he could be the more confident and vocal one. I'm open to ideas.

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 10:44:03
Right now, there is only one other fifth year I believe (still waiting for Ravenclaws to open arg) and Feya, the other 5th year character, wants to be a loner, I believe. ovo She likes to makes friends during the course of rp.
Her fifth year Ravenclaw would be unlikely to have a best-friend as of now, but theres still time for other 5th year applications. ;v;

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WARTIME (#56542)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 11:07:13
@Thistle Ergh, alright. Do you know who has the reserved 5th year spot?

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 11:14:50
That would be me. cx Waiting for a Ravenclaw slot to open.

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