Posted by I solemnly swear :: HP Inspired RP OOC

SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-04 22:59:07


:: Click here to go to the RP thread


:: Rules

:: Basics

1- Treat everyone with kindness and respect; we're all buddies here! Please take any disagreements to PM.

2- This is Literate-Advanced Literate roleplay. You'll be expected to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You're to make your post at least a paragraph long (5-7 sentences) if not more. Role-players who do not meet these requirements will be removed from the role-play.

3- Being active is a must! Try to pop in at least once every 2 or 3 days. If you're going to be away for an extended period of time, or will have a change in normal activity, please let me know so that your character is saved; members that give no word and are inactive for over 2 days will be deleted.

4- Upon joining the thread, there will be a 2 day grace period. Within these two days, you're able to join the RP and test the waters. After the grace period, your character is considered a full part of the roleplay, which means if you suddenly leave the thread after the period, your character will be written out of the story in any way we see fit, especially if they leave plot gaps. Characters who have not posted at least once during this 2 day grace period will also be written out.

5- Don't make every other character a werewolf or veela or metamorphmagus or animagus, those characters are few and far between. PM if you want to make one of these ahead of time so I can give you the go or no go.

6- Follow Lioden ToS when roleplaying please.

7- I reserve the right to reject character applications if I feel you are not a good fit for this role-play. This includes if I feel you will be unable to reach the lit-adv lit requirements set in rule 2.

New Rule: 8- When filling out your application you may use real photos or REALISTIC pictures (no anime, cartoon style pictures).


:: Rules

:: Hogwarts Rules

These may not always be strictly enforced

Students shall not leave Hogwarts grounds, unless they leave with the Headmaster's permission, if collected by a parent or guardian
Students are not allowed in the Forbidden Forest, unless accompanied by a professor

Third and Fourth years may visit Hogsmead on weekends only
Fifth through Seventh years may visit Hogsmead anytime during the weekend or after class

No boys in the girls dorms
No girls in the boys dorms

Access to commons areas are strictly controlled, and students are not allowed in the other commons areas
Each common room has a protective measure in place to restrict access. The Gryffindor Tower and Slytherin Dungeon require passwords. Ravenclaw Tower requires the answer to a riddle. The Hufflepuff Basement requires tapping a specific barrel in a particular rhythm.

Students are expected to be in their commons areas by 10 pm.
Students are expected to be in their commons areas till 6 am.


Gryffindor; Fairy lights
Hufflepuff; Top middle, bottom right, top middle, bottom left
Ravenclaw; Pick a riddle
Slytherin; Salazar
Prefect bathroom; Bubble bath


:: Application

Please post applications here and PM me to know you did

Age: (13-18)
House Request: (If you'd like more information on house sorting and the common personalties and quirks that make up each house please take a look at this article. The Traits of the Four Houses)
Year: (Keep it realistic, your characters can skip or get held back ONE grade. DUE TO AN UNINTERESTED CROWD, FIRST AND SECOND YEARS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE PLAYED. THEY WILL BE NPC'D)
Heritage: (Pure blood, mud blood, half blood)
Orientation: (Gay, Straight, Bi, etc.)
Significant Other: (Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Partner, Etc.)
Crush: (not who you're dating but who you have a crush on)
Strengths: (at least 3+ in a list format)
Weaknesses: (at least 3+ in a list format)
Personality: (No "Played out in RP" allowed. At least a paragraph.)
Played By:
Picture: (Optional)
RP Example:


:: Characters

(Please, only 5 characters of each year allowed)
Gender Ratio: 10 Girls // 8 Boys
Years Ratio: Third 2/5 :: Fourth 2/5 :: Fifth 4/5 :: Sixth 5/5 :: Seventh 4/5
"Other" Ratio: Metamorphmagi 2/2 // Animagi 4/4 // Werewolves 1/3 // Half-Veelas 1/3
- Light Stryker // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // N/A // Starwolf, 28052
- Katherine Gayle Luvika // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // Animagus (not fully achieved yet) // West, 43497
- Lwaxana “Rixx” Zane // 14 // Feminine // Fourth // Half-Veela // Kovu, 24258
- Levanna Anael Everett // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // N/A // Njay, 43822
- Holly Renee Andrews // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // Metamorphmagus // Astera, 15276
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- Hunter Godfrey // 16 // Masculine // Sixth // Metamorphmagus // SilverWolfLeopard, 5102
- River St. Claire // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // N/A // Rainy, 50592
- Dawn Fildrew // 15 // Feminine // Fourth // N/A // Sohodora, 48779
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- Alice Charlotte Jackson-Thomas // 14 // Feminine // Third // N/A // FantasyDragone, 54330
- Eve Vivienne Edwards // 14 // Feminine // Third // N/A // Aurielle, 22994
- Otho Godfrey // 15 // Masculine // Fifth // N/A // WARTIME, 56542
- Feya Verbic // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // Animagus // Summer, 59192
- Leland Verbic // 15 // Male // Fifth // Animagus // Thistle, 55660
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- John-Pierre Augustus Severus Cavendish // 15 // Masculine // Sixth // N/A // Kovu, 24258
- Storm Stryker // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // Animagus // Starwolf, 28052
- Sebastian Campbell // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // Werewolf // Aurielle, 22994
- Alexandria Maria Yeager // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // N/A // Dick Grayson, 34810
- Harold Edward Luvika // 18 // Masculine // Seventh // N/A // West, 43497
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by


:: Relationships

Siblings ★
Cousins ☆
Crushing → ←
Dating ❤
Exes ✖

- Storm Stryker ★ Light Stryker
- Hunter Godfrey ★ Otho Godfrey
- Leland Verbic ☆ Feya Verbic
- Harold Luvika ★ Katherine Luvika


:: Character Profiles

[Page 1]
Hunter Godfrey
John-Pierre Augustus Severus Cavendish
Alice Charlotte Jackson-Thomas
Storm Stryker
Light Stryker

[Page 2]
Katherine Gayle Luvika
Harold {Harry} Edward Luvika
Eve Vivienne Edwards
River St. Claire
Lwaxana “Rixx” Zane

[Page 3]
Otho Godfrey
Feya Verbic
Levanna Anael Everett
Sebastian Campbell

[Page 4]
Alexandria Maria Yeager

[Page 5]
Dawn Fildrew

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Edited on 10/06/15 by SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 01:17:17
@West: Yep ^^ I'm super excited for all this to begin as well!

Edit: Would anyone be interested in plotting out some relationships for my character, Hunter, before the role-play starts? Since he's a charismatic and social sixth year I'd think he'd have a few friends, maybe one or two best friends, some exes maybe? I don't know, I just really want to plot xD

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Edited on 07/06/15 by SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 01:38:52
Hm, I did want our characters to meet once we started . Maybe they could have met before somehow and just know each other? It's nothing special, but it's something. >>

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 01:40:37
Well that wouldn't surprise me since Hunter is one of those people that just knows everybody (name wise) but not everyone knows him lol

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 02:17:22
k ill finish my hufflepuff today bery soon!

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FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 02:25:42
Now that we're talking plotting, do any other Ravenclaws want to be friends with Alice maybe?

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 02:42:44
Name: Dawn Fildrew
Gender: female
Age: 15
House Request: hufflepuff
Year: 4th year
Heritage: Mud-blood
Petra Fildrew -Well known muggle vetrinarian
Harold Fildrew - lawyer
Orientation: Straight
Significant Other: none
Crush: none yet
Outfit outside of school:
Imaginative and Observant
Reliable and Patient
Take Things Too Personally
Overloadds herself
Repress her true feelings
Timnia the Twany fish owl
Wood- Elder wood
Length- 9 inches long
Core- Phonix feather
Flexibility- Unbendable
A ghost
Dawn is a very perky girl who loves to socalize, though she may be in hufflepuff she is super persistant on her work, mind you she rushes it all on the last possible moment but she has smarts and usually gets a good grade. She is very socal but often keeps her true feelings to herself and tells people what they want to hear. She is very childish and hates to loze more than anything and cant stand anyone mean to her. She has a moderately calm attitude but can get snappy and rude if something is bothering her.
Played By:
Sohorda- the sepai Hyena
RP Example:
Coppied from another RP

Isiss Yawned as the morning sun awoke her when its light reflected into her den, she had to be careful streaching when she woke beacuse for the last few times she had accedentaly made the spot she made her nest in deeper, So Isiss stood up and strached her back legs first then her front legs then her back, she stepped from her den onto a large ledge she had used with her powers, underneath this rock mound was a den for prisoners , it was lit up by a hole in the back of it that filled with light every day at sun high and moon high. She padded from her place and poked her head in, she felt her powers to manipulate land were incredable as she had made about four levels in the rock all connected by a thin rock bridge, it also made a great den to keep pups safe if anyome were to attack beacuse onnly the Terra wolves knew it existed. Isiss padded away from the den and padded outside camp, she made it her duty that each wolf was to hunt for themselves only to keep thier sences sharp, Injured wolves were given guides who hunted for them and occasinaly a wolf would find so much that a small pile did appear, Isiss wanted no food to go to waste and rot there for all wolves hunted for themselves. Isiss padded out of camp and looked for food, her way of hunting was much diffrent, depending on the animal isiss would make a large boul from surrounding rock so it would panic and she could get to it easier, she soon found a large hare and used this meathod and trapped the hare she quickly killed ot and brought it back to her camp to eat.

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 02:43:28
Im sorry there is so much, i couldent quite find the words to describe her...

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Kovu the Original
Floof (#24258)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 02:49:08
I think JP and Hunter could be good friends, since they're similar and quite different at the same time.

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 03:01:05
Since the last Hufflepuff was created, I went ahead and edited in my second character. I made him the older brother of my first character, but he's a Seventh Year in Slytherin House. If anyone wants to go take a look at him or if Silver would like to see if he's acceptable after they look at the Hufflepuff form ^^

Sorry, I'm just very eager :3

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 03:16:52
Anyone interested in being friends of sorts with Alexandria? Since she's a Slytherin, and Slytherins consider each other brothers (from what I've read anyways), I would assume she would know all the other Slytherins, since she's a five year. ^^ But if anyone wanted to be friends with her just let me know. She's the type that learns everyone's names and likes to study them. Know who she has to beat. xD

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Aurielle (#22994)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 03:26:21
@Fantasy: Since Eve and Alice are in the same house and year, I think they'd make good friends; the only thing is that Eve would feel shy around Alice at first because she's been gone from the school for a year, and basically had very little contact with anyone in the wizarding world. But if you're up to writing their friendship, I am too :)

& @Dick Grayson: I think Alexandria and Sebastian would have a lot of fun interacting because of their similar yet very different personalities. So I'm up for that, too. ^^

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 03:43:49
@Aurielle. I think they would. Even though their personalities are very different, there are similarities, and I believe they would get along. Maybe they have met before? Since he's a 7th year and she's a 5th year, it would make sense if they had met before. Maybe they were sort of friends? Or just the passing hello and occasional hangout to make fun of other people. Whatever you think. ^.^

(On a side note their hair and eyes are the same color and thats cool.) xD

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Aurielle (#22994)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 04:09:31
@Dick Grayson - Yeah, that makes sense to me! Because of his "furry problem" and the fact that she's 2 years younger than him, I don't think they would've been close at all, but he's probably seen her around school and in their common room, so I think he'd know her name just by sheer observation. ^^

(I just realized that! Haha, what a coincidence xD I feel like they could be related through some distant pureblood line or something. :P)

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Edited on 07/06/15 by Aurielle (#22994)

Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 04:57:00
@Aurille. Sounds good then! Maybe they have shared a couple conversations in the common room but besides that they wouldn't really know each other. ^^

(I think it would be funny if, when people first saw them together, they thought they where siblings. xD But it wouldn't be out of the question if they were related by some distant bloodline, considering there can't be that many pureblood wizards/witches around. xD)

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Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 04:57:31
Does anyone want to be friends with River? I feel like she is a very talkative girl and should have some buddies

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