Posted by Tsaro Pride OOC- CLOSED

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 09:15:08
Mizu stands on the edge of the Duba Plains, his breath fogging in the brisk morning air. His eyes scan the horizon, over his newly acquired pridelands. It took him longer than he thought to chase the old male off, and unfortunately, the females left with him. He needs to start over, and make his own pride.... Will you join him?

Please follow the rules that are posted here, along with a few rules included below. I'll start up the actual rp thread once we get some interested players!

1. Unless previously agreed upon, none of the lions Mizu comes across will know each other. Everyone must take the time to get to know their new pride mates, including Mizu!
2. It will take TIME for the new pride to form, so please account for that. In the beginning, most everyone will be on their own. How you get to Mizu's territory is up to you. In the form below, put blue in the "other" section of the form. While we're on the subject of time, please indicate how often you'll be online, along with the timezone you're in.
3. Pride positions must be earned, either by pride discussion or battle. Sub male slots are limited to two, but there may be more than two males. Sub male slots can be fought over, just expect the loser to be chased off by Mizu. For a position as Queen, that must be discussed with me in private pm's.
4. Players may have up to three different lions, as long as they properly indicate who they are responding to a post as.
5. Please, make your posts longer than three sentences. I realize English isn't everyone's first language, but you should at least have a good grasp of it.

To join, comment below with this form, along with am image of your lion:
Name of Lion(ess)
Desired Position
(this'll be where you put your availability, timezone, and code word.)

So, it should look something like this:
Name: Mizu (Mee-Zuu)
Age: 9 years
Personality: Mizu is polite, kind, and thoughtful. While he'd rather solve problems through discussion, he will not hesitate to smack an aggressor if need be.
Gender: Male
Desired Position: King
Other: [codeword], online off and on most of the day, anywhere between 9am and 11pm Central Standard Time.

Approved Members!



1. Aero (LOCKED)

Sub-Male Contenders

Cub Sitters
1. Alie
2. Rose

Huntresses FILLED
1. Viper
2. Storm
3. Vivian
4. Ocani
5. Liaa

1. Luna
2. Vex

1. Vivian (?)


If you have any questions about the positions, feel free to pm me!

Link to the rp thread.

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Edited on 28/07/15 by Lassie (FL) (#49710)

Tau (#22658)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-07-08 09:41:08
Name of lion: Aero
Age: 2.3 years
Personality: Quiet, often a loner due to bullying in his former pride, quick, and overall generous to all creatures, Aero tends to keep to himself until he deems you trustworthy. Do not expect to hit it off quickly with him if you're a male, older lions are acceptable due to the elders of his former pride being the ones to save him from the other cubs.
Gender: Male
Desired position: Sub-male
Other: Echo, I'm online from 9am-11pm Eastern Standard.


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Edited on 08/07/15 by Tau(Xylau) (#22658)

FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 09:41:47

Name: Alie (ah-lie-ee)

Age: 5 years

Personality: Alie is a gentle and happy female with a regal air and a good heart. She has a soft spot for cubs but is stern if needed.

Gender: F

Desired Position: Breeder Female or Queen (PMing)

Other: echo, very often, and Eastern.

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Edited on 08/07/15 by FantasyDragone (#54330)

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 10:12:37
Both are approved! I've added you to the accepted members list.

Edit! The roleplay thread is up, so feel free to start whenever you'd like!

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Edited on 08/07/15 by Lassie (FL) (#49710)

Mila (#62490)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-07-08 11:47:16

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Edited on 08/07/15 by Mila (#62490)

Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 12:08:26
Name of Lion(ess): Viper
Age: 3 Years Old
Quick-thinking, Self-confident, The center of attention. Overbearing and Self-aggrandizing, Rude, Honest, Does not take people's feelings into account, Can be deviously evil, Loves to Hunt, Can be very aloof and sneaky, Loves to be mysterious. Doesn't let others know that she's very sensitive, Her Pride can be her worse quality. She would rather run and hunt than just sit around. Very wise for her age and can be quick tempered.
Gender: Female
Desired Position: Huntress
Other: Echo, I am on at scattered times but frequently until school starts, Two hours ahead of LioDen

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Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 12:11:41
Cora is Approved!

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Edited on 08/07/15 by Lassie (FL) (#49710)

Tide (#65016)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-07-08 12:44:18
Name of Lion(ess) Storm
Age 2.3
Personality Smart quick thinker fast to jump to conclussions
Gender Female
Desired Position Hunter or Queen
Other Echo 2 hours faster then lioden time before school starts
Looks like my Storming Heart in my pride

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Edited on 26/07/15 by Tide (#65016)

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 13:06:39
Tide is approved! I'll put Storm under Huntress, for now. Queen is a position that's awarded, since the player essentially becomes co-mod.

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Tide (#65016)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-07-08 13:07:52

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Exodus~Path (#61524)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 13:26:44
Personality:Vivian is a dominant female, not one to stand down.She can be aggressive and occasionally sarcastic.She likes to speak her mind, which usually lands her in a fight.Vivian will consult most approachers with a cruel attitude, but eventually might ease up.She is quite intelligent though and a fierce opponent which can be added to her positive side, which sums her up.

Desired position:enforcer or huntress, might aim for queen but if she takes a fancy to the king ^^
Others:Echo, I am on daily, all day xD.Ahead of lioden time by 2 hours, but I frequently have summer vacations so I might disappear for a day or so =3

Posting appearance, must it look realistic?

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Exodus~Path (#61524)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 13:27:31
Vivian's Appearance>
Personality:Vivian is a dominant female, not one to stand down.She can be aggressive and occasionally sarcastic.She likes to speak her mind, which usually lands her in a fight.Vivian will consult most approachers with a cruel attitude, but eventually might ease up.She is quite intelligent though and a fierce opponent which can be added to her positive side, which sums her up.

Desired position:enforcer or huntress, might aim for queen but if she takes a fancy to the king ^^
Others:Echo, I am on daily, all day xD.Ahead of lioden time by 2 hours, but I frequently have summer vacations so I might disappear for a day or so =3

Posting appearance, must it look realistic?

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Edited on 09/07/15 by Exodus~Path (#61524)

wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-07-08 13:34:55
Name of Lion(ess).: Ocani.
Gender.: Female.
Age.: 2 years, 2 months.
Personality.: Inquisitive and happy-go-lucky, Ocani still retains much of her cublike ways. She is never concerned about her surroundings, only seeing the bright side of things. She's terrible at holding grudges, her pout turning into a smile within seconds. Ocani's a bit of a tattletale, and whiny when she doesn't get her way. You could say she still needs to mature. She has an incredible amount of focus though, which probably comes from her tendency to nose into other's business.
Desired position.: Huntress.
Appearance.: Clicke
Other.: Is there an echo in here? Anyways, I'm online everyday for a reasonable amount of time (2+ hours atleast). I'm in the Pacific Daylight Timezone.

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Edited on 14/07/15 by HawkfeatherTheHottie (#36223)

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 23:46:45
Exodus and Hawkfeather are approved!

To answer your question, Exodus, no. Mizu isn't exactly realistic looking, so I don't make it a must.

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cillian murphy
girlfriend (#65134)

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Posted on
2015-07-09 00:19:51
Name: Liaa (Lee-ah)
Nickname: Li
Age: 4
Appearance: A silver/white coat with some snow white speckles on her body. Tailless. Pale blue eyes.
Gender: Lioness
Personality: A helpful, leader-like lioness, but she is fair to all who may cross her path
Desired Postition: huntress
(no picture ;-;)

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cillian murphy
girlfriend (#65134)

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Posted on
2015-07-09 00:20:56
(other: echo 2 hours ahead on hours everydai)

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