Posted by Tsaro Pride OOC- CLOSED

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 09:15:08
Mizu stands on the edge of the Duba Plains, his breath fogging in the brisk morning air. His eyes scan the horizon, over his newly acquired pridelands. It took him longer than he thought to chase the old male off, and unfortunately, the females left with him. He needs to start over, and make his own pride.... Will you join him?

Please follow the rules that are posted here, along with a few rules included below. I'll start up the actual rp thread once we get some interested players!

1. Unless previously agreed upon, none of the lions Mizu comes across will know each other. Everyone must take the time to get to know their new pride mates, including Mizu!
2. It will take TIME for the new pride to form, so please account for that. In the beginning, most everyone will be on their own. How you get to Mizu's territory is up to you. In the form below, put blue in the "other" section of the form. While we're on the subject of time, please indicate how often you'll be online, along with the timezone you're in.
3. Pride positions must be earned, either by pride discussion or battle. Sub male slots are limited to two, but there may be more than two males. Sub male slots can be fought over, just expect the loser to be chased off by Mizu. For a position as Queen, that must be discussed with me in private pm's.
4. Players may have up to three different lions, as long as they properly indicate who they are responding to a post as.
5. Please, make your posts longer than three sentences. I realize English isn't everyone's first language, but you should at least have a good grasp of it.

To join, comment below with this form, along with am image of your lion:
Name of Lion(ess)
Desired Position
(this'll be where you put your availability, timezone, and code word.)

So, it should look something like this:
Name: Mizu (Mee-Zuu)
Age: 9 years
Personality: Mizu is polite, kind, and thoughtful. While he'd rather solve problems through discussion, he will not hesitate to smack an aggressor if need be.
Gender: Male
Desired Position: King
Other: [codeword], online off and on most of the day, anywhere between 9am and 11pm Central Standard Time.

Approved Members!



1. Aero (LOCKED)

Sub-Male Contenders

Cub Sitters
1. Alie
2. Rose

Huntresses FILLED
1. Viper
2. Storm
3. Vivian
4. Ocani
5. Liaa

1. Luna
2. Vex

1. Vivian (?)


If you have any questions about the positions, feel free to pm me!

Link to the rp thread.

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Edited on 28/07/15 by Lassie (FL) (#49710)

Spotted Paw (#62432)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-08-02 09:08:37
Am I allowed to begin RP?

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Tau (#22658)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-02 09:25:27

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Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2015-08-02 09:26:18
Yeah I'm dropping out

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 10:20:24

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 17:25:27 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 10:25:14
Oops sorry I just saw that this was closed.

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