Posted by Tsaro Pride OOC- CLOSED

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 09:15:08
Mizu stands on the edge of the Duba Plains, his breath fogging in the brisk morning air. His eyes scan the horizon, over his newly acquired pridelands. It took him longer than he thought to chase the old male off, and unfortunately, the females left with him. He needs to start over, and make his own pride.... Will you join him?

Please follow the rules that are posted here, along with a few rules included below. I'll start up the actual rp thread once we get some interested players!

1. Unless previously agreed upon, none of the lions Mizu comes across will know each other. Everyone must take the time to get to know their new pride mates, including Mizu!
2. It will take TIME for the new pride to form, so please account for that. In the beginning, most everyone will be on their own. How you get to Mizu's territory is up to you. In the form below, put blue in the "other" section of the form. While we're on the subject of time, please indicate how often you'll be online, along with the timezone you're in.
3. Pride positions must be earned, either by pride discussion or battle. Sub male slots are limited to two, but there may be more than two males. Sub male slots can be fought over, just expect the loser to be chased off by Mizu. For a position as Queen, that must be discussed with me in private pm's.
4. Players may have up to three different lions, as long as they properly indicate who they are responding to a post as.
5. Please, make your posts longer than three sentences. I realize English isn't everyone's first language, but you should at least have a good grasp of it.

To join, comment below with this form, along with am image of your lion:
Name of Lion(ess)
Desired Position
(this'll be where you put your availability, timezone, and code word.)

So, it should look something like this:
Name: Mizu (Mee-Zuu)
Age: 9 years
Personality: Mizu is polite, kind, and thoughtful. While he'd rather solve problems through discussion, he will not hesitate to smack an aggressor if need be.
Gender: Male
Desired Position: King
Other: [codeword], online off and on most of the day, anywhere between 9am and 11pm Central Standard Time.

Approved Members!



1. Aero (LOCKED)

Sub-Male Contenders

Cub Sitters
1. Alie
2. Rose

Huntresses FILLED
1. Viper
2. Storm
3. Vivian
4. Ocani
5. Liaa

1. Luna
2. Vex

1. Vivian (?)


If you have any questions about the positions, feel free to pm me!

Link to the rp thread.

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Edited on 28/07/15 by Lassie (FL) (#49710)

Mindfang (#64906)

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Posted on
2015-07-21 07:00:52
Name of Lioness Zjhen
Age Eleven years
Personality An odd cross between the quirky aunt and a well-meaning mother, Zjhen is quite happy to lay around and won't hesitate to cuff one of those "younger cubs" if they're being particularly thoughtless or immature. Her personality is what makes her suited for the role of enforcer: there is justice for a reason, after all, and it's one of the few times the old girl might actually be serious about something. Nonetheless, she takes a mostly carefree stance to life, finding that worry and anxiety is only constricting in too large of doses.
Gender Female
Desired Position Enforcer
Other On anywhere from 10 AM to midnight, EST, though I pop on and off randomly. Code word is blue~
Yoinking appearance from one of my own lionesses:

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-07-21 12:43:19
Name.: Iclian.
Gender.: Male.
Age.: 2 years, 8 months.
Personality.: Iclian is a bit devious. He's very good at getting himself into trouble, and then out of it. While he may seem a little heartless, that is only what strangers think. Anyone close to the guy would know he doesn't insult loved ones as much as others. Its a bad habit of his to pick fights over silly things, or get into arguments for no reason. Strong-willed and crude, he knows where his place is and always comes back to it. Essentially, he has a rebellious, snarky attitude towards life, but he tries to be good for those who are good to him.
Desired position.: Sub male. Or sub male contender.
Appearance.: Go here
Other.: Blue.

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lorp (#54037)

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Posted on
2015-07-22 04:27:31
i cant do this rp anymore, i cant find enough time here to spend on ld sorry guys

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Tau (#22658)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-07-22 04:30:34
Don't sweat it, the rp isn't all that active because of time.

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almightykasumi (#40834)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-24 07:48:37
Name of Lioness: Kayta

Age: 5 months

Personality: Kayta is shy and tends to flee in the sight of danger. She is too curious for her own good sometimes and often gets herself into trouble. Kayta can usually find a way out of a troublesome situations but could sometimes use some help. She does not talk much but only speaks when spoken to. Kayta is also picked on a lot due to the color of her fur, which is jet black, which is also why she will never become a huntress. She is melanistic so ignore markings in photo.

Gender: Female

Looks: Malachae.jpeg

Desired Position: Cub

Other: I am usually available everyday unless I other wise note. I'm in the eastern time zone and the codeword is Blue

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Edited on 24/07/15 by leo311 (#40834)

Norah (#43994)

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Posted on
2015-07-26 11:38:26
Name: Nioko
Age: 3 years
Gender: Male
Rank: Sub
Description: An all gold lion with yellow eyes and a pink nose.
Personality: He is very flirty with all females and extremely bold, but fierce and loyal in batle.

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Edited on 26/07/15 by Norah (#43994)

Tau (#22658)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-07-26 11:45:22
Lassie is having some wifi problems and such so we don't know when she'll be back.
Leo311 and Jou are accepted.
Norah, you're missing a few things on your form.

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Edited on 26/07/15 by Tau(Xylau) (#22658)

Rottie (#20139)

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Posted on
2015-07-26 12:54:28
Name of Lion(ess): Xorila
Age 1 year, 11 months
Personality Too brave for his own good and underestimates his strength. He'll take on a bull rhino if you allow him, and even if you don't allow him, and he'll come back bruised and bleeding. His stealth and preference for quiet would make him an excellent hunter if his thick, scruffy mane weren't already beginning to slow him down. Mostly, he keeps to himself with an odd sense of humour, but will provoke anyone into a scuffle if he can't think of anything more productive to do for his pride, which, unfortunately, is often! Poor guy got chased from his last pride for being a nuisance to the older guys. He's got a lot of growing and learning to do.
Gender Male
Desired Position Sub Male contender, pro'lly
Other For the next week I'll be able to hop on around 5PM EST, but other than that I'm on anywhere from 11AM-11PM EST and also ye blue 0:


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Edited on 26/07/15 by Purrerkins (#20139)

Tau (#22658)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-07-26 12:58:44
We'll have to wait on Lassie to see what she says about males, we already have four but the rules state we can have more.
I guess accepted? I don't want to push my limit.

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Raine [Mott
Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-26 13:16:22
I say that's enough for Sub Male Contender spot.

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Edited on 26/07/15 by Raine Tigress (#835)

Zelda (#58994)

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Posted on
2015-07-27 02:45:40
Name of Lioness Juniper
Age 1 year
Gender female
Desired Position Hunter or scout
Other mostly during the week time zone central standard time "blue"

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Tau (#22658)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-07-27 11:11:15
You're accepted as a Scout, Zelda.
Huntresses are closed until Lassie decides to open the position up.

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Zelda (#58994)

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Posted on
2015-07-27 12:19:16
ok thx :D
fwi I think that I might start not in the pride yet.

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Edited on 27/07/15 by Zelda (#58994)

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-07-27 23:46:17
Hey guys! I'm closing this thread until I get through moving, so I should be back later this week. I'll still be around every day, but I don't have time to devote at the moment. In rp, Mizu is away doing lion stuff, I guess.

I'll update the members list in a bit, I just wanna say thanks to Aero for keeping this going for me. <3

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-08-02 06:02:02
Name of Lion(ess) Flower
Age 4 months
Personality sweet kind playful respectful swift
Gender female
Desired Position cub
Other do I have to again?

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