Posted by | Halfblooded RP Thread |
![]() Jacques CP Faircross (#47535) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-02 06:49:59 |
Halfblooded~ Some human's were just born this way, others were forced, some were accepted. These human's aren't completely human. They are part animal. The animal they turn into is their INNER ANIMAL. Some human's are part bird, part bear, part wolf, part horse. These 'humans' are shape-shifters. Not everyone started like that, though. Some people are trialed to be one, some people steal a serum that makes them halfblooded. Some people are forced to take the serum. But they all have one thing in common. They were all sick. It all started when mad scientist Dr. Corvelis mixed up blood and a toxin. He gave the toxin to a patient with cancer and the next morning, she was fine. They thought it was a break through, so they gave it to as many people that could afford this pricey drug. What they didn't know, was that the toxin changes the person into an animal. They start to blend with a certain animals' thoughts, they get their senses. Sometimes, they turn into the animal and never return. Over years, a school has been formed to tame these beasts inside of people. The school is called "The Academy" by the students. The original name has been lost in time. Halfblooded people from all over the world come here to unlock their beast side and tame it. After you school here, you should be able to become your inner animal whenever you choose to. You get the animal's senses, looks, and thoughts. You can be a student, a teacher, someone going through the process, or a thief. If your parents were Half&Human, you most likely didn't find your ability until late teens(15+) If parents were Half&Half, you probably first turned when you were between 5-10. If you took the serum, you turned a few days later. There are rules, but not too hard to follow. 1- Follow Lioden Rules 2-On the top of every post put Name-Gender-Animal, except with your names. (Ex- Miley-32-Cat) 3- 3+ sentences please. 4- If rules are not followed you get a strike 3 total strikes. 5-In other, type Following Footsteps so I know you read the rules. 6- If you do not respond in four days, you get a PM asking if you are still in. If you don't respond in a WEEK and have not INFORMED me of it, you get a strike. If you do not respond in TWO WEEKS you are kicked out. 7- You must tell me if you are dropping/won't be able to reply for a certain number of days. 8- 3 characters MAX 9- Keep cursing to the minimum. 10-Try to stay updated with this thread, I may add new rules, new people may join, and stuff of the sorts. Chat Thread Sign-Ups Map Have fun!! Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 04/08/15 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535) |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 05:00:45 |
Doka~Female~Expert~Black Cat Poor tiger, being trapped all of the time. I'll hunt with you. X said before Doka could stop her. X flicked her tail and walked to her dorm. It was late and she needed sleep. Why? Doka asked X. Kitties don't like being trapped. was all X said to Doka. They fell asleep as a cat would, curled up in a ball by the pillow. Doka woke up still in her cat form. Shoot! My clothes! She remembered she shifted and went to her dresser taking out her last Outfit from her dresser and taking a shower. She then headed to the Cafe, grabbing a water. X was more calm than earlier yesterday, but she still wanted to hunt, to hunt with the big cat. Kaileh~Female~Teacher~Swan Kaileh looked at Arya, she didn't have anything to say, but she had to say something. "I know you didn't mean to, but shifting is unsafe for everyone, and I have to write you up. And this isn't the first time you have posed as a threat," Kaileh said. She didn't want to, but it was the rules that made her. "Come to me or Sid after every class, and we will help contain your animal. That is your punishment." Kaileh said. She turned and walked away, her head down. She hated doing things like that, but she had to for the protection of others. She walked to her dorm without saying anything else. When Kaileh woke up, she remembered yesterdays ordeal. She groaned and got out of bed. She changed into Outfit and headed to her room, skipping breakfast. ![]() |
Sheba; Sáracen (#52208) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 05:13:41 |
Arya || Female || Student || Bengal Tiger "What? But-" she didn't get to say more before Kaileh turned and walked away as well. "You try controlling a tiger and see how easy it is! I bet that swan doesn't give you much difficulties!" She shouted it out after her, unable to control herself- she was so angry. She wouldn't have harmed that guy if he hadn't come close to her! But she wasn't really angry with him; he had actually helped her get back to normal. Kaileh's breathing advice wouldn't have done a thing, she thought bitterly. She could contain it, she had contained it for years with only minor slip-ups and she had never hurt anyone- not before today. She knew she wasn't the only one who slipped up, but she was the one punished for it. Still steaming, she knotted her hands and walked back to her dorm, where synthi was back and already sleeping. She made a mental note to apologize for falling asleep on her the next morning. ~~~~~~ Arya woke up slowly, feeling more exhausted than she could remember having felt since the mountain-climbing day on her previous school. All her limbs felt sluggish and slow. Synthi was already out of bed, and she thought or a moment with panic that she was late for class. I'm in enough trouble already, she thought whimpering, but then she looked at the watch and realized she was just on time. As she went through her morning routine, she figured she was still pissed off and went for a red, thin sweater, a black top and jeans with black boots. It fit her mood well. She walked out to class without going to the café -what if rumour about her had already spread?- and opened the door, fidning Synthi already there. "Oh, morning," she said with a small smile, though not as bright as it would have been the previous day. Sid hadn't done her anything, but she still had to see him every day after school. every single day! she suppressed a groan at the thought. ![]() |
KittiBaybee (#49878)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 07:27:25 |
Synthi-Female-Student-Spiny Bush Viper "Oh hey Arya." She said as Arya walked in. She sniffed the air smelling something that wasn't normal. "Where have you been?" She looked at her noticing her expressions change with that question. Maybe I shouldn't have asked that. she thought ![]() |
Sheba; Sáracen (#52208) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 07:43:55 |
Arya || Female || Student || Bengal Tiger "Oh, i've been busy sleeping. Last night i ended up prowling the hallways in my other shape thought," she said it with a light tone so she wouldn't appear too bitter, but she realized a bit too late that they sounded sarcastic. "I'm sorry, just had a rough night," she sighed as she slid into the seat beside her roommate. ![]() |
Kamay (#37519)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 08:36:11 |
Sid - Male - Patagonian Mara Sid woke up and took a shower, quickly blow drying his hair. It was still damp, but he threw it up into a bun any way. He went to the cafe, and ate waffles with strawberries. Then he went to his classroom, and noticed that Synthi and Arya were already in the room. "Good morning," he greeted them. Alec - Male - Blakiston's Fish Owl Alec woke up, and his first thought was what happened to Arya. I wonder if anyone got hurt... He took a shower and went to the cafe, and ate a bunch of random breakfast foods. Bacon, oatmeal, pancakes - he ate it all. Finally finished with his colossal meal, he made his way to the classroom. He found Sid, Arya, and Synthi in the room already. He sat at a seat in the back of the class. Bea - Female - Moon Bear Bea woke up and threw a brush through her hair - there was no need to take a shower in the morning. She had taken one the night before. She threw on this outfit. She went to the cafe and ate some pancakes, then she made her way to Kaileh's class. She entered the calssroom and sat down in the closest seat she could find. ![]() |
KittiBaybee (#49878)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 12:19:35 |
Synthi-Female-Student-Spiny Bush Viper "We all have bad days. Maybe more than usual, it'll get better." She said. "Plus I'm here if you need someone to talk to." She smiled over at Arya. Syn heard someone walk in Sid walked in the followed by Alec. "Morning Sid." She said back. ![]() |
KenjiSnow (#57926)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 14:02:00 |
Adam Thomas | King Cheetah | Student - Beginner | Location: Hallways| Mentioned: Josh | Actions: Eating in Cafe The young man listened to Josh as he spoke, Rory seeming to get a bit restless under the gaze of the other male. She might be a feline, but she detested attention just as much as Adam. The cheetah shifted under his skin and he shifted out of instinct, furrowing his brow out of confusion. He knew that he cut Rory off by accident for nearly 3 years, but should it really feel this easy to slip into each other's instincts? It was like Rory had been there all along. The female feline residing in Adam picked up on what he could not through his senses, allowing his eyes to show her what she wasn't normally allowed to see. It appeared that they were impressed with her shifter's lineage, as they should be. While tigers and leopards were beautiful, they weren't a lion. And with a human mother nonetheless. As Josh finished his story, Adam's eyes were slightly wider by the end. "That's a rather... complicated past?" He chuckled softly, Rory mentally reminding herself that this was a tricky one; he wasn't natural, he had been injected. The cheetah's senses all went into overdrive when told that Loki and Josh were, together, essentially a lynx. Rory allowed herself to mentally be calmed, reminding Adam that animal sharing as common knowledge. "I'm, er... Rory and I are a cheetah; although my animal form has a coat mutation. I'm a King Cheetah specifically. I'm new the the whole shifting process, so I can only shift back well. Shifting into my animal form is usually caused by stress or extreme emotional levels; evidently it triggers Rory to protect me and therefore morphs my body. Or that's what she babbles about." The young man mumbled, looking down at his fries as he started to finish the last few. Adam had half a glass of chocolate milk to finish, so he downed that right after. Waiting a few moments, he glanced over at Josh to make sue he wasn't being rude. ![]() |
Sheba; Sáracen (#52208) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 20:55:15 |
Arya || Female || Student || Bengal Tiger "Thanks," she said, and meant it. She looked up as Sid entered the classroom and narrowed her eyes a little. "Good morning." She wasn't sure yet if she was angry at Sid as well, so she settled for neutral. For now. How were they even planning on teaching her 'control'? She knew the basics; stay calm and all that. If they wanted her to learn more control, she would have to open her mind to her tiger, and then it would strike. "Isn't he a rodent anyway?" She mumbled to herself. She felt sick at the thought of shifting in front of a bird and a deer... Thing. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 21:40:59 |
Kaileh~Female~Teacher~Swan Kaileh looked up as she saw Bea enter. She faked a smile and said "Good morning," in the cheeriest voice she could muster up. Arya must hate me... was all she could think about. She was the only one so far to get punished... but she was the only one to hurt someone, and it wasn't the first time she couldn't control her inner animal. Mentions~ Bea, Arya(Indirectly) Actions~ N/A Conner~Male~Pro~Grizzly Conner was in the Cafe, again. He barely remembered anything after the teachers and students running down the hall when someone shifted. He didn't know what happened to Valentina, either. He ate a muffin and had an orange juice before going to Caiden's room. He found a note that read To Kaileh's room. Conner shrugged and went to Kaileh's room. He wondered, though, what happened to Caiden. "Morn," He said when he saw Kaileh and some other student. Mentions~ Kaileh, Bea, Valentina Actions~ Entering class ![]() |
Sheba; Sáracen (#52208) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-18 23:03:10 |
Arn || Student || Male || Leopard He let himself down from the tree for the dozenth dozenth time. Since the school didn't have any exercise room- at least hr had failed to find one- he had been working out by climbing. To warm up, he changed to leopard form and scaled trees for half an hour. Then he had gradually subdued the leopard's influence on his body until he was left only with his own lean muscle and her claws, with slightly shifted hands so that he wouldn't break them. The first couple of times it was easy, but now he felt his muscles ache and burn every time he moved. One more time. What, are you my personal coach now? You need it. he sensed her pushing down her irritation over his taunting. Someone's a sour puss today, he told her lightheartedly, before he faced the tree again and drove his claws into the bark. His arms and legs mostly wanted to fall off at the sudden motion when he pulled himself up, and he wondered briefly if that might be more pleasant than this. He swallowed the pain, however, and kept pulling himself off. Just 15 minutes later he was down by the trunk of the tree again. He had climbed all its 70 feet and then climbed down again, and his body felt like it would never function again. He loved it. Again! How funny you are today. I mean it. You're barely developing anything this way! Humans don't work like leopards, you know. he closed his eyes and let himself sink to the now warm grass and closed his eyes, savoring the shortness of breath and the aching of the muscles combined with the finally free flow of oxygen and rest. It had been way too long. ![]() |
marinedoq (#68334)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-19 00:20:36 |
Josh Carstairs | Male | Pro | Lynx | Talking with Adam Josh listened to Adam, almost feeling Loki smirk when he said that he, and Rory, was a King Cheetah. All the felines, he couldn't help but think. Adam finished his fries and Josh stretched his arms in fornt of him. "Well Loki would only shift without my consent if something was terrible wrong, I think he knows that nothing good comes out of shifting on purpose.", Josh said and smiled a bit. So Rory was like a mother figure, changing to protect? Sounded nice, seeing as Loki was only there to cause trouble or to defend himself/Josh. "So you and Rory, it's like a protective partnership, eh?", Josh asked. ![]() Edited on 19/08/15 by celvista (#68334) |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-19 00:30:08 |
Doka~Female~Expert~Black Cat Doka walked down the classroom hallway and saw a sign stuck on Caiden's door sending all pro students to Kaileh's room. What's happening with all the teachers? Doka wondered. First Sid being sick, then Mackenzie not showing up, now Caiden not here? This school was going downhill fast. We should go meet that tiger, X purred. "No," Doka said, and then looked around to make sure no one heard her. She didn't mean to say it out loud, but there it was. Where is everybody? she wondered. Arn, Athen, Mercedes, Mackenzie, it's like they've disappeared off of the face of the earth. Doka thought to herself. She opened her water and took a few sips, feeling the liquid slide down her throat. Mentions~ Expert class (Indirectly.) Actions~ Waiting in the classroom hallway. ![]() |
Kamay (#37519)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-19 08:02:04 |
Sid - Male - Patagonian Mara Sid sat in his chair behind his desk. "Okay, class, can anyone tell me what you went over when Kaileh taught the class while I was absent?" Kaileh had already told him the lesson she did with the class, but he wanted to know how much they had retained. Alec - Male - Blakiston's Fish Owl Alec raised his hand. He cleared his throat nervously when Sid called on him. He was't very good at speaking in front of people, regardless of the fact that he was at the back of the room. "W-we went over ways to calm down and shift back if you accidentally shifted." He leaned back in his chair as Sid continued to speak to the class, asking them the methods Kaileh had discussed with them. Bea - Female - Moon Bear Bea looked up at Kaileh as she greeted her. "Good morning." I wonder is Kaileh is thinking about Arya too.... ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-19 22:27:58 |
Kaileh~Female~Teacher~Swan "Good morning, Conner." Kaileh said as he walked in. "I am not waiting any longer for the othr students, so let's just get right to it. We will be shifting today, but tomorrow, we will not be shifting. Tomorrow we will discuss what we went over, and Bea this will be beneficial for you since we are having the Pro students join our class for a few days." Kaileh explained. She stood up and walked over to the door leading outside. It was cloudy and they might get some rain later on. "Let's do this before it starts raining." Kaileh said, opening the door going outside. It was a bit chilly from the wind, bu they would survive. Mentions~ Bea, Conner Actions~ Talking about today's class, going outside. Conner~Male~Pro~Grizzly Conner went through the door outside, feeling the brisk wind hit his face and body. It was so much different from what it had been yesterday. He turned around and sat on the grass, waiting for Bea and Kaileh to join him. While he waited, he plucked some grass strands and twirled them in between his fingers. Mentions~ Bea, Kaileh Actions~ Outside waiting ![]() Edited on 20/08/15 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535) |
Sheba; Sáracen (#52208) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-19 23:41:42 |
Arya | Female || Student || Bengal Tiger She leaned back in her seat and listened as Alec summarized Kaileh's lesson and decided she hsould speak up. "You may want to revise some of your helping tips though; breathing when you have no control over your own lungs isn't exactly what i'd call effective." Anyone who hadn't been there yesterday would think it was just a casual addition, but she felt certain that Sid would know what she meant. ![]() |