Posted by Suggestion: Special Lion

Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 15:21:08
Hey there! just a minor suggestion, if it was brought up already, sorry! ;; Just needed to ship this out here because it came to mind.

We already have that "special lioness" every week, but my idea was to have a "special lion", or male that can be raffled to be won as a submale. It grants several rare markings, and those of dreamboat level can enter in to win the submale, and if they win, they get the male, if they have the open submale slot of course.

Of course, you have to pitch in 50 SB to enter in this raffle, and this occurrence happens every week, just like the special lioness. Stats for the raffle lion are yet to be deciphered. If you win, and HAVE an open male slot, you will win the male and get to keep him yourself, and it's up to you what you do with him. The possibilities of mutations and such can be open as well.

If you do not have an open male slot, however, and enter in, and you happen to win the raffle, the lion will be passed to another player. (Suggestions made by players)

Feel free to input suggestions, or vote on suggestions already made!

Albeit, this is a simple idea, which still probably has a lot of kinks involved, but this is just something to pitch and see where it goes. <3

This suggestion has 33 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/11/15 @ 11:07:15 by Thanasnoof (#55908)

Reiner Braun (#35577)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-23 17:50:31
Maybe once the raffle is over, the lioness is kicked out of heat and has to wait through the cooldown again?

A higher prices does work
and Lady Shogun brings up a good point. There are people that will exploit it.

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Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 17:53:37
Aye, that's very true. Perhaps we can think of a way to seek a bug around this. Hnn.

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Lคᴅy S (#63598)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 18:04:41
Can't her hear be the only thing frozen? I mean if it's a breeding raffle why should her age come into play? Just don't offer up a 13+year lioness up for the raffle.

Also if you don't want to lift the price higher. The raffle could require that the lioness must be a certain level (like lvl 8 and up) because as far as exploitation goes, most of the breeding lioness on this site are still below lvl 5. This would kinda ward off the instance/example I gave.

As the lioness could have 1000+ Stats but still be on lvl 3 thus they couldn't enter her in the raffle.

Lol I don't know if any of that made sense, I'm sorry if it didn't.

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Reiner Braun (#35577)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-23 18:07:57
That what I initially thought. then I made it all convoluted like a ......
I don't know the cursing rules on the forums.
But I did initially mean for it to be a "Frozen in heat" kind of thing."This lioness is in heat and will be for three more days" for one week
Makes me giggle just thinking about it.

But yea
The level cap works too.
how about raising the price and level? If you want a shot at rare marks/manes/bases/blahblah you gotta take a little risk

Price isn't that big of a risk to me anyways.

It made sense, don't worry.

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Mourning Lily (CLEAN
Quad Glz) (#6101)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-11-23 18:31:25
Hmmm... this has possibilities, but all this talk of freezing females etc is just confusing things I think and might be too tricky for the admins to code.

Why not simplify it?

Instead of all these frozen cycles and what not, why not just have it where you pay SB to enter a raffle (one a month) without submitting a specific lioness. Then three names are drawn (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and the raffle lion is set to allow those three players (1-3) breedings with any (one to three) lioness of their choice and those three individuals have one month to get their breeding completed before that lion is pulled down and new one added.

1st place gets 3 breedings with the special stud.
2nd place gets 2 breedings with the special stud.
3rd place gets 1 breeding with the special stud.

I would think the winners could get their hands on one to three in heat lionesses within 30 days. It might not be their first or best choice, but that adds a little something to it, I feel.

The stud can have rare marks, rare bases, high stats, or even a higher chance of throwing a mutation. Possibilities are endless really.

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Edited on 24/11/15 @ 01:36:23 by Mourning Lily (#6101)

Lคᴅy S (#63598)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 19:30:31
That's actually a good idea, but 3 winners seems like to much, and 1 breeding to the winner as not to flood the market to fast with rare marks, based and stats. Or if it did offer 1-3 breeds the raffle fee should be much higher, like 150-200sb in my opinion.

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Mourning Lily (CLEAN
Quad Glz) (#6101)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-11-23 19:34:10
I only suggested three winners because the passing traits can be such a finicky thing. I thought with multiple winners/breedings it offered more of chance for most of the rarest markings/bases/manes to pass onto at least one of the offspring? But yes, those numbers could most certainly be tweaked.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 19:51:23
I dont support because of the freezing lions part. Also wouldnt be beneficial if more than one breeding was allowed to the special lion, since there is only one winner for the special lioness. It wouldnt be fair towards them. Sure, you might not get the special marking you are looking for but that is a risk you are willing to take by participating. Because there is always the chance that you will get 4 cubs with the special markings and bases from the lion from a single lioness. Now think about it how many cubs would that be if multiple winners were chosen.

I actually don quite like the idea in general. Mainly because of the risk towards not getting the markings and bases despite winning the raffle but multiple breedings is just out of question due to the danger of flooding rare markings and bases.

Imo, special lionesses is the best way to obtain special markings and bases. It is good as it is. We dont need a special lion, just to spread those valuable markings and bases faster than they already are by the easy as cake breeding we have on the site. Enter the raffle for the lioness each time to raise your chance to win her.

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 03:12:15
thanks Shogun that is what I was trying to get at

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Edited on 24/11/15 @ 10:13:09 by Kimiko Kyuuketsuki [S2D] (#32476)

Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 03:35:24
Aye, I'll just let ideas pass around a bit unless someone solves all the issues of this and has an idea, or I come up with something on my own. But y'all do make pretty clever points. Perhaps it isn't the best idea, but this I came up with in a case if you don't quite have the main lion you wanted, and you would like a shot at getting really nice marks, etc. Helps it spread around. Perhaps we could make it to where if you win the raffle, you can win the lion?

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 03:37:33
only if the lion became a sub male so you could choose if you want to keep it or not. The only issue is what if you dont have a empty slot?

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Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 03:39:22
Perhaps if you don't have an empty slot, one opens automatically. But then you'd have to raise the price of the raffle then I believe. Or put something up for that.

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 03:41:42
I dont the automatically opening slots because you have to buy the slots. and if you had a slot but already had a submale then you would be in the same boat.

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Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 03:46:11
Then perhaps only those with open submale slots can enter?

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 03:55:00
that is a bit better but

I have a free submale slot and enters Monday, Wendsday I have a male age and fill the slot, Friday I win the male. What happens?

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