Posted by Suggestion: Special Lion

Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 15:21:08
Hey there! just a minor suggestion, if it was brought up already, sorry! ;; Just needed to ship this out here because it came to mind.

We already have that "special lioness" every week, but my idea was to have a "special lion", or male that can be raffled to be won as a submale. It grants several rare markings, and those of dreamboat level can enter in to win the submale, and if they win, they get the male, if they have the open submale slot of course.

Of course, you have to pitch in 50 SB to enter in this raffle, and this occurrence happens every week, just like the special lioness. Stats for the raffle lion are yet to be deciphered. If you win, and HAVE an open male slot, you will win the male and get to keep him yourself, and it's up to you what you do with him. The possibilities of mutations and such can be open as well.

If you do not have an open male slot, however, and enter in, and you happen to win the raffle, the lion will be passed to another player. (Suggestions made by players)

Feel free to input suggestions, or vote on suggestions already made!

Albeit, this is a simple idea, which still probably has a lot of kinks involved, but this is just something to pitch and see where it goes. <3

This suggestion has 33 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/11/15 @ 11:07:15 by Thanasnoof (#55908)

Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 03:58:20
Hm...That's a good question. Perhaps in that occurrence either:

1) You still get the male, but he will be frozen in a frozen slot until you can get another male slot?

2) Perhaps the game can be coded so if you win but don't have an open male slot, it goes to another person.

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 04:00:11
Again i dont like frozen. #2 is good though

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Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 04:01:36
#2 it is then. xD Cause if the person knew the entered the raffle and already had a submale ready, then the best bet would be to pass the sub male to another person.

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Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 04:05:26
Edited the post, fixed up everything to make it clear to everyone.

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