Posted by Some kind of story line?

LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 12:03:25
Some are beginning to think this is a full on breeding site and it breaks my heart. I hope this has not been repeated or anything. I do like breeding cubs and such but now its kinda old and I want something new.

When I read a story or play a video game I dig deeper for the lore and a backstory and how it all started. I then came up with this idea of a monthly story line or something like that. An interactive story campaign that will reward you at the end. This would change every few months or so and would take time to complete the story.

I would think it would give it a more SIM/ RPG feel to the site instead of quests and stuff. There can be stories (If you accept theme for the time they are there) like there is an illness, an evil spirit, some of your lions are captured, etc. The story could also depend on your karma level too (good or bad).

I would like to type more but i'm tires AF right now.
suggest things below or any arguments or questions you may have. And if you say no support tell me why so I can improve my suggestion!
I'm going to clarify the thing similar to the kidnapping above. After the dead line to finish the story. Your pride will go back to normal you just wont get an award.

Suggestion for the future.

This suggestion has 52 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/12/15 @ 21:00:07 by LittleTazi (#75016)

KnittyMermaid (#76228)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-13 12:45:16
WEll, I support this idea, but I will also say, that the second 'point' on the front page is 'breed the best cubs' .. of course the rest of the description on the front page is a little off to me, but...

I know for a lot of people, breeding is where it's at. It's where there is the most depth so far and intricacy on the site so far, and people being into breeding is not a bad thing. :)

But I do support something 'more'! The monthly events are seriously some of my favorite parts of the game, and I love how this month's event is changing as the event progresses. very cool :D

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 13:00:43

I do see where you are going. I like breeding the best cubbies possible but I feel like its getting over board with the breeding (Cubs are all what most people want). Something more is indeed nice and I love the events too. I want more interaction with the site so I don't get bored and stuff.

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Snark (#10774)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-13 13:05:05
I like this idea.

I do think it'd be very difficult for the coders & people to organize and think out though. I also feel like in a way, it's already been carried out in the monthly events?? But yeah I know what you mean.

Also I think it'd be cool to have story lines impacted by your karma level~

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 13:09:08
@Snark I was thinking the same with the events but it doesnt have much of a story to it just "Go get this currency and do this for this". I woukd want something like "There is a plague across the land and you need to get a cure." And then and interactive story with choices begins.

The coders might have much work to do I do see. Thats why I was thinking every few months there is a new one so they can have time for a new one.

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Kat (#24520)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 13:44:14
Support! Right now the only thing you really have to do (that changes and evolves) is the breeding.

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 13:47:01

Yeah that and the events is the only thing I look forward to.

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Doomkitten😼 (#72308)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-13 13:55:43
I don't support, for now anyway. That could be something for the future, but right now I know they're trying to add more depth to personalities and get the most important part of this site, our lions in general, stable and the way we like them, as well as tackling lag and glitches and fixing more basic gameplay. Maybe once they get that out of the way they can do something like this and expand the game a little.

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 13:59:06

I see what you mean. I am requesting this for rhe near future and not at this very moment. I wouldnt want the devs in stress. The bugs are acting like a buttcrack right now.

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Doomkitten😼 (#72308)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-13 14:02:32
Yeah, definitely a good idea, and with all the surprises they've been giving us they might already be working on it, who knows? :3

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 14:03:34

Who knows. The devs are always gifting us with exiting features and bug fixes. :>

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badweather (#18155)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 14:08:41
Ah this would be so amazing! <3
Support all the way owo

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🔥 Ya' Boy Iggy
🔥 (#75576)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-13 14:10:22
I will support, but what DoomKitten said is a good point. c: Dont wanna overload out creators and mods. They do so much per moth and updates already and got the rotten bugs to work out.

But I was also just thinking this a few days ago. It'll be VERY interesting and bring something 'more' into the game. Also, Snark has a very valid point as well which is very agreeable. Right now Lioden is not JUST a SIM game, we have explore, quests, etc. But breeding IS the top .

Overall, I do like this idea and think it'd also be a great way for the community to get involved in story line creation. Like what we would like to see polls, updates to the story line, etc. So it wouldn't' ALL have to be done at once. They could release a nice portion then from time to time give us updates to keep the interaction going. ^^

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 14:12:26

Your last paragraph. I love that idea greatly. Like a possible mini story every month then a bigger one that is added on for a few months? Fantastic!

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 14:13:25

I know right!

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Kankri Vantas (#10263)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-13 23:47:49
I think I will support this idea, despite not wanting to overwhelm the devs/admins with so much to do, but I do believe this will be something interesting for the future! I always love a good story, and sometimes things just get a bit repetitive. Not saying that I don't enjoy the site so far, I do. It's actually one of my favorites out of the few I've managed to actually get into. So, hopefully, when the admins/devs get everything squared away, I'd definitely like to see something more interesting other than the same stuff.

Though honestly, I'm not complaining! I took a year long hiatus, and now everything is new to me again since I just got back last month!

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