Posted by Some kind of story line?

LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 12:03:25
Some are beginning to think this is a full on breeding site and it breaks my heart. I hope this has not been repeated or anything. I do like breeding cubs and such but now its kinda old and I want something new.

When I read a story or play a video game I dig deeper for the lore and a backstory and how it all started. I then came up with this idea of a monthly story line or something like that. An interactive story campaign that will reward you at the end. This would change every few months or so and would take time to complete the story.

I would think it would give it a more SIM/ RPG feel to the site instead of quests and stuff. There can be stories (If you accept theme for the time they are there) like there is an illness, an evil spirit, some of your lions are captured, etc. The story could also depend on your karma level too (good or bad).

I would like to type more but i'm tires AF right now.
suggest things below or any arguments or questions you may have. And if you say no support tell me why so I can improve my suggestion!
I'm going to clarify the thing similar to the kidnapping above. After the dead line to finish the story. Your pride will go back to normal you just wont get an award.

Suggestion for the future.

This suggestion has 52 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/12/15 @ 21:00:07 by LittleTazi (#75016)

LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-13 23:50:26

Yeah, I would nate to put stress on the developers. The site does get a little repetitive sometimes too that I remember everything I need to do. I then breed feline seven and the repetition stops for a little lol.

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KnittyMermaid (#76228)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-14 00:04:50
Well, I"d like to mention: coming up with and presenting an idea doesn't overburden the coders.

I mean, I'm a lady, I have a husband. One day, we might want to have a kid. We might not. But since we've both talked about it, we can make some choices to make things easier--for example, when would we like to have our kid (for example, after I'm done with school, or after he gets a promotion) and make some basic preparedness steps (for example, saving money. When we move, moving to an area that is good for kids. Making sure that we have a home that has room for a child's room. Making sure that there are not any obvious baby hazards that would be hard to childproof around.)

Keeping those thoughts in mind does not mean I'm pregnant NOW, or that we're going to have a baby VERY SOON. It just means it's something we're keeping in mind.

Coding is similar sometimes. The coders don't just generate an idea and poop it out overnight :) They have a plan, laid out. Some things are small and get tucked in earlier because it's a simple change (for example! Studding rules PROBABLY didn't take much to put in) .. other things are more complicated.

Take personalities. They probably have a really big idea about how all of these concepts interact with eachother, but they're introducing them in phases. First they exist and affect mood, now they provide interactions sometimes, and a certain type of lioness is a better broodmother, which is another recent change, connected to cub mortality. And I'll bet before too long, personalities will affect even more.

What i'm saying is: Presenting an idea now gives them a lot of time to think about how to implement this idea, how to interconnect it to in with other systems, and they can start working on implementing it.

An idea presented today might not be put into the game for a year or more. But that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be mentioned today. <3

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-14 00:08:02

Your somment proves a point. Its like school. You should plan ahead for the test and study early or when you buy a new house or car. Keep everything in mind and plan for the best.

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Nathan (#70047)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-14 00:08:38
I like this idea, but I think it would really change the dynamics of the website and the game. If you're full-on introducing stories and developed quests, it becomes more of an interactive comic or a point and click adventure game, rather than a lion pride simulator (which it is now) just due to how its made.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I think its a good idea. But it would take an incredibly long time for them to make a story, and then you mention a different story for different karma types, so that's a bunch of stories, so that means potentially there are going to have to be dozens and dozens of different sets of art, buttons, dialogue choices, etc.

The game doesn't really have a dialogue option, either - I mean, look at Dragon Age and Mass Effect and the good/snarky/aggressive dialogue options that they have and how in depth and intricate those cutscenes etc are - and compare to LD, which, while fun and amazing a different kettle of fish altogether, as well as arguably being a different genre of game.

It would just require.. a massive overhaul and so many changes. Lioden is a thriving site with bundles of new members daily, and while I'm sure that implementing so many changes would attract new types of player, a lot of the older players might not like the game changing so radically.

I like lioden as it is, I think, and I think that quests and a story are already interwoven into the events in a way that isn't too overwhelming, and I think its also too difficult to implement in depth quests and gameplay into Lioden's format.

I do like the idea of a mostly point-and-click interactive RPG/text based RPG but again,I think that has the potential to be a whole new game in itself. Which would be pretty cool!

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-14 00:13:30

I see where you going. I don't mean for this to be a new game and such just something more interactive and stuff. If the devs consider this idea they can change it to there liking too. They wouldnt have to always post everymonth too. Maybe one story every 3-4 maybe five or more months depending.

Although I would say, bug fixes come first!

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Nathan (#70047)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-14 00:16:36
I know what you mean, lol. Some days I wake up and think "Bloody hell I have 30-odd lionesses threatening to leave and what am I supposed to do with one human leg and one rat carcasses" and it can be stressful hahaha. Some more interactive stuff would be fun, but for stuff like that, I just go play an xbox game or something :p

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KnittyMermaid (#76228)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-14 01:22:44
I think they could do some interesting things even with simple stories!

For example: You wake up one day to discover a evil lion has come into your territory and stolen one of your pride members. You have to go on a quest, find the eyeless rogue lion who sees the future who tells you to get a fragment of a glowing meteor from an ancient lion who looks like a cub, and then lead an assault upon the enemy's territory, to use the meteor fragment to attack the evil lion and then you get your pride member back.

that's a basic story. You can easily give the illusion of choice with different quest texts... for example:

(warning, I get long winded. feel free to skip to the end of the italics :) )

You cross paths with a lion cub with snuh white fur pouncing after crickets. You look around for his mother, or perhaps his aunt, and see or smell no other lions.

a) Good karma lions - You spend a few minutes playing 'pounce' with the cub before inviting him back to live with your lionesses. However, the cub refuses with a sage twitch of his tail. "Your offer is kind, king. Too kind for me to inflict my curse upon your pride." With confusion you realize....

b) Neutral Karma - You consider the abandoned cub with a bit of confusion. Good shape, yet very obviously alone. This area is near hyena lands, and they wouldn't hesitate before attacking... Finally you approach, asking where the cub's mother is. The cub looks up from the cricket he'd caught, and smiled at you. "Long dead, king." You ask about his pride and for a moment he glances away, and answers "Dust on the wind. The grass long eaten by the ancestor of the antelope that was your first meal." At first your'e confused, before you realize...

c) Evil Karma - A smile twists your muzzle as yo uregard the abandoned cub. You approach, raising your paw with claws extended to end it's miserable life.... The next thing you know, you are on your back, gazing up at the clear blue sky with a bit of confusion. The white cub's face slides into view, a bit of amusement on his expression. "You deserve worse," he said, grooming his shoulder. Rolling onto your feet, your paw lashes out again and the cub's teeth grab your foot, stopping the brutal strike without a bit of effort. Your leg suddenly feels cold, and hot at the same time and your knees buckle slightly. You realize your mistake, this cub is...

...the ancient cub you'd been looking for! You apologize hastily for not realizing before, and the cub snorts lightly. You explain everything that's happened. He starts chasing crickets again partway through and you start to feel annoyed before he looks up and simply says "I know. That is why I'm here." With a crunch the cricket vanishes into his mouth, and he sweeps his tail over the ground slowly. HE seems to be judging you silently and you ponder what to say, if anything.

Differnet options can give you differnet choices. like maybe mr. snuh white gives you a quest to do something for him before he'll help.. so you might end up with killing 10 random encounter gazelles to feed the near by hyenas, or collecting 10 special feathers, or whatever. They'd all have roughly the same difficulty and retrieval mechanism... but your options selected it.

It doesn't NEED to be huge arcing dialog tree branches with complicated factions and cause and effect. Just some unique text.

Personality interactions would actually be a bad thing to include in this because then you're catering to a smaller subsection of the population and you don't want one person to have a better quest experience because they have a 'confident' lion versus a bold one. Or peopel feeling like they lost out because they're heartless or whatever.

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-14 04:31:22

Thats what I would want. A simple story with a reward at the end that doesn't have to be like super large.

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2015-12-14 05:02:02

Maybe you should add that beginers/newby's also have a storyline: in this tory line maybe the game could be explaned, like hunting/patrolling/sharpoen claws extra.

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LittleTazi (#75016)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-14 09:21:24

I like that idea!

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Edited on 14/12/15 @ 16:21:32 by LittleTazi (#75016)

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