Posted by End of the World Sign-ups

lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-03 05:45:24
Hey guys! Want to make a zombie apocalypse rp, but there are a few rules that you must read!
I tried this once before but everyone got inactive and it died so let's try again!

These zombies are much like the ones in the walking dead. If you don't watch that show it's simple. If you get scratched you turn, if you get bit you turn. Although you can chop off limbs near the affected area and hope you don't turn. At the beginning of this rp the infection started 1 year ago.

1) only semi-lit to literate rpers allowed. This means you must post at least three good long sentences per post!

2) You must be mature. Again this is a zombie rp.

3) No god modding. No character is perfect either. Your character will get injured every know and again, it happens!

4) Try not to be confusing with your characters.

5) Type lolpeaceoutlol in other if you read these

6) You must be active unless you pm me you can't be on for a while or such.

7) Also no being your character's crush. That's no fun :)

8) Try to keep genders even!

9) You don't have to try too hard on the forms either! Not that big of a deal for me :)

Character Form:
Picture/Good Description:
Sexual Orientation:

My character
Name: Brianna
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Personality: Brianna is very outgoing and an extrovert. She can make a lot of friends easily, but is only loyal to a specific few. But to those few she would do anything for them including risking her life. She can become frustrated very easily especially with people she doesn't like. She's very tough on the inside and out and has very thick skin. She is constantly growing to be a better person.
History: Brianna lived with her mother until she was about 17 and then moved out because of her moms constant physical/mental abuse. She worked many different jobs and ended up doing just fine independently. When the apocalypse happened she was working at a hardware store that also carried guns. She more or less stole a pistol and a lot of ammo then went to her apartment took some clothes, food, and water and headed out. She was in a group with her boyfriend at the beginning of the apocalypse, but unfortunately he was bitten and she had to shoot him. She took his katana and has been on her own ever since.
Picture/Good Description: Tanned skin, she has red hair that is most often pulled up in a ponytail. If it's not her hair goes about midway down her back. She's average height standing at about 5 feet 5 inches. She has dark brown eyes and is physically fit.
Family: Doesn't know if they are alive or not, was an only child.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
GirlFriend/BoyFriend: None
Weapons: Katana and pistol.

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Edited on 03/01/16 @ 14:37:02 by lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-05 14:34:54
I'm gonna make a mae character. But he is gonna be weird. Please.. Dont be mad at me when I make him.. He is an odd character of mine.

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-05 15:08:30

“whats your name“~"My name? What's it to you bud?" Bandit Blaze Pheonix Grayson.
“Where do you get your name“~"what's it matter?! Lay off!" He gets his name from his mother, his first name at least. Her father named her bandit, and loving the name she decided to name him the same. Blaze? His father. His father decided that his son must be badass in hopes his son would be awesome. His father was pretty childish and stupid like that. Pheonix after his grandfather (on his mums side) who taught him that the key to life is rebirthing yourself to make you better. And lastly, Grayson. A name from his great grandfather (dads side) who has passed the name down for generations.

“how old are you?“~"im 26. Not that it matters." Like he said, twenty-six.

“whats your sex?“~"excuse me?" Hes a male..

“how would you describe yourself“~"pretty fucking awesome. I am a bad ass." No, he is not a bad ass. He is the opposite of everything his father wanted him to be. Instead of being a badass and a great guy, Bandit turned out to be a rebel(if that) and a juvenile delinquent. He is a smoker(not saying smokers are bad.) He enjoys a good hit. He had a passion for animals and has actually abandoned humans for the company of animals. Even now he prefers animals over humans. He isnt a "bad boy" but plays the look well. He has anger management issues. He does not forgive easily qnd is more then willing to kill anyone who comes by.
“what was your past like eh?“~"fucking terrible. Thats all you need to know." Well it was pretty shitty. Let's start with when he was born. He was born in a shack in canada. However, he didnt stay. Not a year later he was given up to an orphanage in the U.S. While there, he was bullied viciously and yelled at constantly. Emotional and physical abuse was always a punishment for the young boy. When he was seven, he had enough. He began acting out, fighting running away, etc. But, every time he ran away he always returned ir was forced to come back. Except, the last time. At nine years old the male ran away for good. He found however, that this was a big mistake. He was left on the streets to starve. His only friends were dogs and cats like him, who ran away or had no home. It was one encounter that sparked his interest with the more dangerous animals. When he was nine, he had been taken off the streets by two (seemingly) nice people. These two have him his name(s). Before this Bandit had no name. Now, what sparked his interest, the couple had a small legal zoo. In this zoo were rescued lions, tiger, bears (oh my!) From people who kept them illegally. Bandit was allowed to help with the animals when he finally reached age ten. But even before this, his foster parents could see that there was something about him that called the animals to him. He would always help with feeding the big cats, going into the pens and petting the animals. However, things turned bad once he got into middle school. He was once again bullied, and once again abused. His foster father began drinking and smoking weed along with various other (worse) drugs. Because of the drugs and the alcohol his father began yelling and hitting bandit, while his mother just stood by idly. It was that time he learned he could trust no one except himself and the animals who he bonded with. He fprced himself to go on in life, learning that whenever life beats you down it is only making you stronger. He got through high school, taking the verbal and physical bestings from everyone, never getting close enough to anyone to have anything close to a friendship. Once out of highschool as a gift, his mother gave him a lioness cub, trying to rekindle their lost relationship. He took the cub, however he did not accept her attempt to apologize. He took his new friend and left them, finding himself an abandoned farm in oregon. Since then, he has been living off the land and even trained his cub to hunt. He ended up making her Mwetzi. He soon forgot about his past, deciding to move forward with his beloved companion.
(Can mwetzi be his actual pet? Please?) (It is possible in rl. Ive done a lot of research and ive studied animals my whole life. So I know that he would have needed permits but.. I thought that since he was on the doen now it would be okay)
“what do you look like?“~"you have eyes. Look for yourself doofus." Okay, he is pale-ish and has jet black hair that is mostly straight. He has it styled to where most of it is ahaven except for the middle which flips over to the side. He has baby blue eyes with a freckle right under his right eye. He has thin pink lips he used for threatening and yelling. He wears a black body suit (not big like a polices) it is full buffalo leather that gives him a bit of protection. He wears large combat boots he got from a walker.
▹Health:pretty good. (Has some mental health issues of that amounts to anything. Nothing big, multi personality disorder, depression, bipolar depression) *thinks I should add how he got multi personality disorder*
How he got his various mental health issues: okay so multi personality disorder is usually caused from traumatic events. Well, for him having an abusive father and always being bullied and neglected gave him one other personality. This personality is the nurturing side he never got as a child. The personalities name is Sawyer. So, when this "person" pops up in the world like takes his body (not sure how to word how it happens) the once brutish male will become more feminine and his voice will go higher, indicating that he has switched.
Bipolar depression~ T"he cause of bipolar disorder is not entirely known. Genetic, neurochemical and environmental factors probably interact at many levels to play a role in the onset and progression of bipolar disorder. The current thinking is that this is a predominantly biological disorder that occurs in a specific part of the brain and is due to a malfunction of the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain). As a biological disorder, it may lie dormant and be activated spontaneously or it may be triggered by stressors in life."
Not my words. I suck at explaining things so thats how one gets it. For him it was the enviroment he was in. And for him it is triggered by things like, yelling, bullying, stuff that will bring him back to his childhood.
Family: he had no idea what happened to them and would rather not know.
Sexual Orientation: he is bisexual
GirlFriend/BoyFriend: he had no attractions towards anyone at the moment.
Weapons he made himself»
Axe» eda90b891b198c0a0d9d8bdd48ad5f1b.jpg
Dual weapon (stole gun from survivor)» bee1b5ec374f5fd1120e996a5fae3ffb.jpg
Knife (was a club but switched the spiked club out with the blade he stole)» c641fa66347f6ff3b30670b56bd2df56.jpg

Other: lolpeaceoutlol
Also he had a small bag for water and stuff like that»

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Edited on 07/01/16 @ 15:38:22 by Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-07 06:39:46
@Ryver Bloodfang- Hey, I thought about it and unfortunately I'm going to have to say no to the lioness. It's just too much of a stretch for me, plus if you take into consideration feeding her and what not it would be impossible to keep her alive. Sorry :C

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-07 06:40:44
That's true I didn't think about that. Okay lets just say she does then. I will alert the firm for him

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lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-07 06:49:48
ok thank you!

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-07 08:35:52
Change mot alert dork about that my phone is a bit odd

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-07 08:38:57
I altered it. Now it shows his health and what happened cause he lost mwezi

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lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-07 08:48:04
ok! Accepted

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Praxischu (#71297)

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Posted on
2016-01-07 12:19:13
I would like to join this but I feel like I should practice my writing first :/

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lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-07 13:39:53
Eh, I would say you're pretty good :D But whatever you want to do! No pressure :)

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Praxischu (#71297)

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Posted on
2016-01-07 13:55:30
Thank you, but I tend to write short posts a lot... I'm not very good at describing things in full detail and stuff like that

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-07 13:56:59
@praxischu neither am I because I end up getting bored or no one interacts with my characters. However, I end up just adding up pointles things to make it look bigger.

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Praxischu (#71297)

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Posted on
2016-01-07 14:00:02
Alright, I might sign up xD. I'm too lazy to make a form right now

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Praxischu (#71297)

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Posted on
2016-01-07 14:26:18
Name: Kennedy Elliot
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Personality: Kennedy is usually reserved and usually a loner, but many underestimate her. She's extremely intelligent and strong. Because of her age, many people think she's weak, but really she's actually a threat. She's very independent since she lost her parents at a young age, this can be good or bad. Her mindset is love, family, and mercy are weaknesses but maybe someone will change that :)
Picture: rsbAzAE.jpg
History: When Kennedy was very young her parents were hunted and assassinated, turns out they weren't the average parents. They were working for a secret hacker group in The United States. She felt, devastated, betrayed and abandoned, but since she was only about 11 years old she moved in with her drunk uncle. Things were rough, and shes almost glad that the apocalypse started, at least now she was free.
Family: None left
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
GF/BF: None atm
Weapons: Bow and daggers
Other: lolpeaceoutlol

yeah nevermind... lmao im bored anyways.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 03:41:27
As long as you can do at least three sentences (I believe in you, you can write, you must do it for your country XD ) you should be fine and currently we also getting use to what going on

Anyway, form accepted come join us!

If you start to get bored just say a walker came and you couldn't react quick enough XD

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