Posted by End of the World Sign-ups

lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-03 05:45:24
Hey guys! Want to make a zombie apocalypse rp, but there are a few rules that you must read!
I tried this once before but everyone got inactive and it died so let's try again!

These zombies are much like the ones in the walking dead. If you don't watch that show it's simple. If you get scratched you turn, if you get bit you turn. Although you can chop off limbs near the affected area and hope you don't turn. At the beginning of this rp the infection started 1 year ago.

1) only semi-lit to literate rpers allowed. This means you must post at least three good long sentences per post!

2) You must be mature. Again this is a zombie rp.

3) No god modding. No character is perfect either. Your character will get injured every know and again, it happens!

4) Try not to be confusing with your characters.

5) Type lolpeaceoutlol in other if you read these

6) You must be active unless you pm me you can't be on for a while or such.

7) Also no being your character's crush. That's no fun :)

8) Try to keep genders even!

9) You don't have to try too hard on the forms either! Not that big of a deal for me :)

Character Form:
Picture/Good Description:
Sexual Orientation:

My character
Name: Brianna
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Personality: Brianna is very outgoing and an extrovert. She can make a lot of friends easily, but is only loyal to a specific few. But to those few she would do anything for them including risking her life. She can become frustrated very easily especially with people she doesn't like. She's very tough on the inside and out and has very thick skin. She is constantly growing to be a better person.
History: Brianna lived with her mother until she was about 17 and then moved out because of her moms constant physical/mental abuse. She worked many different jobs and ended up doing just fine independently. When the apocalypse happened she was working at a hardware store that also carried guns. She more or less stole a pistol and a lot of ammo then went to her apartment took some clothes, food, and water and headed out. She was in a group with her boyfriend at the beginning of the apocalypse, but unfortunately he was bitten and she had to shoot him. She took his katana and has been on her own ever since.
Picture/Good Description: Tanned skin, she has red hair that is most often pulled up in a ponytail. If it's not her hair goes about midway down her back. She's average height standing at about 5 feet 5 inches. She has dark brown eyes and is physically fit.
Family: Doesn't know if they are alive or not, was an only child.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
GirlFriend/BoyFriend: None
Weapons: Katana and pistol.

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Edited on 03/01/16 @ 14:37:02 by lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Nightmare [Drowning
x.x] (#80559)

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Posted on
2016-01-10 11:38:30
Character Form:
Name: Elizabeth Dike
Gender: Female
Age: Eh, let's say about 26.
Personality: Pessimistic, Tough, Short Tempered,
History: Before the infection, she lived a normal life. She visited her parents so often that she practically lived at their house. She and her sibling fought a lot. She worked as a ranger at a hiking area surrounded by a lot of woods. It wasn't very busy, but it paid well enough. When the infection started, she started preparing. She'd always been very intent on surviving everything, long before she could even fathom an actual zombie apocalypse happening. They had left their home to a safer place that was much more sealed off... Eventually, her parents had gone out to search for survivors against her wishes. They never came back. Her brother killed himself afterwards, too depressed to go on. As much as it fazed Elizabeth, she had always been a kind of loner and got over it much too quickly. Of course, she still doesn't know what happened to them- they could still be alive for all she knows.

Her mother was an insurance worker, and her father used to be in the military. Her dad had PTSD from his time at war, and was extremely paranoid. He always kept his weapons close to him. He owned an an assortment of non-lethal and lethal weapons, his favorite of which being his Taser.

Her brother worked at a Home Depot. He owned an AK-47 which he used to end his life...

Picture/Good Description:
Short brown hair- Longer in the back than anywhere else, goes down to about the top of her neck.
Dark brown eyes, light freckles. Olive skin. Wears glasses.
Skinny, slightly muscular.
Family: Mother (Probably Dead), Father (Probably Dead), Brother (Dead).
Sexual Orientation: Not necessarily interested, but I suppose she would be Lesbian.
GirlFriend/BoyFriend: N/A.
Weapons: 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol, Machete, AK-47 (which she'd rather not use), Tactical Flashlight, Taser.
Other: lolpeaceoutlol

She likes birds. A lot. Whenever she would see a dead bird, she covered it with whatever was around. It's become a habit.

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Edited on 10/01/16 @ 18:40:36 by Nightmare (#80559)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-10 11:42:28
Ah, damn. If she wasn't around six years older than my Draco, then she might take a liking to her :3. Although I know you said Elizabeth isn't normally interested. She just sounds like someone Draco would like XD

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-11 01:38:51
Anyway form accepted (I like my power to do so :3)

just as a FYI thing we've all talked to calling them walkers (dunno why) and don't worry about Draco she isn't too lonely XD

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-11 01:44:27
Lol yeah she has my guy lol

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-11 01:47:14
Also I might not be on tonight at all so 'eh..' and Bandit is just weird (even without the mental issues)

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-11 02:30:13
Haha yes. Yes he is :3 I like weirdos

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Nightmare [Drowning
x.x] (#80559)

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Posted on
2016-01-11 09:32:55
Elizabeth hates pigeons. Forgot to add that, but she hates pigeons. A lot.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-11 09:40:10
... right... anyway join the RP at any time

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