Posted by Lit.Dragon RP; The Red Prophecy; Sign Ups! (OPEN!)

Silverstorm (#34397)

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Posted on
2016-01-04 14:44:05
RP Thread:
OOC Chat Thread:

(Please use this post only for signing up and questions.)


A war has broken out between dragons in a world dominated by humans. Humans have begun their industrial age, driving the already elusive dragons even further into hiding. With their survival threatened, a war has broken out over who can best deal with the human crisis.

Half of the dragons believe that the great warrior Taro should become leader, so he can bring dragons into the open and demand land from the humans. Taro swears he will establish a new land for dragons, before humans take away all land in the world.
The other half of dragons believe that the young hunter Ayla should be leader, so she can find the safer location mentioned in legend. She argues that if they do expose their existence, humans will easily hunt them all down, and that they should wait for their own strength and numbers to grow before calling attention to themselves.

| | PLOT | |

Your character is one of the dragons caught in the conflict. It is up to your cleverness, leadership, or skill to end the war for your side.

| | Powers | |

Most dragons have some kind of power. They develop them at a young age, and are often realistic in nature, like being able to breathe in water or being born with frost-resistant scales. Some are a bit more fantastical in nature, like having influence on the weather, or prophetic dreams. (See rule XI for rules on powers.)

| | RULES | |
(There's a lot of these, sorry. Don't be intimidated though! They are simple and easy to remember.)
II. You cannot kill or maim another character without the player's permission. You can, however, fight them, steal from them, spy on them, ect, without permission.
III. Please do not let your characters be untouchable. Some characters should die, or have some major loss of some kind.
IIII. On that note, though, don't force drama. Don't make your sweet character act unrealistically mean just because you want a conflict, or have your character hear a fight that's miles and miles away. If you want to cause conflict, try to do it more subtly. This is a war; It won't be hard to find differences in morality or attitude. Besides that, there's a human on every corner.
IV. Hate the character, not the person. Don't take anything said in RP as a personal attack on you. This is all for fun.
V. As this will be a small RP, you can have as many characters as you feel comfortable with. But i do ask, if you have more than two characters, don't use every character in every post. If you have a character that is sleeping, let them sleep, and use another character in the meantime. This is to keep things from getting extremely crowded and static; I don't want one person RPing about 5 different characters in one post, and all of them be talking to each other. So, put short, you can have a ton of characters, but don't use all of them constantly.
VI. Although this is an odd rule, please do try to keep your characters diverse. I don't want seven hot-headed, good-hearted dragons running around. If you see a character with similar traits to yours, or a extremely similar backstory, try to edit your backstory or change some traits.
VII. Wait about two or three posts before posting again. We want everyone to have a chance to participate.
VIII. Keep fights interesting. Let your characters hit each other, trip, or even lose.
IX. On the subject of powers; Keep it balanced. Powers should be limited or more subtle. No overpowered powers like telepathy, shapeshifting, or mind control. Breathing fire, breathing ice, having venom, having fire-resistant scales are all far more realistic. If you have a more unique/powerful power, like camouflage, try to balance it out with a limit, like it can only be used when full or happy, or can only be used once a day.
X. Dragons come in all forms and sizes. I suggest you keep it diverse. Again, if you see several people with similar-looking dragons, then try to add something to yours to make them more distinct.
XI. Keep it realistic. Dragons get hungry, tired, thirsty, afraid, wounded, and sick like any other creature.
XII. Dragons know a mixture of human words like "house, gun," Ect, but also use some wolfspeak. They only know words they would logically know from confronting humans, which...Isn't a lot. I mean, would you stop to chat with a mythical creature?
XIII. If you've read the rules, put your favorite color in the "other" category of the character sheet.
XIV. Only dragon characters, FOR NOW. I may allow human or animal characters in the future.
XV. Posts must be literate. At least 4 sentences.
XVI. Cursing and gore is allowed, but keep it balanced. No long strings of cursing every post, and no extreme gore every other post, either.
XVII. Let us know if you'll be inactive.

|| Roles, Characters, and Ranks | |

A middle-aged dragon who has proven his strength in combat against several tyrant dragons. His army is simple, and resides in the mountains, which has little food, but great shelter and viewpoints. Taro himself believes that dragons should not hide any longer, although it is unknown if he's willing to start a second war with humanity if needed, and if he wants land from the humans for his own power, for glory, or for dragonkind as a whole. Despite this, he has a popular following. He argues to Ayla that humanity is rapidly growing, and waiting any longer only brings dragons closer to extinction.

(CO-ADMIN IS Nyanunix |
(This is a WIP; You can be accepted and still not have your character and name up yet.)

Taro (1/1):
Nyanunix |
MusicalAgony (#11487)

Taro's Second in Command (1/1):
Kuldristalri ("Dris")
Played by Hawkmask
(Character sheet is on 1st page)

Soldiers (1/3):
Raven (Played by ChristiCat; Character Sheet on 2nd Page)

Hunters (1/3):

Civilians (0/3):

Ayla is a younger dragon, a loner and accomplished survivor. Her army is more specialized, and she hides everyone in the rainforest, where food and reasonable homes can be found, but any kind of fighting or flying is near impossible under the dark canopy, and it lacks any strategic shelters or locations. Ayla herself believes that dragonkind is too weak at the moment to show itself to humanity, and doing so will be suicidal. She opts to wait until the dragon population has grown, and their technology, or at least, knowledge, has expanded before exposing themselves to humanity, and in the meantime, searches for a legendary hidden kingdom in the mountains. It is unknown if she really intends to ever show dragonkind to humanity, if she truly believes in the sanctuary of legend, or if she just intends to keep herself safe. Despite this, more peaceful dragons flock to her. She argues to Taro that this war will only weaken their species further.

Ayla (1/1):
Played by Davina (Character sheet is on 1st page)

Ayla's Second in Command (0/1) : (OPEN)

Ayla's Third in Command/Double (1/1):
Kade (Played by Nyanunix, Character sheet on 1st page)

Soldiers (0/3):

Hunters (0/3)

Spies (2/2):
Purkinje (played by Piper, character sheet on 1st page)
Muramasa "Mura" (played by Graciegra, character sheet on 9th page.)

Civilians (0/4)

Unnamed Male
Teddy Broosevelt

Character Sheet:

Age (Dragons have a lifespan of 100 years, minimum, to 300 years, maximum) :
Appearance (You can have pictures, but you must have a normal description as well!):
Other (history, siblings, likes, dislikes, crushes, mate, ect):

EDIT; From now on, a RP sample is needed. Put it in the Other section. It just needs to be a literate paragraph. It doesn't have to be with your character, but that is preferred. This is required.
EDIT; For the "Appearance" catagory, you can use pictures, but you must have a written description as well! Pictures may not load properly, or may be unclear.
EDIT; For Strengths and Weaknesses, please have more than a few traits! If you do not, i am much more inclined to reject you, since characters with only a couple traits tend to turn into Mary Sues.

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 13:33:59 by Silver Ackerman (#34397)

descriptive (#65447)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 06:30:53
i don't mean to be rude ( please tell me if it seems like i am )-- i like the personality and appearance and all, but i'm seeing a bit of an issue in the roleplay sample with proper punctuation. there is a run-on sentence in the second paragraph and commas are being used at confusing intervals, with not enough periods. does anyone else see these things as well?

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 09:38:29
You're right. What do you propose we do?

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Graciegra (#3127)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 08:14:45
Ayla :)

lol I got the first old rp sample i found, I'm not a native speaker so sometimes I make mistakes

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Edited on 04/02/16 @ 15:16:50 by Graciegra (#3127)

descriptive (#65447)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 08:17:14
i recommend resubmitting another roleplay sample, this time without run-on sentences and proper grammar. you'll probably be stuck in limbo waiting for other people to put in their opinions for a little bit if you only have two for us to go on.

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Silverstorm (#34397)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 11:36:46
OKAY I'm finally back! First off, again, thank you all so much for your patience ;-;
Yeah, i think a co-admin is a good idea. Nya, you've done a great job so far, so if everyone is okay with it, and your okay with it, would you like to be co-admin? And your Taro is great!

To explain my recent disappearances, my family was moving from our really old house since it was...pretty much falling apart. It had serious electrical issues and fire hazards and all kinds of other stuff, and when we were packing, a fire started. We still don't know how. Everyone is okay, and we already had a lot of stuff stored away, but we've still had it kind of rough lately. We've had to move to multiple hotel rooms for really bizarre and unlucky reasons, and get food and all kinds of stuff. Now everything is steady again, and i actually have a ton of free time, so i should be able to be active. Again, i am SO sorry for being such a irresponsible admin ;-; You guys are all great and i'm eternally grateful that like...this group is still around. I just wanted to let you all know that i was gone for some serious reasons and it wasn't just me not caring about the RP anymore or anything idk.

Teddy, your character will be accepted IF you give him a fleshed out reason behind his viewpoints; Why is he like this, where are his soft spots, ect ect. You don't have to share it right now, but i do what to know that he HAS reasons. Also, yeah, maybe make him have SOME kind of redeeming traits, even if they are small and rarely shown, like maybe he has a moral code against hurting children of any species or something.
I love the idea of a wildcard/dangerous dragon who can throw a wrench into everything, though.

Graciegra, i'll accept Mura! I'm assuming he's with Ayla.

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Piper (#21479)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 12:00:13
Oh my goodness, Silver! I see absolutely no need to apologize, after you've had such a hectic and difficult time. I'm glad that things have finally calmed down for you. :)

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Silverstorm (#34397)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 12:18:28
Thank you. I'm glad too ;-; We were insanely lucky, and now we just have a ton of free time. Tbh, The first couple of days were the worst, and lately i've just been really lazy and drained. But *cracks neck* I WILL NOT JUST SIT AROUND AND VEGETATE.
i will sit and vegetate WHILE RPING!!

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 22:06:19
You don't need to apologize; everyone disappears from time to time and your reasons are valid. I'm down for being a co-admin if everyone is okay with it. I was a little worried I made him too . . . Nice?

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descriptive (#65447)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 05:59:03
there's no need for you to apologize! i'm glad you're back :)

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Dallas 2.0 (#69414)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 07:32:16
Sounds fun! :)

Name: Nishant
Gender: Male
Rank: Hunter (Taro's army)
Age (Dragons have a lifespan of 100 years, minimum, to 300 years, maximum) : Nishant is 124 years old.
Appearance (You can have pictures, but you must have a normal description as well!): Nishant is 8 feet tall, 9 feet long, and has a wingspan of 13 feet. Although he is very skinny, he eats a lot of food when he can (usually insects due to lack of food). His long snout is great for eating bugs hidden underground and tree sap in trees. His teeth and claws are about 4 inches tall, exteremly sharp, and thick. Nishant's scales are dark purple with lighter purple and white streaks. His face is covered in scars. He also has aqua coloured eyes.
Personality: Nishant rarely speaks, and most dragons believe he is mute. Nishant has trouble thinking of stuff to say, although he can speak perfectly. Nishant is brave and will risk his life to protect his friends and family. Nishant trusts almost nobody, even dragons in Taro's army.
Powers: Nishant's scales are fire resistant scales everywhere on his body except his underbelly.
Strengths: Fire resistant scales and razor sharp teeth and claws.
Weaknesses/Faults: Nishant doesn't have any magical abilities and has a soft underbelly, which isn't fire resistant. He also blames himself for his mother and sibling's death.
Other (history, siblings, likes, dislikes, crushes, mate, ect): Nishant's mother and siblings died in a attack with humans. Nishant tried to save her siblings, but only one survived the attack. Nishant's mother also died in the attack. Nishant and his sister explored the world together before settling near Taro's army. Nishant's sister then died in a way only he knows about. Nishant then decided to join Taro's army. Favourite colour: Aqua.

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Silverstorm (#34397)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 06:15:20
Bananna, Nishant sounds great! RP Sample though?

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 13:21:37 by Silver Ackerman (#34397)

Dallas 2.0 (#69414)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 11:32:33
Oh yeah...

RP Sample:
Nishant awoke from his strange dreams he has every night. He looked around at the other dragons in Taro's Army and sighed. He didn't trust anyone here, even Taro. He only came here so he wouldn't die in the wilderness, who knew what they would do to lone dragons? Nishant decided to go on a morning hunt. He crept out of the cave and started to climb up the mountain. Nishant stopped when he heard the familiar bleat of his prey. He looked around and spotted the mountain goat, it was small but it would feed a dragon. Nishant raved towards the mountain goat and pounced at it. He was sure he'd lose his prey, but the mountain goat wasn't fast enough to get away. Nishant grabbed the mountain goat and bit into it's neck, snapping it. He picked up the mountain goat in his jaws and made his way back to the cave. Nishant dropped the mountain goat in a corner of the cave and went back outside to watch the sun rise.

Sorry if it's bad...

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Silverstorm (#34397)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 01:44:01
Banana, it works! On some writing tips, try to flesh out some stuff with tons of details, and balance show with tell; Instead of, "He was sure he'd lose his prey.", say "his heart pounded as the goat dodged him once again", or something similar. This is applicable to most of the post, actually! "Nishant awoke from his strange dreams he has every night.// Nishant sighed when he awoke, jarred by the same dreams." Ect ect. Also, try to keep a flow to your writing. Because of how simple and short the sentences are, the tone comes across as flat and blunt. These are just tips to improve your writing, your accepted!

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Silverstorm (#34397)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 12:13:33
At long last, my character! I tried to keep the character sheet simple because god knows, the more time i spend on it, the more over complicated it gets, and the harder it is for me to actually work with the character.

Lionel Wolf
Taro, Hunter
Age :
110 years old
Lionel is a compact dragon with four legs and two feathered wings. His front feet are four-fingered and resemble an eagle or owl’s talons, but his back legs are more chickenlike. His legs and tail are very long compared to his sturdy body. Lionel’s face and neck is a cross between a deer and snake.
His scales are very pebbly, dull and are a shade of faded red. Fur covers his body in odd areas, spreading across his body like ropes. His spine, from neck to tail, are also covered in mottled red, brown and grey fur.
Lionel is a young, naive fellow who wants to see others happy. With a strong moral code, Lionel is a very clever dragon for his age. Despite this, he isn’t particularly brave or confident. He always seems to find his way out of situations, which is helpful, since he often finds himself in situations as well, thanks to his energetic nature. He is extremely quiet, despite being very extroverted.
Lionel has particularly specialized and powerful lungs that allow him to make very loud noises, particularly shrieks. On the more supernatural side, Lionel has an odd connection with the stars.
- Energetic
- Fun loving
- Kind
- Clever
- Obedient
- Strong Moral Code
- Determined; He doesn’t give up easy
--- Unique information
--- An exceptionally fast runner.
--- He is incredibly nimble, agile and good at dodging.
--- Good at climbing
- Tactless; He doesn’t really understand “social skills”
- Bad under stress
- Uncertain/Directionless; He really needs leadership
- Softhearted; He has a hard time swallowing the bad things in life
- Ignorant
- Has Priority Issues; Easily mistaken for laziness, in reality, Lionel just has a hard time realizing the urgency and importance of some orders.
- Dependant
-- Cannot fly
-- Cannot fight
-- Cannot hunt

Other (history, siblings, likes, dislikes, crushes, mate, ect):

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 12:15:14
Sil why is he ranked as a hunter if he can't hunt

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