Posted by Lit. Skyrim RP: Rise of Yol'Va'Nir Sign Ups!

Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 16:46:13
RP Thread

OOC Thread

This is a small group RP. Spots available are listed. Spots may open again in time.

Spots Open (5/8)

Werewolves: (2/2)

Vampires: (0/2)

"Alduin has fallen as had the war between the Imperials and Storm Cloaks. The Dragonborn gave their life, dying in the process of defeating the dragons. They remember them as they were, a monument stands in their memory in the middle of the rebuilt Helgen.

Skyrim is now in the hands of King Ulfric. The land remained peaceful in terms of war and the people live there lives normally.

It's been seven years since the World Eater has fallen and a new threat arises.
A dragon by the name of Yol'Va'Nir has began terrorizing the land, recruiting other dragons for a new a war on humans.

Parthunaxx, the master of the Greybeards has warned his following dragons of the threat. While some want peace with humans, others want to rule them.

Yol'Va'Nir is a powerful foe, even going as far as to learn the shout Dragonrend to take down his own kind that oppose them.

Will you fight to protect your home?

I couldn't find a Skyrim RP so I decided to make one! This is a literate RP group, meaning at least five sentences.

This will also be a small group. The spots available are listed above.


All Lioden rules apply!

1. No godmodding

2. Only canon races please (Nord, Orc, ect.)

3. There is no dragon born just yet. It is possible for there to be more than one. Later in the RP someone will be granted or "realize" their power. As to who will be picked by me.

4. Cussing is allowed, but keep it tasteful.

5. There are sexual themes and gore involved like the game, but any sexual scenes must fade to black.

6. For now, you are allowed up to 2 characters.

7. Put your favorite animal in the "other" category.

8. Wait for at least 2 people to post before you do.

9. Remember to be mature. We are all adults here. Well I am. But yeah. You get it.

10. Violation in the rules will result in warnings. After 3 you're out.
(Honestly I hate having to put this here, but I've seen some immature whack jobs on here so it's just a precaution.)

11. You are allowed to use screen shots from the game.

12. Do not use someone else's art. Any stock images, please link the source.

13. Also put "Fus Ro Dah" in "Other"

14. Use proper posting format: Name || Age || Gender || Groups || Location || Mentions: This is so we know what character has been used.


Application Form:








Groups: (Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, ect.) No conflicting groups. Meaning, no being in the Guard and the Dark Brotherhood. I know you can do this in the game, but not here.
If you wish to have two conflicting groups, please ask and make sure to provide a good backstory as to why.



Weapons/Armor: (You can use any armor or weapon so long as it's not a legendary item; ex: Mehrune's Razor.

Nightingale armor is allowed so long as your character is in fact a nightingale or stole it.)

-(Light or Heavy)
-(Primary Weapon)

Spells:(If your character uses spells. Max 5 for now) No shouts



The Oblivion Crisis:

Mehrunes Dagon: The Daedric Prince of Destruction, attempted to merge the plane of Oblivion with Tamriel. Oblivion is the realm in which Daedra live.

The Mythic Dawn was a cult who worshipped him. They assassinated the emperor Uriel Septim, breaking the barrier between Tamriel and Oblivion.
The amulet of Kings was a royal artifact only wearable by the Septim dynasty. Only a Septim could wear it and restore the barrier between oblivion and Tamriel.

When Uriel Septim was killed, there was believed to be no more heirs, but there was one by the name of Martin. The only hope to sealing away Oblivion was for him to wear the Amulet of Kings and light the dragon fire in Imperial City.
Gates to Oblivion began appearing throughout Cyrodil, the Daedra used them to invade.

The main hero of the story was able to close the gates, and with the help of the last Septim (Martin Septim) heir, seal Oblivion from Tamriel. Martin sacrificed himself in the process, saving the world from Mehrunes Dagon.

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Edited on 03/02/16 @ 15:57:11 by Honey (#55910)

Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-02-02 14:41:29
Yeah, my best friend works there and he hates it xD Retail in general is just a sad sad cesspool.

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Lady Bacon (#6605)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-02 14:45:05
It really is. It sucks the life outta you.

Not to mention how much it fuels your hatred for people... AND CHILDREN OMFG. Ive had a kid piss on my floor. The mum acted like nothing happened. And ive had people leave puke all in the changing rooms and all sorts of disgusting stuff. I dont get why people think once they walk through the doors of your store that they have no morals or responsibility for their own actions or actions of their loin spawn. All I ever hear is "but its your job" "You get paid to do it" No. I do not get paid enough to clean human urine. That is not okay.

Also while I think of it. Do we have fast travel in this RP? Like would it act as a spell? Or is it never ending trudging through skyrim xD

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-02-02 15:02:02
I'll make it so that you can fast travel to major cities. Sorry for not thinking about that xD Slipped my mind. Dungeons and what not would have to be traveled to.
There's always a city close by things like that so it wouldn't be too hard.

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Lady Bacon (#6605)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-02 15:07:17
It slipped my mind too.

Then I was sitting there reading the RP thread and seeing how far apart everyone is and I was like hmmmm....

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-02-02 15:15:18
Good catch :3

Yeah, walking from Riften to Solitude would be a nightmare. I added it to the RP Thread's description.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-02-02 15:29:02

Links im thread description of have been updated. There is now an OOC Thread.
Working on adding maps to the main RP Thread.

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Loki (#63463)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 08:53:29
Application Form:

Name: Seofi

Gender: Female

Species: Khajiit

Age: 22

Seofi is a warm, friendly Khajiit with a zeal for life. Born an optimist, she thinks of the brighter things in people and hardly ever succumbs to sadness. In fact, she strives to lighten the company around her, sometimes putting her in the job of being a peacekeeper - which she doesn't mind at all.
Learning from hard experiences, Seofi does know when to remove her trust from others. If anyone does her wrong, she is quick to cut lines and end everything. As a thief and a liar, one would think that Seofi would be more deceptive; this is not the case. If anything, Seofi is as candid as she is optimistic.
Of course, Seofi isn't all smiles and laughter. She will go from 0 to 100 in a second if she hears a single racial joke or insult come from anyone's mouth. Other than that, she doesn't get angered easily.

Tall, lean muscled and fit, she stands at 5'8". Her fur is a coppery red with darker spots outlining her forehead in a pattern of blurry dots that spread and grow into panther markings as they travel down her back and over her legs. Her hair, usually plaited into loose braids and banded at the ends with gold, is a stark white color. Her eyes are a beautiful icy blue that complements her fiery pelt.

Directly from the arid deserts and luscious jungles of Elsweyr, Seofi is relatively new to Skyrim. She's lived two years in Skyrim, her home being Riften. Never dwelling further north than Whiterun, Seofi still has a lot to learn about the country.
A trained thief and hunter, Seofi left her family and their little moon sugar farm in Elsweyr to search for better treasure and valuables, and after hearing what dragon bone could bring, she decided she'd give Skyrim a look. Reaching Riften before any other hold, she immediately became acquainted with the Thieves Guild, finding a place of security and stability.

Thieves Guild

- Claws
- Night Vision
- Master sneak
- Expert pickpocket
- Great hearing
- Expert archer
- Skilled alchemist

- Habit of stealing anything and everything she likes or finds valuable
- Terrible sweet tooth; she can be easily bribed with sweets
- Does not take to racial jokes or insults lightly
- Pretty terrible at casting magic other than the two spells she knows
- Relatively new to Skyrim

- Heavy Armor: Ebony Armor
- Ebony Bow
- Dual Wield Daedric Daggers with Silent Moons Enchantment

- Fast Healing
- Soul Trap

Fus Ro Dah
Cat :3

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 08:56:52

She's good to go! Welcome to the wonderful chaotic world of Tamriel :P

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Loki (#63463)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 09:02:22
Thanks! :D This is gonne be fun x3

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 13:06:16
Name: Mai'Ko Longmane

Gender: Male

Species: Khajiit

Age: 26

Personality: Maiko is a big softy. His appearance may look intimidating, but he means well.

He has a big soft spot for children, often visiting the orphanage in Riften to spend time with them.

He rarely curses. If he does he's really angry, which hardly happens.
Maiko tends to remain optimistic and happy most of the time.

During battle he does become serious almost like a totally different person. He likes to be on the front end.

He will often put himself in danger for the greater good or someone he really cares for; one of his best and worst flaws.
Maiko is very social and affectionate, usually hugging his friends.

He cannot stand racists and will lash out at them. He is also a book worm, mainly because he loves learning about magic and Daedra, yet he hardly uses it himself. If he does, it's restoration.

Appearance: Maiko is quite tall (6'2) and has a muscular build. There is a scar on his face across the bridge of his nose.

His eyes are light grey, almost silver looking.

As is name says, he has quite a long mane. His fur and mane are pure white.


Maiko was adopted by two Nords who lived in Whiterun. They lived comfortably and Maiko had many friends despite being picked on for his race.

As a child he stood up for others if he saw them being teased.
When he was old enough, he learned to use a sword and shield with his mother. He learned how to read and write with his father along with cooking.

At 18 he joined the Stormcloak's Army, fighting in the war himself. He now lives in his own house in Whiterun, visiting his parents often and continuing to look over the city as a guard.

Companions: None

Groups: Stormcloak's, Guard

+Heavy attacks
+Excellent Cook
+Good at healing
+Has good knowledge on magic
+Is good leader

-Not as fast as others
-Will run into fight blindly sometimes
-Can be a bit naive
-Hates water
-Can lose his temper around racists
-hates leading, even if he is good at it
-Is squeamish around rotten food
-Is afraid of fire

- Steel Armor set (No helm.)
- Steel Sword
- Steel Shield


- Greater Ward
- Greater Heal

Other: White lions, Fus Ro Dah

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Edited on 03/02/16 @ 22:40:57 by Honey (#55910)

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