Posted by -LOCKED - -ADDED TO THE GAME-End Stud Racing? (140+ Supporters!)

Lady Zafira (#10834)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-02-08 13:54:57
Stud Racing: The process of sending multiple stud requests for one lioness to 2 or more lions.

I have yet to come across a stud racer but I have heard the term and found a post dedicated to stud racing. At first I thought nothing of it until I got clarification. People with high valued studs have had an issue with people sending a breeding request to their stud, then sending 10 other studs a request for the same lioness. I noticed VLF lionesses are the ones mainly used for stud racing as it takes longer to in-pregnant them. The issue I see, (after breeding my own VLF's) and others see is; you spend 50% of energy trying to in-pregnant a lioness, while at the same time ANOTHER lion is also trying with that same female. Now say it wasn't you that got her pregnant but the other just wasted 50% of your energy and the breeding items you may or may not have used on your male, plus your stud payment.

I see stud Racing as a type of free breeding in a way as to say, the male that wasted his energy/items on your girl, did it for nothing. I do not see that as fair and personally count those attempts as breeding attempts I would want to be compensated for.

My suggestions for this is to either;
A) Change the system to where you can send ONE breeding request per female and if you wish to send another, cancel the previous
Flipicus: You would get the option to tick/untick a box which creates different text above/below the stud rules section, for example:
'This player DOES NOT accept stud race requests- you will not be able to send another request for your lioness unless you remove theirs first' when its turned off.
'This player accepts stud race requests, they will be notified if you send other requests for your lioness' when it's turned on.
B) If the system is to stay the same, the male that wasted his energy on the female, gets half the amount of SB his studding fee was, (I.E your males fee is 500, if the female is stud raced to another male that gets her pregnant you are given 250 either from that player or the game itself) so their males time and energy wasn't wasted for no reason. ( this would not count if they stud request is rejected by the lion, or taken back by the females owner ).
Axel's suggestion:
As compensation, there should be something that mirrors the effort of the stud.
The more times he tried to breed her, the more % of the stud price he will get.
There should be a certain number of tries where the stud owner would get the whole price as a compensation if another stud made the girl pregnant (or if the owner of the girl took the girl out of the stud's list). I think this is the most fair.

C) (just throwing this in, this can be combined with A or B) Allow the males to set a certain % limit that blocks out any lionesses below that limit. I know most people don't check it, but the game itself should know right?

I can understand the need to in-pregnant a VLF in the 3 days it's in heat by sending multiple request for the same female to different lions, but think of it this way. If you spent half your energy/day/items trying to breed a VLF and another lion beats you to it. You just wasted time and energy for nothing. As Dunnart stated, this can be seen as taken advantage of the males effort for your own personal gain, while leaving the male stuck out and possible irritated.

I am not sure if it would work, especially because what if the player wasted 100% energy or 50% energy on the girl and goes off, and in the mean time the girl gets pregnant by another stud, the extra 50%-100% energy gets added right away/or after the user logs in. BUT. The energy will replenish every 15 mins for 10%, even if the player is offline. Wouldnt he lose the additional energy once he gets back because his energy replenished anyway?
In addition to the game giving back SB, maybe (the Developers can decide) To give back boosters or boost items for the energy used

Other Suggestions by users:
Pine 62380~> Perhaps, if the person is to send another breeding request to another male, and that male gets the lioness pregnant, the male whom she studded first gets his energy back?
Reebuh 3487~ I can agree with all of it, save for part B & C of your plan. I think sending one request per lioness until a) the stud accepts/rejects or b) the owner of the lioness takes the studding back needs to implemented, instead of just allowing it to continue to happen. Some people don't have the SB for part B of your idea, and receiving the energy back just seems like more coding that's going to take up more space, just like part B would. I think removing part B & C would make this more easily supportable, just flat out removing the option to spam requests and only let there be one request per lion.

YoungLioness 15579~ I admit to having done at least one of these stud races with a 1% girl, but I've always rewarded participants with at least 200sb for their efforts. I've also been a participant in a stud race, and know the feeling of working hard with a lioness only to be unsuccessful and gain nothing in return .I think B would be the best option to go with, and C could be a separate support thread all on its own!

Dunart 29090~I've noticed some stud owners don't mind when they're 'stud raced' while others don't want anything to do with VLF's at all. Perhaps Options A and C (and maybe B as well) could be incorporated into the game in a way that would allow each user to set their studding service to what suits them best? If Option B isn't added as a possible setting, it'd probably be best if people could still choose to keep things as they are so they can be especially VLF friendly if they want.

If your support is no, please provide a reason as to why you said no, so I can try to better this idea

This suggestion has 729 supports and 76 NO supports.

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Edited on 12/02/16 @ 08:35:37 by Alphonse (#10834)

Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-02-11 07:38:27
@Hawk. Ok calm with the caps. First off I'm not "berating you" and I only mention the VLF thing because most of the public stud races deal with VLF's.

"They didn't lose anything." - Okay, well they could have. For example, events that deal with exploring for event currency, such as the January event. The more energy they have to spend on your girl, only to have it end with someone else successfully breeding her, they just lost out on event currency which could have bought items that they could have either used or sold for sb/gb. How is that not a loss of any kind? Ok sure, higher ferts don't take as long, but the OP isn't separating the different ferts.

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🐶 FlipicusPup
main [S2D] (#22800)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 07:46:03
Re-read my post above Hawkeye, I don't think you should get compensation if you willingly choose to participate in potential stud races. In fact I don't think you should get compensation at all, it's the stud owner's responsibility to check whether she's VLF or not, and with the choice to opt out of stud racing + a notification, nobody should feel cheated out of energy, items, or sb.
Nobody said you should have to pay if they didn't attempt to breed her at all either, I think you misunderstood. The main points /discussions made were in regards to VLFs, stud racing to a goddess/good fertility lioness is just overkill, she'll have more than one heat and if you can't decide between studs then you can do one after the other, you can always pm them and/or check when they were last online on their den page. However, maybe you should put forward a suggestion to get a game notification the first and last day your lionesses are in heat?

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Hawkeye (#55590)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 08:25:57
I only put in caps the points you seemed to miss. It's not like I did the whole thing in caps. Just certain points. Talking about the fact that I should have known my girl was pregnant and that I took responsibility breeding VLF's when in fact I didn't. I only had an hour to send out requests before rollover and her heat ended. They were both high, and there was no potential of losing anything at all. Weather the main focus is on VLF's, the higher ferts will also lose out because of it in case of situations like that. Again, with the example I put out, there was no potential to lose anything at all. Sure, they lost the potential fee, but no energy was lost. Plus if you have an older lioness, only plan to breed her once, or both studs are old, then you could still potentially be unsure.

I'm not against people getting notifications if more than one request is sent. By all means go at it if you all really want it that bad. And I said maybe I would agree on getting some of the energy back. But I don't think you should still be getting SB if you fail to get her pregnant, which is my main issue.

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Lady Zafira (#10834)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:17:18
@Hawkeye, please reread my option. Either the GAME or the PLAYER send the sb, I said nothing about ADMIN sending SB! This is a common thing people seem to misunderstand or leave out. It is your job to notice when a girl is in heat, it shows up as a flame for 3 days, stud racing at the last minute is no excuse. There are other ways to make sure she gets pregnant other then stud racing, I.E items. It is not the fault of the male because you didn't try to give your lioness items. 2 are only 100sb, can't get them? Inform the male and work something out. Do not take advantage of him by letting him waste his energy on her without giving her something to help her get pregnant, or letting him unknowingly waste his energy on her while another male is doing the same.

You seem to be missing the point on sending multiple requests. IF you send out multiple request for a VLF or and low fert girl, and 2 males try to breed her, one male wasted his energy on your girl and got nothing in return but failed breeding attempts. Public studding yes is done at your own risk. Key word Studding, not Stud racing. This maybe a minor annoyance for you, but for others it can be frustrating as the energy they wasted could have been put to exploring or other girls.

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Edited on 11/02/16 @ 16:20:12 by Alphonse (#10834)

ClockKey (#74714)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:21:53
I don't see why we should get rid of it /completely/. I mean yeah, lots of people don't like it, so we should do something about it, but not just remove it from the game...Some people like stud racing actually.

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🐶 FlipicusPup
main [S2D] (#22800)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:27:54
Clockkey- that's why there should be an option if you to choose if you want to do it or not. There are plenty of other suggested features on this thread that don't require getting rid of it altogether.

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Hawkeye (#55590)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:28:16
When I say Admin I mean the GAME. Pardon the wrong wording. But the GAME isn't going to fund you money. Again, that will too easily be taken advantage of. And I don't want to have to pay extra for trying to get my girl pregnant. I never said it wasn't my responsibility. But when there are only 5 people online, and 1 hour left to stud your girl. Yes, I'm going to offer on all five. Because two could have logged out already and the dot just hasn't disappeared. Another could only answer messages and studs once a day. Which would leave me with one. I'm not going to just attempt with one stud and hope I chose the right one when I can stud to all 5 and increase my guarantee of her being covered on time.

And I'm not missing the point. I get that point. My point in return is that it's not ONLY the VLF breeders that will be affected. And Stud racing is a risk you take when publicly studding your male. Yes, it is annoying. I go after event items and everything like crazy, and it sucks when I use energy for essentially no reason. But I'm not going to yell at anyone or get mad at them because of it. I chose put my stud up for sale, and I shouldn't be upset at someone because they chose to use more than one stud and i just happened to luck out.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:32:13
I have a question -mainly to those who dont want to get rid of it.

So if I dont want to participate in stud racing and I check in the option to not receive stud requests from girls who are already having stud requests elsewhere... Then I get a stud requests for a girl who isnt studded anywhere else. I begin to make an effort to breed her. What will stop the owner of the female that they will not sent breeding requests elsewhere while I do this?

Would this feature prevent the owner of the girl that I stud to send stud requests to others? Or would it still leave me vulnerable, making me lose energy and time, also an income because someone else's stud impregnated her and gets the stud price?

How do you think it should work?

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🐶 FlipicusPup
main [S2D] (#22800)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:32:26
No offense Hawkeye, but it's still your responsibility to check if your lionesses are in heat or not, and not everyone will choose to opt out.

Axel- the way I see it is that it should be like in my first post, you opt in and you just get notifications, you opt out and the person requesting has to remove their request to you before choosing another stud. Yes, you may have lost energy after they remove it, but you can't police people changing their minds.

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Edited on 11/02/16 @ 16:35:28 by FlipicusPup [S2D] (Galaxy) (#22800)

ClockKey (#74714)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:34:23
I think if you get a studding request, you should be able to get a notification if she's studding more than one stud, then it's your choice to go ahead and stud her or not. Just an idea...

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Edited on 11/02/16 @ 16:35:26 by ClockKey (#74714)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:36:27
But what if I am the first stud who she sent a request to? What if then -after I begin my attempts- she decides to send a request to another as well? I never agreed to stud racing. So what should happen now? Should I reject the girl, getting no compensation for my wasted effort? Or should she not be able to send stud requests elsewhere than to me?

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ClockKey (#74714)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:37:27

Are you asking me or someone else?

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:38:09
Everyone who says that they dont want to get rid of stud racing completely. So yes, you too.

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ClockKey (#74714)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:39:52

Well, I don't know then. I just threw the idea out there, I mean I haven't typed up a whole planning thread for it...

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🐶 FlipicusPup
main [S2D] (#22800)

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Posted on
2016-02-11 09:46:22
^ read the above, she shouldn't be allowed to have a request sent to another stud if you opt out, the only way to send another request would be if the lionesses owner first removed the request to your stud, and if they tried they would get an error message.

I'm just going to basically repeat what I said in the other reply here-

You would get the option to tick/untick a box which creates different text above/below the stud rules section, for example:
'This player DOES NOT accept stud race requests- you will not be able to send another request for your lioness unless you remove theirs first' when its turned off.
'This player accepts stud race requests, they will be notified if you send other requests for your lioness' when it's turned on.

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