Posted by Gathering Thread [Warrior Clans United RP]

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-01 02:23:31

Warrior Clans United Gathering Page!

This is where we'll be able to meet with all the clans in a Gathering. A set date will be posted to let you know when a Gathering is. You may post here for general talk as well! :)

1st post on page 10: 2 Free breedings to my king.
5th post on page 20: 1 Free decor
7th post on page 25: 5 Carcasses
3rd post on page35: 200 SB
9th post on page 40: 1GB
And so on.....
This will take place in the Clans' first territory. The map is down below:


1 - Cats must be realistic, no super powers. :)
2 - Before your cat starts to have feelings, ask other player about a potential relationship.
3 - The maximum number of cats is 4.
4 - Mating is PG; fade to black. :)
5 - When a battle happens, cat must sustain injuries.
6 - Leaders have 9 lives.
7 - No killing or permanently hurting another RP character without permission
8 - Please be respectful on the chats.
9 - Leaders and medicine cats will be decided by me. Deputies are chosen by the Leader.
10 - Only 1 special cat per person (above Warrior status).
11 - Put in A.A.R in the Other category on sign-up sheet so I know that you read the rules!
12 - All Warrior Cats rules apply, including acceptable names as in the series.
13 - The layout of the clans(Scenery) follows the first book of the first series.

Each clan now has it's own thread:

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/05/16 @ 14:17:21 by LionTamer😇 [A.A.R.] (#66075)


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Posted on
2016-08-02 07:36:16

The light gray tom soon got bored, he got up and looked through the many pelts of the other cats. He wondered who the other medicine cats were, his eyes scanned around the cats.


Tiger looked up at the cat on the rock, her fur was scorched and she looked tired. He tilted his head as he independently looked up wondering who the cat was.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-08-02 07:37:12
Wildheart || Warrior - Thunderclan || Mentions: Sunpaw, Antmask, Palejaw

Wildheart nodded. "Thanks for understanding. She's like that sometimes, but I promise, she really means well and just isn't used to having so many warriors and older cats around that she can ask about anything and everything," she explained. "I think we're all having some problems right now, but that doesn't mean they should be a conversation starter with cats not in your clan." With an attempt at a friendly smile, the fluffy she-cat walked over to Tiger, who was looking up at the Shadowclan leader, looking confused.

"Hey, Tiger. That's Froststar, Shadowclan's leader, if you didn't know."

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Edited on 02/08/16 @ 14:40:11 by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-08-02 07:47:09

"Nice to meet you. And yes, we had fire difficulties. My lungs are still burning despite me being so short. It's best to let Froststar explain the rest of our situation." Antmask purred. "Apologies if im rude, but how might your clan be going?"

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-02 07:47:38
(O.O.C. - Mapleivy was the one who made the skinny comment)

Mapleivy, Warrior, Shadowclan, Mentions: Palejaw.

Mapleivy looked around the gathering hollow. "What now?" She asked Palejaw, she was kind of bored and wanted the gathering to start.

Hollyfeather, Warrior, Windclan, Mentions: Sunpaw

Hollyfeather padded over to a sad looking Thunderclan apprentice. "Hey, you're Sunpaw right? What's wrong?" Hollyfeather meowed.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-08-02 07:48:20

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-02 07:52:54
SunPaw-thunderclan-mentions Holly feather

SunPaw was startled and snapped out of her weird trance. " I don't think I should tell anyone about it." She said in a soft voice, it echoed the pain in her heart at the death of her mother.

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Edited on 02/08/16 @ 14:54:10 by MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-02 07:55:10

Taking a branch up by the leaders, Alderfall clears his throat. "Let us proceed with the Gathering. Cloudstar is not able to be present today, for she is getting ready to have kits anytime now."
He digs his claws into the branch to not fall, waiting for the cats to calm down.

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Posted on
2016-08-02 07:56:35

Tiger saw the she-cat and smiled, " thanks H" he purred as he meowed as he looked up at the leader. He secretly wanted to be the leader of the clan one day but no one would like a former loner as a leader. He sighed.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-08-02 07:57:02
Darkpaw-Windclan-Medicinecat's apprentice
"I just wanted to know if you would need any herbs. We have some tansy stored." He meowed then turned to look at his clanmates. "We were attacked by some rouges. Luckily we had no casualties and very few injuries. Just a few scratches and bruises. The rouges scared away the prey for a while. It's started coming back though." He meowed not wanting to make his clan sound weak.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-08-02 08:00:15
Wildheart || Warrior - Thunderclan || Mentions: Everyone

Wildheart looked up as the Gathering was called to order, steeled herself, and jumped up to the branch. "Our leader and deputy are also unable to attend; they have fallen sick, and our medicine cat has stayed to care for them," she said, shaking a little with nerves. "So I will speak for Thunderclan at this Gathering."

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-08-02 08:01:20

"Rouges? That must of been a lot of them to drive out that much prey.." Antmask said. "I could ask Froststar to help out a bit once this situation is under control with us. Oh, and yes. We are in quite a need for herbs, mostly honey." He meowed, his ears perking at Alderfalls voice. Antmask trotted beside Froststar's rock, giving her a faint smile.

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-02 08:04:07
Poisonpaw || Male || 6 moons || Medicine cat apprentice || Riverclan || Mentions: Medicine cats

Poisonpaw looked around, glancing at the other cats from the other clans, surprised at how many cats there were. Only one thing bothered him, how eerie it felt to be here, everyone's moods seemed dull and blank with boredom. Without saying a word, he took off, trying to find where the medicine cats were, hoping to find a scent that smelled of herbs. After a little bit of tracking, he reached where the medicine cats were, only to pad away and sit two tail-lengths away from the others, feeling nervous but at the same time, empty.

(Gathering is probably starting so I just added on)

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Edited on 02/08/16 @ 15:08:05 by ✨NeptuneNebula✨ (7/20 GB) (#64036)

BIN (#24845)

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Posted on
2016-08-02 08:04:59

Palejaw was about to speak, when he heard another cat, and immediately got up from his spot to get closer. "It seems the gathering is starting right now. Cmon" He motioned for Mapleivy to join him to hear the speaking cats better.

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-02 08:09:28
SunPaw-thunderclan-mentions:Holly feather
" My mom died after I was born, she wasn't like most cats she said stuff in another language, and when she was dying I remember her saying, I am joining Tir Na Nog and a little bit ago I saw her!" Sunpaw said finally giving up not telling anyone. " As I approached she faded away, she appeared as I was embarrassed, by something that I will not say."

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Edited on 02/08/16 @ 15:11:03 by MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-08-02 08:10:48
Darkpaw-Windclan-Medicinecat's apprentice

"That won't be necessary, but thank you." Darkpaw meowed as Antmask padded away. He slipped over to where Windclan was sitting and sat to listen to the leaders. He was surprised that Alderfall was speaking for Windclan, but didn't let it show.

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