Posted by Windclan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:40:58
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Windclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

September Event: The Harvest

Now that the loss of prey is finally fading, Windclan is almost back to normal. Food is of plenty, and families are growing. When strange plants begin to appear in the dry plains, the questions begin. Perhaps the harvest was too great? As the new herbs grow, a medicine cat is desperately needed to find out the answer to what may be danger.

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:44 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-19 13:01:29
Badger's form blanched away from Misty's first touch and his fur bristled. His head snapped towards her. When he saw who it was though, his fur flattened and his eyes softened. "I...I don't know..." he shook his head. "If starclan can give the leaders nine lives, why cant they give us ALL nine lives? I mean..What's stopping them from bringing Rootpaw back?" His meow slowly grating into a growl. He shook his head again, "I'm sorry" he murmured. He gave Misty's ear an apologetic lick.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-19 13:02:21
He laid in the same long grass he had fallen into when he wasn't feeling too well. He was angry with Starclan, with the truth, with basically everything that had gone wrong. He went up to a tree, unsheathed his claws and just started clawing at it in shear anger. Everything about his movements showed deep anger, he wanted no cat near him at that moment, he just clawed at the tree.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-06-19 13:25:34

Misty looked up at him "if they gave us all nine lives, what would make the leaders special? Not everything goes the way we hope" she mewed softly. Her eyes, normally bright and cheerful, were surprisingly dull, filled with pain and sorrow. She didn't know RootPaw all that well, but knowing such a young cat had been taken hurt her. She was trying to keep her feelings hidden, but wasn't doing all that well at it

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-19 13:58:39
"Why do they have to be special?" Badger meowed with a tilt of his head.
(I would have his tail do somthing but he has no tail...)

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-19 14:00:59
(Hi Snow kit! XD long time no see, how was camp? c: no I think Whitetail needs to talk to cats more xD how about he visits Quickstep? XD)

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-06-19 20:02:31

Misty sighed softly "if they weren't special, how would they keep their Clan from rebelling? How would they control so many cats with nine lives?"

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 02:54:20
He stopped clawing at the tree, he was done and he calmed down. He looked around and sheathed his claws, he padded back to camp and noticed Quickstep. He padded up to her, "hi there Quickstep, how are you?" He smiled.

(I dunno where she is xD so sorry if it is weird..)

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 03:04:18
(She is sitting in the nursery. She was trying to keep her kits from seeing the body)

Quickstep looked up from her kits to see Whitetail. "Oh, hi Whitetail" She meowed with a smile, you could see in her eyes that she was sad and worried.

Badger sighed and nodded, "I guess that makes since, but couldn't they give us at least two?".

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 03:11:37
(Ah ok xD then he is at the entrance so it makes sense xD)
He looked down at the kits and then back up to Quickstep, "it will all be ok" he smiled sweetly at her. "Try not to worry ok..." He was in the way so she and the kits couldn't see poor Rootpaw. He made sure they couldn't see, he was worried about them..

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 03:13:09

Misty shrugged "I'm sure that if they could, they would" she murmured, her tail curling over her paws

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 03:18:49
A little bit of the worry in Quickstep's gase faded away at Whitetail's words. She mouthed -thank you- and them meowed, "I know, but if there is poison in the territory, how am I to know that the next mouse I eat won't leave my kits motherless...".

(Didn't see your post sorry)
Badger frowned, most of his anger had faded but he couldn't shake the idea of...somthing. He smiled to Misty, "I hate seeing my clan mates so upset" he meowed.

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Edited on 20/06/16 @ 10:22:37 by Snowkit (#23944)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 03:23:44
He looked at her, his gaze full of determination and kindness, "I will make sure there is nothing in the prey. I promise.." He wanted to get closer to her in hopes of making her feel better but, he stayed where he was..

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 03:29:10

Misty sighed softly "i do too. But hating StarClan wont fix anything" she mewed, her ears twitching softly

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Luca (#73793)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 05:46:25
Nutflight - Camp

Nutflight decided she wasn't hungry and sat near Rootpaw's body, her eyes closed. She thought about various things, swirling her concentration until she had to shake her head to stop. (Can someone please roleplay with me? This is getting really boring.)

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Edited on 20/06/16 @ 12:48:15 by Mufasa (#73793)

Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 05:46:51
Quickstep smiled. "Thanks, but be careful. I don't want you to be a casualty, so check your own to." She meowed with a light but still serious tone. She liked Whitetail and didn't want anycat else to die. Most of the clan is already wounded and weak. "Do you think I could trust somecat to watch the kits. I'm not as hurt as some other cats and I could hunt. I mean we all need food..." She meowed. She was thinking mabye one of the wounded cats could watch them with one of the apprentices. "We could hunt to bring everycats spirits up. I don't know about you but I can't stay sad if you put fresh prey in front of everycat." She meowed with a joking tone.


Badger nodded, "Ok, I'll try".

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