Posted by Windclan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:40:58
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Windclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

September Event: The Harvest

Now that the loss of prey is finally fading, Windclan is almost back to normal. Food is of plenty, and families are growing. When strange plants begin to appear in the dry plains, the questions begin. Perhaps the harvest was too great? As the new herbs grow, a medicine cat is desperately needed to find out the answer to what may be danger.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:44 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-22 01:08:58
"We can sort them when we get back" Darkpaw meowed trotting after Mintwood. He looked happy, or as happy as he ever looked. He flicked an ear and smiled, making his face get all wrinkly looking. His thin hairless tail sledding along in the air behind him just above the ground.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-06-22 05:24:55

Hello clan members, it's Role Call!

Please check in your character at this time in the WCU RP lounge, to make sure your character does not get booted from the role play! We're cutting back on inactive members so that others have a chance to play. :)

You can find the thread to check in HERE! and post your character name, and what clan they're in!

Thank you so much!

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.Lone Wolf. (#60021)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-22 08:23:49

|-Flintpaw- Apprentice - WC-|
Picking up all his prey and nodding his head at his mentor, he headed back to camp with two rabbits and three small voles. Placing it on the small prey pile, he smiled to see it grow to a semi-decent size. Choosing the smallest vole for himself, he picked it up and padded a bit away and started to eat it slowly.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-22 08:27:33
Spottedpaw trotted to the old warriors den. She peaked her head into medium hole and looked at the remains.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 05:55:48
He padded beside Quickstep, "I'm fine, no need to worry" he smiled. He didn't feel that bad.. his wounds didn't really hurt.. he just felt different.. he wasn't exactly that happy like every other cat but, he felt more happy with Quickstep.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 09:01:20

Alderfall moves back over to the food pile him and Flintpaw have stored up, and waited for him to return. His stomach was roaring with hunger, and he wanted to get back so that the clan was fed.
"Almost done?" he calls over softly, looking around for his apprentice.

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.Lone Wolf. (#60021)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-23 09:22:47

|-Flintpaw- Apprentice - WC-|
Standing up, he trotted out of camp back to Alderfall to collect the rest of the prey. Nodding his head at his mentor, he picks up half the pile of the prey and makes his way back to camp.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 09:24:17

Gingerly picking up the rest of the carcasses, Alderfall follows Flintpaw back to camp.
He didn't say anything since his mouth was full, but he respected his apprentice, proud of the work he has done for his clan.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 11:05:03
Badger padded over to the warrior's den (in the actual camp) and began to move rocks out.

Quickstep smiled and meowed, "I'm glad your ok, but you might want to get those cobwebs replaced when we get back ok?".

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 12:40:24

Spottedpaw tried to rolled the biggest rock chunks out of the den. She only managed to get two out before moving back to smaller rocks. She was more exhausted moving the two big rocks.

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Luca (#73793)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 22:47:45
Nutflight - Outside the nursery

Nutflight perked her ears and moved her tail. She could hear Snakekit creeping up on her, but decided to let him exercise her stalking skills. She lapped at her paw and ran it over her whiskers, than scanned the clearing, examining every cat.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 23:29:53
He smiled, "of course I will, don't worry.. I will be fine. I am more concerned about you" he looked around, trying to pick up a scent of what might be good prey, rabbits can easily get plump so, that was what he was trying to find..

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 23:55:30
Snakekit leveled her tail with the ground and pounced. She landed on Nutflight and couldn't keep her ballance. She tumbled off almost the moment she landed and got her hind paws caught in Nutflight'so fur.

Badger smiled at Spottedpaw's efforts and began to roll the last two larger rocks out of the entrance. He got one of them out, it had rolled nicely. The other moved about a tail length and then got stuck. "Could you help me with this one Spottedpaw?" He meowed shoving the rock once more gaining an inch of ground.

Quickstep nodded at his response and began tasting the air. "I, glad your not overworking yourself too much now" She meowed turning to face down the slope they were on. She tasted the air again and thought she could smell rabbit, faintly, like it was a long ways off.

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Luca (#73793)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 00:19:33
Nutflight - Outside of Nursery - Mentioning Snakekit

Nutflight picked up Snakekit by her scruff and put her on her paws, purring. "You'll make a great hunter one day if you keep practicing your pouncing skills!" She licked Snakekit's forehead. "I'm going to watch you for a bit. Any games you want to play?"

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 00:27:32
"Your going to watch us? Where's mama?" Snakekit asked tilting her head to the side. She shifted on her paws and was thinking of games to play if Nutflight said yes.

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