Posted by Windclan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:40:58
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Windclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

September Event: The Harvest

Now that the loss of prey is finally fading, Windclan is almost back to normal. Food is of plenty, and families are growing. When strange plants begin to appear in the dry plains, the questions begin. Perhaps the harvest was too great? As the new herbs grow, a medicine cat is desperately needed to find out the answer to what may be danger.

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:44 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 11:03:32
Badger meowed a greeting to the two she-cats as they padded up.

Quickstep nodded a similar greeting, but continued strait into camp. She needed to think, so she he added to her nest in the warrior's den but just lay down in an empty nest because hers was still just a pile of messy being she needed to rebuild.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 22:48:48

Misty padded into camp and dropped her rabbit on the fresh-kill pile, then glanced around the camp. With CloudStar gone, who would be fit enough to take her place until she was back? Her tail twitched as she sat and flicked her ears, her gaze shifting to the sky

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 08:06:17
Badger glanced at Misty and he was proud of her for catching a nice big piece of prey for the clan. He almost purred.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 08:12:07

Misty laid down and stretched out, her gaze on the entrance as she thought of going back out to do some solo hunting

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 11:08:47
(It's so boring with Cloudstar and Alderfall gone....😑)

Quickstep rolled over so her legs sprawled in the air.
×She was swimming, running, then flying around the territorysame of the clan. Then she fell, fast and hard to the ground in the middle of twoleg place. She could see...could see him, her 'mate'. He was leading a small partrol down an alley, chasing off a small dog. He looked so much like the cat she could remember from before he joined that awful group. She could see his bone spiked colar yes, but he looked so happy as he chased the dog. She began to cry.×
Quickstep whimpered in her sleep and curled into a tight ball.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 11:13:18
(yee XD blame Smo)

Misty twitched her ears, glancing towards the warriors den. She knew something was wrong, but didn't want to bother the warriors

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 11:44:30

Badger glanced back towards the warrior's den wondering if he should go see what's wrong.

Quickstep felt the tears in her dream because they were real. ×She saw him back when he was the sweet loner that she had loved. She flew down and rubbed up against him, but he couldn't see of feel her and just kept padding along. She saw herself slip out of some bushes and a voice filtired in. "This is the last day I ever saw him how he was" Her voice said in her mind.×
She trembled in her nest. Her eyes flew open when she had yelled her last words at him. She just lay in her nest crying and trembling, remembering him still hurt. Now she was having his kits... oh, she felt torn between going to tell him and hoping he'd love them, or hating herself for having them.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-05-11 05:15:17

Misty soon stood and, silently, sped out of camp. Once out of camp, she sat in area quite a way away from the entrance and stared at the sky, her eyes sparkling in the sun as she wondered what to do. She sighed, tempted to go and search for CloudStar and AlderFall herself--who would miss her if she got taken?

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-11 07:11:58
(Oh peanuts.. everyone blame Smo! The one who wants to make a cool plot line! :P)

Alderfall slips into sleep, seeing a cave. He walks in, and he could see himself, Cloudstar, and his father. He goes over to his father, and the old cat was curled around the same exact place for the days they've been there.
He tries to touch him, but he goes through his father.
Alderfall looks past his father, and sees the reason why. There's a tunnel.
It was a test. Thorn wanted him to kill his father.
That's why he said he was going to die.
Alderfall squeezes down the tunnel, and at the end of it there was two cats standing at the entrance.
Alderfall jolts awake.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-05-11 07:17:22

CloudStar sat away from him, awake and staring out the cave entrance. She was wanting to leave, but knew she wouldn't get far. She hadn't eaten anything for the time they've been there, but was trying to be more cheerful around AlderFall. Now, not even her long, messy fur could hide how thin she was getting

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-11 07:30:19

Alderfall looks at Cloudstar. "You need food. You're not just feeding yourself anymore."
He gets up, going to the entrance of the cave. "Hey, can we get some food please?"
The rogues turn round and look at him. "Wow, that's a first. We thought you'd just want to starve."
One of the rogues walks off, and another replaces him.
Alderfall goes back over to Cloudstar. "That was weird."
He wanted to tell her what happened in his dream, but she had to get her strength up before they could leave.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-05-11 08:13:27
(I don't blame you Smo, we needed a good story.)

Quickstep shivered, but had stopped crying. She rolled onto her paws and desided she would go sit and watch the enrance. She padded out grabbed a mouse and sat by the entrance. "I'll watch camp for a while Badger, you can go rest or whatever" she meowed.

Badger nodded and headed out of camp to hunt.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-05-11 08:20:58

CloudStar glanced at him, her tail curling over her paws. She sighed, shaking her head as she didn't want to believe they were really stuck here "I suppose you're right...." She mewed, trying to hide how much she didn't trust the rogues' food. She returned her gaze to the rogue camp, occasionally glancing up at the sky


Misty stared at her paws, her eyes now closed and her ears twitching

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-05-11 08:24:55
(I don't know what to make every cat do :C )

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-11 08:30:14

Alderfall shoves his nose in her fur. "We'll make it. I know we will."
He purrs, his love for her never dwindling.

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