Posted by Riverclan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:44:24
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Riverclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

September Event: Warriors Rising

Now that the many trials Riverclan has faced is finally dying down, it is time for celebration. Apprentices are being made warriors, and kits are finally growing into young leaders. Though the peace has come, it may not last long until new troubles arise. On the Eve of the next Gathering, a mystery that was once left in the dust is now being uncovered..

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:55 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 15:29:34

Shaking her head, Moonfrost says politely, "That may not be the best idea right now, Soulstar is still... Recovering. He lost a life and must take some time to get his strength back. Maybe you can go out with me and gather some herbs? That will help Poppyfreckle out a lot I'm sure."
She turns, headed towards the camp entrance. Warily, she looks back as she walks outside and awaits Pantherfoot to follow.

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Smartie (#67158)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 15:33:47

A little bit uneased, Mosspaw nudged up against his sister. "I miss her." Looking around, he wanted to do something to get his mind off the recent deaths. "We should go see if there is anything else we can do to help, Darkpaw."

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cillian murphy
girlfriend (#65134)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 15:38:03
The pale tom looks around, and sees Moonfrost waiting at the camp entrance. Curious, he walked warily up to her."Hello, Moonfrost? What ever are you doing?" He queried. Why would a cat be out?

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 15:39:52
"Must be scary to loose a life..." Pantherfoot thought.
She eagerly pads behind Moonfost. Only seconds ago was she alone and confused, and now it seemed she had made a potential friend. "Can we collect shells too? I love things that sparkle, and maybe Soulstar would be happy if we gave him some nice shells! Er, that is after he recovers..."

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 15:41:50
Moonfrost-Pantherfoot, Palenight

Moonfrost smiles upon the greetings from Palenight. "Hey there Palenight! I believe Pantherfoot and I were about to go hunting for herbs for Poppyfreckle. He may or may not be low, so we might as well help out with what we can."
She sniffs the air, looking over at the Tom and exhaling. "What are you up to? "
She hears Pantherfoot and purrs lightly. "Of course we can gather some shells. Sounds like a nice adventure to me."

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Edited on 29/07/16 @ 22:44:38 by SmoGirl [#TeamSmomiah] (#69866)

NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-29 15:53:03
Poisonkit || Male || 5 moons || Riverclan || Riverclan Camp || Mentions: Moonfrost, Pantherfoot

Poisonkit watched as the two cats, Moonfrost and Pantherfoot, left camp in search of herbs, wishing he could help but, he wasn't allowed to leave camp until he was made an apprentice. Left alone in the corner of the camp, Poisonkit had nothing to play with other than a small pebble, tossing it back and forth until he got bored. With nothing to do, he flopped his head down upon the ground, looking around the camp with his small, starving stomach.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 15:56:22
Pantherfoot| Moonfrost & Palenight
Flicking her tail happily, she meows."Great!" Turning her head, she looked back curiously at the male Moonfrost called "Palenight".

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Edited on 29/07/16 @ 22:59:13 by Pantherfoot 🐾 (#79034)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 16:10:43
Pantherfoot| Moonfrost
She was anxious about wandering around in any place besides the camp. And wanted to get back and make more friends...

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Edited on 30/07/16 @ 10:58:11 by Pantherfoot 🐾 (#79034)

clefairy (#77130)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-29 16:17:32
Wildkit|Mention: Poisonkit

Wildkit padded up to Poisonkit and kicked the small pebble back to him. She heard the growl of his stomach. "How come you're hungry?" Wildkit asked. "It's just the fish that's bad. It's what got me all dizzy and stiff."

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Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-30 03:23:24
Soulstar - Camp - Mentions: Wildkit, Poisonkit, Beetlekit

Nosing around in the pile for some food for the kits he slowly picked up a mouse for each of them and as he passed by them dropped a mouse in front of them, "Can't have my future warriors starve to death before their sixth moon," he chuckled and licked their foreheads as he passed.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:16:51
Successful in their herb hunt, Pantherfoot not only found shiny shells, but a flower bed too. And using twine that she found hanging off a tree, she crafted many beautiful necklaces with dozens of clinking shells with red, orange and white flowers. Confident in her crafting skills, she strutted through the forest with her mane of shells and flowers, but tripped over a rock... Dropping her bundle of precious herbs that were in her mouth.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:25:51

Moonfrost was breathing heavily, looking back and forth in the undergrowth. The herbs she picked up earlier got on her tongue, and she started feeling woozy and fatigued. She couldn't find Pantherfoot anywhere, so she hid in the bushes, praying to Starclan that the pain would go away; but in fact it only got worse. Soon she was writhing in pain, rolling over in the leaves and yowling out. She started to think of Sunflare, their kits, their noses together. Soon she passed out.

(Moonfrost is going to die, and the kits)

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:30:55
A yowl echoed through the trees and pierced Panther's tender ears...
"Someone's in trouble!" Ditching her herb bundle, she raced through the woods, tracking the painful sound. And found Moonfrost, her limp body behind brush. "Moonfrost! Please tell me there's something I could do!" The She-cat didn't answer... Throwing off her necklaces she gripped Moonfrost's scruff and began to drag her towards camp.

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Edited on 30/07/16 @ 11:35:18 by Pantherfoot 🐾 (#79034)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:31:53
(Moonfrost passed out)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:36:47

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Edited on 30/07/16 @ 11:37:19 by Sans-💀 (LOL)(WCU) (#29566)

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