Posted by Starseeker Pack RP Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-27 11:13:05
Sunrise/Duskfall Packs Sign-Ups
Shadowpack Sign-Ups
Gathering Place
Chat Thread

The main camp of Starseeker Pack lies in the wide, round bottom of a shallow canyon basin, a month's walk from the borders of three other major packs, Duskfall, Sunrise, and Shadowpack. These wolves are usually intelligent, but not skilled in hand-to-hand (or in this case, claw and tooth) combat. To make up for this, however, the wolves of Starseeker have, for generations, been master craftsmen. Weapons and armor have been their specialty for as long as they could fashion tools, but the crafting wolves specialize in jewlery and architecture as well.

Fox, ram, badger, deer, coyote, and wild boar are often found nearby in the forests and plains. In the open plain, a bison herd can often be found, but such animals are incredibly difficult to hunt, often needing half the pack to get a decent-sized juvenile. A long, winding river flows a day's walk away and water is often difficult to get.

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Edited on 04/06/16 @ 08:01:30 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-07-18 10:41:14
Aiera | Female | 3.5 years | Weaponmaker

Aiera lifted her head, a leather mouthguard protecting her teeth, and slammed the blunt stone on the unmoving slab of sandstone. She squeezed her eyes shut as shrapnel burst around her, thin pieces clattering to the ground. Opening her eyes revealed the stone, broken in such a way that it made an almost-perfect blade shape. With personal satisfaction, she turned, stepping toward the rough sandstone wheel. An ear-splitting sound screeched as the soon-to-be blade scraped across it, sharpening as much as it could. The weaponmaker leaned the sharp stone on the wheel and turned, expecting to see a pile of leather strips. A single torn strip lay discarded near the far wall where the pile should have been, making Aiera huff in annoyance. With her tongue, she forced the mouthguard out, the straps keeping it on tickling her snout and chin as they slid over. "Looks like Acorn-brain [NPC; Weaponmaker] forgot to replenish the leather stock. Again," she mumbled, "It's one of his only jobs for this exact reason. If we can't trust him to do just this, then why does he expect us to trust him with weapons? Come on, Athena, looks like we have to get more leather strips from the tannery."

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-18 11:55:52
(Im so excited xD)

Hercules - Beta
He sighed, Only 4 wolves? "Can anyone else join us?" His voice boomed across camp, then lowered as he addressed the wolves coming, "Quin, Dox and Nixon(NPCS). I need you three to cover the left and right flanks carefully. Me and Misfit *NPC* will go for the front. Remember, these creatures CAN bring us down and possibly kill us. We will go for a young female or weakened buck ok?" He looked into the 4 pairs of eyes before him, his body in 'beta-mode' instead of the usual carefree look he always has about him. "Dox, Nixon. Take special care to watch out for Quin, his mom will have my hide if something bad happens to him." His muzzle turned to the skies, "and shall Teklis lead us well on our hunt!"(So short sorry)

Crystal - Loner
Her paws ached, finally slowing into a walk. She had left the roaring death machines long behind her as they veered off in different directions to look for her. Amber eyes drooped sleepily as the maned wolf collapsed on the ground in utter exhaustion. She had been running on pure adrenaline for the past 1 and 1/2 days, now as her knees wobbled she hit the dusty ground and fell into a deep sleep. Jumbled messages from the ancestors rattling around her head. By the time she woke it had only passed a few hours, scuffling nearby causing her large red/white/black ears to swivel around and her sharp sense of smell to catch the scent of a coyote and something freshly killed nearby. Crystal let out a loud growl, shakily moving to her paws and lunging at the coyote. "Get out of here you son of Maclin!" She snarled out loudly, jumping at the foul beast and scaring it away from the young ram carcass, the maned wolf thanked the ancients silently before chowing down on the creature. Filling her empty stomach happily, the maned wolf stood and began a slower journey, looking more carefully for a water source then she had much earlier in the day.

Dustine - Scout (been gone for a long time)
White paws drug across the hot ground, the sun beating down on her pelt as she limped towards her home. She had been ambushed a mere day ago and was most likely on the list for another beat down as well. Though her once beautiful pelt was covered in blood and wounds she showed no signs of being in pain, her head hanging low as fresh blood dripped down her muzzle and off the end of her nose and chin, having reopened the wounds when dipping her head in a river to rinse off the blood. -short-

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-07-18 12:28:00
Quin | Apprentice Noble [SS] 8M

Quin sneered for just a moment when Hercules mentioned his mother. Reaching down, he opened his sheath and gripped the leather of his newly polished and sharpened knife in his jaws with a fierce growl. "I can look out for myself. Don't worry about me, Dox. Nixon." He shook out his head and dipped his head to Hercules "I will guard the flanks just as well as any other, sir."

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Vulture (#67095)

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Posted on
2016-07-18 13:36:41
Athena snorted. " Acorn-brain forgot? Again?" She shook her head." I'll have his head next time he forgets." She said, scoffing. She stretched out, feeling some of her vertebrae pop before shaking out her fur. "Alright, let's go." She headed out of the den, and towards the tannery. She walked in, spoke to a Tanner, and grabbed a leather hide. She could cut it herself. She turned to Aiera, nodding at her to grab another or some strips, as Acorn-Brain wasn't going to do it.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-07-18 15:51:04
Aiera | Female | 3.5 years | Weaponmaker

Aiera trotted beside Athena, smiling and waving her tail at a group of young males as they conversed, cutting off their words for a moment. "You should go join the bison hunt," she suggested off-handedly, gesturing to the small collection of wolves nearly ready to head out, "They need more, but hurry up." She picked up speed to catch up to the other Weaponmaker, coming to her side as they entered the large hut. "You know, I have half a mind to join the hunt myself," she said simply, "If I weren't so darn good at making weapons, I'd be a warrior. A good one too. And don't think I don't test out my weapons. By now, I know how to use them. But we also must prepare for the Noble's arrival." She loaded a pile of leather strips onto a short, wide basket and took the strap in her jaws.

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Red (#94611)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-07-19 03:35:38
Sixis | Female | 1.5 years| Delta
|\| Anyone |\|

Sixis trotted into the camp smiling. She was bored and wanted to do something. When she wasn't paying attention she tripped on her own paws and fell on her side. She got so embarrassed that her tail curled up. She quietly started to curse about how she was stupid and couldn't do anything right.

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Red (#94611)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-08-22 09:02:50
(Herro? Anyone wanna RP?)

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 10:26:35
[I do, but there's nothing my characters can do at the moment. Though I recently made a wild Mustang herd RP if you're interested in horses.]

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Vulture (#67095)

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Posted on
2016-10-01 02:27:26
Athena scoffed as the males stopped talking and looked over to Aiera."Well, You're popular Among the brutes, i see." She said, before Grabbing a basket of leather strips herself. She shook her head lightly. She had never thought about who she liked, she was always busy with Weaponmaking.

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