Posted by ☯ We are one ☯

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-08 00:28:16
We Are One *Image Source*

50 years ago wolves were becoming a legend, after all their habitat was restricted. Food became scarce. They begun to wander more into towns, and a lot more hunts took place on the civilized farms until the wolves were declared a pest. That was until the organization of KODA stepped in. These people began to gather wolves of sub species together, creating a perfect safe haven for the canines. To maintain genetic variation some wolves DNA were mixed with dogs, breeds like huskies, wolf-dogs, and other sub-species were born. Some of the wolves were born naturally, these were considered the 'perfect wolves'. Their pack was nicknamed the Foirfe Pack. Those born from a test tube were considered to be an 'engineered wolf'. This pack was nicknamed the Erstellt Pack. The two packs were kept separate, after all they couldn't risk ruining the pure bloodline.

People didn't like KODA industries, to them wolves were nothing but filthy creatures that bought death. These people took action. One night they took the wolves from their enclosures. They had intended to slaughter them, but things didn't go as planned. They crashed, and the wolves were unexpectedly released into the wild where they went back to their original packs. As time had gone on, the land they once shared had gotten smaller, forcing the packs into borderline war over land. Will one eradicate the other or will they join together against the humans?

Foirfe Pack *Image Source*
+ General Foirfe pack wolf attitudes +:
These wolves are generally proud of their inheritance, thinking of themselves greater than those of the Erstellt Pack. Despite they're pride this pack is known to be caring for their own and are bold by nature. Not afraid to take risks, they'd put they're lives on the line for each other. Full of passion they allow their hearts to rule their actions.
Foirfe pack beliefs:
Their greatest honor is dying for a fellow pack mate, or truly selfless acts of that nature (giving up food even if you're starving etc). These wolves believe in a place called Scamall, one where you reach if your good deeds out weigh your bad actions. In this place you watch over your pack from above, always caring for those on the earth below. They're burial ritual is where each wolf stands close to the deceased, and will spend a nights vigil, howling and mourning over the wolf. In the morning, as the sun rises, each wolf will gently press a nose to the body before it is buried in the earth. They have a special burial place, usually marked out with what ever they can find, although a stone is place on the boundary for each dead wolf. They care for the old and weak as it is seen as a great honor.
Erstellt Pack *Image Source*
- General Erstellt pack wolf attitudes -
These wolves are generally resentful of the Foirfe pack, allowing hate to fuel them. They're more likely to have outbursts of anger and put themselves first, but they don't enjoy taking risks. Cold and logical these wolves follow their heads. These wolves don't tolerate wolves that are too badly injured or old, they will generally kill them off in a ritual.
Erstellt pack beliefs :
They believe that dying in battle is the greatest honor, sending them to a place where they do nothing but fight and kill. This place is called Krieg. Their burial ritual is that the deceased wolf will be laid before the pack, usually at night and each alpha will take a small clump of fur from the body. These clumps of fur are then placed into a nearby bramble bush, the body is floated down the river. The badly injured or old will be ceremonially killed. The wolf will be asked to choose a sparring partner, the longer they last the greater chances they have of getting into Krieg.


♛♚Alphas♛♚ are the leaders of the pack and their word is law within the pack. Alphas can decide if a wolf's rank and fate within the pack. They are the first to eat meals and will fight any wolf to show their dominance when necessary. Alpha's can be the same sex, or rule solo.
MUST Have an RP Sample if you want to be an alpha.
Betas shadow the Alphas and are second in command within the pack. They can enforce punishment upon wolves and make decisions for the welfare of the pack without the Alphas' consent. The Betas take over Alpha position when they are busy or away. This rank is usually occupied by blood inheritance with the alpha.
Advisers are older wolves, more than likely elders who offer wisdom to the alpha pair. In the Erstellt Pack these would be decorate war heros.
Healers cure wounds and tend to the ill. There is only one healer for Erstellt Pack, two/three for Foirfe Pack.
Hunters make sure the pack is fully fed at all times. They will choose who leads a hunting trip within their own rank, although higher ranks often join in.
Guards (Foirfe Pack only) Put others in place to protect themselves. The are considered to be the most skilled fighters.
Warriors are the protectors of the pack and will fight intruders and defend the pack's territory. This is a very important and necessary position in the pack.(Erstellt pack only)
Elders are highly respected wolves, which once held a rank, but are now retired. They have earned the right to relax their days away and often watch pups and spin tales for them. They may offer the Alphas advice, when asked for it. (Foirfe pack only)
Den Bound is for the injured (only really injured wolves for the Foirfe Pack) This low rank is also used for pregnant wolves, a.k.a expecting mothers.
Pups are the packs next generation and are protected and cherished at all times.
Loners dont belong to any pack. They could be outcasts etc.


You must post at least once every three days.(Please restrain from asking what happened, on the RP thread.) If you are having family problems or cant post because a certain reason please contact one of the admins or mods of the RP.
❥You must post at least 4 sentences a post. Its not that hard :) This RP will be character driven. Please Use proper grammar (Ex: I'm gr8) is not appropriate.
❥Please put
Name // Age // Rank // Pack // Mentioned
in every post. There will be two packs, so we need to know who is who. If you have multiple characters, they must each have their own heading, and paragraph(s) etc. I don't want multiple characters in one big blob. Must be separated.
❥It would be nice, if you could put the location in you're RP posts. So if you intrude another territory, it would be easier to know.
❥ In Other please put 'We Are One'
❥ Owners/Mods/Admins have the final say
❥ 1 character for now until you prove your commitment
❥ No killing without the owner of the characters consent
❥ Please don't try and make this RP about romance, feel free to have them but don't make it a main focus
Application*Image Source*
(Characters name)
(Male or Female)
(Chaotic good, Neutral Evil, that sort of thing)
(If they belong to a pack, please specify which one)
(MUST BE AN IMAGE - No detailed describtions. I never understant that. In order to be accepted you must credit the photo.)

(This is for any scars/scarfs you're character has on him/her. Clickable links would be nice)
(At least a paragraph. Include likes, dislikes, flaws, and strengths. Really flesh out your character!)

(At least a paragraph. Include how they came to the pack, if they were born here or wandered here by chance.)
Skill Application:
(Make a few small percentages if possible.)
❥ Hunting %
❥Fighting %
❥Herbs %
❥Social %
❥Stamina %
❥Smarts %
Crush // Mate:
(Passcode here)
Other 2:
(How does you're character sound? Anything else you want to add?)
RP Sample:(Alpha's Only)

Useful Links:
HTML Guide
Kiannia's Den
Xilo's Den

RP thread

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 12:20:57 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-08 00:29:57

Packs, and Ranks

Foirfe Pack

♛ Akila
♚ Dakota
Advisers :(0/3)
Healers (1/3)
♀ Akela
♂ Aslan
Den Bound: (Unlimited)

Erstellt Pack

♛ Ze'eva
♚ Kaelel
Advisers :(1/3)
♀ Cloud
Healers (1/1)FULL
♀ Flash
Den Bound: (Unlimited)



Signs Used
♀ (Female)
♂ (Male)
♛ (Alpha Female)
♚ (Alpha Male)
➳ (Married // Mates) A.K.A struck by cupid

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Edited on 10/05/16 @ 20:30:01 by Xilo (#14257)

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-08 00:30:05

Who Plays Who?

Chronological Order
Name of OC // ID of Owner

Adina // (#81592) Bio on page 5
Akela // (#58710) Bio on page 7
Akila // (#27008)OWNER Bio on page 1
Alria // (#12432) Bio on page 7
Aslan // (#14257)ADMIN Bio on page 1
Athena // (#81091) Bio on page 1
Claw // (#54511) Bio on page 1
Cloud // (#27008)OWNER Bio on page 1
Dakota // (#36750) Bio on page 2
Flash // (#89256) Bio on page 3
Gotham // (#55590) Bio on page 4
Juno // (#73703) Bio on page 5
Kaelel // (#86456) Bio on page 2
Kenai // (#59840) Bio on page 4
Ze'eva // (#57926) Bio on page 6

Family Relationships

Athena, Daughter of ♀Akila

If you plan on having family relations with other wolves, please discuss it with them over PM and notify Xilo so they can update this post.

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Edited on 10/05/16 @ 20:29:26 by Xilo (#14257)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-08 00:31:01

6 years old
Neutral evil
Erstellt pack
~Cloud has a pure alabaster coat with eyes so dark brown they are often mistaken for being pure black, although her pelt it thick her body is very lithe and she is a small wolf.
~Her height is 2.62 ft, her weight is 25kg
~She has several scars, one running the entire length on her back right leg, one across her right eye and three parallel ones along her left side.
~The scar across her eye has left her blind in that eye.
Cloud has a reputation that proceeds her, known as a ruthless and efficient killer due to severe trauma as a pup and she has a passionate hate for those that aggravate her. She has a short temper and isn't afraid to speak her mind to whom ever she feels. The fact she is essentially a war hero means she knows she commands respect and will put those in their place who don't show it. This wolf is all about herself, she may be in the pack but she will always put her own needs first. Although she enjoys fighting she doesn't enjoy hunting, she sees prey animals as easy due to the fact they'd rather run than fight. One thing she can't stand is pups.
C loud was born into a family of her mother, father, two brothers and a sister. In her litter there was Coal, Lily and Cloud (The runt) but her parents also had the only surviving pup of a previous litter: Storm. When Cloud was about 1 year old her father and siblings had gone out hunting, when it came to the evening only her father came back with blood around his muzzle and no kill. All she knew was that she was hidden in the den and when she finally emerged she could see her mothers body upon the ground, the white pelt around her neck stained with blood and her fathers mouth dripping with blood. When her father looked at her, she could see no regret or care in his eyes and it was then she knew what she had to do.
Skill Application:
❥ Hunting 20%
❥Fighting 80%
❥Herbs 0%
❥Social 30%
❥Stamina 40%
❥Smarts 40%
Crush // Mate:
Her mate is deceased, having died in battle (if asked I will open this up for someone to RP her mate)
We are one
Other 2:
Picture source

4 years and 6 months
Lawful god
~Akila has a brown, black and cream coloured pelt, her eyes are a dark green. Her build is rather regular, although her legs are a little long. Her physique is muscular yet a little fluffy.
~Her height is 2.72 ft, her weight is 33kg
Feather necklace
Eye colour
Akila is a fiercely loyal and protective wolf, she won't back down from a fight. She will always put the others in her pack first, no matter what her own situation may be. Along with this fiery and stubborn nature there is also this soft side to her. When she's not having to take care of her pack she loves nothing more than messing around. Whether she be playing with pups or simply socializing with her pack she knows strong relationships are important. Her trustworthy nature adds to her great leadership as most wolves feel they can talk to her about anything. Although intelligent she can be oblivious to things going on around her at times. She has a bad habit of being distracted easily.
Akila is a pure bred timber wolf and was born to the former alpha pair of the pack. She was raised in the pack, learning their beliefs and traditions and following them strictly. She showed potential as an alpha from an early age and so was trained by her parents on how to rule. One night she meets Svikari, a lone male whom she takes a great liking to. However, it turns our that Svikari has been sent as a spy, Erstellt have his brother hostage. Erstellt were going to kill Svikari's brother if he didn't obey, giving the wolf no choice. An attack happened upon the Forife with no warning. Akila saw Svikri within the ranks of Erstellt pack, breaking her heart as she didn't know of his reasoning. During the battle Akila is hit against a tree by a wolf, causing her to miscarry most of her pups. Svikari sees this and his feelings for her take over, causing him to rush to the she's side. When the wolf comes to attack her again Svikri is there, battling the wolf whilst Akila lay defenceless. Although he managed to protect her, his own life was taken from him. Little did he know he had also managed to save the life of the final pup. Her parents were also taken from her in the battle, causing her to step up as the next alpha. A few months late her pup, Athena, is bough into the world.
Skill Application:
❥ Hunting 60%
❥Fighting 40%
❥Herbs 0%
❥Social 70%
❥Stamina 30%
❥Smarts 70%
Crush // Mate:
We are one
Other 2:
Picture source- Feather necklace
Picture source- Wolf
Picture source-Eye colour
RP Sample:
Akila stared out onto the landscape, a mist of breath forming in front of her due to the cold air. The sun was just creeping up over the horizon, lightening the dark sky and sending beautiful colours across the sky. The pastel colours of orange and pink made her smile, a gentle breeze ruffled her fur as she took it all in. She got to call this place home and it couldn't make her happier. Rising to her paws she shook out her pelt, taking one last look at the sight before her. As much as I wish I could stay and stare at this forever I have responsibilities so she turned her back on the scene.

Heading back to camp she began to think about the duties for the day. The den material needs to be replaced, we could do with a hunt and refreshing the border scent she was already separating her pack up into responsibilities. Once that was done she allowed herself to relax, coming into the opening that was camp. From where she stood the alphas den was to her left, medics to the right, normal pack members in front of her and the nursery right beside her. It appeared that the pack was slowly waking up, now all she had to do was wait.

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 20:24:55 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-08 00:34:49

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Edited on 18/11/16 @ 14:47:54 by Xilo (#14257)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 03:45:48

Hiyayo! ^.^

I must admit that I stalked this roleplay since the WIP, Xilo xD

It's a pretty interesting plot, and I'd love to join you two in another rp! Could I reserve the beta female for the Foirfe Pack? If so, thankie ❤️ I'll be working on the form ^.^

"Each pain makes you stronger. Each betrayal makes you smarter. Each experience makes you wiser. That's how a warrior is born."

[ From Greek Mythology; The Goddess of wisdom, skill, and warfare. ]


2 years

Lawful Neutral
She believes strongly in lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules, and tradition, and often follows a personal code.


Beta Female

Appearance // Desciption:

Athena is a pretty Alaskan she-wolf with silver eyes, that given her coat's colors, don't stand out as much as she'd like. Her fur is mostly black, mixed with lighter shades of gray and white on the face and legs, blending perfectly with the night and the darkness. Athena is colossal in size; She weighs around 90 pounds and stands at 82 cm, often strangers mistaken her by a male in the distance. Due to her size, she lacks of speed, but not strength and power. A thicker layer of fur covers her neck and head, protecting her from attacks and, as if it wasn't enough, making her look slightly bigger.

Athena is a strong-willed, caring, and focused she-wolf with a fire for cowardice and disorganization. Almost always playing by the rules, Athena is never one to step out of line unless absolutely necessary for a reason she believes is right. She is incrediby stubborn and dominant, and being as focused as she is, she isn’t distracted easily by things that aren’t as important as survival. Due to her explosive personality, she's not one to mess around with. If provoked, a civilized talk will not be the result, since she tends to act before thinking the consequences when her temper is on the way. She is a reserved female, preferring to stay in the background observing rather than looking for a conversation, unless necessary, or spoken to first. However, it is not impossible to gain her affection and attention. Behind a demanding and tough lady, she can be flirty, loving, and a great advisor, despite her young age. She will always stand to speak up for a cause she believes is right, directing her full attention to those in need of support. Athena is overly-protective and calmed once you manage to break that shell.


Relationships // Family:
~ Akila [ Mother ]
~ Open [ Close / Best Friend]

Skill Application:
❥ Hunting 55%
❥ Fighting 80%
❥ Herbs 0%
❥ Social 60%
❥ Stamina 70%
❥ Smarts 70%

Crush // Mate:
None at the moment. Open, Pm me if interested [Crush]

We Are One <3

Other 2:
Her voice is feminine and smooth, yet strong. Portrayed by Emily Blunt ~ Freya, The Ice Queen.

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Edited on 09/05/16 @ 16:49:40 by Legolas (#81091)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-08 03:52:08

One Beta for Forife pack is reserved for #81091

Anyone wishing to form family relations with other wolves please do so over PM not on the sign-ups please and thank you

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 12:04:43 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:03:26
Hello there, Kianna, and Xilo!! :D
Once again, I love this roleplay. Your roleplays are truly amazing!! <3 (no, I'm not just saying that. I know I say it a lot, but I do believe it. lol)
May I reserve the Erstellt Pack Beta male?
Thanks! :D

( hey, Legolas! I didn't even see you until I was about to post this lol <33 )

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:05:44

One Beta for Erstellt pack is reserved for #54511

Glad you like the look of it and other RP's =3

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:12:45
Thanks!! <33
If the owners of either of the Erstellt Alphas want my new beta male to be related to their character (alpha male/female/etc), then PM me! :D It did say the beta was usually blood related in some way (brother/uncle/son/etc. Can be a friendship if wanted too). <3 I love plotting, so just PM me!! :D

"Now this is the Law of the Pack --
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk
the Law runneth forward and back --
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf,
and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."




4 years, 2 months

Aggressively Cold / Evil



Gray Wolf (88%) x German Shepherd (10%) x Alaskan Malamute (2%)

Picture Above!! :) || Source

A handsome brute with pitch black fur and intimidating orange eyes. Standing at a fearsome 2.11 feet and weighing at a startling 155 pounds (a lot of it muscle), Claw is typically a "beast among beasts", one of the largest wolves in the pack, with an immense amount of strength, like his father before him. Claw is very strong [/muscular], with rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training (from his father+by himself), and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Claw is a wolf mix known to strike fear into wolves that happen to look at him when he's intimidating, having a fearsome appearance. This broad-shouldered male has many scars on his body from the many fights he has fought, including a long one across his left eye from his mortal enemy ??? (OPEN) and three close claw marks on his left back leg, from a loner in a fight. The fighter also has other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Despite all the scars the brute has, Claw is still an attractive wolf, though at first look he does appear like a fearsome and intimidating brute- his black fur, scars, piercing eyes, and his large, stocky body all making this so.
(this paragraph made no sense -facedesk-)

( scars above )
Skull+Feather Necklace || Source
( pretend the string is a dark gray, almost as dark as his fur. )
No one knows why he wears this, but there's a rumor that he took it from his father's dead body after killing him. The necklace symbolizes strength, viciousness, and courage.

Claw is a very aggressive, vicious, and bold brute- he is fearless- which can even be bad at some times, as he will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength is helpful. He lacks fear overall. Given his slightly short temper, Claw is very quick-to-fight and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage if he does attack. As mentioned before, the male is very aggressive, likely to attack if he has a reason. He is definitely quick to jump with claws unsheathed and teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, or threatened, often causing damage. Hence the name Claw. If someone manages to break the stone called his heart, Claw is one of the most passionate males there is, able to hold those dear to him very close. Even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he wants to and if he ever does find a mate, he would like to have kits. Though for the most part, Claw will most likely never get a mate, and he believes this himself, as he is one of the most rough and vicious canines, one that doesn't let himself get very close to another- he'd have to actually fall in love, which is unlikely.

Strengths / Weaknesses
+ Strength (body strength)
+ Fighting
+ Courageous
- Socializing
- Aggressive
- Cold
- Fearsome / Scary (pushes others away)


❥ Hunting 80%
❥Fighting 99%
❥Herbs 5%
❥Social 20%
❥Stamina 89%
❥Smarts 90%

Kaelel [Erstellt - Alpha - Respects / Obeys / Is Loyal To)
Cloud [Erstellt - Advisor - Respect]

Crush // Mate:
No Female // No Female

( Crush Required First for Mate. Pm Me If Interested!! )

~ We are One
~ [Insert Theme Song Here]
Voice Will Be Determined

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Edited on 10/05/16 @ 16:53:26 by Christicat15 (#54511)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:28:51
Can I be a pup?

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:29:44
You may be a pup if you can find a parent/parents, please do so via PM and not on this thread.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:31:10
Ok. And I might do bad on the images, I'm new on the images thing.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:36:10
Ok. And I might do bad on the images, I'm new on the images thing.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:41:10
Ok. And I might do bad on the images, I'm new on the images thing.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:46:10
Ok. And I might do bad on the images, I'm new on the images thing.

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