Posted by ☯ We are one ☯

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-08 00:28:16
We Are One *Image Source*

50 years ago wolves were becoming a legend, after all their habitat was restricted. Food became scarce. They begun to wander more into towns, and a lot more hunts took place on the civilized farms until the wolves were declared a pest. That was until the organization of KODA stepped in. These people began to gather wolves of sub species together, creating a perfect safe haven for the canines. To maintain genetic variation some wolves DNA were mixed with dogs, breeds like huskies, wolf-dogs, and other sub-species were born. Some of the wolves were born naturally, these were considered the 'perfect wolves'. Their pack was nicknamed the Foirfe Pack. Those born from a test tube were considered to be an 'engineered wolf'. This pack was nicknamed the Erstellt Pack. The two packs were kept separate, after all they couldn't risk ruining the pure bloodline.

People didn't like KODA industries, to them wolves were nothing but filthy creatures that bought death. These people took action. One night they took the wolves from their enclosures. They had intended to slaughter them, but things didn't go as planned. They crashed, and the wolves were unexpectedly released into the wild where they went back to their original packs. As time had gone on, the land they once shared had gotten smaller, forcing the packs into borderline war over land. Will one eradicate the other or will they join together against the humans?

Foirfe Pack *Image Source*
+ General Foirfe pack wolf attitudes +:
These wolves are generally proud of their inheritance, thinking of themselves greater than those of the Erstellt Pack. Despite they're pride this pack is known to be caring for their own and are bold by nature. Not afraid to take risks, they'd put they're lives on the line for each other. Full of passion they allow their hearts to rule their actions.
Foirfe pack beliefs:
Their greatest honor is dying for a fellow pack mate, or truly selfless acts of that nature (giving up food even if you're starving etc). These wolves believe in a place called Scamall, one where you reach if your good deeds out weigh your bad actions. In this place you watch over your pack from above, always caring for those on the earth below. They're burial ritual is where each wolf stands close to the deceased, and will spend a nights vigil, howling and mourning over the wolf. In the morning, as the sun rises, each wolf will gently press a nose to the body before it is buried in the earth. They have a special burial place, usually marked out with what ever they can find, although a stone is place on the boundary for each dead wolf. They care for the old and weak as it is seen as a great honor.
Erstellt Pack *Image Source*
- General Erstellt pack wolf attitudes -
These wolves are generally resentful of the Foirfe pack, allowing hate to fuel them. They're more likely to have outbursts of anger and put themselves first, but they don't enjoy taking risks. Cold and logical these wolves follow their heads. These wolves don't tolerate wolves that are too badly injured or old, they will generally kill them off in a ritual.
Erstellt pack beliefs :
They believe that dying in battle is the greatest honor, sending them to a place where they do nothing but fight and kill. This place is called Krieg. Their burial ritual is that the deceased wolf will be laid before the pack, usually at night and each alpha will take a small clump of fur from the body. These clumps of fur are then placed into a nearby bramble bush, the body is floated down the river. The badly injured or old will be ceremonially killed. The wolf will be asked to choose a sparring partner, the longer they last the greater chances they have of getting into Krieg.


♛♚Alphas♛♚ are the leaders of the pack and their word is law within the pack. Alphas can decide if a wolf's rank and fate within the pack. They are the first to eat meals and will fight any wolf to show their dominance when necessary. Alpha's can be the same sex, or rule solo.
MUST Have an RP Sample if you want to be an alpha.
Betas shadow the Alphas and are second in command within the pack. They can enforce punishment upon wolves and make decisions for the welfare of the pack without the Alphas' consent. The Betas take over Alpha position when they are busy or away. This rank is usually occupied by blood inheritance with the alpha.
Advisers are older wolves, more than likely elders who offer wisdom to the alpha pair. In the Erstellt Pack these would be decorate war heros.
Healers cure wounds and tend to the ill. There is only one healer for Erstellt Pack, two/three for Foirfe Pack.
Hunters make sure the pack is fully fed at all times. They will choose who leads a hunting trip within their own rank, although higher ranks often join in.
Guards (Foirfe Pack only) Put others in place to protect themselves. The are considered to be the most skilled fighters.
Warriors are the protectors of the pack and will fight intruders and defend the pack's territory. This is a very important and necessary position in the pack.(Erstellt pack only)
Elders are highly respected wolves, which once held a rank, but are now retired. They have earned the right to relax their days away and often watch pups and spin tales for them. They may offer the Alphas advice, when asked for it. (Foirfe pack only)
Den Bound is for the injured (only really injured wolves for the Foirfe Pack) This low rank is also used for pregnant wolves, a.k.a expecting mothers.
Pups are the packs next generation and are protected and cherished at all times.
Loners dont belong to any pack. They could be outcasts etc.


You must post at least once every three days.(Please restrain from asking what happened, on the RP thread.) If you are having family problems or cant post because a certain reason please contact one of the admins or mods of the RP.
❥You must post at least 4 sentences a post. Its not that hard :) This RP will be character driven. Please Use proper grammar (Ex: I'm gr8) is not appropriate.
❥Please put
Name // Age // Rank // Pack // Mentioned
in every post. There will be two packs, so we need to know who is who. If you have multiple characters, they must each have their own heading, and paragraph(s) etc. I don't want multiple characters in one big blob. Must be separated.
❥It would be nice, if you could put the location in you're RP posts. So if you intrude another territory, it would be easier to know.
❥ In Other please put 'We Are One'
❥ Owners/Mods/Admins have the final say
❥ 1 character for now until you prove your commitment
❥ No killing without the owner of the characters consent
❥ Please don't try and make this RP about romance, feel free to have them but don't make it a main focus
Application*Image Source*
(Characters name)
(Male or Female)
(Chaotic good, Neutral Evil, that sort of thing)
(If they belong to a pack, please specify which one)
(MUST BE AN IMAGE - No detailed describtions. I never understant that. In order to be accepted you must credit the photo.)

(This is for any scars/scarfs you're character has on him/her. Clickable links would be nice)
(At least a paragraph. Include likes, dislikes, flaws, and strengths. Really flesh out your character!)

(At least a paragraph. Include how they came to the pack, if they were born here or wandered here by chance.)
Skill Application:
(Make a few small percentages if possible.)
❥ Hunting %
❥Fighting %
❥Herbs %
❥Social %
❥Stamina %
❥Smarts %
Crush // Mate:
(Passcode here)
Other 2:
(How does you're character sound? Anything else you want to add?)
RP Sample:(Alpha's Only)

Useful Links:
HTML Guide
Kiannia's Den
Xilo's Den

RP thread

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 12:20:57 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

kaslinky (#59840)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 12:43:51
I'd like to reserve a Beta spot in the Foirfe Pack if thats possible? :>

Will definitely fill out the form by tomorrow. Thank you!

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 19:44:23 by ★Wafflefur [Fite me Brah!] (#59840)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-08 12:49:34

Last Beta for Forife pack is reserved for #59840

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Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-08 13:50:45


To all the new members who have joined 'We Are One' I look forward to begin the RP with all of you, I have a very good feeling about this. :)

Looking over the Bio's to see if I got everyone, I updated the Ranks and Who Plays Who. Make sure to read Kiannia's posts about which slots are reserved, I will not be updating that due to I'd prefer to have the name of each character before I edit.

Side Note: Christicat, How old is Claw? (: c:

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-05-09 02:39:43
Never mind. I'm an idiot. >_>

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Edited on 09/05/16 @ 09:49:47 by Saber (#33076)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-09 02:44:14
@Saber- Please read the rules

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-05-09 02:47:49
Ah, I apologize. I missed the only one character bit.

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Phoenix || G1
Hibiscus (#89256)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2016-05-09 06:03:16
656bec15_brown-wolf-wallpaper.jpegCredit to pic taker orig source

Name: Flash
Gender: female (meant to make it this at first)
Age: 3 years 6 months old
Pack: Erstellt
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Above

-She has a very shaggy pelt and is very brawny and bulky.
-Has a long scar across left side
-Missing dewclaw from right forepaw (because why not)

Personality: Flash enjoys pain. It makes her understand reality. She Is cold and cruel. She cares for no one except herself and will so whatever it takes to meet her goal. She hates being bossed around and she especially hates it when a wolf mouths off to her. She is very strong at manipulating others and is good at persuading. She is physically strong and big. She is bad at swimming and climbing. She has a weakness when someone mentions her family. When ever Flash is angered she will retaliate violently and will use her manipulative skills to mentally mess with whoever messes with her. She will not listen to anyone except for the betas and alphas and if you tell her to stop she will be as stubborn as a bull. She is not one to love easily. Her heart is basically ice. She is terrible at loving because it is a weak spot she possesses.

History: Flash was born in a city behind a dumpster. Life was hard for her and her tiny family because they survived on a large amount of scrounging. Her mother was a very cruel wolf and maltreated her pups. The mother took more food for herself then feeding them to her young. Flash was a very undernourished pup sadly. One day however, Her mother was killed by a human who noticed her being a wolf. Flash had two brothers named Leaf and Rock but in the midst of the attack on her mother they both got killed as well. Flash was old by then, about one year old and was able to escape. She ran away from the city, spending a year out in the wild forest by herself. One day she came across a patrol of wolves. She was extremely relieved to find others of her kind and asked if she could join them. The wolf she asked said yes but she had to be lowranked. In another year she had finally managed to rank herself up to warrior and is now the wolf she is today.

Skill Application:
❥ Hunting 70%
❥Fighting 80%
❥Herbs 20%
❥Social 90%
❥Stamina 60%
❥Smarts 100%
Crush // Mate: Darkeet (Deceased, died from disease)
Open for crush
We are one.
Other 2: She has a British accent.
Her scent is ash and sulfur.

Is pregnant and she doesn't know it.

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Edited on 10/05/16 @ 17:15:34 by S u p e r N o v a 🌈 (#89256)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-09 06:08:29

Flash is not accepted
You need to actually provide a link for the source
Her Personality and History need more to them

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Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-09 08:01:27
S u p e r N o v a,
Is Flash a male or female. With the description you provided it makes me think your uncertain of it's gender. Gender states Male. But your information you provided to us states otherwise. Do you think you can shrink the image just a tad? Thank you.


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Phoenix || G1
Hibiscus (#89256)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2016-05-09 08:11:49
I'll add more
And as for the pic I can't shrink it I'm on mobile.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 08:15:53
@S u p e rN o v a - I know this isn't my conversation, but I couldn't help but see what ya'll are saying. (I make no sense).
For coding, to shrink an image, just put a space next to the link and put "width=NUMBER", but without the quotations.
Ex: (just copy and paste this - Remember to DELETE THE ASTERISKS!!)

<*img src= width=500*>

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Phoenix || G1
Hibiscus (#89256)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2016-05-09 08:22:01
Alright I've fully edited it now.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 08:26:49
@Xilo - Hey, fixed the age. Claw is 3 years and 10 months old. Meant to put the age before, but I just wasn't sure on how old I wanted him lol

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-09 08:33:46

Flash is accepted, but shall not be a beta of Erstellt pack. Please pick another rank.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 08:37:00
I fixed Night's form a bit, hope it's good.

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