Posted by Moon Rogues [Warrior Clans United RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 02:40:56
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Rogue Group: Moon Rogues

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

Current Event: Eye to Eye

A group of Rogues known as the Infinite are headed towards Moon Rogue territory. You must find out about them, learn, and gear up for war!

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 16:24:55 by Smo 🎷#DreamTeam (#69866)

Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 08:57:04
Omen-Moon rogues

Omen smiled as he brushed past Fire and plucked a mouse from the food pile, he laid to his side and took a nibble of it. The tom flicked his ear as he thought about how things really have changed between them, he shrugged as he took another bite.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 09:07:22
She shrugged and headed back to camp to check out what was going on. She wondered when the rogues would come for a fight or if they were going to bring the fight to them..

Her behaviour was kind of like a tiger, she paced around on the cave floor in the part of the cave where the ledges were. Her teeth were bared and her tail flicked from side to side as she paced. "Who does Omen think he is.. we are no longer friends because I don't feel like he wants to be.. he likes that She-cat, she is ok but, he ignores me all together.. then he just comes over because we are battle training and decides to fight me. Why does he even come close anyway... Once I get rid of Fire, I will probably get rid of him.. providing I don't take all my anger out on Fire..." she evilly smiled, nothing like when she was friends with Omen, maybe he had kept her sane and helped her think about opening up to other cats but, now that they weren't friends, she snapped.

(Awww she might miss him as a friend deep down XD)

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 09:11:39
Lol, this will be interesting XD.

Omen-Moon rogues

The tom started looking around for Fox, he wanted to go somewhere with her.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 09:20:15
He watched closely, maybe he could turn that one cat against her own group.. it could prove interesting... but, he would talk to another infinite first.. he stalked off to his group with a smirk, just blurting out, "hey, I think I have an idea if any cat wants to help me determine if it will work.."

(Yes it will.. she isn't jealous just feeling alone. Like when her father left her but, she is going to die soon XD can she be turned against and then killed or no?)

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 10:30:49
(Hi. I was thinking that I want to RP Kiki into the bone doctor position for the MR. I put it in the lounge a bit ago, I just wanted to see what you all thought and if that would be something that could work for all of your stories, too :D )

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 11:18:22
Fox | Mentions: Fang, Ginger, Omen

She smiles at Ginger, then turns to Fang. 'Maybe we should have a break? Then start again later? I'm a little hungry..' She meows to the leader. Maybe she could talk to Omen in camp.

Snowshoe | Mentions: Bodie, Cobblestone

She notices a mouse, frozen in fear, hiding just beneath a shrub. She smiles evilly and slams her paw down on it, claws unsheathed. She tosses it to Bodie and starts to head towards the others. She soon finds Cobblestone, 'how did it go? Is the act working on him?' She asks, 'do you think you could get him to bring his leader into the trap?' She asks, excited for some deaths, or at least injuries.

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 11:36:46
Yea, but Omen wouldn't kill her unless she did somethoing bad. I might have just the thing for her to do though if ya want Omen to do it ^-^.

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Lynn (#63332)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 11:47:54
Arrow - Mentions: Soul

Arrow had done some good training. "Sure let's go for a hunt," Arrow responded.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 11:51:36
(She wouldn't ever turn on her own group actually xD so imma scrap that idea.. Omen would do what? O3o but she will die a horrible death... lol they could become friends again before she dies because if no cat cares that is basically no fun.. XD anyone want to be her friend?)

She jumped up onto ledge after ledge until she reached her ledge. She laid down and got comfortable as possible on stone. Resting her head on her paws, she gives angry buffs as she thinks of her parents.. she thinks of everything that had happened and everything led back to Omen.. who she thought was her friend but turned out not to be.. it hurt a lot.. she let out a hiss, angry at herself for letting some cat in, think they could be trusted and then ignored and out casted.. "He is such a jerk..." she spat, basically talking to the cave. She couldn't help it, one single tear rolled down her cheek. She unsheathed her claws and slashed at the wall as she laid there facing it. That was when she basically broke.. "Fire.. you better watch for the day that I take you out.." she lowly growled.

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 11:59:00
I kindof want him to not like her but to be a crying mess when she dies XD, but its sad that she'll be dying. Lol, i get too attached to every single cat on here)

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 12:05:09
(Lol this will be fun XD they won't really like each other but when she is dieing she would be like, "I'm sorry.. goodbye.." and it will be all heart breaking im attached to her but, she gets ignored a lot when is around so, sorry Star..)

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 12:12:00

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 12:16:16
(I know right 030 I feel so bad.. lol whoever wants to be her friend before she dies go ahead and find her. But be warned.. you must be careful XD she is a little unstable...)

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 03:18:01
Anyone who has questions please PM, I get busy since I manage so many threads DX

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 06:29:16
Bodie: Mentions: Cobblestone, Snowshoe

He rested on a rock, chewing the mouse Snowshoe passed at him. He watched as she asked Cobblestone all of the questions they needed answers to. He hoped the other group found a good spot for the attack, too.


She awoke, startled. Where was she? What time was it? Had she been asleep for that long? She lifted her head out of the hole groggily. No more poppies for me She thought. She caught wind of a foul odor. It smelled of stale blood and rotting flesh. She snuck towards the source of the scent. Throught some trees and past a wall of barbed shrubbery, she saw decaying carcasses covering the area. Old kill of mice and voles and birds. She noticed bloody pawprints that crossed over each other and bustled around the clearing. She could practically sense the vicious demeanor of the group of cats as they padded in this space talking battle plans and shredding things to pieces.... I need to find them...quick Kiki backed out of the area and continued along her journey.

(Star is dying?!?! WAT. And I'm just gonna roll with the Kiki=Bone Doctor thing if there isn't any concerns :D)

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