Posted by Moon Rogues [Warrior Clans United RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 02:40:56
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Rogue Group: Moon Rogues

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

Current Event: Eye to Eye

A group of Rogues known as the Infinite are headed towards Moon Rogue territory. You must find out about them, learn, and gear up for war!

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 16:24:55 by Smo 🎷#DreamTeam (#69866)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 06:35:31
(awesome cx Star isn't dieing yet.. just a little insane XD so if anyone wants to be her friend until she dies go for it. She probably will just accept it.)

Star/she-cat/Rogue/Status: going insane/Mate: None/Mentions: No one/Open here
She laid back down on her ledge, nothing like she had been before.. maybe worse? she thought about Ginger and then Blood.. "I couldn't care less if Blood killed either Fang or Fire.. he could kill both if he wanted to.. he can't get Ginger though.." she realized she only really liked one cat.. She thought about Soul and growled a little bit, "Soul is confusing.. but I guess she is ok.." she was ok with her just wouldn't really call her a friend until she got to know her some more..

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 06:52:51
Fang- Mentions- Fox, Ginger, Fire

"Yeah, we'll practice back here in a bit."
Going over to find Fire, Fang looks around. He hadn't talked with her in quite a while, and knew he missed her touch.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 06:55:56
Fire/she-cat/second in command/Status: Healthy/Mate: --/Mentions: Fang
She had entered camp and noticed Fang. She went over, "hi there, how is training going?" she gave a small smile. She didn't look too happy.. Omen was late and then Star walked off then Omen left again.. what was she supposed to do with those two??

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 07:31:42
Fox | Mentions: Fang, Ginger, Omen

She nods politely to Ginger, and smiles at Fang before heading off. She soon came across the fluff-ball and padded up to him. 'Hello' she meowed, smiling. 'Were you doing anything?' She asks, her tail tip twitching a little.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 07:45:03
Fang- Mentions- Fire

Looking concerned, Fang pulls Fire aside to talk to her more privately. "It's going fine, but what's wrong? I don't usually see you like this."
Looking into her eyes, he can definitely tell training wasn't going as well for her. With a huff, he pushes his nose into her fur.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 08:26:43
Fire/she-cat/second in command/Status: Healthy/Mate: --/Mentions: Fang
She sighed, "that;s great but, I have two cats that can't get along. Honestly, they act like kits.. Omen was late for one, he wanted to spar with Star so I allowed it. I thought it would be ok but then Star left, then Omen left. He didn't even try, what good are cats that don't even try to train when they need it?" she was very frustrated.. Star seemed ok before Omen came and Omen seems fine when Star isn't around.. these two cats really make her think of squabbling kits..

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 10:31:05

"Everything's going well, but if i ask him to bring his leader, i'll probably lose trust." She meowed, sitting down next to Snowshoe.

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 10:38:14
Omen-Moon rogues

Omen shook his head " nah, hey ya wanna go to the kittypets to look for my bro" he meowed all chill. He smiled kindly at her.

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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 17:41:11 by Sans-💀 (LOL)(WCU) (#29566)

Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 10:50:32
Fox | Mentions: Omen

She smiles widely, and dances around on her paws a little when he suggests they look for his brother. 'Yes!!! let's go!!! Which way is it? Are there any dogs there? Where do you think he'll be?' She asks excitedly, tail lashing in anticipation.

Snowshoe | mentions: Cobblestone

'Yeah probably' she meows, and sits to think. 'Maybe just ask him to bring a small group of friends? So we can take out more so it will take less time for the rest of the clan to realise?' She suggests, happy for any plan that includes bloodshed.

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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 18:05:15 by Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 10:59:32
Bodie - Mentions: Cobblestone, Snowshoe

He had been listening to Snowshoe assure Cobblestone. He rose, "No. We will not waste energy attacking their weakest members first. If they won't come to us why don't we go to them? They will know the area around their camp better. Cobblestone, do you think you could tell that tom that we are planning on attacking their camp and that we have at least twice the number of cats as they do? We can storm the clearing after they have fled. The tom will trust you more after that." He hoped that they agreed to his idea. He did not want the young ones. He wanted their leaders.

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 11:14:55
Omen-Moon rogues

Omen gave a little laugh as he flicked his tail and headed off torwards the kittyprts, once he reached the fence he jumped over knowing that Fox would foolow. You could already hear barking but he managed to get up a tree before it could get him.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 11:27:58
Draco - mentions: Snowshoe, Cobblestone, and Bodie
He looked a little annoyed, they weren't getting anywhere fast.. "Maybe I can turn a cat within their group against them.. it could prove useful.. and then when we are done with the group just kill the cat that turned against the group?" He thought it would be very interesting..

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 11:52:16
Fox | Mentions: Omen (lol i've probably just changed something that was in ur head so tell me if i need to edit all this ahahaha)

She padded after him, excited for their adventure. She leapt onto the fence and balanced on top, looking at the dog. She looked down at the dog, it was really quite small, and just looked excited. Oh well, she thought, i'm probably faster than it if it tries to hurt me. (ok can we pretend its a labrador puppy or something???) She hops down and runs around with it, once it gets to her it stops, and doesn't know what to do. She boops it on the head and runs away from it, it chasing her. She jumps over it and it looks around in confusion, before turning and finding her again. She plays with it for a while longer before hopping up the tree to stand with Omen.

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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 18:52:48 by Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 12:14:22
Omen-Moon rogues

Omen laughed as he saw her play with the dog, he continued to pad until he saw+ his old house. The tom sped up until he saw a black cat with yellow eyes. He norrowed his eyes as he jumped into the garden and headed for a door.

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 13:30:27
Fox | Mentions: Omen

She had never been into these parts before, so she just follows Omen. He soon comes to a human den, she follows cautiously, noting the whereabouts of the nearest tree she could climb.

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