Posted by Moon Rogues [Warrior Clans United RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 02:40:56
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Rogue Group: Moon Rogues

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

Current Event: Eye to Eye

A group of Rogues known as the Infinite are headed towards Moon Rogue territory. You must find out about them, learn, and gear up for war!

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 16:24:55 by Smo 🎷#DreamTeam (#69866)

ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 10:24:16
(Are you killing Ginger AND Cobblestone? :O)

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-23 10:32:04
Soul-mentions Cobblestone
" Honey, let me tell you something, us moon rouges don't back down, instead we take our rivals, and rip out there eyes and shove them down there throat, well at least I do, if you wish not to see yourself get ripped to shreds then i suggest you leave." Soul said running her tail under the fleabags chin. " Face if you don't stand a chance." Soul smirked and then all of a sudden turned and attempted to slash out one of the fleabag's eyes. Soul yowled for her clan knowing that they would come, Soul also knew there was 2 more cats in the trees, she had heard one whispering.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 10:39:31

Hi everyone!

A few new rules in play! -->

[1] Reply must be over 5 sentences so the other character(s) have something to work from.
[2] Must interact with other characters. We need the RP to always keep moving!
[3] Label who your character is at the top, and any mentions of another character.
[4] Players who signed up and don't RP their characters within 5 days WILL have their characters removed. It's just fair!
[5] If kits are full in a clan, any females cannot be pregnant, or will have to wait until a spot freezes up! (Depending on how many kits you want, max 3)

Mandatory Reading ^^^^^^^ Thanks!

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 10:42:07
(Im definitely killing Ginger, but there's a 50/50 chance Cobbie here will die.)

Mentions: Soul

"Hmph, well, I see you're confi-" Cobblestone's words were cut off by a sudden shriek as the cat clawed at the one of her dark blue eyes, which soon began to sting and got a little cloudy. She let out a hiss as she lunged for the she-cat, her claws unsheathed as she let out a battle cry.


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Edited on 23/08/16 @ 17:42:49 by C4NDYC4NE [WCU] [LoL] (#50436)

MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-23 10:53:34
(that's what she said! LolπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…)

Soul-mentions Cobblestone, infinites and moon rouges
Soul screeched and went to tackle the she-cat. Soul yowled for her clan. "Can barely see with that injured eye huh!" Soul mocked as she was trying to tackle the she-cat.

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 10:54:16
Bodie - Mentions: Cobblestone, Soul

Bodie darted from the bush and lept onto the rouges back. His leg completely stopped hurting when he heard Cobblestone's yowl. He dug his claws into her shoulders and used his back legs, relentlessly pounding Soul's spine.


She heard a yowl from the direction of camp. She couldn't quite place where it had come from. Kiki darted throught the shadows quickly, hoping to get back to camp and see what was happening.

(UH OH Here we go!!!!! Also, Will you make a different rouge character? Or are you saying bye to MR forever. I'm just worried about Candy's future in my RP life xD)

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:04:21
Soul-mentions Cobblestone and the infinites, and moon rouges

Soul screeched as claws where dug into shoulders. Going into a fighting mode, she squirmed and slashed and bit everyone attacking, she raked her back hind legs on one vat rolled over using her weight to crush the one attacking her back. She made sure her becomes safely covered "you guys play dirty, I like that in my victims. Slashing at the eyes, soul swore she might have ripped on of the cats eyes out.

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Edited on 23/08/16 @ 18:46:19 by MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:11:38
Bodie -Mentions Soul, Cobblestone

Bodie kicked the cat off of himself easily, his chocolate pelt rippling under muscle. He got to his feel and hissed, ears flat on his head. He charged the cat, pummeling her to the ground. "You're the one that asked for the fight." He growled

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:12:15
(Totally making another character for the MR. I was planning on making a kit for Fire,but I think all the spots were taken.)

Mentions: Soul

Cobblestone could barely open her eye. It felt as if it was on fire, but her smile was wider than ever. "Oh sweetie, I can see just fine!" She yowled, lunging forwards and biting down on the she-cat's leg. She was hoping to bring the cat into a limp, that way the fight will be much easier.

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Edited on 23/08/16 @ 18:12:46 by C4NDYC4NE [WCU] [LoL] (#50436)

MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:18:31
Soul-mentions Cobblestone infinites and moon rouges
" And you are the ones invading moon rouge territory how about you go bother the clans, they have much better territory, so go bug them, fleabags, thunderclan has the best territory." Soul hissed
Soul called on the strength of those before her and she leapt high In the air and latched in to one of the cats taking her claws on there back. She then lept off of that cats back and on to another, using her weight she pushed the cat down, and took her claws and dragged them across the throat narrowly missing the jugular. *Those cats better get her soon.* Soul thought as she spinned,bit clawed, kicked, and leap at the three cats.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:28:54
Mentions: Bodie, Cobblestone, and Soul

He huffed as Bodie had rushed in when he was about to say something.. he looked at the fight and stood up, walking towards it and looking coolly as the cat lashed out. "Ok kittypet.. had enough playing around?" His tail lashed, just looking at the cats fighting..

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:44:19
Soul-mentions- cobblestone the infinites, Be moon rouges

"Who you calling kitty pet flea bag" Soul snarled at the tom. Enraged Soul yowled again and lept into the air landing on the Tom's back. She sits her claws into his back and grabbed his scruff in her jaws. Soul rolled bringing the tom with her. she managed to land so the tom's belly was revealed Soul yowled again and dug her claws I to the stomach and attempted to slash at the throat of the tom.

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:46:42
Bodie - Mentions: Draco, Soul

Bodie watched as the pathetic rouge tried to attack Draco. He lept forward and kicked her hard in the flank. With her claws preoccupied, He saw the chance to grab her throat in his teeth.

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:47:49
(hello everyone in the moon rouges one of the embers is being ganged up here, she can handle it but Soul would appreciate the help.)

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:53:59
Soul-mentions Cobblestone infinites and moon rouges

Soul felt teeth in her hind leg. She yowled and then reliezed she left her throat open, covering it up again she released her grasp in the tom but she still had her three other sets of claws in the cats fur. She slashed at the nose and then eyes. Growing even more bitter she completely let go of her grasp o. The to e and attacked the she cat that had her leg held still. She scratchd at the eyes again causing then to go blood shot.

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