Posted by | Moon Rogues [Warrior Clans United RP] |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-05-25 02:40:56 |
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY! Rogue Group: Moon Rogues >>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)< Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866) Current Event: Eye to EyeA group of Rogues known as the Infinite are headed towards Moon Rogue territory. You must find out about them, learn, and gear up for war! ![]() Edited on 21/06/17 @ 16:24:55 by Smo 🎷#DreamTeam (#69866) |
sk8er boy (#50436)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 12:31:42 |
(Thanks.) Cobblestone Mentions: Soul Cobblestone managed to jump off the she-cat before her jaws snapped across her own neck. She lets out a low hiss at her. Once she saw her attacking another cat, she tackled at Soul's side, hoping she will lose balance and get off of the cat. Little did she know, this battle will be much more harder. ![]() Edited on 23/08/16 @ 19:32:36 by C4NDYC4NE [WCU] [LoL] (#50436) |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 12:34:55 |
Raid - Mentions - Soul "Get off me you pathetic fleabag!" She heaves the cat off, aiming a blow at her face before retreating into the bushes. Her limp was a little problem, but since she has had 3 legs for so long she knew she could outrun the other cat. Dammit.. I'll come back tonight, she thinks. Fang - Mentions - Soul Fang watches as the other cat clawed at Soul, dashing over too late to see the cat escape. "Let her go, we need to regroup." He looks back at the cats in the camp, worried for all the numbers missing. "Moon Rogues, prepare for regroup!" He yells, unsheathing his claws. If those cats wanted a fight, they were getting one. ![]() |
MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 12:35:48 |
Soul-mentions- the imaginary character Gordy 😁😁😁 Soul saw another cat and lept at them crushing the windpipe and clawing at the eyes. * That one didn't put up a fight at all. Soul then focused back on the 3 cats. "Hey fleabags up here!"Soul yowled as broke free of the she-cat's grip, she climbed up to the very top of a tree. "Hang on fang let me finish these cats, care to help me?" ![]() Edited on 23/08/16 @ 19:37:58 by MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078) |
sk8er boy (#50436)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 12:43:24 |
Ginger Mentions: Fang, Star Ginger's ears perked as Fang's announcement echoed through the caves. She stands up, trotting out of the cave to the group of cats to slowly reform. She looks back at the cave, obviously waiting for Star. (Apologies but I couldn't get this to 5.) Cobblestone Mentions: Soul Cobblestone panted as she shook her head. This dumb fleabag keeps trying, huh? Well, she won't be very long. Once way to get her is to shover her off the tree..but that would be way too hard. ![]() |
Lynn (#63332)
Merciful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 12:43:34 |
Arrow - Mentions: Soul, the infinites Arrow looked around the camp and noticed it was mostly empty, and he looked for a cat he trusted. Not finding one he walked towards the perimeter, planning to make sure it was clear of enemies. He caught the scent of unknown cats, mixed with familiar ones, and he made hos way towards them. He stood off to the side crouched behind a bush and he saw a fight between one of the enemy rogues and Soul. He crept into the clearing, and made his way towards the fight. ![]() |
MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 13:00:15 |
Soul-mentions Cobblestone infinites and moon rouges "Aww is the little kitty pet afraid of heights!" Soul mocked as she watched the cats try to figure what they could do to get her. " Soul saw arrow but didn't say anything. She wasn't going to blow his cover. Soul lepted down a branch, and then a few more taunting the cats. "Oh look at ME I am part of a group that thinks they can take down the moon rouges." She said in a silly but mocking voice. Prancing back and forth on the branch. ![]() Edited on 23/08/16 @ 20:22:13 by MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078) |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 13:22:12 |
Fang - Mentions Fang yowls, headed for the small rogue group gathered. He pounces on one, clawing at their underbelly. Blood splattered onto his face, and the excitement he felt before is finally back. He lashed out more, wishing Fire would join the fun. ![]() |
MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 13:25:40 |
Soul-mentions Cobblestone infinites fang arrow and the rest of the moon rouges Soul watched as fang attacked one of the cats Soul focused on the she cat and taunted " Hey look at me look a me! I only have the brain the the size of a mouse's brain!" "Come on mouse brain your not scared are you!" ![]() |
Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 13:35:37 |
Fox | Mentions: Everyone lol She she-cat heard yowls, and bolted into the forest towards the sound. She took to the trees, and bounded along lower branches. She jumped on the branches, and bit a few weak ones to fall on these strange cats, hopefully distracting them. She wasn't much of a fighter, but if one came up to her, she could do it some damage. Snowshoe | Mentions: Also everyone She she-cat heard the yowls and grinned, leaping towards the sounds of battle. She yowled, then bolted at the group, becoming a mess of claws and teeth, her pure pelt becoming increasingly more red, with her blood and other's. She yowled to her group 'trees!', hoping they would take to the trees to drop, an advantage to them in the battle. ![]() |
🥀luthersuckseggs (#29566) Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 13:38:51 |
Omen-Moon rogues The tom gave up and he flopped down, his eyes followed the cave where Star and Ginger where at. He licked his paw and drew it over his ears and looked up at Fang. He allowed his tail to twitch at the end, he felt horrible for leaving Fox in the dust but he knew that she was smart enough to find her way back. ![]() |
MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 13:40:12 |
Soul Mentions infinites fang arrow snowshoe and the moon rouges Soul heard a infinite yowl to head for trees, Soul turned to fang and yowled "Fang they are going to attack from the trees! Moon rouges stay away from the trees unless your in one, the infinites are attacking from the trees." Soul soon felt the pain from her wounds, the worst was the wound on her stomach. ![]() |
sk8er boy (#50436)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-23 22:18:20 |
Ginger Mentions: Infinites Ginger ran off with the group, her claws were unsheathed as she leaps onto a cat's back. In order to stay on, she bites down on the cat's scruff. She could of sworn she tasted blood. However, she jumped off when the cat started to roll over. Cobblestone Mentions: Cobblestone scurried up a large oak tree. Their original plan was to attack from above. Luckly she went high enough to where her blueish skin was barely visible. She could almost feel the blood pumping out of her wounds. ![]() Edited on 24/08/16 @ 05:18:41 by C4NDYC4NE [WCU] [LoL] (#50436) |
Kuma ™ (#16165)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-24 01:27:07 |
(( Wow you guys move fast.. sorry, last night I worked a closing shift until midnight and I just woke up. I'll try to incorporate Thor as best as I can. )) Thor / Male / Mentions: Open A sudden outburst of yowls and mews sounded from the dense trees ahead. Thor rushed to his feet and lashed his tail as a small, snarky grin wrapped around his maw. "Now this is what I'm talking about," he quietly muttered to himself. The large brown tom leapt forward and made his way through the underbrush, storming through the thickets with ease. As his piercing yellow eyes targeted the Infinites, he bared his teeth and yowled, bursting through the bushes into the opening. He had noticed that most of his Clan were up in the trees, or struggling to fight. Thor knew he was too big to rush himself up into a tree, so he locked eyes with one of the bigger enemies and he laughed to himself hysterically. "You picked the wrong cats to mess with," he called out in his gruff, husky voice. Thor didn't wait and immediately threw himself onto a larger Infinite cat, digging his claws into the soft underarms and flipping the cat onto it's back. His back claws tore open the rival's belly, and luckily, Thor's weight held the cat down. As yowls escaped from the Infinite cat's opened jaws, Thor hissed and bared his long canine teeth as he bit down into the throat of his victim. An easy kill, considering that the cat was so distracted with other affairs. ![]() |
🥀luthersuckseggs (#29566) Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-24 02:06:00 |
Marigold-Infinitites Mentions:Thor,Cobblestone Marigold was sitting in the trees, she spotted a older cat below and she gave a small growl. Her tail hanging and her green eyes unhappy, she saw him fighting with her old group. She didn't he'd the tom and went up into the trees to catch up to Cobblestone, she got a tuft of her fur stuck on a branch but she forced herself forwards anyways.she poked her head out between the leaves and spoke quietly, " Cob, you okay?" She meowed as she tried getting her fur out of the branches. She eventually got it out and let out a soft growl. " these branches keep getting in my fur" she growled. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-24 03:31:03 |
Draco Mentions: Soul, Bodie, Cobblestone and whoever else is there The cat had managed to get him down but before any cat could get her off, when she went for his throat, he managed to smack a blow to her face. He made sure it was deep enough that she bled.. Bodie then kicked her off him and he appreciated it.. the cat was acting like a kit to him and he huffed.. "I called you a kittypet.. kittypet.." He made it to the trees before any cat could have probably seen him and he made sure he was in a tree that he was hard to see in due to the sun behind him really.. he was close to Cobblestone's tree though and his tail tip was twitching.. Star Mentions: no one She had heard a yowl and decided to go help.. this could prove fun.. she jumped down ledge to ledge until she reached the ground. Obviously going straight for Ginger.. she padded up beside the She-cat, "well.. this should be fun right?" She looked around then looked at Ginger, "I've got your back" she whispered. Probably the only cat's back.. she saw Omen and wanted to just throw him somewhere along with Kiki and Fire.. but she let it go for now.. she had saw a Tom scurry up the tree.. hopefully other cats had too because now they knew they were going to attack from the trees.. she stayed silent and waited... no cat could still tell what she waiting for. Only she knew.. Fire Mentions: no one She had heard a yowl and ran. She managed to get there in less time than she thought.. she stood at the side, hiding in the bushes and no cat could see her due to her dark pelt and her being in the shadows.. not even from above. She watched.. this would be fun.. scaring them was fun and then riding them apart made it even better.. her tail tip twitched as she watched everything. She could see Fang and if he saw her, any cat could probably see her.. she watched.. she would make an appearance in just a few moments when the battle got going. ![]() |