Posted by WC RP [Snowclan Chat] do not post

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:51:08
This is Snowclan chat

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Event: Test of Strength and Loyalty
There is something lurking about, within Icestar's dreams, as well as other warrior's/queen's dreams and within the forest.. will the cats that follow the leader and deputy stay loyal or rebel against what has been established as rules to protect them? These are tests that seem to not be from Starclan, which has once again gone silent. Could these threats be from the Dark forest? Or are they something more vicious? Either way, this will test every cat, physically and emotionally.. will Snowclan stay together or will it fall apart?

Clan info:

{Will add soon, just thinking of a template}

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Edited on 14/11/17 @ 17:47:29 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-01 11:04:21
He rested his tail on Icestar and gave her a reassuring smile. "Itll be okay I won't let anything happen," he purred and walked ahead with her. He knew how she was but he also knew how nice she was. She may not have liked Striker helping but she knew they needed it.

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2016-09-01 11:36:06
Striker nodded and walked into the camp still with the cat on his back while Claw and Thunder helped him lay her down in the medicine cat den. Storm came back witht he correct herbs for everything and she smiled at the leader " my mother taught me how to look after other injured cats" she said and started to stop the bleeding and finally silvertail woke up but in a lot of pain. Claw and Thunder started calming her down as storm gave her a certain berry that can be a bit rare to find around here.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 10:51:12
She shook her fur as they entered camp, not really assured by Bramblefur as she can be very stubborn.. but, she relaxed. She watched Striker but, her head turned to the camp entrance at seeing a golden tabby She-cat in the entrance.. she smelled of Nightclan and blood.. she saw the blood on her pelt and the few scratches she had gotten.. she knew this cat, not very well but, that was Sunfang and she knew something was wrong. She excused herself from the warriors and bounded over to her, "what's wrong?" She wasn't exactly being friendly.. but she had offered help to Nightclan and decided to listen.

Sunfang - Nightclan
She panted as she reached the Snowclan camp entrance as she couldn't find a patrol.. she looked to see Icestar right in front of her as her ember eyes looked around, as soon as caught her breath enough to speak, she was going to ask them for help.. "we need more cats.. rogues have come and we need help.. please.." she obviously didn't give much details as she didn't know if the cat would help or not..

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-03 02:54:23
The prophecy breath hitched in his throat. He had over heard them and knew if they didn't go help the threat would be in his territory soon enough. He ran over to the two females, he was sore from his recent battles but knew he could help. "I'll go Icestar, if I can find Frostwhisker I'll make him go too. I won't allow our territory to be bloodstained and destroyed. If they need help then I give them help," he was a professional cat when it came down the dire things. He tensed as he scanned behind the female making sure no other cat followed. He saw speckledclaw carry in a few rabbits in she was too small to fight a big thread so he would leave her here. He wouldn't ask her for help. He needed bigger cats to attack hem and finish them quickly. "Have you been met with any deaths yet? Of your clan?" He was over stepping his bounds acting as if he was important but it was in his nature to protect.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-09-04 02:10:53
She looked between Icestar and Bramblefur, she stood tall even with her injuries.. "No." That is all she said to Bramblefur.. she didn't know him and just cut to the chase.. she only said what she needed to. She looked back to Icestar who was staring at her, she had saw her glance at Bramblefur, maybe a little annoyed? She didn't know.. "Please Icestar.." she waited for the leader's reply.

She wasn't very happy.. she listened to both cats and then looked at Sunfang. She was a very kind cat but, she was just as capable as any cat to defend themselves.. she assumed this was a bigger threat than what she had said it was.. she stood up, "ok we will help.. I will gather some warriors." She looked at Bramblefur, basically showing a gesture saying let's go, but her icy blue eyes showed nothing. Her tail tip twitched she she looked back to Sunfang, "don't be too rash.. we will be there as soon as we can.." she said before she turned and padded towards her ledge in front of her den.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-04 03:46:34
He followed Icestar briskly," what would you like me to do. I know you might not have liked what I said I just don't want it coming to us. They won't need many, we need to keep more here than send reinforcements." He rubbed her apologetically before stopping Infront of the ledge.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-09-04 06:29:23
She huffed, "I don't know.. it could be worse than we expected.." she said before climbing up those tricky steps and up onto the ledge in front of her den and sat there, "all cats old enough to catch their prey come here under the ledge for a clan meeting!" She called, hoping that her clan wouldn't get upset..

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2016-09-04 09:00:06
Striker heard icestar's call but didn't bother he needed to help Silvertail. Storm looked at her father before helping Silvertail upas she headed outside and under the big rock to Icestar

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-09-09 11:40:57
(Just going to go ahead.. need to revive these RPs and such.. plus I want to end this battle soon XD)

She sighed and looked over her clan as they sat, waiting for what she was about to announce. She finally spoke after a few moments as she had waited for all clan mates to go into the clearing. "The prophecy has come.. the danger has gone into Nightclan territory and if we don't help, it will come here too. So, I propose that we help them get out of this and save our own clan in the process." Her icy blue eyes looked over her clan as she waited for their reactions.

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2016-09-09 14:44:33
Silver tail looked up at ice stars while seeing other cats hiss in disagreement. " you cats dare hiss at your loving leader!" She hissed at them before moving to the front of the crowd " I have noticed less cats from nightclan over the past moon so I know something is wrong" she said knowing pain went through her body but she was strong just like her mentor

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-10 10:36:26
He stood directly beside Icestar but off if the rock. His expression was hard but he stood tall and brave. He knew that the other clan needed their help and if they didn't they would die. Though he was exhausted from his recent battles he still had enough fight to help.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-09-10 10:54:41
She looked over her whole clan as they all had different opinions and such.. her eyes fell onto Silvertail. She smiled gently and looked over her clan once again, "If Nightclan is to survive, we must help them.. this is also a decision that affects our clan.. if they go down, we are next.. it seems harsh but, this threat is more than I had ever expected.. let us not be like a bunch of grudge baring cats.. yes, they are a rival clan.. but, they do not deserve this fate.." she sighed as she watched each one of her clan mates expressions. "Let's us do the right thing here and help them, Starclan would want us to make the right decision instead of thinking of just ourselves.." she spoke honestly, knowing some of her words were sort of harsh but, she had to get the message across.. she was worried that if Nightclan didn't survive, Starclan would be angry with them.. she didn't really know what to expect.. but, she sat tall and proud, confident in what she was saying and waited patiently.

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2016-09-10 14:25:43
Silvertail looked at her leader still "I am willing to fight to the death with what ever these cats are" she yowled and flicked her tail

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 09:41:20

Smoketail's ears perked at the conversation between the cats. What are they talking about, some kind of evil about to kill Nightclan? Smoketail was confused, and soon trotted over to the cats. "Hey...what's going on? I overheard part of the conversation, Nightclan's about to be attacked?" He meowed, sitting down and curling his tail.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 09:45:31
She looked over her clan as she waited for them to settle. She watched, waited, sitting on her ledge right in front of her den. "They are being attacked now.. if we don't help I cannot imagine what will happen if it comes to us.." she sighed. "Who is with me?" She called loudly over all the noise and such. She was going to bring whoever was willing to.. they will not let whatever it is get to their camp..

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