Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-15 11:53:33
Stoneclaw pounced on Maple pinning her to the ground. "You are such a mouse brain." He hissed before grabbing her by the scruff and dragging her back to the den. He threw he inside being much larger stonger than her, he was glad to see that all the nest broke her fall. *Man Bumbletail would have given me an ear ful lif I hurt her.* he thought walking up to Maple. "Try and leave again, I will break my promise to my sister and break your legs got it." He said with an evil smile. "I would love to end this captive thing, it as easy at cuting open your sweet little throat." He said running a claw lightly across her neck.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-15 12:10:50
(stuffs going down)

Shadestep Mentions: Lynks
"Ah, you wouldn't want this territory," Shadestep said with a wince, "we're in a rough spot right now." He straightened and listened to her quiet laugh, troubles fading for that moment. "Oh, it's Shadestep," he replied, realizing they'd never exchanged names while he'd been caught up in his awe of her differences. "May I get yours as well?" he asked Lynks warmly, amber eyes dancing genially.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-15 12:28:39
"The names Lynks, mother named me that hoping that mother lynx wouldn't take me away from her." She said her bobbed tail wiggling. "Rough spot, how so Shadestep." She said walking up to him. "Wow you have very bright eyes, they absolutely beautiful." She said leaning her face really close to Shadestep. "They are as bright and orange as the falling leaves in leaf fall." She said not able to pull herself away from Shadestep's amber eyes.

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 13:41:58
Maple | Rouge | She-cat | Mentions: Drake, Stoneclaw, Talon

Maple hissed and writhed under Stoneclaw's grip, she dug her claws into the ground in a failed attempt to secure herself. She barely managed to yowl a quick cry of distress before Stoneclaw sent her tumbling backward. She landed hard on her back, a large nest cushioning her fall, Maple let out a few gasps before attempting to stand up again. Her legs buckled and she plummeted to the ground once more. Maple held her breath as Stoneclaw ran his claw along her neck, she pushed him away weakly. "You'll regret that, watch your back clan-kitty because if Drake or Talon doesn't get you, then I will."

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-15 13:51:02
Stoneclaw laughed hysterically. "You mean the tom that is all over my sister, the one who challanged Drake." He continued to laugh. "Listen, I would love to kill now because it will anger Drake." He smiled evily at the thought. "But my sister said for me to not to lay a claw on you, be happy I love her that much or you would have been with Riverwhisker right now." He said mentioning the dead tom. "As for Talon he protected Bumbletail from Drake, I could use all the help protecting her after what you did to her." His glare became icy as the dead while his voice became unsettling serious. "I would have killed you along time ago." He said leaning close to Maple's face.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-15 15:18:07
Shadestep Mentions: Lynks
Shadestep hummed at her response, dipping his head in a formal acknowledgment. "Then it's nice to meet you, Lynks," he greeted, humorously. An ear of his flicked at the question he received, and he stilled before answering. "Our camp, where we sleep and eat, was taken over by rogues... Hostile cats with no reason yet they instill themselves into our lives." His gaze had slowly grown bitter but suddenly and mostly cleared when Lynks' face took up his vision. He blinked at the closeness, giving a diffident smile at her description of his eyes, of all things. She's odd. "I—thank you, I suppose," was all he managed to get out, his attention on the nearness and not allowing him to think much of what to say,

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-15 15:26:54
Lynks smiled warmly at Shadestep, before it disappeared. "Why don't you just attack them, run them out, kill them if you must." she said stepping back to be able to see all of Shadestep. "If that was my territory all those hostile cats would have been begging under my paws." She aaid coldly. "I guess that is just a lynx thing." She said with a sign. "Is this the reason you are out here, to find peace of mind?" She asked licking her paws and running it over er ear.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-15 15:57:42
Shadestep Mentions: Lynks
Nodding along as she spoke, Shadestep sighed. "I wish I could, but I'm only one cat. We needed to plan as a group, but it was seeming to go nowhere, so I had to get out of there... I can't stand having my home held by those sick cats. If my clanmates aren't ready to step up and get rid of them yet, then all I can do is keep a clear head," even as he spoke these words strongly, his smile was a sad one, and his form showed tiredness. Nevertheless, he chuckled at her comment on lynx attitude, and brightened at her last query. "Interesting and intelligent, how lucky of me to run into a cat that's both of those things," he grinned, "I did come out here to take a break."

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 04:44:38
Lynks looked at Shadestep how tired he had looked. "Well it uncustomary, but you may rest the night with me." She said with a warm smile. "Don't worry I don't bite, without good reason of course." She said with a small wink, she wasn't trying to be flirty she just wanted him to feel comfortable with her. "The fox den is big enough for both of us." She said looking at the den, her bobbed tail twitching. "It's not as comfy as a den should be, but still it's pass able."

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-11-16 11:06:49
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight

He was staring at his paws after he had caught himself staring, her smile had caught his attention and had managed to keep it until he looked away. He listened to her and then was a little surprised at her asking if he was OK. "Uh.. Yea.. I'm fine.." He said, looking anywhere but at her.. Starclan please let this cat not hate him. The only cat I want with me is you he said to her in his head, he couldn't actually say it.. he didn't know exactly why he wanted her only but, he would probably figure it out as time went on. He stood up, not looking at her, "uh.. I will see you around.." He said, his odd eyes never on her, he turned and started to pad away.

(Where did Bumbletail go? o3o)

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 11:21:06
(Lol I thought I wrote her response.)
Bumbletail>>Talon,Stoneclaw, Drake,Maple
Bumbletail heart sank as she heard all the fighting, she just took the impact of Drake. *Why must they fight, the camp is big enough for all of us.* She thought picking herself up slowly, her mind still fogged by sad thoughts. She snapped back at Talons words, "Stoneclaw is a very good protector, but I don't want to always fight my battles." She smiled as a single tear ran down her face. "But I don't know how to fight, im against violence more of a lover than a fighter." She said her voice beginning to shake. "My mate is no where to be found, guess I was to weak for him." She said unable to keep her tears back. "Oh Talon, I'm just a big burden." She said burying her face into Talon's chest. "Even you had to protect me from Drake, who's angered because we stole his mate." She sobbed. "Why must there be so much violence."

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-11-16 12:56:07
(Ah it's fine n omg the feels DX)

Mentions: Bumbletail, Maple and Stoneclaw

He was surprised at her tears, though it didn't really show.. he listened to her, not knowing how to help a cat with tears in their eyes. All he could do was stand there and offer comfort, then she buried her face into his chest.. he looked down at the top of her head. Sort of unsure how to deal with the situation.. but after a short moment, his tail wrapped around her, basically pulling her close like she was his. He didn't mean to, he wasn't really sure how to comfort any cat.. being a rogue for so long took that away from him. "You are not weak.. sure, you can try your best, but no cat can fight alone forever.. not even your brother.. no cat thinks you are a burden, sure I protected you.. but I did it because I wanted to. You have something special.. you have something that most cats don't have.. you are always so sweet even when someone hurts you.. something I could never do.. I admit, I lack a lot of things you have.. but, you are special. I can teach you a few things so if a cat can't help, you can at least have a few moves hidden under your pelt. I know I've already said this.. but you are not weak, you are not a burden.. if your mate left you because they thought you were weak, they are wrong. Strength does not come from your fighting skills.. it comes from your character and personality. You can forgive, you can see the good when there doesn't seem to be any.. that is something that even the cats with the strength of so many lack." He realized he had been talking too much.. he got a little embarrassed but, he kept her close. He guessed he could call her a friend.. his only one, in his eyes anyway.. others probably had thought of him as one but, he only thought of her as a friend. He cleared his throat as he spoke up a little, "Besides.. you are very pretty, smart and by far the kindest cat I have met.. who would ever leave you?" He said, sounding like he was flirting but, he was being extremely honest.

(Omg sorry so long XD)

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 15:39:01
Bumbletail kept her face buried in Talon's fur as he talked, finding some confort in his scent as she felt him wrap his tail around her. "I would like to learn how to fight, but Stoneclaw doesn't allow me to." She said finally looking up at Talon, she hadn't notice how close they were until her whiskers burshed his. She found herself lost in his hetero eyes, she felt her face get hot at his last words. "Well I uh, umm." She studdered finding unable to speak, her heart beating so fast it drummed in her ears. Her face felt as if it was on fire, while her eyes sparkled with administration. *He everything I am not, this rouge who still walks in light without knowing it.* When she realized she had been looking at Talon for a little to long she made a small "ekk" sound and turned away quickly. *Im such a mouse brain, he is going to think I'm a big weirdo now.* She said her heart dumming harder and faster in her ears.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-11-17 02:56:57
Mentions: Bumbletail

He was looking at her as she looked up at him. He felt her whiskers brush against his, it kind of tickled.. it was also weird for him to be so close to a cat.. let alone a She-cat. He listened to her as he stared back her, not knowing exactly what to say.. then she started stuttering. What did he do? He started panicking on the on the inside and noticed her look away. He hadn't noticed how long they had been looking at each other and had soon become a little unsure once more. Though he kept her close, he was still panicking on the inside. Then he finally spoke up, "well.. I understand why he doesn't want you to fight.. but every cat has to know at least one move. Just in case, plus we wouldn't want anything to happen to you... you mean so much to a lot of cats." He said with a smile. He still wondered why she had stuttered, what had he done? In truth, he didn't know what stuttering meant.. "anyway.. are you OK? Did something happen?" He sounded like a worried mate, again not meaning to at all. It was just his flirtatious nature as well as his protective nature just coming out. He was just speaking and had no idea how he actually sounded, he sounded like a flirt and like he was trying to pick her up. He still had no idea..

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-17 04:37:07
Bumbletail looked back at Talon. "Y-yea just, um your just really attrac- err i mean sweet." She said almost telling Talon what was really on her mind. She cleared her throat, "Well I would at least like to know some defense skills, I don't think my brother would mind that." She said with a warm smile. She was loving the feeling of Talon standing over her, protecting her keeping her close to him. It made her feel so warm and safe that she couldn't help but purr as they talked.

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