Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-14 13:27:41
"Sorry to disturb you but we need to talk about the prophecy. Something bad is going to happen and I don't know if I can stop it Sunfang." He made sure she was looking at him.He looked around to make sure no one could hear him."You can't talk about this with anyone else either, okay?" He looked over at Riverwhisker for a split second, he must've been mad that Robinheart as talking to Sunfang but she was the only cat that listened to him. I'm not sure how safe the clan or your family is. But I can promise you I will protect you and your kits with my life, when the prophecy reveals itself I'm going to have Riverwhisker protect you along with the apprentice. You all will be safer together, but I will go out and risk myself for all of you. I don't want any young deaths or a family be torn apart because of me, I just need to know that you're okay with me not letting you fight unless you just have to." He searched her eyes for an answer, either way he was going to protect all of them, even if he was the only one going out into battle its all he knew. Others' lives mattered more than his.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 13:36:59
She stared at him, suddenly tears welled up in her eyes. She had nodded when he said that they couldn't speak of it, she didn't care if Riverwhisker saw what she was about to do... this was one of her best friends and she was going to protest even if Robinheart didn't see where she was coming from.. suddenly she tackled him down, not hard so she didn't hurt him but, just so she knew he was looking at her. The tears were still welling up into her eyes as she spoke, "you can't... Robinheart you cannot just go in there on your own.. you're my best friend.. I know sometimes we don't see eye to eye but no one does all the time.. please don't.. I can't let you.. I will protect my own kits but, I don't want you to just fling yourself out there.." she sniffled, tears threatening to drop. "I just can't.. please don't.. I don't know if you want to be a hero or think you don't matter or something on those lines but, Robinheart.. you are just as important as any other cat here.. if you want to be a hero ok.. but don't just rush in by yourself.. we have no clue what is going on.." she stood over him, basically pinning him down but, her paws weren't on him, just on the ground beside him as she had knocked him down onto his back. A few tears dropped onto his chest fur as she fought to keep the tears from dropping but a few more rolled down. She didn't want to lose another friend..

(Wow o3o makes me want to cry.. omg Sunfang is powerful.. sorry it's long)

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-14 13:49:54
(Indeed o3o and its okay I enjoy reading so sorry mines not long all the time but this gets me excited)
He was surprised by the unexpected tackle, he looked up at the she-cat only to see that he had made her cry. He had caused her sadness. He felt a singe of pain pierce his heart, he didn't realize how much she had actually cared for him."Sunfang I... I'm not doing this to be a hero, I'm doing this to protect the clan and make sure you can still be happy. I don't want you to lose anyone else, I know it's foolish to rush in alone but if that means I can keep the bloodshed down then so be it. "He lifted up, making her move, he licked her cheek removing the tears from her soft fur. "Don't cry, please I didn't mean to cause you to cry I just want to help. I know we don't know what's going on and I'll rethink if a strategy but I will not have you or any of the apprentice go into battle. I forbid it and as Deputy of this clan you have to listen to me. I'm practically the leader, I believe Ravenstar left because she was scared. I'm not going to do that I'd rather me face this head on with the one life I have rather than everyone lose there's. I will talk to Riverwhisker and since he is your mate he will decide whether he wants to stay and protect you or fight by my side. But I'm going to make the apprentice dig an exit tunnel behind the nursery so if danger comes here you and the apprentice and your kits can run. And if that happens I don't ant you looking back or come to save us. I want you to run, far away, until your legs hurt and then run some more. Either Riverwhisker or Riverwhisker and I will find you." He voice was serious and he towered over the she-cat, this was as serious as he had ever spoken to her. He didn't say it with a tinge of anger, but his voice was drowned with determination for her to listen. This was not a battle he wanted her to face. The two males of the clan would face it together, but he refused to lose his delicate clanmates."I'm sorry Sunfang but those are my orders," His expression showed determination, but his eyes were coated with sadness, he hated sounding so mean to her or making her cry but she had to listen to him. He wasn't doing it to hurt her at all.

( See I get caught in the moment and get carried away O3O)

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Edited on 14/08/16 @ 20:54:33 by Alektora (#57794)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 14:06:56
She stared at him, her eye brows had come down to look sort of angry but, she wasn't.. tears welled up some more... "just because you are deputy and frankly bigger than me doesn't give you the right to forbid me from anything.. you aren't my parent.." she couldn't take it anymore... "do you think I want any of my clan mates to go through this? The only thing we can do is fight.." she couldn't stay there anymore... she felt helpless and frankly a little broken.. her best friend was trying to keep them safe but, it hurt.. she felt like she was being clawed in the back already.. she looked away, "fine.. do what you want.. but I choose to not listen.. I will not stand around knowing that you or Riverwhisker will get hurt!" She was now crying.. tears rolling down her cheeks in soft sobs.. she stood up, bolting for the exit of the den and not stopping.. she didn't want to see it... she would be back once she cooled off to comfort her kits.. she knew Riverwhisker had watched all of it.. he was probably chasing after her..

He had looked out of the warriors den just in time to see Sunfang run off. He guessed she couldn't save a cat so, she tried to get through to them one way or another.. it was never easy for her nor was it for any cat.. he had saw her tackle Robinheart but, he knew that he was just her friend.. they loved each other so much.. she had cared a lot about all of her friends.. he knew that first paw.. he padded after her but, first looking at Robinheart.. still a little bit hot headed from earlier but, he still spoke calmly, "I think she was just trying to protect a cat she really cares about.. she can say harsh things believe me.. but, she never means it.. she does say things she regrets but, she cares too much to just give up trying.. I will go talk to her.. maybe you could go talk to the young warrior over there." He joked about his son, Pebblekit, who had stood at the entrance of the nursery for a few moments, just long enough to see his mother run out of camp. He padded after Sunfang without saying anything else.

(Omg the feels DX I feel bad for both cats.. Sunfang wants him to be safe while he insists on going head on.. omg he could go after her too if she wants.. she won't yell because she isn't exactly angry.. just sad and feeling trapped.. omg probably what I would do in this situation o3o)

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-14 14:16:55
(Robinheart feels like a jerk he just wants to protect her and feels bad but he had to be a leader in the situation and he thinks Sunfang has forgotten that he actually does have the authority)
He watched her go, his heart swelled with pain. He was mean, so mean, and he had to be even more strict. He was doing what he should. She had to listen to him, if not she could get hurt. He needed her protecting the young ones, he saw Riverwhisker pad up to him. He needed to talk to him but Sunfang needed him more. He was too angry with himself to speak. All he could do was nod and harden his expression. He decided it would be a good idea to go occupy the kits, the did enjoy climbing him after all. He trotted over to the nursery, putting on a fake happy expression." So I've been hearing rumors of you being really strong, are they true?" He looked down curiously at the tiny kit, he looked like a miniature Riverwhisker. In his mind all he could think about was how he hurt Sunfang, she probably hated him now. He completely understood why too,He was just cold hearted and hard headed.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 14:27:20
(Awww poor guy.. she has never forgotten though, he egad always been spirited and known to speak up when she didn't like something)

He looked up at the huge cat. His eyes went wide since he was still a little drowsy.. his ember eyes looked at into his eyes, giving a little yawn. Padding close to Robinheart, keeping quiet due to being a little drowsy and put his tiny paws against Robinheart's Leg to try and look taller. His ember eyes never leaving Robinheart, they were full of curiosity. He finally said a few words, "are you OK Robinheart..?" He squeaked. He didn't know if there was a thorn stuck in his pad or he was sad, but his smile seemed off..

Riverwhisker & Sunfang
The two talked for a while and Sunfang really looked upset. She understood why he talked like that but, it still hurt.. she was doing what she always did.. speaking up to whatever she didn't think was right or she thought it was too dangerous.. Riverwhisker knew where both sides were coming from.. he sighed as he cuddled his mate close. He knew they would still be best friends knowing Sunfang.. she was very forgiving and gentle.. he could never see what she saw in most cats but, he trusted her judgement and let her hang with whoever she wanted to.. he was just worried about what was going to happen..

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-14 14:35:02
He hated that the kit knew he wasn't feeling well," Ah, I'm as okay as an old cat can be," he chuckled at the tinier tom." You've gotten a lot bigger than you were a few nights ago, before you know it you'll be an apprentice Pebblekit. I wonder who your mentor will be." He laid down next to the kit he wouldn't have to look up too much. He dreaded anything coming into the camp and hurting such a young soul.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 14:41:52
He smiled, he curled up right against Robinheart, clearly still tired but, he wanted to sleep next to Robinheart. He yawned, "you really think so?" He was still smiling up at the huge tom. He laid his head on Robinheart's paw as he listened to the larger Tom's voice. His tiny paws also on Robinheart's paw. He looked so tiny compared to him and he liked Robinheart.. he was fun to play with when he wasn't tired.. he gave another yawn. He wished he wasn't tired so that they could play.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-15 00:01:55
Somehow being next to the little kit made him feel better. Kits didn't understand judgement, and love just to love."I really do, you might even grow to be as big as me one day,"he licked the top of Pebblekit's head. " But with strength comes responsibility and knowing control, always remember that Pebblekit. Anger is not the answer unless you're protecting someone you love." He sighed and tried to hide the thought of the conversation he had just had with Sunfang. He should have stayed shut in, he would never had hurt her that way.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-15 11:58:47
He let out what seemed to be some kind of purr.. "that will be great.. I will protect my mom and dad and my sibling.. you too Robinheart.." He looked up to Robinheart and smiled. He cuddled closer to the bigger tom with another seemingly purr. He may have looked like Riverwhisker, but he had his mother's eyes.. he was too young to understand why cats fought but, he was old enough to know that clan mates were great company and always nice to talk to as well as play with..

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-16 09:44:03
Robinheart ( I was wondering if he would be moved up to leader at some point? Maybe after the prophecy?)
"Well I'll do the same too, and I might have to have you protect me when I'm old and grey. We big guys get tired too," he chuckled. "Coming up there might be a lot of rushing around and panic, I'll need you to do whatever your mother tells you okay? No one else unless its an apprentice. If you do that you'll be one of the biggest helps to this clan, and the other kits need to do so. You'll be the leader of the kits Pebblekit, sound good?" He gently licked the kit since he saw it was tired, he knew being licked always relaxed him as a kit.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-16 09:55:47
(Purpletyger should be back soon.. they had something going on)

He nodded, "I will be pebblestar!" He squeaked. Letting out a little giggle, "Robinheart.." He said his name with a yawn as the bigger cat licked him. He let out a little kitten purr.

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LunarLiones (#95755)

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Posted on
2016-08-16 13:29:33

She licked Rainpaw's ear after the exchange.She walked over to the entrance to camp,and left.Night was coming,and hunting would be better.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-17 10:45:34
Robinheart (oh okay I didn't know)
He chuckled and continued licking the sleepy kit. He purred to let the kit listen to the gentle him to fall asleep. He glanced at the entrance and saw Sunfang had not yet return.
She purred with excitement," wanna go hunting?" She ran after her fellow apprentice. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind of what she had witnessed. She bit her tongue and decided not to talk about it.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-17 11:30:44
(It's fine c: I don't know if they are just going to be a little longer seeing as it is summer or they aren't going to be here for a while.. but, we will see cx)

He looked up drowsily at Robinheart, "could you please stay with me?.." He gave a little kitten purr. He liked Robinheart, he was always great.. when he had first met him, yea he was a little scared.. the cat was way bigger than he was.. but, Robinheart was great to him and he looked up to him but, he looked up to his father more.. nothing personal though. His ember eyes looked at Robinheart as he drowsily waited for his reply.

Sunfang & Riverwhisker
They spoke for a while longer and finally Sunfang sighed. They stayed together and cuddled for a bit and then they made their way to camp. She couldn't leave her kits there for too long.. she knew they were in great paws but, she wanted to be with her little kits. Riverwhisker had thought about the upcoming event, the prophecy couldn't be good.. he wanted his kits, mate, as well as his clan mates to be fine and safe.. he was very weary as they walked, looking around everywhere so they couldn't be snuck up on..

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