Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-11 12:12:00
She smiled and laughed a little bit, "I don't think I'm allergic to the camp.." she smiled. She listened to rest of what he had to say, nodding, "Yea... but don't get too caught up in keeping the clan under control.. who else am I supposed to bug?" She joked with a smile. She licked her paw and ran it over her face a few times before turning back to Robinheart, "you really are a great tom no matter what.. a great friend too" she looked to the sky after she finished speaking.

Silverfang - Starclan warrior
He looked a little bit like Riverwhisker but, he had ember eyes, light grey pelt that looked almost White with a few of the same Markings as Riverwhisker. He smiled, "sounds like a nice cat actually.. I used to shut every cat out when I was a warrior here.. I only talked to my brother. Well.. it wasn't that bad.. I just made sure no cat came close. Do yourself a favor and never do that.. you could just end up hurting yourself ok?" He looked ahead to where he was walking to. He took a deep breath in and exhaled, he looked happy to be here and he was still fascinated that this young cat could even see him..

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-12 07:36:00
He laughed," well, I think I might have to since Ravenstar is gone."He raised up and scratched behind his ear, " Youre just too sweet aren't you Sunfang." He gave his friend a grateful smile, he was lucky to have her as a friend she really was too nice. Riverwhisker was a lucky tom.

"You're Riverehiskers brother right?He is he's very wise and kind hearted but I think it's because of how bad his father was. An elder told me about it. She said his father called it conditioning, he slept alone outside fought all hours of the day and rarely ever ate. He was stripped of love the say he became an apprentice," she twitched her nose as she caught the smell of a vole nearby. " Oh it's okay I don't do that, everyone shuts me out because I'm not normal, my eye and all. They think I have two dates because I have two different colored eyes. But I don't know anything about it," she hopped, finally the entrance came into her view

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LunarLiones (#95755)

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Posted on
2016-08-12 07:47:43

She smiled as Rainpaw spoke to the spirit,although she couldn't see nor hear it herself.The camp came into view and she sped up past Rainpaw.She ran into camp and put the vole she had in the fresh kill pile.(Sorry if I'm wrong,I haven't read the books in awhile)She waited impatiently for Rainpaw and the spirit to come into camp."Rainpaw come on!Your being slllloooowwwwww!!!!!"

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-12 10:25:08
She smiled and gave him as friendly tap on the nose when she had turned back to him. She gave a laugh as she tapped his nose, his father had been cruel in her opinion.. she hoped he didn't feel alone though.. she was always going to be there no matter what.. her eyes soon went dull, she thought about how he must feel and the sadness showed only in her eyes. She still smiled as she looked at him, "you sir, are very sweet. Not me, you are the greatest friend ever!" She flopped over so she was on her back as she looked at him, now looking up at him. This time putting her paw on his face and she gave a giggle, being very playful at that moment but, the sadness never left her eyes.

He listened to Rainpaw, nodding every so often so she knew he was listening. "You are a smart cat, no matter what any other cat thinks.. you don't really know me and you figured out I was Riverwhisker's brother in no time flat" he smiled. He laughed as Lunarpaw had ran and called for Rainpaw. "Ok we're coming!" He yelled to Lunarpaw despite him knowing that she couldn't hear him.. he walked into camp as soon as they reached it and touched his nose to Lunarpaw's head, "I wish you great luck on your training young one" he lifted his head and looked around.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-13 04:57:59
He chuckled at her friendliness but hated the pity he saw in her eyes. He hated someone feeling sorry for him, he was fine. He had enough sadness for him no one else had to contribute." Please stop feeling sad," he looked down at her, his smile was gone."You don't have to and it only makes it worse for me seeing you with sad eyes," he sighed and licked her ear.

"Well thank you, but I'm fine with people not liking me. It's normal to be afraid of things you don't understand," she smiled and heard her friend. She trotted a little quicker to hurry up. As they got to the entrance she looked around,"Oh I see Robinheart he's over there with Sunfang!" She ran excitedly,"Sunfang! Robinheart! I have something important I need to speak to Robinheart about! There's a warrior from Star clan here to speak with you! I get to translate!" She yelled as she for closer and once she was Infront of them she panted as she stopped in front of them."Its Silverfang, Riverwhiskers brother!"

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LunarLiones (#95755)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 06:46:07

She ran over to where Rainpaw was.Rainpaw was mewing crazily about translating for ghosts and StarClan and what not.She flicked her tail around and swore she heard a whisper.She brushed it off and smiled at Rainpaw's happiness.It made her super happy.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 07:09:01
She went to reply when Rainpaw had come running in yelling. Her ears went up at the sound of Silverfang, she looked around and saw it caught Riverwhisker's attention. She looked away and stood up, she should probably leave.. with a flick of her tail, she made her way to the nursery and was gone. She picked Pebblekit up and nodded a thanks to the queen she had left her kits with, settling down in the nest she put Pebblekit at her side along with Stormkit and laid her head on her paws as she let out a sigh.. She didn't think he understood why she felt sad.. she didn't want him to feel alone and seemingly he did.. she knew exactly what that felt like... the sadness in her eyes never left. It only got worse as she thought about those moons after Silverclaw died.. he was her best friend and so was Riverwhisker then.. before they had feelings for each other. She had never felt so alone until Silverclaw died and Riverwhisker distanced himself and left camp a lot.. He wouldn't come back for a while.. it still hurt, hurt to the point that it could take any cat's breath away.

Silverclaw - Starclan warrior
He smiled as she ran over to the deputy and stared after Sunfang.. she looked upset.. he looked back to Robinheart and Rainpaw. He also looked at Lunarpaw, giving her a smile, he spoke to her, hoping she could hear just this one sentence, "Lunarpaw, you shall be a fine warrior.. do not be fearful of what is ahead.. Starclan will watch over you as well as your clan mates" once again pressing his nose to her head before walking to stand in front of Robinheart, looking at Rainpaw, waiting to see if it was ok to start talking.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-13 12:44:42
He watched Sunfang leave, he didn't mean to make it worse. He saw Riverwhisker perk up at the name, he wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. He was a little skeptical at first until he saw Rainpaw's eye glowing, he had never saw her eye do that ever. "Okay, hello Silverclaw, thank you for coming to us," He bowed a bit, a respect for the dead kinda thing. He wasn't sure how to respond to this information but he would listen if it was a message from starclan. He put on a serious expression," alright Rainpaw, I'm listening."

She nodded, "alright uhm, Silverclaw I can translate or offer my body as a vessel for a few minutes for you to say what you need to yourself.. I've never done it before so I might be weak afterwords but don't worry," She looked over at the Starclan warrior. She was putting her faith in him to not take too long and to not hurt her. She was confident that she was strong enough for it, if he took too long she could push him out." But i can speak for you as well," Her voice was as professional as she could make it. This was her first time being a part of something so important.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 02:21:54
Silverclaw - Starclan warrior
He shook his head with a smile, "no I don't want a... whatever you called it.. we usually appear in dreams or show ourselves to certain cats but, I cannot do that with Robinheart right now.. we usually only go to leaders and medicine cats.." He looked towards Robinheart who had greeted him, "nice to meet you Robinheart.. I bring grave news.. the threat of the clan is far more dangerous than we had made it out to be.. we cannot say when or what is coming but, it will be a bloodshed like no other.."

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-14 03:05:19
She nodded," okay." She listened before turning to Robinheart again she repeated what she was told. As the news fell from her lips, she lost sight for a moment after speaking of the bloodshed. All she heard was cats wailing in pain and darkness and blood everywhere. She saw Riverwhisker and Robinheart only for moments, she began to panic and shake her head. She was shaking as she looked back up and regained sight of the real realm. Her eyes were filled with fear but she refused to speak up on what she had saw. She didn't want to relive it until she had to.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 05:05:21
Silverclaw - Starclan warrior
He watched the young Apprentice see what he had witnessed before he had come here. He looked to the deputy and hoped he would know what to do.. this was very serious and lives will be lost.. "Only the tiger shall over come all obstacles.." that was all he could say.. he looked to his brother, his eyes sad.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-14 05:14:41
His heart stopped for a split second, he tasted fear. Maybe it actually was graver than anyone had thought." Does Snowclan know if this?" He was worried about his clan but also the smaller neighboring clan. He then looked down to his apprentice, she was whiter than she had been before. She had seen something that scared her as well. He sighed and covered his fear with bravery. His voice did not quiver and his expression did not change. " I can promise you I will protect the future of this clan, thank you for coming to me. And thank you Rainpaw for telling me what he was trying to," he licked his apprentice's head trying to calm her."

She shook in her paws, the prophecy was seeming to get closer, and fear raced through her.She nodded and looked back up to Silverclaw,"Would you like to speak with Riverwhisker? If that is all you had to say to Robinheart," she tried to keep her voice from shaking but she was on the verge of tears. She was a cowardly cat afterall, her bravery was a lie.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 06:31:20
Silverfang - Starclan warrior (Sorry mixed two characters up :/ again..)
He shook his head, "no.. I will probably see him soon.." His brother looked like a tiger in some cases but, he wasn't going to say anything else.. "I wish you luck on your journey.. good bye" with that his starry pelt disappeared into thin air.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-14 08:50:31
(it's alright)
"Goodbye Silverfang it was nice seeing you!" She mewed after the fading figure. She turned to Robinheart,"Uhm Robinheart.. Riverwhisker is going to die when the prophecy reveals itself," She quietly whimpered to her mentor. What if she were to die too?What would she do, what was going to happen?

He bidded the starclan warrior a farewell. He looked down at the apprentice with a stern look," Don't worry about that, thank you for translating but you will be safe don't be scared." He licked her until she was calm," Go relax or play with Lunarpaw." He had to talk to Sunfang but he couldn't tell her that her mate might die, he would have to protect him and everyone else. But if his death is a part of the prophecy there is nothing he could do about it.He began to run toward the nursery, once he got to the entrance he quietly stepped in to where Sunfang was nesting. "Sunfang I need to talk to you, I've just spoken to a starclan warrior and I need to decide what needs to be done." He licked her at a panicked pace trying to be gentle but urgent. He was scared, fear had never eaten at him this badly.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 10:01:52
She had been thinking and them Robinheart had come in. Her sleeping kits were tucked close under her tail. She listened to him and then looked up when he started to lick her. She was a little bit confused but nodded. She spoke the other queen and she left her kits with them, padding past Robinheart and sitting just past the fresh kill pile, sitting down and licking her paw. She then ran it over her face once more, looking to see Riverwhisker looking at her, his eyes Dark and she shook her head. He was thinking about the battle again.. he left into the warriors den shortly after she shook her head and she turned back to what she was doing. She waited for Robinheart, her golden tortoiseshell pelt shining in the setting sun's rays.

He protested when his mom put him with another queen in the nursery and he slightly opened his eyes to see Robinheart and he closed them again, too tired to care.

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