Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

Character Sheets

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-10-04 16:07:09
OOC: O.o Im so confused as where to put Frostflight O.o

Maple//Rouge//Mentions: Stoneclaw, Drake

Maple purred when she heard him purr, it made her so happy as she knew he was doing it for her despite his past experiences. When he spoke of kits Maple tried her hardest to push the thought out of her head, she had to accept that it was one thing she would need to give up."You're right, perhaps someday...When all of this has settled down, then we can think of kits." She smiled at the thought, Maple glanced at the chamomile sitting at her feet, realising she still owed an apology to Bumbletail. The she cat stood, brushing against Drake as she did so "i'll meet you back at camp, I need to talk to Bumbletail." She began padding into the bushes, yowling
"and don't worry, I'll stay away from Stoneclaw" as she did so.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-05 00:33:50
Mentions: Maple

He smiled, giving her a lick on her cheek then nodded when she said she would meet him at camp. He heard her say that she was going to go apologize to Bumbletail and he nodded again, "just be careful.." He said, worry in his tone. Then he heard her say he shouldn't worry and that she would stay away from Stoneclaw and he smiled, "I always worry.." He said as he watched her go.

Mentions: Shadestep

She looked at the Tom who was walking into the nursery, she had been tense and then noticing it was Shadestep she calmed down a little bit. "Um... sure Shadestep.. what's up?" She said with a smile, trying not to disturb little Pebblekit as he slept and Tigerkit.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 03:18:21
((@Sprinkles she still in the medicine den with Bumbletail we have interacted with her a couple of times, but as of now she is in the den))

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-10-05 06:20:45
(oh okay thanks :) I will reply soon)

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 09:29:26
Resplendence Mentions: Stoneclaw
Res slipped her neck from Stoneclaw's teeth and shook her head to ruffle out her neck fur. "Ah Nighty, it's almost as if you're trying to distract me. You know how much I like a good show, will you be able to provide a better one than whatever's going on in there?" she asked in a sickly sweet voice, smirking at him. Res moved closer to the NightClanner, tail flicking harshly.
ShadestepMentions: Sunfang, (Stoneclaw)
Gaze catching onto movement outside, Shadestep noticed Stoneclaw drawing a rogue out of the shadows near the nursery. His fur prickled but relief washed over him when he saw the rogue didn't attempt to return to spying on them. His ears flicked as he faced Sunfang again, returning her smile. "We have a plan for taking back the camp, and I want you to be a major part of it. But only if you're up for it, of course," he told her in kind quietness.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 09:44:18
Stoneclaw >>Resplendence
Stoneclaw laid down, "I guess if two love birds confessing each other love is more interesting for you then go ahead." he signed rolling on his back "I never took you for the romantic type, if it's romance you want I can show a good time." He winked at Res, "You are pretty cute, for a kitty pet." he rolled back on his belly giving her a cocky smile.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-05 11:38:06
Mentions: Shadestep

She looked at him, thinking about it for a little bit.. then nodded. "Sure.. why not?" She said, her voice didn't sound enthusiastic, just sort of sad.. she didn't want to put the kits into danger..

(I will pick a leader soon XD but till then, only plan! Then the new leader will come and help put into action, ok? c: I am think8ng carefully about this XD)

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 11:56:55
Resplendence Mentions: Stoneclaw
"A confession's going on, huh?" she replied, her facial expression showing over-dramatic surprise. "Well, I never would have guessed! You must be quite the expert on romance if you're able to tell that so easily. I saw some sneaky clanners getting together to share secrets, but I must be wrong, oh master of love." Res sneered at Stoneclaw, her fangs revealed slightly. "If I'm cute for a kitty pet, what am I for a rogue?" She drew her tongue over her lips, cackling lightly. "With how much you bring them up you sure have a thing for kitty pets, like your lovers pampered?"

Shadestep Mentions Sunfang, (Stoneclaw)
"I thought poisoning would be the best solution, to weaken or kill them," Shadestep supplied slowly, watching Sunfang carefully in case she wanted to add anything or back out. He wouldn't hold it against her, she'd be risking her life in this. "Sto- we," the black tom quickly replaced Stoneclaw's name as he remembered they weren't on friendly terms, "thought you'd be the most trusted to give the rogues a poisoned meal. The least suspecting." His face lifted slightly in a small, warm, encouraging smile. "If you don't want to do it you can still help and be part of our plan. We could infect the whole fresh kill pile or I could deliver the poison to them." Shadestep's amber eyes remained friendly; he hoped his efforts to help her feel calm were playing out and not the opposite.
(okay, just planning for now :))

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Edited on 05/10/16 @ 20:29:59 by Sunneh (#95479)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 12:11:02
Stoneclaw >> Resplendence
"As a rogue you are too much to resist." He said jumping on her pinning her down his whiskers touching hers. "What do you think we were talking about?" He smile leaning closer to her face. "See he was just shy to ask her to be mates, me on the other hand." He gave Res a flirtatious smile. Purring loudly as he gave her a nip on the ear. "Am not scared, don't act you don't love the attention."

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Edited on 05/10/16 @ 19:13:35 by Darkqueen (#96769)

FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 12:17:08

Boulder | 11 Moons | Tom | Location: NC Camp | Mentions: SunFang

Boulder spat out the crow's blood, licking the blood off his stained teeth. "Eh" He got up, and looked around, his ears flattened. "Maybe I should see SunFang?" He perked his ears, padding towards the den, his ears twitching, and his left amber eye narrowed. "S-SunFang?" He padded into the den.
(Boulder, why? xDD He ruins everything c:)

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 12:36:02
((I know something about Res makes Stoneclaw go crazy))

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 12:50:08
Resplendence Mentions: Stoneclaw, (Boulder)
Res snorted, blowing up air at the face of the weight on top of her. "Too much to resist? I think you just don't have as much control as other cats, doing and saying whatever you please," her words ended in a rough purr. Her sharp fangs nipped clemently at his nose before she gave a forceful thrust of her body in an unexpected, sudden movement. Positions switched, she leered down at him. Res' gaze snapped onto Boulder and she watched him make his way to the nursery with a dull expression. Vaguely, she wondered what he would discover in there, but she was having too much of a entertaining time to think more on it. Her persona was suddenly fierce and untamable again as she pressed her claw's against Stoneclaw's flank, tail flicking occasionally. "I do love attention. If adrenaline isn't flowing through me I'm so, incredibly, bored.
(I guess she's just a bit crazy, not technically evil- she'll really just do anything to not feel bored)

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Edited on 05/10/16 @ 19:51:54 by Sunneh (#95479)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 12:59:15
Stoneclaw >>Resplendence
Stoneclaw grabbed Res's head pulling it in for a sloppy lick. He pushed her off ramming into her. "I just love tough love, show me what you got kitty." He said walking around her his tail slashing the air. "Let's make a deal if I win you are mine." he said his eyes blazing with excitement.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-05 13:08:59
Mentions: Shadestep and Boulder

She thought about it and when she was about to reply, she turned her attention to Boulder. "Hi Boulder!" She said cheerfully, seemingly happy the Tom was coming. She looked at Shadestep, she wasn't going to do anything to Boulder. She got up and padded so she was right beside Shadestep as she whispered for only him to hear, "no one will hurt Boulder.." she almost sounded protective in a way.. "but we will talk later.." with that, she padded over to where she had heard Boulder call her, "yes?" She smiled.

(Dang Sunfang XD Boulder you have a loyal friend? Lol dunno yet XD)

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-05 13:39:41
Resplendence Mentions: Stoneclaw
Skidding a bit from the shove, Res braced herself swiftly and solidly to keep herself upright, a faint amount of dust arising at her paws. Res chuckled, smirking at him. "You'd have a rogue as your mate? A cat of a group that has taken over your camp?" Interesting. She stretched, muscles hardening and then slackening under her pelt. Of course, she had no intention of 'being his' if he won the skirmish. Or did she... Either way could turn out to be entertaining, and that's all she longed for- what would keep her engrossed, excited, entertained. Res' eyes burned as she watched the NightClanner. "And what do I get if I win?"

Shadestep Mentions: Sunfang, Boulder
Blinking at Sunfang's joyful demeanor upon seeing the rogue, the slim black tom looked a bit confused. He nodded gently to Sunfang when she whispered to him. Is Boulder a friend now? He wondered what problems, if any, this had caused. He was already making sense of things in his head as he trailed after Sunfang at a distance. Shadestep wasn't sure if she wished to converse privately with Boulder, so he just assumed she did to not be invasive.

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Edited on 05/10/16 @ 20:42:12 by Sunneh (#95479)

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