Posted by Unknown Blood / Dog Rp / Sign ups

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-27 05:35:08

((Credit for base Idea and plot inspiration goes to the youtube series "Eight-Six" Created by SumikoOneeSan))
Year 3040, humanity became highly advanced, but then...everything changed. Climates became severe...Natural disasters became more common...predators have also become more advanced in their body structures. They've become larger and more coordinated, almost inescapable. Humanity has become confined, one small inhabited area remains. They call it the last hope...but it's more torture than freedom...It has 20 foot stone walls surrounding the entire area, with one opening for exiting and entering that is heavily guarded by mechanical beings, usually former animals that have been captured and corrupted...turned into living machines. The government controls all, the inhabitants of the confined safezone have no say. Us canines are kept in a harsh facility. We are held in cold stone cages with one large glass window that allows the facility workers to watch us. One the opposite side of the stone cage is a sealed door, only openable with special hand prints that the government workers is torture...we are sometimes taken from the cage to be trained...The government has set out to make every canine turn against the residents of "The Last Hope"...To brainwash us. The say fear will keep them from wanting to escape...and it's our job to keep it that way, ours....and the mechanics'... When we are in the cages, we are sometimes let out to a large walled field where there are many other dogs and the floor is stone, we've never felt the grass under our pads... the humans say it "keeps us sane." But they really don't care about us... They don't care if we get hurt in a fight, or get sick...they can just replace the broken parts of us with their mechanical parts, slowly turning us into machines. The dogs all have rankings according to their loyalty level... usually the highest ranking dogs have the most mechanical parts Some dogs can fake loyalty but most times they don't get far. The humans refer to us as one letter and then a number...The letter represents the first letter of your breed...the number is just a way to differentiate you... but every dog knows his or her real name, the human given code is sometimes used as an insult. The government workers all look the same... They wear the same slim white suit. All the dogs are afraid of them...for they have no rules, they treat us how they there any escape...?

Chat Thread
RolePlay Thread


  • All lioden Rules apply, you are required to follow them

  • No magic please, try to keep most parts of the RP realistic

  • Please do not discriminate other people or their characters OOC

  • you can have as many characters as you believe you can handle C:

  • First come first serve when it come to ranks, no arguing please

  • put quotations around your character’s bio to show you read these C=

  • If your dog has a high rank, then you must have strong loyalty to the government and at least 3 mechanical parts.

  • Don't feel pressured to do/participate in anything you aren't comfortable with; if you have a problem/issue/complaint/suggestion/ect. please tell me or someone that could help.

  • Please be active, if you cannot respond in at least three days, then either i will send you a pm, or you will have to send me a pm explaining. I would appreciate if you told me in advance that you will be inactive for a while, and if you want to be taken off the rp, etc. just shoot me a pm and we will work it out C=

  • Source you images!!!!! No art thieves are allowed here, I highly disapprove of that.

  • Any questions please do ask C=

  • I reserve the right to deny any character I feel are overpowered, to vague, etc.

  • Read the intro!

The Ranks:

Alpha - The most trusted canine by the government, leads patrols, and keeps every other dog in order, also helps out if training sessions and is not afraid to kill to keep the fear in people. They are loyal to the government, and often have many mechanical parts, proving that the humans can trust the dog.
Beta - The second most trusted dog, often very mechanical and loyal. Not afraid to kill, tends to get into fights with other dogs, trying to impress the government.
Epsilon- There are often 1-3 of these, they keep all the lower ranks in order and are in charge of scouting while on patrol.
Zeta - Usually 5 of these, they are the main trainers to the Etas, but they all answer to the higher ranks, most government humans are very fond of them, they are usually the biggest and most intimidating dogs they have.
Eta - There is no limit to the amount in this rank, they are just the rest of the dogs, they make up patrols and are mostly being trained. Some don't agree with the government, others do. There isn't much limit to the diversity in this group.
Pup - Puppies, soon to be trained and taken from their mothers when weaned.


:: Appearance ::
Picture/link is fine, but please also include a written description. C=
:: Book description ::
This is required. A simple one sentence description of your character. Short and sweet C=
:: Code Name ::
Read intro please.
:: Name ::
Your character's name
:: Age ::
Your character's age
:: Gender ::
Your character's gender (Male=Brute, Female=Fae)
:: Sexuality ::
Your character's sexuality
:: Mechanical parts ::
Does your character have any mechanical parts?
:: Rank ::
Your character's Rank (see rankings above)
:: Breed(s) ::
Your character's breed or breeds
:: Personality ::
Your character's personality
:: Bio ::
Your character's history and backstory
:: Family/Relations ::
Your character's crush/family/friends/enemies/etc
:: Loyalty ::
How loyal is your character to the government? Very loyal, fairly loyal, not so sure, not really, strongly against, against but keeps it to his/her self. Or in your own words C=
:: Other ::
Anything else?

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Edited on 18/06/16 @ 19:34:01 by For never, forever (#61889)

Ms. Honeybee {Check
my branch} (#15625)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-28 06:42:25

:: Appearance ::
Astro is a dark yellow golden retriever with a brown eye.. He has a muscular build and is very agile. His back right leg is mechanical, and his left eye is mechanical, mostly blue with a tiny, red center. His fur is long and silky to the touch.
:: Book description ::
A friendly, semi-mechanical golden retriever with floppy ears and love for the outdoors (or anything outside his cage).
:: Code Name ::
:: Name ::
:: Age ::
4 and a half years old
:: Gender ::
:: Sexuality ::
Bisexual (leaning towards females, though)
:: Mechanical parts ::
His right back leg is mechanical from the knee down.
His left eye is mechanical, and is blue with a red center.
:: Rank ::
:: Breed(s) ::
85% Golden retriever
15% Black Labrador
:: Personality ::
Astro loves to play, and is a playful pup at heart. The government dislikes this trait in him, but due to his speed and agility, despite his mechanical leg, they keep him alive. He also has a lot of ingenuity, usually causing him to ask a lot of questions and look into the little details. Astro is also pretty witty and crafty. He has been able to talk his way out of many sticky situations, even though he has been told that his 'luck' will run out soon.

:: Bio ::
Astro's backstory isn't something that sticks out. He was born to two loving dogs, and when he was weaned from his mother he was taken and started his training. He wasn't valedictorian of his training, but he didn't flunk it either. He learned how to fight and all the weak spots of the human. But he is also not very loyal to the government. He is usually the first to join any rebellions, but due to his wittiness and craftiness, he can talk his way out of it, and convince some of the dogs he is 'not with those rebels'.

:: Family/Relations ::
Family: None/Has not seen them for about a year/Possibly alive?
Friends: None/Open :D
Enemies: The Government/Evil dogs
Mate: None (Yet ;) )

:: Loyalty ::
Astro is like a swinging balance most of the time. Some days he will support the government, yet most of the days he is against it.

:: Other ::
He howls at least one time during the middle of night, mostly just for fun.
He tries to protect smaller dogs/puppies from the government's actions.

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Edited on 28/05/16 @ 14:04:31 by Duna {Llamas love my hair} (#15625)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-28 07:32:33

"But you don't get a win unless you play in the game.
Oh, you get love for it. You get hate for it.
You get nothing if you wait for it."

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:: Appearance ::
A medium/large dog at 26 inches, Leo has a coarse black overcoat and a soft brown undercoat. His coat is darkest around his face, chest, and paws. Down his spine is a long patch of dark speckles. His ears are floppy, but will prick up on occasion when he's interested in something.

:: Book Description ::
Medium-sized dog with brown/black coat.

:: Code Name ::

:: Name ::

:: Age ::
around 3 years

:: Gender ::

:: Orientation ::

:: Mechanical Parts ::
Leo has very few modifications, and for the most part they aren't noticeable. All of them are more of "upgrades" than fixes, which sets him apart from other dogs. He doesn't plan to ever be injured enough to need more mechanical parts.
-His canines and incisors were removed and replaced with titanium teeth that are more like sharp spikes than teeth.
-His claws (and paws) were modified to give him catlike retractable titanium claws after a fight in which his left front paw was mangled. That paw was entirely replaced with a robotic paw, but for the most part it looks like the other paws since it has rubber paw pads and the top is covered in fake fur.
-His shoulders and elbows (front legs) were modified to give him an extreme range of flexibility. This allows him to strike out with his paws and also allows him to move and turn quickly.

:: Rank ::

:: Breed(s) ::
(T)ervuren // German Shorthaired Pointer

:: Personality ::
Leo isn't a dog that you want to tick off. He may not be as intimidating as some of the other high-ranked dogs, but what he lacks in size he makes up for in intelligence and ruthlessness. He cares little for the needs and feelings of individual dogs and would throw others "under the bus" without a second thought if it had any benefit to him. Years in a world where everything is out to get you has hardened Leo into the cold and distant killer that he is.

:: "Bio" ::
(Long story, settle in)
Leo wasn't born in the dog facility. He was taken, along with his mother and litter, at several months old when the government discovered them in a family's home. Though they fought hard to keep their beloved family pet, in the end they had no say in the matter. The litter was quickly separated from the mother, and eventually each other to keep attachments from forming. They were seen as lab rats to test out new ideas for mechanical upgrades for dogs so that the scientists could study how the dogs' bodies adapted to the machines as they grew. First came the teeth at six months old. To test the stability of the implants, each puppy was pit up against a much older dog. Three out of the other five pups weren't ready, and died from their injuries during or after the fights. Leo came very close to winning this fight, his only downfall coming when the dog split the bones and flesh of one of his paws. Because of this, the scientists had an idea. He and his remaining littermate's paws were altered to be fitted with retractable claws, and their joints were altered to be able to lash out with those claws. The other puppy's legs reacted horribly to the changes, leaving her unable and unwilling to walk, so she was euthanized. Leo, however, held on. He learned to walk again and soon the pain in his legs were gone. By this time, he was already over a year. Deemed too old to continue with the trials, he was put in with the rest of the dogs. He eventually adopted the name "Leo" because of his more catlike traits.

:: Family/Relations ::
Friends: open
Enemies: open
Siblings (5): deceased
Mother: deceased
Father: unknown

:: Loyalty ::
Hard to say. Being a high rank, he shows loyalty to the government. However, he would actually probably turn on them if he thought it would be beneficial to him.

:: Other ::

"Talk less. Smile more.
Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for."

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:: Appearance ::
Kitanny stands 25 inches tall at the shoulder. Her fluffy fur is mostly white except for tan patches on her haunches and flanks and a tan mask on her face. Has a large scar on her left flank, but it's mostly covered up by her semilong fur.

:: Book Description ::
Medium-sized bitch with white coat, tan patches.

:: Code Name ::

:: Name ::

:: Age ::
2.5 years

:: Gender ::

:: Orientation ::

:: Mechanical Parts ::
There's a large scar on her side where her ribs were reinforced after many of them breaking.

:: Rank ::

:: Breed(s) ::
(M)aremma Sheepdog // Scotch Collie

:: Personality ::
The polar opposite of my other character, Kittanny is very sweet and positive all the time. Nobody really knows how she keeps up her faith in dogs and humans, considering the circumstances, but she can find something good in everyone.

:: "Bio" ::
Kittanny was born to a pair of aggressive loyalists, but it was soon clear that she had none of their traits. Her training went by smoothly, but the humans realized that she didn't like hurting people or other dogs. The only reason she hasn't been euthanized is that she follows orders.

:: Family/Relations ::
Mother: open
Father: deceased
Siblings: open
Friends: everyone (by her standards)
Enemies: nobody (by her standards)
Crush: open

:: Loyalty ::
She doesn't like how cruel the government is, and would overthrow it if she had the bravery, but for now she does what she's told, and that's enough for her.

:: Other ::

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Edited on 29/05/16 @ 20:00:29 by Becquerel (KokoZuzu's side) (#33718)

AuraStar🌟 (#69762)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-28 09:21:01
I'd love to join this ro but I was wondering if a Zeta can be strongly against the goverment and if not could they keep it to themselves at the very least? Also may I resvere a Zeta spot?

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Rice (#70588)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-05-28 10:09:03
:: Appearance ::
Dakota is TINY for his breed, if they were friendly a human would be able to hold him with ease. His eyes are an cool blue with small sliver flecks, his fur is snowy white with not one speck of grey or silver.
:: Book description ::
Small, snowy white pup with light blue eyes.
:: Code Name ::
:: Name ::
:: Age ::
seven and a half weeks
:: Gender ::
:: Sexuality ::
Dakota: *cocks head* huh?
:: Mechanical parts ::
not quite, but he will soon once they figure out he's completely deaf in both ears due to his white fur and blue eyes
:: Rank ::
:: Breed(s) ::
Runty Malamute
:: Personality ::
Dakota is curious about everything and asks question constantly, but he's also very clumsy and prone to injury.
:: Bio ::
well, He's your average pup that was born in the Last hope and there he will live till he dies
:: Family/Relations ::
Natasha: mother: Deceased. (was a strongly against the LH and was destroyed after she attempted to escape the compound with three of her six pups)
Shadow: Sister: Unknown
Smoky: Brother: Unknown
Riley: Sister: unknown
Rudy: Brother: Alive, but has already entered training
Ginger: Sister: Alive, but has already entered training
Runt: Sister: Deceased, Died shortly after her mother was destroyed
:: Loyalty ::
um...unKnown to him
:: Other ::
welp, deaf in both ears

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-05-28 10:34:39
I'm glad to see Carly will have a friend. :') Was kinda afraid I'd be the only person playing a pupper.

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Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2016-05-28 10:36:35
Forever needs to get online!~ XD

So many forms that need approving/disapproving! o.e

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-28 10:42:04
All dogs thus far are accepted! sorry for the late reply! xD

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-28 10:44:12
@AuraWolf7, of course! but the character better be pretty witty about keeping his thoughts down low xD

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Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2016-05-28 11:01:34
I'm really looking forward to this RP. xD

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Aael (#30597)

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Posted on
2016-05-28 11:04:32

Same, I can't wait! Forever, when will the rp thread be up?

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Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2016-05-28 11:12:13
And when will the chat thread be up? xD

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-28 11:15:04
xD ill create the chat thread now, and the thread will be up no later than late tomorrow C= im going to finish my other two characters and im hoping to fill the Zeta positions by then if possible. C=

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-28 11:18:01

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Remus Lupin (#90897)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-05-28 11:20:31
(Not done)
:: Appearance ::
Sorry if my art is bad....Forgive me!

Isla is a extremely fluffy Dog, with different colors everywhere. Her face is a gradient of Dark brown to gray to white. her back is gray to white, and her tail is gray to white with a black tip. Her Azure eyes are Big. Her size is small for her breeds but she makes up for that in gentleness.

:: Book description ::
A Fluffy, Gradient Dark brown to white with Azure Eyes, and Black patches.

:: Code Name ::

:: Name ::
Isla Crow (I-sla Cr-ow)

:: Age ::
Three years.

:: Gender ::

:: Sexuality ::

:: Mechanical parts ::
She does have a metal Front left paw because when she was a pup, an Eta was pissed and took it out on her, And she does have part of a metal Tail.

:: Rank ::

:: Breed(s) ::
America Bully mixed with a Canadian Norwegian Elkhound

"I'm Meaner than the Demons"

:: Personality ::
Isla is usually a kind-hearted Dog with a Nurturing personality, however she has a different side as well. She can be a rude, ruthless and Crazy. She will have switches from the sides quite a bit but this doesn't mean she will hurt any other dog. When she is happy, she will smile, howl and/or flirt. When she is her "Demons" she will bite, scratch and growl. In both personalities, she loves sleep and food...

:: Bio ::
"Isla was born to Two rebels and a rebel sister. when she was seven months, her family tried to escape but only her sister made it. Her mother nearly made it but she was shot. She was nearly shot but her father protected her, which killed him in the end. they decided to give her another chance and she is planning to escape to this day."

:: Family/Relations ::
Crush: None...Yet. ;D
-Stasha - Sister - Unknown
-Crowley - Dad - Deceased, Died trying to save her.
-Samara - Mother - Deceased, Died saving her sister from this place.
Friends: Open
Enemies: Open

:: Loyalty ::
"Believe me, I just want peace and quiet."
She keeps to her self but she really doesn't like the government. She rather get hit with a baseball bat.

::Theme song::
Control by Halsey

:: Other ::
She tends to lie....She got Amazing with it.

:: Appearance ::

Merida is a simple Semi-Fluffy Akita Except instead of being gradient Gray to white, she is completely Gray. She does have a patch of black on her front left paw. Her eyes are a light brown and she always looks at others.

:: Book description ::
A Gray and black Fluffy Akita with Brown eyes.

:: Code Name ::

:: Name ::
Merida Dawn

:: Age ::
Seven months

:: Gender ::

:: Sexuality ::

:: Mechanical parts ::
Her Back paw is Mechanical...She was mistaken for a pup trying to escape when she wasn't.

:: Rank ::

:: Breed(s) ::
Pure breed Akita

:: Personality ::
Merida ia always Alert and responsive. Wat the government hates about her is that she is docile And/or Friendly, but they haven't killed her because she is courageous and fast...For a pup. she is pretty dignified as well. she is a supposed to be a fearless and loyal dog when she grows up. Right now, she is a quiet, Nice, and Loving Pup.

:: Bio ::
She is still a pup so there is not much to know.....She doesn't know her family......Nothing much to say about her....

:: Theme Song::
- Hollywood undead - Undead (Beware, this does have foul language.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)

-Please stop, you're scaring me!

:: Family/Relations ::
Crush: None.
Friend: Open
Family: She doesn't remember them.
Enemies: Government.

:: Loyalty ::
Rebels. Nothing else to say. Well....MAYBE.....She does tend to stay with the rebels, but to HER It's unknown.

:: Other ::
She tends to curls up against something warm, even if she isn't going to sleep.

(BOTH DOG'S VEIWS....Not mine!)
~Dale (Isla Dislikes, Merida fears.)
~Rona (Isla Unknown, Merida Is okay.)
~Beatrice (Isla and Merida Don't know.)
~Leo (Isla likes, Merida likes.)
~Enigma (Isla Doesn't know, Merida neutral.)
~Darius (Both Don't know)
~Captain Blue Beard (Isla is okay, Merida rather not get involved.)
~Ice (Isla doesn't know, Merida is willing to Talk to.)
~Amber (Merida kinda fears, Isla doesn't know)
~Petra (Isla doesn't know, Neither does Merida.)
~Cyrus (Both don't know)
~Phoenix (Isla, Doesn't know, Merida is okay.)
~Astro (Isla is okay, Merida is neutral)
~Kittanny (Both are Okay.)
~Frankie (Isla Fears, Merida Likes)
~Quidam (Both don't know)
~Burggie ( ^^^^)
~Max (Both are Okay)
~Shaleh (^^^^)
~Pillow (Both Like)
~Eva (Isla is okay, Merida is okay.)
~Carly (Isla Likes, Merida doesn't know)
~Dakota (Merida likes, Isla doesn't know.)
~Kai (Merida and Isla like.)
~Arya (Isla Likes, Merida Likes.)

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Edited on 31/05/16 @ 16:59:38 by Charlie Scene (#90897)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-28 12:57:59
:: Appearance ::
Slim and long with white almost everywhere but a red brindle covering his back and face.
:: Book description ::
A dog seemingly formed of flowing fur, a compilation of red brindle and white as pure as clouds.
:: Code Name ::
:: Name ::
Captain Blue Beard (shortened to Cap/Cap't/Captain)
:: Age ::
3 Years
:: Gender ::
:: Sexuality ::
Not sure himself
:: Mechanical parts ::
Muscles in legs, paws, and jaw have been replaced to allow faster movement and more vicious bites.
:: Rank ::
:: Breed(s) ::
Silken Windhound x Greyhound
:: Personality ::
Determined and ultimately cruel. Nothing gets between him and his goal. Despite this, he seeks out affection and warmth from others. His dream is to be valued by their human masters.
:: Bio ::
"Originally used for greyhound racing, this twisted government sought use of these dogs. Many were given mechanical upgrades and all continued their training, the rabbits they'd chase now replaced with caught rebels. The more vicious the dog, the more they were encouraged."
:: Family/Relations ::
Previous crush, possible family though unknown to him.
:: Loyalty ::
Very loyal, works hard to please.
:: Other ::
Prefers humans over other dogs, even though his owner readily abandoned him


:: Appearance ::
white-dobe.jpgCredit i think
An albino doberman with docked tail and pointy ears. His fur is blindingly white with pink highlights on his ears, nose, lips, and around his eyes. Speaking of eyes, his are a very pale blue which many mistake for him being blind.
:: Book description ::
An albino Doberman Pinscher.
:: Code Name ::
:: Name ::
:: Age ::
3 years
:: Gender ::
:: Sexuality ::
Macho Gay
:: Mechanical parts ::
:: Rank ::
:: Breed(s) ::
Doberman Pinscher
:: Personality ::
The embodiment of macho masculinity, though he's also excitable and tries to be funny (key word: tries)
:: Bio ::
"Previously kept as a pet for a mob boss but a government raid led him here."
:: Family/Relations ::
Friendly and quick to make friends but family is unknown.
:: Loyalty ::
Kind of loyal but unsure what is "right"
:: Other ::
Attracted to leadership making him easily led astray

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