Posted by Unknown Blood / Dog Rp / Sign ups

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-27 05:35:08

((Credit for base Idea and plot inspiration goes to the youtube series "Eight-Six" Created by SumikoOneeSan))
Year 3040, humanity became highly advanced, but then...everything changed. Climates became severe...Natural disasters became more common...predators have also become more advanced in their body structures. They've become larger and more coordinated, almost inescapable. Humanity has become confined, one small inhabited area remains. They call it the last hope...but it's more torture than freedom...It has 20 foot stone walls surrounding the entire area, with one opening for exiting and entering that is heavily guarded by mechanical beings, usually former animals that have been captured and corrupted...turned into living machines. The government controls all, the inhabitants of the confined safezone have no say. Us canines are kept in a harsh facility. We are held in cold stone cages with one large glass window that allows the facility workers to watch us. One the opposite side of the stone cage is a sealed door, only openable with special hand prints that the government workers is torture...we are sometimes taken from the cage to be trained...The government has set out to make every canine turn against the residents of "The Last Hope"...To brainwash us. The say fear will keep them from wanting to escape...and it's our job to keep it that way, ours....and the mechanics'... When we are in the cages, we are sometimes let out to a large walled field where there are many other dogs and the floor is stone, we've never felt the grass under our pads... the humans say it "keeps us sane." But they really don't care about us... They don't care if we get hurt in a fight, or get sick...they can just replace the broken parts of us with their mechanical parts, slowly turning us into machines. The dogs all have rankings according to their loyalty level... usually the highest ranking dogs have the most mechanical parts Some dogs can fake loyalty but most times they don't get far. The humans refer to us as one letter and then a number...The letter represents the first letter of your breed...the number is just a way to differentiate you... but every dog knows his or her real name, the human given code is sometimes used as an insult. The government workers all look the same... They wear the same slim white suit. All the dogs are afraid of them...for they have no rules, they treat us how they there any escape...?

Chat Thread
RolePlay Thread


  • All lioden Rules apply, you are required to follow them

  • No magic please, try to keep most parts of the RP realistic

  • Please do not discriminate other people or their characters OOC

  • you can have as many characters as you believe you can handle C:

  • First come first serve when it come to ranks, no arguing please

  • put quotations around your character’s bio to show you read these C=

  • If your dog has a high rank, then you must have strong loyalty to the government and at least 3 mechanical parts.

  • Don't feel pressured to do/participate in anything you aren't comfortable with; if you have a problem/issue/complaint/suggestion/ect. please tell me or someone that could help.

  • Please be active, if you cannot respond in at least three days, then either i will send you a pm, or you will have to send me a pm explaining. I would appreciate if you told me in advance that you will be inactive for a while, and if you want to be taken off the rp, etc. just shoot me a pm and we will work it out C=

  • Source you images!!!!! No art thieves are allowed here, I highly disapprove of that.

  • Any questions please do ask C=

  • I reserve the right to deny any character I feel are overpowered, to vague, etc.

  • Read the intro!

The Ranks:

Alpha - The most trusted canine by the government, leads patrols, and keeps every other dog in order, also helps out if training sessions and is not afraid to kill to keep the fear in people. They are loyal to the government, and often have many mechanical parts, proving that the humans can trust the dog.
Beta - The second most trusted dog, often very mechanical and loyal. Not afraid to kill, tends to get into fights with other dogs, trying to impress the government.
Epsilon- There are often 1-3 of these, they keep all the lower ranks in order and are in charge of scouting while on patrol.
Zeta - Usually 5 of these, they are the main trainers to the Etas, but they all answer to the higher ranks, most government humans are very fond of them, they are usually the biggest and most intimidating dogs they have.
Eta - There is no limit to the amount in this rank, they are just the rest of the dogs, they make up patrols and are mostly being trained. Some don't agree with the government, others do. There isn't much limit to the diversity in this group.
Pup - Puppies, soon to be trained and taken from their mothers when weaned.


:: Appearance ::
Picture/link is fine, but please also include a written description. C=
:: Book description ::
This is required. A simple one sentence description of your character. Short and sweet C=
:: Code Name ::
Read intro please.
:: Name ::
Your character's name
:: Age ::
Your character's age
:: Gender ::
Your character's gender (Male=Brute, Female=Fae)
:: Sexuality ::
Your character's sexuality
:: Mechanical parts ::
Does your character have any mechanical parts?
:: Rank ::
Your character's Rank (see rankings above)
:: Breed(s) ::
Your character's breed or breeds
:: Personality ::
Your character's personality
:: Bio ::
Your character's history and backstory
:: Family/Relations ::
Your character's crush/family/friends/enemies/etc
:: Loyalty ::
How loyal is your character to the government? Very loyal, fairly loyal, not so sure, not really, strongly against, against but keeps it to his/her self. Or in your own words C=
:: Other ::
Anything else?

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Edited on 18/06/16 @ 19:34:01 by For never, forever (#61889)

AuraStar🌟 (#69762)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-28 15:35:27
Appearance ::


Amber stands at 35 inches, past what should be the maximum height for male Anatolian Shepherds, how she got this tall is a mystery to everyone even herself. She weighs 135 pounds of almost pure muscle, the extra weight is from her mechanical parts. Her face seems to be almost in a permanent intimidating scowl, very few times does she look like any other emotion than serious and focused.

Found the image on

:: Book description ::
 A large tan and white Anatolian Shepherd with mechanical teeth, inner jaw and left front leg.
:: Code Name ::
:: Name ::
:: Age ::
2.5 years old
:: Gender ::
:: Sexuality ::
:: Mechanical parts ::
All her teeth and inner jaw have been replaced so her bite would be stronger and more damaging . They have just replaced her left front leg to see how much improvement it would do to her speed, eventually she will get her other legs replaced. Her leg is painted to look like how it did once before, this way she can fool targets into thinking she doesn't have any mechanical parts yet.
:: Rank ::
:: Breed(s) ::
Anatolian Shepherd
:: Personality ::
Amber has been know to be intelligent, somewhat independent and sassy going as far as to be silver tongued. She's usually always confident of her abilities, when speaking its a bit hard for to be anything but bold whether it's for better or for worse. Despite all of this she is more than reliable and does have a kind heart in her, you just need to get past all her barriers to see it.
:: Bio ::
Amber grew up with her father Lucas, her mother Skyla having died during childbirth, both she and Lucas were close and he did his best to raise her by teaching her how to keep her opinions to herself and how to fake her loyalty when it came to the government and how what they were doing was horribly wrong. When she was six months old her father was caught trying to escape the government, in turn the government grant his wish by having one of the epsilon kill him even going as far as to having Amber watch as a warning to not go against them.  It scarred her deeply to see her only friend and father murdered in front of her and while shaken up during the questioning of her loyalty she remembered what Lucas had taught her and faked her loyalty as best she could and while skeptical most believed her. Because of all this for the rest of her life she trained every day to get stronger and got more distant to others even forming a metaphorical barrier for herself. When she was a year and a half old one of the old Zeta's still questioned her loyalty even going as far as to tease her about it and while she refained herself from responding it wasn't till he started to insult her father that she turned and clamped down onto his throat, shredding it horribly thanks to her improved teeth and jaw, and as she let go of him and his blood dribbled from her mouth no one questioned her loyalty again.
:: Family/Relations ::
(If anyone wants to be related to her or even her friend let me know)

Mother: Skyla/Deceased
Father: Lucas/Deceased
Crush: Cyrus but still open for others
Friends: None at the moment
Siblings:None at the moment
:: Her Thoughts On Everyone ::
Dale- She utterly hates him but due to his high positioning and not wanting to be suspected of anything tolerates him.
Cyrus- Has a small crush on him but besides that does like and highly respects him.
Rona- Just like Dale she utterly hates her but due to her high positioning and not wanting to be suspected of anything tolerates her.
Beatrice- Amber respects her intelligence but besides that feels neutral about her
Leo-Mainly dislikes and like Ice would like to avoid being around him.
Enigma- Doesn't really like her but doesn't hate her either
Darius- Respects as an equal but is somewhat neutral
Captain Blue Beard- Mainly feels neutral
Ice- Mostly dislikes, Amber would rather not be around her for fear of saying something that would start an unnecessary fight.
Max- She highly likes him
Petra- Respects greatly and sees her as an equal,even if she also shares the same interest in Cyrus, doesn't hate her.
Phoenix- Amber likes how he's genuinely concerned for the well-being of humanity and dog-kind alike but besides that is neutral towards him.
Astro- Mainly likes but like most others feels neutral about him
Kittanny- Highly likes and is glad that she's sweet and does her best to be positive
Frankie- Neutral
Quidam- She highly likes him and is forever glad that he's not heartless, she tends to be more like her normal self around him since she finds no reason to hide herself around him.
Burggie- Neutral
Shaleh- Neutral
Pillow- Neutral but somewhat likes her
Eva- Mainly dislikes
Isla Crow- Find's her extremely odd but besides that thinks she's a decent dog
Carly- She loves all pups
Dakota- Like all pups she loves him and his curiousness
Kai- Loves all pups
Arya- Loves all pups
:: Loyalty ::
Strongly against the government but keeps it to her self.Hopes to find a way to escape and join with other dogs who hate the government as well to take them down.
:: Other ::
Like other Anatolians she's rugged, large and very strong with superior sight and hearing and she is very proud of this. (No I didn't make this up the Anatolian are actually like that)
Her mechanical parts aren't from injures, the humans wanted to just give her upgrades

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Edited on 29/05/16 @ 22:01:59 by AuraWolf7 (#69762)

AuraStar🌟 (#69762)

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Posted on
2016-05-28 15:35:27
Accidently posted twice sorry

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Edited on 29/05/16 @ 07:07:10 by AuraWolf7 (#69762)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-28 23:47:05

:: Appearance ::
Petra is large, even for a beauceron. She is twenty-seven and a half inches at the shoulder, and she weighs a hundred pounds, most of that weight being muscle. She has a large build, and doesn't look as feminine as other faes, but she's definitely very intimidating. Her eyes are deep brown. [Picture Source] [Details about her mechanical parts are later in the form.]
:: Book description ::
A large, black and tan beauceron with cropped ears and a mechanical neck and hind legs.
:: Code Name ::
:: Name ::
:: Age ::
4 Years, 6 Months
:: Gender ::
Female // Fae
:: Sexuality ::
:: Mechanical parts ::
Petra's neck and both of her hind legs are mechanical. She didn't get these parts because of injuries, but the humans put them on her to make her a better fighting dog. Her mechanical hind legs give her amazing power when running or jumping, and she can launch herself at other dogs to attack them with more force. Her mechanical neck also makes it so that nobody can kill her by snapping her neck, and if somebody tries to go for that area, they'll probably crack their teeth on the metal, but having a mechanical neck does affect her voice, and it sounds a bit robotic (she sounds like Captain Phasma from Star Wars). Her mechanical parts are not silver, like most dogs have, but they are painted black in color, making it a bit less obvious.
:: Rank ::
:: Breed(s) ::
:: Personality ::
Petra is actually a very kind dog that cares about the others, but she has to put on a harsh and aggressive facade to fool the government. She'll usually act very serious, but if alone with a dog that she trusts, she might tell a joke or two. She's very intelligent, and all of her plans are well thought-out. It's almost impossible sneak something past her, she's very observant, and notices everything. She's a natural leader, and has a way with words. She knows how to keep other dogs under control. Unfortunately, she can be a little stubborn. She hates admitting that she's wrong, and when she sets her mind to a task, she won't stop until she completes it, even if that task is particularly dangerous.
:: Bio ::
Petra was born into the organization, and taken away from her mother as soon as she was old enough to eat solid food. Because of this, she only has vague memories of her family, and has no idea where they are now. Ever since she started training, Petra had begun planning a rebellion: to get a large group of dogs, and strike against the government. She's faked her loyalty for her whole life, and she's been very careful about it. When the humans observed her, and saw her apparent loyalty, they made her a Zeta, replacing her neck and hind legs with mechanical parts. She doesn't like the Zeta position, but stays in it to gather information on the government and the higher-ranked dogs.
:: Family/Relations ::
Family: Unknown, she was taken from her parents at a young age, and doesn't really remember them
Friends: None, open
Crush: Cyrus
Enemies: She hasn't made any particular enemies, but a few of the anti-government dogs might not like her because they don't know her true intentions.
(Everything below is my character's opinion, not mine.)
Dale~ Strongly Hates/Despises (Seeing how corrupt and power-hungry he is makes her sick, and she'd like nothing more than to sink her teeth into his neck, but she tolerates him and even acts like she admires him in order to keep her rank)
Rona~ Dislikes (She knows how loyal she is to Dale, and doesn't like her because of this)
Beatrice~ Dislikes (Because of her loyalty to the government)
Leo~ Dislikes (She doesn't like the loyalty he shows to the government)
Enigma~ Dislikes (Petra doesn't know that much about Engima, but just assumes she is as loyal as all the other higher-ranked dogs)
Darius~ Slightly Dislikes (She doesn't hate him as much as other Zetas because he doesn't seem as loyal as them)
Captain Blue Beard~ Dislikes (He works too hard to please the government, in her opinion)
Ice~ Hates (She has seen how highly she speaks of Dale, and has a suspicion that she likes him a bit more than just as a leader. She is sickened by how Ice could find the corrupt Alpha attractive in any way)
Amber~ Dislikes (Petra thinks that Amber is just as loyal as the other Zetas, and she also doesn't like the fact that she seems to have an interest in Cyrus as well)
Cyrus~ Admires/Likes (Respects him for his strong opinion against the government, and she has a particular fondness for him <3)
Phoenix~ Likes (Petra knows that he doesn't like the government, and she is probably going to try and get him to help her with her plans)
Astro~ Neutral (He doesn't seem to have picked a side, and Petra will keep a neutral view on him as long as he doesn't get in her way)
Kittanny~ Slightly Likes (She has a feeling that Kittanny isn't loyal to the government, but doesn't know for sure because of how quiet she is)
Frankie~ Neutral (Same as Astro, she'll leave him be as long as he doesn't get in her way)
Quidam~ Neutral (Same as Astro and Frankie)
Burggie~ Slightly Dislikes (She would've liked to be friends with the small dog, since she likes his carefree personality, but unfortunately he seems to be on the government's side)
Max~ Neutral (She knows he's loyal to the government, but thinks he can easily be swayed over to the rebel side)
Shaleh~ Likes (Knows that the Eta doesn't like the government, and feels like she could be useful)
Pillow~ Slightly Likes (Petra feels like she could be swayed over to the rebel side, and she admires the dog's intelligence)
Eva~ Slightly Dislikes (Eva appears to be loyal to the government, but Petra has suspicions that she's faking it)
Allister~ Likes (Allister has a very rebellious personality, and Petra thinks she could probably help in her plan to take down the government)
Myra~ Neutral (Since Myra sways between sides often, she doesn't exactly trust her, but doesn't hate her)
Isla Crow~ Neutral (Isla Crow keeps to herself, so Petra doesn't know much about her, and she has decided to keep a neutral view on the Eta for now)
Merida Dawn~ Likes (Merida seems to be against the government, so Petra has a positive opinion of her)
Carly~ Neutral (She doesn't know much about this pup yet, so she hasn't made up her mind about her)
Dakota~ Slightly Likes (Even though the pup doesn't appear to have picked a side yet, she has a soft spot for him because of his disability)
Kai~ Neutral (Same as Carly, she doesn't know much about her)
Arya~ Strongly Dislikes/Hates (Petra didn't think it was possible to hate a pup until she met Arya. She doesn't like how she is extremely loyal to the government, and feels like she'll turn into a copy of Dale)
:: Loyalty ::
She acts like she's very loyal, when she actually hates the government and is trying to gather as much information as possible so she can take them down. She's very careful about it, and hasn't told anyone about her true intentions yet, but she's eventually going to try and gather a large group of dogs to rebel against the government, and hopefully end their cruel ways
:: Other ::

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Edited on 31/05/16 @ 03:11:25 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2016-05-29 00:37:57
If Aurawolf7 and BlazeRed make their forms, we'll have all the Zeta positions filled! :D

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-29 01:11:34
@BlazeRed, yep C=

@Ice, >:V Yas xD

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-05-29 01:34:15
I should probably be asleep right now, since I have school tomorrow, but I decided to start on my form anyways. X3

I'll finish the personality, bio, and relations tomorrow.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-29 01:35:50
Awesome C= and no hurry,take your time C=

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AuraStar🌟 (#69762)

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Posted on
2016-05-29 01:38:15
I'm working on mine right now actually

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-29 01:38:22
AuraWolf7, Awesome C=

I just woke up xD

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Edited on 29/05/16 @ 08:38:52 by For never, forever (#61889)

Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2016-05-29 01:43:44

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AuraStar🌟 (#69762)

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Posted on
2016-05-29 02:34:21
Sorry if this sounds dumb I always forget, how do I make the link show its image?

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Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2016-05-29 02:40:20
Here is a HTML guide.

Remember: When using those codes, remove the space between the angle brackets!

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Edited on 29/05/16 @ 09:40:41 by Ice (#51844)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-29 02:41:17
xD thats not dumb at all, anyway use this; <*img src=""*>*> Remove the *s and put the image link in the quotes

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-29 02:42:53
Yeah that ^^ the HTML guide helps with sizing if the default size is too big or small

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AuraStar🌟 (#69762)

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Posted on
2016-05-29 02:47:52
Thanks! :3

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