Posted by .:Gilded Skies:. Steampunk Pirate RP OPEN

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-16 16:09:08

”Misfits, Freaks, Lunatics, and Monsters. We’ve heard them all from the people within the kingdoms.”
The floating gilded city of Arywa, kept afloat by rotating gears, large wing-like expansions, and a filter that pumps helium into the undergrounds of the city. It was made after mankind ruined the earth below with pollution, poisons, and war. But the sky was a whole new horizon and brought about a new era based around the older ones of history. No electronics, no electricity, just steam, gears, and power provided by the sky. Sadly, it recreated prejudice for skin color, eye color, genetic mutations, blindness, etc. But it also brought about the birth of the Airship; massive crafts that either fly like zeppelins or stay afloat by filter systems, helium in the pipes, and large canvas wings. Every ship is composed differently, from the small merchant ships to the massive brig ships. But the skies for miles around Arywa’s main merchant routes have come under attack by a gang of pirates, their ship is named Iriduim and is a massive iron-gold, polished cherry wood, copper, and silver canvas beast. It sports the common wing feature and steam filter seen on brig ships but travels with no sound, attacking ships and tearing through them with its reinforced hull before members of the crew swoop down on canvas and false feathered gear wings too collect the pay from midair. The people are too afraid to trade with Arywa and the people are beginning to grow ill and in need of food and supplies, so four militia members are sent too board and infiltrate the ship. Their job is to collect information and bring it back. But once they find out the real story behind the ‘Golden Angels’ will they even want too?

.:The Rules:.

- All LioDen rules apply.

- Godmodding and powerplay are not acceptable. The only characters you have the right to control are your own and no one here is invincible. You will be called out and warned if you do either.

- Gilded Skies will include some dark themes, but mature content/18+ will need to either fade to black or be taken off site in compliance with LioDen’s roleplay rules. This would include sexual content, birthing or excessive gore/violence.

- This is intended to be an intermediate to advanced roleplay. You will be required to post at least one paragraph (5 sentences) and practice proper grammar. No one liners as they do nothing but stop the progression of the rp.

- Please be active. Inform me if you need to drop or take a hiatus.

- Do not use any artwork that you did not create yourself as a reference for your character unless it was specifically made for you. Please provide proof. Art theft will not be tolerated by me at all.

- You may use photo references, but you MUST link back to the original source. I will not accept applications using unsourced or improperly sourced pictures. Tinypic, Pinterest and Photobuck generally do not count as original sources.

- You can have up to four characters per person. If you prove to be active than you may request a fifth character.

- Swearing is allowed, but don’t overdo it.

- We expect everyone to be polite to one another out of character. If you have a real problem with someone, PM me and i will get it sorted out.

- Limit 1x1 this is supposed to be a group roleplay. Give everyone a chance to respond before moving on. Wait two posts before you post again.

- If you suffered this far tell me your favorite character of another person!

- This RP is LGBTQ+ friendly. Don’t like it or have a problem with it then either ignore it or leave please. Discrimination will not be tolerated.

- No same character mates.

.:Golden Angel Rules:.
• Respect your captain. Mutiny will not be tolerated by anyone.
• Show each other respect, they are you’re family now.
• Traitors. Will. Not. Be. Tolerated.
• Everyone has their own unique traits, do not belittle anyone because of it.
• Money is too be evenly split up by all. Other stuff is too be eaten or taken back to the ‘Dragon’s Hoard’.
• ‘Once you’re family, you’re always family.’ Once you join, there is no backing out.
• Take no prisoners unless the ship will benefit, and leave no witnesses.
.:Militia Rules:.
• Do not get caught.
• Do not fall for their tricks and do not go rogue. Rogues will be killed on sight.
• Do what you have too at all costs to stay hidden and get information back.

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Edited on 16/08/16 @ 23:33:10 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-16 16:29:17

.:Physical Forms/Mutations:.
Alexandria’s Genesis{1/2}
Missing Limb{0/3}
Super Dense Bones{3/3}
Elongated Canine Teeth{2/3}
Real Wings{4/4}
Most mental illness will be allowed. Just none that make them ‘accidentally’ kill everyone.

.:The Ranking Aboard The Ship:.
{They make the rules, enforce them, and decide on the time, place, raid, and merchant route of the entire ship. They are the head honcho and have say over all things aboard the boat and may dispense punishment as they see fit.}
|Urui Jax Cipher | Trans. Male | 25.5 years | Elongated teeth, SDB, Real Wings, NPD|

.:First Mate:.(1/1)
{The Captain’s right hand man, or woman. Their advisor and successor to the ship. The help keep everyone in line and make sure the prisoners have food daily and have completed their chores.}
|Aleksander Ehranes Attoli | Male | 31 years | Elongated teeth and SDB|

.:Second Mates:.(2/2)
{These two will take over, one for the first mate and one for the youngest will stay as a third mate, if anything happens to the first mate or captain. Keeps the Crew in line.}
| Nikita Stone | Female | 24.5 years | Real Wings |
|Annie Vargas | Female | 22 years | Alexandria's Genesis|

{The base of the ship; they fight, cook, clean, help out around the ship.}
|Danica Reyes | Female | 21 years| SDB|
|Sawyer Choi | Male | 23 years | Elongated teeth, BPD|
|Helios Raymonds | Male | 19.11 years | Blind|
|Gidean Poole | Male | 23 years |Sectoral Heterochromia |

{Takes care of the sick or injured}
| Biwix "Danny" Pleasant | Male | 25 years | Mute |
|Jekyll Ark Quill | Male | 27 years | Albinism|

.:Hidden Militia:.(3/5)
{Militia hidden aboard the ship among the crew too act as spies.}
|Casimiro Herrera | Male | 25 years | Real Wings |
|Nathanial Tate | Male | 25.5 years | Real Wings|
|Lewis parker | Male | 19 years |Vitiligo |

.:Captured Merchants:.(3/3)
{Merchants captured and taken from their ships because of their skills. Most are kept in the brig area of the ship but at least it’s fairly warm.}
|Obroox Buile | Male | 26 years | Heterochromia |
|Richard Phoenix | Male | 27 years | None|
|Maris Barnett | Female | 24 years | None|

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 19:22:59 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-16 16:29:33

.:Pirate Sign Up Form:.

{Captain, First Mate, Second Mate, Pirates}
What makes them an Outcast
Wing type? {Canvas/batlike canvas, False feather/shaped metal and canvas, or real wings}
Family Relationships
Brief History {Keep it brief}
Theme Song

.:Militia Sign Up Form:.

{All start as Militia/Hidden Pirate}
Fake outcast or real
Family Relationships
Brief History
Theme Song

.:Captured Merchant Sign Up Form:.

{Peasant or Nobility}
What makes them beneficial to the ship
Family Relationships
Brief History
Theme Song

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Edited on 16/08/16 @ 23:46:56 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-16 17:22:38

Urui Jax Cipher
25 years, 5 months
Trans. Male
Homosexual + Homoromantic
What makes them an Outcast
Super Dense Bones, Elongated Teeth, Real Wings, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Wing type?
Real || A solid beige-gold with lighter undersides and darker speckles across the topside and white tips on the flight feathers.
Urui is fairly short, 5’3 and weighing 210 lbs in total oddly enough even though he looks pretty normal in weight. The extra weight added to his 155 lbs is because of the fact he has SDB; trying to break any of his bones is near impossible unless you have SDB syndrome as well. He is mostly sharp angles with a lean figure and a sharp heart shaped face, his almond shapes eyes are a deep amber color that is flecked through with light brown giving them whisky look. Urui has a neat little upturned nose with cupid lips and a bit of a rounded look too his cheeks giving him a boyish look. His skin is fairly tan from spending his days out in the sun and his odd mixed heritage, and while his skin got darker; his hair got lighter. To the point of being a bleach blonde with darker gold streaks threaded through the curly, tussled hair. He has his own fair share of scars, the deepest and most noticeable is around his neck where someone tried to make him mute one time. His voice is rough and a little bit lighter in tone most of the time. His ivory white teeth are a little odd too look at for too long unless you realize why early on, the canine teeth and longer than normal and end in neat points. He tends to wear black and gold boots with a white ruffled and loose shirt with a long blood red leather and velvet lined duster coat and a wide brimmed black hat that has a long gold feather with a red quill pinned into it. With this he also sports black pants and gloves too match and does carry a long sickle bladed sword with him in a holster. When lounging around he just sticks to his shirt and pants, not even bothering with boots.
Urui suffers from NPD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He’s a megalomaniac in long terms short. He loves the hell out of himself and it’s not sure yet if this is or was a defensive mechanism against something or not. He cares deeply for his crew and does his best to make sure they get the best and are treated well enough, but for outsiders, traitors, or people who incite mutiny he has no mercy for. Urui doesn’t always know what to do with himself and will find odd shit too piss others off that he doesn’t like. Being called short is a huge pet peeve and you better be ready to run if you mention his height. He has moments were depression hits him over the loss of his family and he won’t leave his cabin at all, preferring to be alone. Other times he gets angry and goes up to the Crow’s nest where he yells, cusses, and spits at nothing; he does it too avoid snapping at any of the crew and can stay up there for a couple of days if need be. It is plain that under his NPD he is anxious about losing his new family and worries over them a lot more than he likes pointed out. He means well and actually founded the Golden Angels as a way to save misfits likes himself while still wreaking havoc on those who wronged him. Children, pets, and spiders are his soft points and he actually coos over spiders before putting them in jars too join his specimens on his shelves.
Family Relationships
Naemi Cipher | Mother | Dead
Koal Finn Cipher | Twin | Dead
No one as of yet.
Brief History
He was born female with beautiful wings, but knew early on that didn't feel right. He was never made fun of for his wings or his choice of pronouns. Urui grew up with an accepting male twin on a smaller floating island farther from the main ‘lands’ and their single mother. It was a tightknit community and they protected each other from outsiders from the large community to the east known as Arywas, with their militia and privateers. Most stayed away from the island and everything was usually calm and Urui and Koal could be found tricking people, eating mangos at the gate that lead out to the sky, or sleeping on the porch to their small run down shack. They were inseparable and attached at the hip all the time and seeing one without the other was extremely rare. Their mother worked hard to keep them stable and comfortable in the house. They weren’t rich, but their lives were good…or they had been till the mighty brig airship known as the Cage docked in. Arywas wanted the valuable farming land as their own, the natives had refused many times and now they were here too take it by force. Houses were burnt to the ground by the privateers as the militia walked through the village. Many were shot down on sight and very few taken prisoner…it was a nightmare and the last memory Urui had was of his home going down in flames, his brother had a bullet in his head and his mother was among the dead in the town square. He was taken aboard the brig because of his wings, he lived aboard it for sixteen years; tormented for his wings and used for cleaning and cooking like the rest of his people. It took only a few days after his twentieth birthday for him to escape. He became an apprentice and later on the Second Mate to the original captain of the Iridium. He worked his way up after that too captain and began picking up other misfits, slaughtering entire brig ships and decimating merchant ships all in the name of revenge. He has held the title ever since and has enjoyed his time as captain, but his past haunts him every time he goes to sleep.
Theme Song
Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time by P!ATD
Requiem For A Dream from Requiem For A Dream
I love everyone’s character tbh! They’re gonna be fun to interact with.


Helios Raymonds
19 years, 11 months
Homosexual + Homoromantic
What makes them an Outcast
Wing type?
False feather with Canvas || Bright reddish brown canvas with copper metal base and dark red feathers that fade to a deep orange. The copper is kept sharp and hot steam is used to power them.
Helios stands kind of short at 5'3 and weighs in at 135 lbs of lean muscle and bone. His hair is a messy light auburn with highlights of light blonde and undertones of black, it is actually rather curly and wavy when it starts to grow out, but he rarely lets it. He keeps it cropped short all the way around actually and is velvet soft and curls just a bit. Helios his skin is a cross between lightly tan and a light olive tone that is crisscrossed with scars from burns, accidents with the ships gears, and fighting. He has a somewhat softer face with a slightly pointed chin and he isn’t broad or made up of angles at all and does possess a softer look. Helios may look soft but make no mistake, most of it is hard, lean muscle that lacks any real fat on him. He has a splattering of slightly darker freckles across his face and, across his eyes, stretching from the left side to the right side is a good deal of scarring. Helios eyes are a very faint amber color that has a white overtone too it and they lack the bright look of someone who can see. His heritage can be a little confusing as he is a mix of Irish and Hawaiian, the red hair comes from his Irish heritage and his darker skin is from his Hawaiian heritage. He tends to wear a simple red colored shirt that shows the harness that wraps around and attacked his wings when he’s not wearing a black jacket over it, he tends to favor simple canvas or leather shoes with tan canvas pants.
Helios has a pessimistic outlook on life now, though he was never cheery too begin with; from hating himself and now hating that he is blind which causes him to lash out violently at those who get too close. He is too afraid of others being close to him due to how many people have actually left him alone or have tormented him throughout his life. He does enjoys fighting though…and around some people he can seem a little prideful even if it is all an act. He is gaining a better understanding of the ship and those on it, even allowing other too start getting closer to him. It takes a lot of coaxing to get him to come out of his shell, but once he does he tends to become a friend for life and will be as loyal as possible. Helios doesn’t believe in love actually, seeing it as a way for others to simply hurt someone else in the end and can become skittish or unsure with those who tend to be more flirtatious. Though he may be willing to give it a shot if the right person comes around. He is a hot head to the extreme and will loudly voice his opinions on any matter and is prone too temperamental outbursts and then storming off to hide in the engine room where he most often works. He is blind and hates the helpless feeling he sometimes gets around the others, and will rarely leave the ship since he’d have no clue how to maneuver. Helios also suffers from severe anxiety and panic attacks are a thing that he has to deal with more often than others would think. Helios tends to use sarcasm and witty comments to defend himself when he feels threatened or backed into a corner.
Family Relationships
Regina Raymonds | Mother | Unknown
Father Nicholas St. Liuncourt | ‘Caregiver’ | Dead as a Doornail
He is more than a little afraid of love but a certain Militia member may grow on him.
Brief History
Helios grew up on the massive floating island of Arywas with a single mother who worked at the kitchens in the city square, and was often left alone during the day. They had little money and it was often used to buy food, clothes, or pay rent for their smaller home and Helios himself had little time for proper school and was forced to learn the trade of a mechanic early on. He rarely made any fuss or put up much of a fight when he was picked on or called out in the streets or working in the inner kingdoms steam and boiler rooms. He had literally heard all the names, insults, and threats by the time he was thirteen years old. It hadn’t taken long for his mom too stop coming home all together after she picked up a second job, though Helios never knew what it was. He wasn’t really sad to see her go as the elderly lady who lived next door often took better care of him and watched out for him. It wasn’t till she figured out that Regina had disappeared that she took matters into her own hands. The elderly woman had called the local church who forcefully took him in too be a ward under the Kingdom of Arywas. He hated every second of it.
Helios was forced to wear a uniform, keep his hair cut, not talk back or argue, and especially not speak in front of the adults unless he was spoken too first. It killed him inside and made him extremely rebellious, he’d go out of his way to break rules for the fun of it. But after one too many transgressions Father Nicholas took the punishment into his own hands and used chemicals too blind the boy before isolating him from everyone else. He didn’t get away till he was sixteen years old and it was with the help of a girl who felt pity for him being locked in a black room for so long. He was taken to the nearest port on Arywas and left there, living for around three years as a begger before Urui and his crew too pity on him and took him aboard as a crew member. He has been there nine months and has proven his skill as a mechanic and cook several times over.
Theme Song
We Are by Hollywood Undead
(Cursing Warning)
I can’t pick, I cannnnnttt

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Edited on 23/08/16 @ 21:44:55 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-17 11:54:41

Casimiro Herrera
23 Years Old
Pansexual + Panromantic

Fake outcast or real?

Real. Large black wings with sharp-edged feathers protrude from between his shoulder blades, peppered with flecks and bands of pale gray or white that would likely remind bird enthusiasts of a Sooty Owl.


Height: 6’2”.
Weight: 190 lbs.

Casimiro has brown skin, a tone somewhere between light and dark. His hair is jet black, kept cut short and straight to keep it out of the way. If allowed to grow out it naturally becomes wavy at the ends. His jawline is somewhat triangular in shape, features neither soft nor exceedingly sharp, rather an equal mix of both. He's covered in scars of various depth and length with one of the most prominent slashing down over the left eye. Even with these blemishes he could still be considered to have an attractive face if you're willing to look past the scars. His wings aren’t free of damage either. While the feathers may appear healthy and glossy the skin beneath them is just as scarred as the rest of his body. Tattoos of owl wings decorate each shoulder blade and stretch out along the upper arm, similar in style to this design. They’re the only tattoos he currently has. He's fairly fit with a powerful, well-muscled build. His eyes are deep set and dark gray.


Stern and uptight in demeanor, Casimiro comes from a background of self-discipline that has followed him well into the present day. He's needed to keep his emotions carefully in check nearly his entire life and doesn't really know how to relax or have fun. His sense of moral justice is strong and he frowns immensely upon rule breaking without a justifiable reason or disobeying authority figures, though of course there are cases where it is excusable and he'll always speak up for anyone he believes has been abused or mistreated. Normally little more than a silent figure standing in a corner, he's passionate about the causes he does choose to align himself with and can be quite vocal in his opinions.

"You are a soldier, not a diplomat. You are here to be seen, not to be heard. You are the required muscle and that is it," are common comments form superiors, but this does little to dissuade him from speaking should he believe his voice needs to be heard, though he'll always attempt to speak in as respectful a manner he can manage and always in a calm, even tone. Never quick to anger, or if he is then he hides it well behind an unreadable, stoic expression. He excels at hand-to-hand combat, but has an aversion to most weapons and prefers not to use them if he can help it. Violence is a necessary evil in his mind, but he'll do his best to smooth over a situation without bloodshed if he can, prone to using intimidation and threats in order to get people to back off or surrender without a fight.

Once he becomes comfortable with someone Casimiro tends to grow attached and overprotective. Even if he isn't the most openly affectionate person he has other ways of showing people he cares; subtle touches, compliments, gift giving and actually smiling around them being a few clues. His loyalty is not easily earned, but once you've gained it you can expect a friend who will go to great lengths to insure you are safe and support you through your endeavors. He's surprisingly family oriented and an inner romantic, but hasn't had much time to devout to finding a life partner or having kids considering current circumstances.

Family Relationships

Maria Herrera {Mother}{Alive}.
Francisco Herrera {Father}{Alive}.


Urui Jax Cipher
"You have blurred the line between justice and revenge. Are you unaware of how far you've fallen or do you just not care anymore?"

Captured Merchants in general
"I'll make sure you get home safe. I won't leave this ship without you."

Obroox Buile
”Your ability to remain so upbeat in a situation like this is admirable. Don’t let these people wear down your spirit.”

Maris Barnett
”What happened to your family wasn’t your fault and I doubt they would want you to blame yourself for something so far out of your control.”

Biwix Pleasant
”Your silence is strangely comforting.”

Helios Raymonds
”You've been dealt a bad hand in life and your anger is justified, but don’t push the people around you away. I haven’t been here very long, but I can tell they care for you a great deal.“

Nikita Stone
”Quite the exemplary woman. It’s a shame her skills are being wasted here.”

Annie Vargas
”When I regain the power to arrest pirates you’ll be the first.”

Sawyer Choi
”I’m not quite sure what to think of you yet, but your combat skills are impressive.”

Nathanial Tate
”You were a good choice for this mission. I’m glad to have someone so competent here with me.”

Gidean Poole
”You could do with learning some impulse control. Not everything is a game.”

Jekyll Quill
”You have a gentle soul. I hope you don’t lose it here.”

Lewis Parker
”Who the hell assigned you to this mission?"

Aleksander Ehranes Attoli
”Your background doesn't excuse taking what doesn't belong to you or your attitude. I would expect better from the son of a lord.”


*sweats* Uh...

Brief History

Cas comes from a fairly strict family who have always been deeply involved with Arywa's armed forces. He started training for the militia as young as 14 at the urging of his father who was also a militia man. He inherited his wing mutation from his mother and that often made life difficult among the mostly mutation free militia. Combine that with the resurfacing of racism/extreme prejudice in regards to those who are seen as different and he didn't have an easy time growing up. Regardless, he graduated from training with flying colors (pun intended) and there aren't many who could deny he's a hard worker who always gets a job done. This is likely why he was one of the few chosen to serve as a spy on the Iriduim.

Theme Song

Re-Education - Rise Against.



Danica Reyes
21 Years Old

What makes them an Outcast?
Super dense bones.

Wing type?

Black metal and a reddish canvas.


Height: 5'5".
Weight: 250 lbs.

Danica is a bit on the small side with only subtle curving to her body much to her disappointment. Her skin is pale with cool undertones, but she tans easily in the summer. Her hair is long, slightly wavy at the ends and reaches about mid-back. A single strand of reddish-brown can be found within a sea of silky black locks if one looks hard enough. Her eyes are upturned and a rich hazel in color. Her facial features are round and soft, giving her a fairly sweet and youthful look. Her sense of fashion is very...vibrant to say the least, but she can make almost anything look good. Her favorite colors to sport are pale blue, pink, purple and yellow. She enjoys wearing make-up and is rarely seen without at least eyeliner and lipstick. Filipino heritage. Her heavier weight comes from her super dense bones.


Arrogant and egotistical. Once a notorious thief, Danica snagged items from right under shopkeeper's noses unnoticed on more than one occasion. She still has a habit of snatching things that don't belong to her, perhaps suffering a mild case of kleptomania. How she's managed to remain uncaught is a mystery other than her being both very careful and highly resourceful.

Upon first meeting Danica will likely come across as overly cocky and rude. Most of this is a facade to cover up her insecurities. Getting to know her better still reveals a certain level of obnoxiousness, but she isn't a bad friend to have. Once you've gained her loyalty she's got your back for life and appears to have little to no fear in the face of death. Fierce and savage in a fight, she has little mercy for her opponents. If not reined in she is prone to getting carried away.

Family Relationships

Luciana Reyes {Mother}{Deceased}.
Roberto Reyes {Father}{Deceased}
Draven Reyes {Older Brother}{Alive}.
Sofia Reyes {Older Sister}{Alive}


She views the whole crew as family, but respects Urui and Nikita most of all.

Urui Jax Cipher
”No worries Cap, I got your back.”

Helios Raymonds
”If anyone ever hurts you I will break them. Literally.”

Obroox Buile
”Ha, I like you! Maybe if I put in a good word Urui will let you join the crew someday.”

Biwix Pleasant
”I don’t mind that you don’t talk much. I do enough of that for both of us anyway.”

Nikita Stone
”We’d make a great team! They won’t stand a chance against us.”

Annie Vargas
”Wow girl, you got some high level crazy going on there.”

Maris Barnett
”Turn that frown upside down lass. Things could be worse.”

Sawyer Choi
”Let’s spar sometime pretty boy. I like your style.”

Nathanial Tate
”You and that other new dude are a bit uptight. Live a little guys. You only get one.”

Gidean Poole
”Well you look like all sorts of fun”

Jekyll Quill
”Hey, I know I can be a bit loud sometimes, but I don’t mean any harm. Lets be friends, yeah?”

Lewis Parker
”You and Vargas over there should get along just fine ya mad hatter.”

Aleksander Ehranes Attoli
”Pssst. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.”
And by this she means their collections of stolen items of course.


No one yet.

Brief History

She grew up her family's main caretaker. Her mother was always sick, her older sister troubled, her father passed away when she was so young she can barely remember him and her brother disappeared to only God know's where. She was often forced to steal in order to feed them as they were living in poverty. Her mother died by the time she was 17 and tired of her life she struck out on her on before coming across the Iriduim crew and deciding the pirate life was the life for her. Among them she felt free, welcomed and appreciated. That's all she's ever wanted.

Theme Song

Just Like Fire - Pink.


Richard Phoenix
27 Years Old
Bisexual + Biromantic

What makes them beneficial to the ship?

He's worth quite the pretty penny. Keeping him around to ransom off at some point is an option. Otherwise he's a bit out of luck when it comes to skills that could be used on the ship, though he does have a wonderful sense of direction and a fondness for maps.


Height: 5'10".
Weight: 155 lbs.

He has short, curly dirty blond hair and down turned sapphire blue eyes. His build is average, neither overly thin nor excessively muscular. In the past he was a man very concerned with appearance, but has relaxed considerably in recent years and always manages retain a rather distinguished look regardless of what he's wearing. His face is angular and features somewhat sharp. He is free of any blemishes or scars, thus far anyway, and doesn't have any sort of mutation to speak of. His skin is fair and burns easily. Depending on who you ask he's either classically handsome or a pretty boy. Either way he does have nobility written all over him.

{I'm an expert human describer clearly.}


Insensitive and somewhat self-centered. Growing up he was quite the brat, imperious and manipulative with a short temper as well as a habit for using others solely to benefit his own wants and needs. This behavior was hardly ever corrected by his parents, especially his mother who often spoiled him. As an adult he’s a little more tactful concerning other people and is less quick to anger, but he doesn’t have much concern for anyone he isn’t close to if the situation they are in isn’t dire. He is still fairly domineering, wanting to be in complete control of anything he’s involved in, and willing to use other people to achieve his own goals even if feelings might get hurt in the process. He tends to have a rather biting sense of humor. You can expect him to turn up the snark when around the ship's captain especially.

Family Relationships

Phineas Phoenix {Younger Brother}{Alive}.
Morgana Phoenix {Younger Sister}{Deceased}.
Sharona Phoenix {Mother}{Alive}.
Philip Phoenix {Father}{Alive}.
Maxine Warren {Maternal Aunt}{Alive}


Urui Jax Cipher
"I can't quite hear you all the way down there Captain. Do speak up."
He's gonna be the first idiot to make a short joke. RIP Richard.

Obroox Buile
"It's good to see the bright side of life, but you're a bit much."

Maris Barnett
"You remind me of my sister..."

Helios Raymonds
”You have the foulest temper compared to anyone I’ve ever met besides the Captain, but pissing you off does nothing for me. I think you’ve suffered enough.”

Biwix Pleasant
”You’re a great listener Danny boy.”

Nikita Stone
”Is your bite as bad as your bark? At least you don’t have pointy teeth.”

Annie Vargas
”Ah, lovely. A potential serial killer.”

Sawyer Choi
”You’re a lot like my little brother. Same age even. At least you’re slightly more likable.”

Nathanial Tate
”I’m getting the distinct feeling you don’t like me very much. Join the club sweetheart.”

Gidean Poole
”Sass is all I have left. Let a man have his petty indulgences.”

Jekyll Quill
”Why are you even here with these people? You don’t seem like their type.”

Lewis Parker
”If the captain doesn’t toss you overboard I might. Granted, I’m stuck down here, know, wishful thinking.”

Aleksander Ehranes Attoli
"I think you and I will get along just fine. Of all the people on this ship you're surprisingly the most bearable."


No one yet.

Brief History

Coming from a wealthy background, his upbringing was quite privileged and he was hardly ever told no, often given whatever he wanted without having to earn it as most people did. As you can probably imagine this led to a fairly bratty, spoiled child who felt he could get away with anything and everything. He constantly pushed his parents' limits until they decided on sending him away to live with another relative who also had a troubled son and might be better equipped to handle him. She sure did whip him into shape. Literally. Needless to say, his time with his aunt had him returning home a more obedient, polite teen. His mother was somewhat disturbed by the drastic change in attitude, but his father didn't ask questions. His sister sadly ended up passing away shortly after his return as she was always quite sickly. He was soon to take his father's place as a lord of Arywa when he had the misfortune of being kidnapped off a merchant ship transporting fine jewels and other luxuries. Why a future lord was on a merchant ship, no matter what it might carry, has proved a question he isn't interested in answering.

Theme Song

Ship To Wreck - Florence and the Machine.

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 22:11:44 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-17 14:23:24
holla i'd like to reserve a heterochromia character (central heterochromia) and a "mute" character (refuses to talk but is physically able to)
also would reserve captured merchant and doctor
Gonna make a merchant with heterochromia and a mute who's a doctor B)

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Edited on 17/08/16 @ 21:25:14 by Ser Isles (#57298)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-17 14:30:50
Gotcha! Your spots will be saved Ser

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Larksof8 (#34494)

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Posted on
2016-08-17 14:53:13
Could I reserve a Real wing Militia member?

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-17 15:04:42

Obroox Buile
Well-off but not nobility
What makes them beneficial to the ship
If you need it built, he can build it. If you need it repaired, he can repair it.
Chubby, short, and rugged. He has tan skin and long black hair that he sometimes braids. He's started to grow a beard that seems to be as wild as himself. His beard has little ginger specks through it but is otherwise entirely black. He has a large bear tattoo on his upper arm and a number of metal piercings. He has central heterochromia, his eyes are grey with a purple ring around the pupil. He likes wearing leathers more for efficiency than style and will usually have a leather jacket over his clothes to keep heat, cold, and dust off him.
Almost irritatingly cheery. He's so damn positive. He annoys the crap out of the guards because he actually cares and enjoys talking to them. He's full of puns and stories and jokes and pranks. He's very protective of people and will always stand up for them. He wants to help everyone as best he can.
Family Relationships
Family of merchants and builders. It's how he learnt how to make anything out of anything and how to sell anything to anyone. He's damn good at his job too.
Can't see much from the cell :P
None but he's good friends with one of the doctors, Biwix
Brief History
Not too eventful. He came from a large family with more skills than they knew what to do with. By 10 he was helping his folks build a commissioned church. By 15 he could build a house on his own. By 20 he could've built a town if he had enough time and materials. His family all seem to be ridiculously charismatic and the same goes for Obroox. They know how to impress people, how to get what they want, and this would seem manipulative if they had a single mean bone in their body. Their family is very respected despite not being nobility and they carry a lot of weight with merchants and builders.
Theme Song
ah gosh i've been in so many rps with potato and i can honestly say i love all their characters. They're the one who showed me this and i swear they must have been a sniffer dog in a past life because they hunt down good stories like a bloodhound.


Biwix "Danny" Pleasant
What makes them an Outcast
He's mute
Wing type?
Always looking damn nice. Something about him is just ridiculously attractive. He rocks an undercut and stubble and looks like he could make wearing trash stylish. He has bright green eyes and hair like rich mahogany wood. His skin is fairly pale but is somehow always free of acne and blemishes.
Comes off as quiet to most people. He doesn't like signing due to not everyone knowing sign language. Even with people who know the language, he tends to keep conversations short and to the point unless he's close friends with them. Once you get to know him you'll find a wicked intelligence and humour. He loves innuendos, particularly dirty ones. As his last name suggests, he's nice to be around.
Family Relationships
Small family of medical types.
Mostly the hospital. That's where he spends most of his time after all.
nobody yet
Brief History
Comes from a family of morticians, surgeons, and doctors. It's a small family that seems to be prone to accidents. At a young age, Biwix nearly froze to death in a lake, his sister somehow avoided being paralyzed after breaking her neck, his brother almost died from pneumonia, his mother was rescued from an attempted murder, and his father barely made it out of a fire that claimed their first house. They still have accidents, but somehow all the possibly fatal ones end up only being harmful but not deadly. Lots of people think he's cursed and can curse other people. His entire family chooses to be mute.
Theme Song
All is Dull

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-17 15:14:07

YAY! Shiba I'm so happy you made a pirate roleplay!! :D I've been waiting forever for one thank you so much! Lol
May I reserve a Second Mate? With real wings. If you wish for my character to not be one of the second mates, I can have her be just a normal pirate (part of the crew)! ^^


Nikita Stone


~ Reserved for friends. Don't call her this unless your closer to her than others are.

23 years, 5 months


Second Mate

Heterosexual + Heteroromantic

What makes them an Outcast
Real Wings, Elongated Teeth

Wing type?
Real. She has powerful, black wings that most closely resemble a black eagle's. They come out from between her shoulder blades and stretch very wide, as she has a large wingspan, though she does not have the largest of the crew.

Nikita || Source

Nikita is a pretty girl with stunning brown eyes and a small face with a sharp jawline, soft lips, and long, black eyelashes. She has long dark brown (technically black) hair that reaches down to her lower back, almost to her waist. 5'4'' with a light weight of around 115 pounds, she is a shorter female, yet this gives her a skinny, lean, and toned body with curves in the right places. She may be shorter than most, but she is strong and muscular for a girl, still having a nice body, yet her body is still agile and quick. She is strategic in her fighting and is a powerful female that can fight very good. Despite her abilities, she has a few scars, basically all earned from fighting, so she possesses scars made from swords, guns, knives, and more. She has one short one on the right side of her neck, one slightly longer one on her left arm, below her elbow, and a few more, though all scars she has are not too noticeable.

( I'm wonderful at describing humans. xD )

Nikita is as stubborn as an ox, probably the most stubborn girls out of the entire crew. There's a zero percent chance the female would ever back down from anything, especially a challenge or fight, well unless death was one hundred percent certain. She is very outspoken of her ideas and opinions. She's not shy around strangers, and will often command attention when speaking. She is known in the crew to be an aggressive female with experience in combat and a merciless way of killing. If she has a very important reason to kill you, she'll probably do so- though she never really wants to kill other crew members. Despite her more aggressive nature, she does have a strong sense of loyalty to her crew, who she cares about very deeply. You hurt or threaten one of the crew, she'll hurt you more. She is a very passionate woman, for if you are a male that has managed to find a place in her heart, Niki is one of the most passionate and protecting people, and would do anything to protect you.

Family Relationships
Jack [Father - Hates] [Deceased; C.O.D: Gun <- Nikita]
"You murdered my mother, you bastard."

Wanetta [Mother - Loves / Misses] [Deceased; C.O.D: Knife <- Jack]
"I'm so sorry..."

Ryder [Older Brother - Loves / Protects] [Alive] [OPEN]
"I love you, brother."

( Do not get offended by these. These are my character's views, not mine. They will be updated as she interacts with more characters. They are also her personal thoughts and will probably never be heard coming from her mouth, so no character should be aware of these views IC. )

"You're my captain; I will be forever loyal to you."
Helios Raymond's
"I'm glad I'm not blind. But don't hate yourself, lad. Things happen for a reason."
Casimiro Herrera
"Hm.. Tall and handsome. You're pretty serious all the time, but I can't judge."
Danica Reyes
"I'd like to fight alongside you."
Richard Phoenix
"I suggest you don't use any of that snark towards our Captain when I'm around."
Obroox Buile
"You're so... positive..."
Biwix "Danny" Pleasant
"I wonder why you don't speak."
Annie Vargas
"Are you mad?"
Maris Barnett
"I don't like your sharp tongue, but as long as it isn't directed towards me or someone I care about, I'm cool with it."
Sawyer Choi
"I'm very aware of your fighting ability, but your a bit lanky."
Nathaniel Tate
"Not quite sure what I think of you yet. I'd have to talk to you more."
Gideon Poole
"Quite the energetic one."
Jekyll Quill
"Despite the fact that stuttering people annoy me - as I like people to be straight forward - I think you're okay. And very smart."
Lewis Parker
"I like your attitude, kid. And you're skin coloring is a bit odd, but pretty cool."
Aleksander Ehranes Attoli
"Hm.. You're the only one I really relate too. I actually like you..."

No Male. Open. Pm Me.

Brief History

Theme Song

Will be added soon.

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Edited on 27/08/16 @ 14:52:25 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-17 15:59:48
May I reserve a Militia? This is the one of the few none animal based Roleplays I've found that looks interesting
Cant wait to be a pirate!

Form Here!

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 00:41:43
May I reserve a elongated teeth pirate? I will try to create my form when I get the chance.

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ʙʙᴇʀ (#91861)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 01:14:36
May I reserve one albino doctor and one second mate with AG? This seems like a really interesting RP that I haven't been able to find a lot of - I'll make my characters when I get the time if that's alright. :)

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-18 02:22:36
*Bounces happily* I'm proud that i made a good roleplay

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Larksof8 (#34494)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 02:23:21
You always make good RPs, Shiba.

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-18 02:42:10
Yes, but more people seem too be noticing them now and this one may have a chance to start actually. Most of mine die before they even start.

All roles, slots, etc have been updated! Let me know if i'm missing anything.

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