Posted by .:Gilded Skies:. Steampunk Pirate RP OPEN

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-16 16:09:08

”Misfits, Freaks, Lunatics, and Monsters. We’ve heard them all from the people within the kingdoms.”
The floating gilded city of Arywa, kept afloat by rotating gears, large wing-like expansions, and a filter that pumps helium into the undergrounds of the city. It was made after mankind ruined the earth below with pollution, poisons, and war. But the sky was a whole new horizon and brought about a new era based around the older ones of history. No electronics, no electricity, just steam, gears, and power provided by the sky. Sadly, it recreated prejudice for skin color, eye color, genetic mutations, blindness, etc. But it also brought about the birth of the Airship; massive crafts that either fly like zeppelins or stay afloat by filter systems, helium in the pipes, and large canvas wings. Every ship is composed differently, from the small merchant ships to the massive brig ships. But the skies for miles around Arywa’s main merchant routes have come under attack by a gang of pirates, their ship is named Iriduim and is a massive iron-gold, polished cherry wood, copper, and silver canvas beast. It sports the common wing feature and steam filter seen on brig ships but travels with no sound, attacking ships and tearing through them with its reinforced hull before members of the crew swoop down on canvas and false feathered gear wings too collect the pay from midair. The people are too afraid to trade with Arywa and the people are beginning to grow ill and in need of food and supplies, so four militia members are sent too board and infiltrate the ship. Their job is to collect information and bring it back. But once they find out the real story behind the ‘Golden Angels’ will they even want too?

.:The Rules:.

- All LioDen rules apply.

- Godmodding and powerplay are not acceptable. The only characters you have the right to control are your own and no one here is invincible. You will be called out and warned if you do either.

- Gilded Skies will include some dark themes, but mature content/18+ will need to either fade to black or be taken off site in compliance with LioDen’s roleplay rules. This would include sexual content, birthing or excessive gore/violence.

- This is intended to be an intermediate to advanced roleplay. You will be required to post at least one paragraph (5 sentences) and practice proper grammar. No one liners as they do nothing but stop the progression of the rp.

- Please be active. Inform me if you need to drop or take a hiatus.

- Do not use any artwork that you did not create yourself as a reference for your character unless it was specifically made for you. Please provide proof. Art theft will not be tolerated by me at all.

- You may use photo references, but you MUST link back to the original source. I will not accept applications using unsourced or improperly sourced pictures. Tinypic, Pinterest and Photobuck generally do not count as original sources.

- You can have up to four characters per person. If you prove to be active than you may request a fifth character.

- Swearing is allowed, but don’t overdo it.

- We expect everyone to be polite to one another out of character. If you have a real problem with someone, PM me and i will get it sorted out.

- Limit 1x1 this is supposed to be a group roleplay. Give everyone a chance to respond before moving on. Wait two posts before you post again.

- If you suffered this far tell me your favorite character of another person!

- This RP is LGBTQ+ friendly. Don’t like it or have a problem with it then either ignore it or leave please. Discrimination will not be tolerated.

- No same character mates.

.:Golden Angel Rules:.
• Respect your captain. Mutiny will not be tolerated by anyone.
• Show each other respect, they are you’re family now.
• Traitors. Will. Not. Be. Tolerated.
• Everyone has their own unique traits, do not belittle anyone because of it.
• Money is too be evenly split up by all. Other stuff is too be eaten or taken back to the ‘Dragon’s Hoard’.
• ‘Once you’re family, you’re always family.’ Once you join, there is no backing out.
• Take no prisoners unless the ship will benefit, and leave no witnesses.
.:Militia Rules:.
• Do not get caught.
• Do not fall for their tricks and do not go rogue. Rogues will be killed on sight.
• Do what you have too at all costs to stay hidden and get information back.

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Edited on 16/08/16 @ 23:33:10 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

ʙʙᴇʀ (#91861)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 05:01:53
Apologies for any mistakes, I'm still working on him. ;)

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Larksof8 (#34494)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 08:41:26
Added Gidean to my sign-ups, he's a crew member.

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Keldin (#2041)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-23 10:34:24
Aleksander Ehranes Attoli







First Mate



What makes them an Outcast

Super dense bones and elongated teeth.

Wing type?

Attoli's wings could not ever be mistaken for the real thing. Made of a frame of metal spars and lightweight wooden braces covered by painted canvas, they are wide and tough and largely inflexible except for the sturdy brass gears at each joint. Sturdy rope and leather pulleys provide flex and control their range of motion, and they can even be locked stiff in a gliding position if necessary, though the mechanism has an unfortunate habit of jamming when engaged. Attoli's wings are massive to compensate for his height and weight, and perhaps most closely resemble a bat's when unfolded to their full span.


Standing at an easy 6'4", Attoli is broad through the shoulders, trim through the waist, and thick with muscle from chest to calf. Dense with bone and meat, it's difficult for most to judge exactly how heavy he is with guesses ranging from "at least twenty stone" to "about the heft of a cannon and just as easy to move". Having lived an active life, Attoli's skin is a crisp olive brown, marred here and there with scars and other keepsakes of his time with the militia writ pale on his skin. His hair is a deep chestnut shot through with rich threads of red, and his eyes the clear green of a pool in shadowed woods.

Sharp eyed and hollow cheeked, Attoli's face gives the impression of focus, of hunger, and combined with the sharp white lines of his elongated teeth, the effect might easily be considered altogether unnerving for all his features are not strictly unpleasant. Still, in spite of the fine cut of his clothes, there is something altogether uncivilized about the way he considers the world, the long, silent prowl of his stride.


Attoli grew up hungry, alone, and surrounded by an uneasy space when he was not surrounded by mistrust or fear or bitter hate. Attoli grew up learning to take what would never be given to him, and in many ways he has not changed at all. He makes no apologies for himself, for his needs, for his wants, and while he has made himself a hard man of necessity, Attoli lives for the pleasures in life. Perhaps not surprisingly, he learned to take those too and often quite literally. Attoli has a small, but extensive collection of stolen baubles and other prizes, one which includes no few books though he is barely literate at best.

Aggressive and proud as he is, Attoli is also incredibly possessive. He has had little enough to call his own, that what he does own he keeps jealously close whether that be a thing, a place, or even a crew.

Attoli's sheer physicality might be unnerving to some. He touches, he grasps, he shoves and pins. Attoli uses his hands and his body and his face as much, if not more, than his mouth to communicate. An opening of his space to a friend, the sharp line of his shoulder to a stranger, Attoli often has a sly--and truthfully just a bit bitchy--sense of humor, but his body rarely lies.

Family Relationships

Lord Attenborough, father
Ysmerine Little, mother

Mostly varying degrees of amusement.

Captain, my captain.

Little spitfire.

Like calls to like.

Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave. Wind him up and watch him go.

By far the most relentlessly pleasant person on the ship.

Has a deft hand with stitches, and keeps good care of the crew. Attoli is generally inclined to give him more leeway than most for that alone.

Strong, capable, and with just a bit of temper. Exactly how he likes them.

The younger sister I actually never wanted.

The quiet is a nice change of pace.

Young and clever. Attoli donates feathers to his collection.

A pirate who likes rules?

Harmless trouble.

Not sure how to handle with care.

Trouble. Not always harmless.


None as yet.

Brief History

Edward Attoli Attenborough, youngest of his father's sons and an accomplished captain, never expected to inherit the family estates, however the world seldom takes note of such exceptions and at the age of thirty five, afyer a series of misfortunes befell the family, he became the Lord of Attenborough.

Youngest of his father's sons, Aleksander was born to the pretty wet nurse who minded Lord Attenborough's trueborn heirs. Lady Attenborough, long since accustomed to the indignities of her marriage, saw him out the door as soon as it was apparent that this latest in a long string of her husband's infidelities was wrong. It was only when he grew up tall and strong and straight of limb that Attenborough took note of his youngest son, and decided to make something of him. Aleksander, not insensible of what Lord Attenborough might want with a son he had long ignored, pressed for a promise of an officer's commission...and received it. He enlisted in the military and so began a long career to which he proved uniquely, ruthlessly suited. He rose through the ranks on his own merits and his father's money, liberally applied, and made few friends and a great many enemies.

There were a great many concerns about his suitability for command. Young, they said, and mutant, others. Attoli, long since accustomed to words less kind, ignored them all and left Arywas without a backward glance.

There were a great many whispers, and a great deal more shouting, when he never came back.

Theme Song

SO MANY FAVORITES. I want to hug Helios and Nathaniel tho.

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Edited on 23/08/16 @ 18:00:55 by Keldin (#2041)

Larksof8 (#34494)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 10:55:56
Yay! Nathan's a favorite!

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Keldin (#2041)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:03:07
As he should be :D. Nathan for fave 2k16!

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Larksof8 (#34494)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 11:12:59
I love Aleksander though.

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Keldin (#2041)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-23 12:09:05
... .-. Thk u, I'm very flattered that you like my potato xD, especially after reading all the wonderful characters here.

Super hype for this rp! Will have to fix up my typos and struggle with hyoerlinking a song in later xD. This gives me a good excuse to go listen to youtube that I totally didn't actually need tho!

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-23 12:57:46
All are accepted!

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-24 06:53:53

Roleplay thread is now up and open! Anyone may post!

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-24 12:14:29
(ah head's up, on the list of characters Obroox is listed as a trans dude but he is not a trans dude)

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-24 12:22:12
I apologize! I tend too copy over a main format and input the information needed for the next character and have mix ups like this sometimes

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-24 14:56:13
I finally stopped being lazy and updated my character views. This proved just how uncreative I am because it took quite a bit of thinking to come up with something for everyone.

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