Posted by Artists Unite! Main Thread

Boink Doink (#134477)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 23:42:16

This is an official clan thread for the Artists Unite! Clan!

Artists Unite!

arists_unite_banner_by_ookamireiben96-db17nra.gif| Clan | Main Thread | Contests | Help Thread|Discord|

Welcome to Artists Unite! We are a clan dedicated to helping each other improve our art skills, whether traditional/digital.


• Follow Lioden Rules
• Follow Lioden Art Rules
• No stealing/claiming as your own if you haven't done your own art!
• You must be active! We will have a member check every five months!
• Be respectful to all clan members!

Things you can do on this thread

• Chat
• Apply (Clan/Admin)
• Post recently completed art/wips
• Suggest improvements


You MUST fill the form first to join the clan!
Joining Form:

Remove the text in italics! Please post it in this thread, that way other clan members can get to know you a little better!

ID Number:
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?:
Traditional or Digital Artist?:
What things are you good at? (Leave blank if none):
What things do you want to improve? (Leave blank if none):
What program/drawing tablet do you use? (Leave blank if traditional):
What type of markers do you use, eg. Copics, Watercolour, pastelle, crayon (Leave blank if digital)

Helpful Threads

Kay's HTML Guide
Keep Your Art Safe!


If you have a shop(art/lions/raffles/auctions/etc) and you'll like them to be advertised here (shown above) please PM #16535 for an advertisement form, you will also be paying a small fee depending on how many forms you fill. Once displayed you can always PM me to remove it or update it.

Upcoming Events

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Edited on 20/11/17 @ 10:18:19 by OokamiRaven (#16535)

NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-05-30 20:01:31

Doing Art Trades!

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Vanagandr (#85363)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-05-30 23:46:32
@Nebula That sounds like a fun idea :D I might tune in to ask for an art trade (even though my art isn't the best ^^" But I can scan everything despite the fact that I rarely do it because of laziness and stuff)

This is one of my newer pictures that I am pretty proud of (because backgrounds and I don't do them often enough) I have drawn a lot yesterday, mainly because I am pretty sick (not as in high fever but as in I have a hard time keeping food inside for more than 30 minutes (which I managed by eating just little things but eating pretty much all the time, which seems to work for me at the moment at least). And I found a list on how to draw your OC (as in different situations, etc.)
And this is point two on the list (in a park) of 15 in total, of which I have done 4 yesterday and I will continue to draw all of them for this character, her name is Embla, and I might do it for my other OCs as well, as the list shows a wide variety of things I could draw and I am out of ideas from time to time.
Speaking of being out of ideas from time to time. Do any of you guys have ideas on how to get an idea of what to draw when you want to draw but don't know what? I could really use some ideas XD


And yes I know that the head is way too big, when I noticed it it was pretty much too late ^^" And the book could be bigger.

And I have another drawing where something went wrong with the angles, any idea how I can do it better the next time? My characters seem a bit off and I couldn't fix it?
Here it is:


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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-31 06:55:24
The angle/edge where the girl is should line up/be parallel the the angle you see on the floor in the back..
It would end up being very close to the floor line..
If you took a ruler or something straight from the corner that meets the wall and out till it looks parallel to the floor line it should look better!

Or you can take the straight edge from the floor line to the line where the girl is and stop when you reach part of that angle the girl is on.

* 4 years of art finally paying off xD*

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Edited on 31/05/17 @ 06:57:11 by LittleKitti{HexaPanPrimal} (#49878)

TophatCheebs (#16535)

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Posted on
2017-06-04 11:12:58
Hey guys! Sorry for the inactivity I'll try to be more active this week
I've only really done three doodles this entire time

But for now I'm doing a join,me!
I was practicing lion anatomy but then it turned into a lion cheetah hybrid
my arm is dead but it's done done

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Edited on 04/06/17 @ 13:12:14 by OokamiRaven (#16535)

TophatCheebs (#16535)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 20:31:24
Felt like drawing my centaur as well as practice horse muscle anatomy today

Redrew an old drawing trying to get out of art block, i think it worked

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Vanagandr (#85363)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-06-07 00:30:12
Thank you for the advice :D (7 years of art not paying out lol) I was more thinking that the girl is laying in a weird way.

Love the cat bust doodle in your first post :D It is soo cute and the sketchy style is amazing (And I am jealous of anybody that can do digital tbh XD I am just not really good at it ^^"
The centaur is gorgeous :D But the way he turns looks a bit off? The left front leg shouldn't be that stretched as it looks like he should be in gallop, it doesn't fit any way a horse walks, it should be high but curled in in this stage of running or if stretched it should still be curled around the hove (probably something only people that ride notice but anyway :3) And is it just me or is his back (the human back) a bit too straight?
Amazing redrawing :D It is nice to see how we improve :D
And it might be just me but the black wolf looks like he is a bit off as in he seems stretched and squished? And the markings on the other seems to be a bit too thin to seem like a marking :3

So my art XD


(leg wise this doesn't work out that good either XD)

Aaaand careful this one is pretty darn gay, cause pride month

And the proportions of the winged guy are off XD But I noticed it too late XD

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LichBot (#113659)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 14:01:10
ID Number: 113659
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?: I guess both? I'm satisfied with where I am on some things, but not others.
Traditional or Digital Artist?: Digital, but I do a bit of traditional.
What things are you good at? (Leave blank if none): Cats and canines! People I'm okay at.
What things do you want to improve? (Leave blank if none): People, especially with limbs. Aaand backgrounds.
What program/drawing tablet do you use? (Leave blank if traditional): A Wacom Intuos 4, and mostly Medibang Paint.
What type of markers do you use: Copics, but I'm bad with them. Usually pencil or pen with traditional.

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-07 16:40:45
Welcome SkeleBot!

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-10 09:37:07

Streaming! I might be a little slow because my cat came to lay on my lap and I would feel guilty pushing him off just to draw when he's purring up a storm and just wanting attention.

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-10 09:41:34
Damn really wish join me worked on my phone x.x

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-10 09:41:43
Damn really wish join me worked on my phone x.x

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-10 09:57:00
You can purchase the app for free

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TophatCheebs (#16535)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 10:49:29
Thank you for the input! but I really wasn't looking for critiques


I'll be reopening art commissions but this time using Paypal I'll make a thread later in the day

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TophatCheebs (#16535)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 05:31:23
Doodled a Mikleo bun for my sis
I love it it kinda looks like he's glowing?

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-12 23:19:51

Why can't this be real I want to hug it and choke in it's floofy fur
Btw this was a little sketch at midnight of a closed species, probably gonna just make it a personal OC though, unless you guys want one

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Edited on 12/06/17 @ 23:22:16 by ✩NeptuneNebula✩ (#64036)

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