Posted by Artists Unite! Main Thread

Boink Doink (#134477)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 23:42:16

This is an official clan thread for the Artists Unite! Clan!

Artists Unite!

arists_unite_banner_by_ookamireiben96-db17nra.gif| Clan | Main Thread | Contests | Help Thread|Discord|

Welcome to Artists Unite! We are a clan dedicated to helping each other improve our art skills, whether traditional/digital.


• Follow Lioden Rules
• Follow Lioden Art Rules
• No stealing/claiming as your own if you haven't done your own art!
• You must be active! We will have a member check every five months!
• Be respectful to all clan members!

Things you can do on this thread

• Chat
• Apply (Clan/Admin)
• Post recently completed art/wips
• Suggest improvements


You MUST fill the form first to join the clan!
Joining Form:

Remove the text in italics! Please post it in this thread, that way other clan members can get to know you a little better!

ID Number:
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?:
Traditional or Digital Artist?:
What things are you good at? (Leave blank if none):
What things do you want to improve? (Leave blank if none):
What program/drawing tablet do you use? (Leave blank if traditional):
What type of markers do you use, eg. Copics, Watercolour, pastelle, crayon (Leave blank if digital)

Helpful Threads

Kay's HTML Guide
Keep Your Art Safe!


If you have a shop(art/lions/raffles/auctions/etc) and you'll like them to be advertised here (shown above) please PM #16535 for an advertisement form, you will also be paying a small fee depending on how many forms you fill. Once displayed you can always PM me to remove it or update it.

Upcoming Events

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Edited on 20/11/17 @ 10:18:19 by OokamiRaven (#16535)

Alexandoria (#80753)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-08-19 06:39:47
Hey frens <3
Just wanted to say hi, because I've been gone for a good while, lol

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-19 09:14:45
I recently spilled some soda pop on my computer.. Its still sticky with some buttons but it works.

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greyvyard ✦ ivan
lovebot (#100511)

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Posted on
2017-08-20 21:07:04
So, I have a small question. I'm a traditional artist, and all I've really done digitally is bases and such. I'd like to start converting my traditional art into digital art. What way would be the easier option? I use ibisPaintX and Medibang, though if there were any other free apps that I could use to switch to digital, that'd be a greatly appreciated suggestion too! I might sound like a noob but I figured it'd be better to ask here than anywhere else QwQ

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Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2017-08-21 08:38:00
Akutagawa Ryunosuke, use any program that gives you layer options, and then make the layer with your traditional lines "Multiply". Assuming your paper was white, it should work fine. I don't know if medibang has it, but Krita does.

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Deku (#117676)

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Posted on
2017-08-21 10:32:36
I'll go into more detail. You can use the method that Darklily described to add color to your traditional drawings, but you can also transform your traditional sketches into digital pieces.
I'm going to assume you have a basic knowledge of how layers work. Take a picture of your traditional sketch and import it into your art program. Optionally you can reduce the opacity of the layer your sketch is on. Create a new layer, grab your lineart tool of choice and ink overtop your sketch. You can go back over the lines to make areas thicker, or use the eraser tool to make them thinner and taper your lines to a point.

Once that's done, turn off the sketch layer and make a new layer under the lineart layer. Go ahead and add your color to that layer (or however many layers you need)

Once you get more confident with digital art, you can start doing your sketches digitally to make the process fully digital.

If you're having trouble figuring out how to do something with your program of choice, Google it. There's tutorials for just about everything!

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CanisCappuccino (#115127)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-23 08:11:48
Hey there :D I didn't find an "introduce yourself" post so I'll post it here. I hope it's ok!

ID Number: #115127
Traditional or Digital Artist?: Absolutely digital artist. I'm in love with Photoshop :)
What things are you good at? I'm really comfortable drawing characters (humans the most)
What things do you want to improve? Everything. I'm currently working on my environments ^^
What program/drawing tablet do you use? An old Wacom Bamboo and Photoshop CC

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Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2017-08-23 18:44:20
Welcome Miri! Yup, this is pretty much where everybody introduces themselves. Current news is basically that there is an ongoing contest on the Contest page for a mascot.

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Ocean Truffles (#100414)

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Posted on
2017-08-28 14:30:39
ID Number: 100414
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?: Learner
Traditional or Digital Artist?: Digital, SAI is my baby.
What things are you good at?: Canines and felines currently
What things do you want to improve?: Shading and backgrounds
What program/drawing tablet do you use?: I use SAI, I don't use a tablet

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mavenn /|
。⁠ᐟ⁠ /| (#113380)

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Posted on
2017-08-28 14:31:40
ID Number: 113380
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?: Both
Traditional or Digital Artist?: Both
What things are you good at? (Leave blank if none): Animals, anthros, landscapes and some humans
What things do you want to improve? (Leave blank if none): Humans, animating
What program/drawing tablet do you use? (Leave blank if traditional): iPad pro and apple pencil, Ibis paint x
What type of markers do you use, eg. Copics, Watercolour, pastelle, crayon (Leave blank if digital): Copics, prismacolors, microns.

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TophatCheeebs (#101957)

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Posted on
2017-08-30 12:57:26
Welcome everyone!

I'm finally doing some art
I recently finished playing Nier:Automata with my sis, and I ended up making a version of Raven for it
Here's what I have so far kinda, but i still need to draw his weapons, i absolutely cant draw swords though
then here's a super late commission that i'm finally working on i had to go from drawing slim figures to muscly men
i always leave the hands for last

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Edited on 30/08/17 @ 13:04:52 by OokamiRaven II (#101957)

Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2017-09-02 17:34:57
Welcome to all!

I think I just got over my art block --- it took a week of being away from everything (visiting some family) to realise i really miss drawing xd

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TophatCheebs (#16535)

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Posted on
2017-09-02 18:12:44
welcome back Lumiere!
I'm glad things are better!

i doodled my cheebs raven a couple days ago
i feel like this would make a cute recolor? i could change the ears/tail to a lions idk i'll have to ask ppl
but i kinda also want to clean it up and make a charm out of it for myself, i love my boi

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greyvyard ✦ ivan
lovebot (#100511)

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Posted on
2017-09-02 23:32:58
Oh my gosh, Ookami is absolutely a cutie!! And the chibi would be nice as a recolor, but I think the charm for yourself would be better ^^

Also, I have a question, and it's been on my mind for quite a while, but I feel like it's an extremely dumb question-

Is there any good sites for image uploading to get a link? Like, if I downloaded something somewhere but didn't have a link to the pic, where would be a good site to get it?

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Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2017-09-03 08:15:39

I always use postimage to get image links from files - though I admit I haven't tried much else.


I love the charm idea! Though maybe you could do both??

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🍂Yam {G1 Sidereal
Primal} (#123147)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 12:43:34
ID Number:#123147
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?: Both
Traditional or Digital Artist?: digital
What things are you good at? (Leave blank if none): Concept art
What things do you want to improve? (Leave blank if none): Literally everything! :P
What program/drawing tablet do you use? (Leave blank if traditional): Photoshop/cintiq13hd
What type of markers do you use, eg. Copics, Watercolour, pastelle, crayon (Leave blank if digital)

Would very much love to join :) Here is my art site.

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