Posted by Artists Unite! Main Thread

Boink Doink (#134477)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 23:42:16

This is an official clan thread for the Artists Unite! Clan!

Artists Unite!

arists_unite_banner_by_ookamireiben96-db17nra.gif| Clan | Main Thread | Contests | Help Thread|Discord|

Welcome to Artists Unite! We are a clan dedicated to helping each other improve our art skills, whether traditional/digital.


• Follow Lioden Rules
• Follow Lioden Art Rules
• No stealing/claiming as your own if you haven't done your own art!
• You must be active! We will have a member check every five months!
• Be respectful to all clan members!

Things you can do on this thread

• Chat
• Apply (Clan/Admin)
• Post recently completed art/wips
• Suggest improvements


You MUST fill the form first to join the clan!
Joining Form:

Remove the text in italics! Please post it in this thread, that way other clan members can get to know you a little better!

ID Number:
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?:
Traditional or Digital Artist?:
What things are you good at? (Leave blank if none):
What things do you want to improve? (Leave blank if none):
What program/drawing tablet do you use? (Leave blank if traditional):
What type of markers do you use, eg. Copics, Watercolour, pastelle, crayon (Leave blank if digital)

Helpful Threads

Kay's HTML Guide
Keep Your Art Safe!


If you have a shop(art/lions/raffles/auctions/etc) and you'll like them to be advertised here (shown above) please PM #16535 for an advertisement form, you will also be paying a small fee depending on how many forms you fill. Once displayed you can always PM me to remove it or update it.

Upcoming Events

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Edited on 20/11/17 @ 10:18:19 by OokamiRaven (#16535)

Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 13:15:03
Hey guys. So I've started classes again, and college is a pain(well, no it isn't, but it is XD), thus I've mostly just been silently staking the thread for awhile now. I've also not had much time for art lately, but I'm going to try to get at least one colored sketch done a week. Here's what I've been working on this week:

Also I got talked into joining a D&D campaign, and decided(since I'm the only one with any art skills in the group ) to do some pieces of of our characters/adventures, despite the fact I'm pretty awful with humans(humanoids). This is what I have of my character and their wolf companion:
(I have a version without the mud/dirt somewhere too, since it kinda looks odd.)
I wouldn't mind any tips or links to any great guides you guys might know on drawing people, if possible?

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Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 14:00:30

Welcome to the clan!


Ahh, I haven't much time for art as well :/ That aside, the art is beautiful! the fur patterns on the leopard (jaguar?) especially.

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Edited on 08/09/17 @ 14:04:28 by Lumiere (#86771)

Winter_Solace (#115019)

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Posted on
2017-09-11 20:24:19
Sent a request <3 might apply for admin if accepted =3

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-11 23:04:04
Damn. So I had ask someone to make my human OC... Like a month ago. And i just messaged them to see if they were still doing it, or working on it at all.. And they just kept ignoring my messages... So I guess thats a no...

Now I have 15gb to find another artist.. But I have no art if her yet, so they have to be able to do it from description...

If anyone here can help me pm me! I'll probably make a thread soon for an artist.

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Edited on 11/09/17 @ 23:10:51 by KittiXytti{Blazing Smilus} (#49878)

TophatCheebs (#16535)

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Posted on
2017-09-12 08:26:43
Welcome to the clan! Your art is amazing

Oof good luck with classes
The drawings look great! Especially your D&D character, the pose is very expressive, makes them look very annoyed/angry at something

Hi! You'll need to fill the joining form (provided above) first before we can accept, then you can apply as admin. We'd love to have you here

Awh that sucks I would offer a sketch, but I'm busy with a commission and I'm no good drawing females Good luck though!

I use too many emojis

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Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2017-09-12 08:48:02
Lumiere, thanks ^^ (I was confused for a bit when I read your post, since I think you got me and Vanagandr mixed up here ) The cat's not a Jaguar or a Leopard technically, though XD She's kinda a hybrid(something like a lipard, but not), so it was kinda a pain getting her anatomy mostly right. I also can't take credit for her design. She was designed by the lovely Munchkit #88730

KittiXytti, I would also offer a sketch, since I need the practice, but I have some stuff I need to finish first >.<

OokamiRaven, thank you. And you can never have too many emojis

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Beans | LEONID

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Posted on
2017-09-12 08:52:55

id like to join c:

ID Number: 55860
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?: I've been an artist for over five years, and I can help teach some people now and then
Traditional or Digital Artist?: Digital art mostly
What things are you good at? (Leave blank if none): animals, people, and anthro, also different styles like chibi to realistic
What things do you want to improve? (Leave blank if none): drawing realistic fur
What program/drawing tablet do you use? (Leave blank if traditional): Photoshop, Wacom Intuos
What type of markers do you use, eg? Copics, Watercolour, pastel, crayon (Leave blank if digital)

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TophatCheebs (#16535)

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Posted on
2017-09-12 09:02:01

Welcome! Your art is awesome!

Does anyone have any tips/advise when it comes to doing a commission that you absolutely find no interest in doing anymore? Like, I'd rather be doing my own projects and I can't get myself to focus on this commission I want to get it done but just, ugh, and I dont want to cancel it b/c they've been waiting for a while already

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🍂Yam {G1 Sidereal
Primal} (#123147)

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Posted on
2017-09-12 09:06:51
@ookamiRaven Ty so much ^^ For rough commissions,i usually find more motivation to do them if I try something new with the piece. Maybe try a different style or technique, or do something totally crazy you've been wanting to try. If commissioner is looking for very specific style best to ask first, but I find using commission as an experiment piece helps my motivation.

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Beans | LEONID

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Posted on
2017-09-12 09:42:12
ah thank you haha i didn't even post any?

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TophatCheebs (#16535)

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Posted on
2017-09-12 09:47:04
Ooo never really thought about that, I'll give it a try!

I've visited your art shop before

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Beans | LEONID

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Posted on
2017-09-12 09:52:20
oh haha, that makes sense

well yeah, hmu if anyone has a question or needs some help with anatomy or something, I'm free most of the time, also I've made some tutorials here:

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🍂Yam {G1 Sidereal
Primal} (#123147)

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Posted on
2017-09-12 16:47:59

I drew my king as people! Put him on the main page of my den thinger. Pretty excited about that :D


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TophatCheebs (#16535)

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Posted on
2017-09-12 16:56:06
Thank you! Those chibi ears are adorable

//swoons// he looks amazing!

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Beans | LEONID

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Posted on
2017-09-12 17:43:47
thanks haha, and that looks really nice c:

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