Posted by Sunrise Pack| RP Thread | Semi-Lit+

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-28 11:50:46
Gathering Place

Sunrise Pack


Kenai, the reigning Alphess, rules her wolves well and fairly. Her beta, an older male called Kerrin, likes to include himself in the business of the pack and uses his charisma to gain the trust of his packmates and others. While both the Alphess and Beta now have cubs of their own and sometimes have their paws full, they still are capable of actively leading and leading well.

The pack resides on hilly plains in the shadow of a mountain. A shallow lake shimmers at the lowest point of the valley. Beaches of sand surround the lake except for one of the corners, which has a slight ridge that is popular with younger wolves. A circular island rests in the water's center, used for a small training area. Connected to the lake by a tiny stream that dries out in the summer is a small pond utilised mainly to teach the younger ones how to swim. Dens are dug under boulders and into the hill's steepest side, with lower-ranks living nearer to the lake where it is colder, damper, and floods in heavy rain. High-ranks reside in the warmer, drier dens near the hills' peaks. The Nursery is located in the warmest, most accessible spot from the lake. All of the Apprentices sleep in one large den and the Tenderfeet in another, both near the lake. Each den can house eight wolves, but they may be asked to double up in case there's an excess. Scouts stay the furthermost away from camp and closest to the boders.


●Alpha (1) - Male OR female, the leader; has the last say in every decision.
● Beta (1) - Male OR female; second in command; advisor of Alpha and the one who is in charge of domestic decisions/debates within the pack.
●●●Epsilon - Alpha's mate
●●●Upsilon - Beta's mate
● Deltas (2) - Young wolves next in line for alpha/beta; chosen as pups/young adols to lead after alpha/beta steps down - They posess no true status (i.e. - not above or below the Zeta), but they are still higher-classed wolves as they are most likely children of the higher-ups, especially the alpha or beta.
● Zeta (1) Commander (General) of the warriors; third in command; war general; fighting and battle strategy is his/her specialty.
● Kappa (1) lead hunter; male or female; hunting and formation strategy is his/her specialty
● Nobles (2-8) 1-4 females, 1-4 males; no real duty/job. Hunt AND fight for the pack; mainly royal ambassadors in the place of the beta and alpha
● Royal Guards (2-5) Guards of the high class wolves' pups.
● Apprentices (unlimited) former Sigmas; 3-13 months old. Will become either royal guards or nobles; were not chosen to be deltas. Deltas are chosen at 12 months (One year) of age.
● Sigmas (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) pups of upper class wolves. Deltas are chosen from these pups unless there are VERY special circumstances; separated from the 'Juniors' - these wolves start training at 3 months old
~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Higher Class ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~
~~~V V V V V Lower Class V V V V V~~~
● Preists/Priestesses - Wolves with the uncanny ability to communicate with the gods and goddesses; the most difficult positions to aquire because they have to be born with the ability, it cannot be taught.
● Healer (1) possesses sharp knowledge of herbs/medicines for healing packmates; not allowed to have pups or a mate unless given permission; if they are found to be guilty of this law, they are removed from their position or, in major circumstances, expelled from the pack altogether.
● Warriors (2-7) fighters; fight for pack safety; guard the pack
● Hunters (2-7) hunters; usually females or lanky/long-legged males
● Scouts (2-4) Scout out the herds for large hunts; spies; keep track of battles and report back to the captains of the battle/alpha-beta; messengers
● Tenderfeet (unlimited 'a tenderfoot') in training to become any lower rank. Former Juniors. 4-14 months old.
● Juniors (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) Cubs born to low ranks and are watched over by the omega; begin training at 4 months old
● Elders (2) --- respected by upper class and lower class alike; the wisest/oldest of the wolves (8-12 years)
● Omega (1) Lowest ranked wolf; eats last, watches the lower-class cubs while parents are away.


• Three sentences minimum per post
• Hate the character, not the player
• When speaking out of character.. please use ()'s!
• No powerplaying!
• If you are going to be gone for a while, please alert us!
• Lioden rules apply
• Relationships with characters and NPCs are definitely allowed!


●Deltas continue their training inside of the pack until they are 16 months old and leave for a season and a half (typically during the summer) to train and learn how to lead a pack. They will have a month to touch up on their normal techniques, then spend a month with a noble to learn diplomacy and the beta to learn how to lead. After their training with their Noble and the Beta, a month is spent in the other packs meeting the other alphas, spending a few days getting to know the pack, etc.
● A wolf's gestational period is two months.
Cub Development
Time skips one month forward EVERY SATURDAY at 6:00 PM.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 28/09/16 @ 21:06:46 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-26 10:46:53

Cloud||Female||6 years old||Loner||Mentions: Kerrin

"Yes it's me, surprise?" she spoke, her voice was the same as ever, just it carried a tiredness to it that it hadn't before. She was glad he was happy to see her, although she didn't have the energy to even know how she felt. She was glad to see him, but she also felt a deep shame. He still cared about her after everything she'd done to him, she'd never felt like more of a failure than she did right now. "I'm home. What I had to do is done, I'm sorry for what I did" she spoke, ear resting against her head. Although she knew what she had done was unpleasant but necessary, his kind words jsut made her hurt more. She hadn't felt these emotions since she left, having reverted back to her cold and hostile self. "My injuries are old, I just need to rest. How are the pups?" she asked him, her mind had thought about her offpring every day. "I missed you all" she spoke. It was true, but only now did she know it to be so.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-26 10:57:59
Xiva | Female | 8mo. | Apprentice [Undeclared]

The fluffy, half-tailed wolf curled up in a tight ball in the Apprentices' den, shuddering not only because of the cold, but because she was still pressuring herself to win a sparring match. It was pretty likely that she'd be sparring again during training the following day, considering she was an older apprentice, but all she could really do was sleep. After laying there in silence, Xiva let out a growl, almost a whisper. "Ghh, forget this." She whispered, getting up, and stepping over the sleeping bodies of her fellow apprentices, and eventually made it out into the brisk night air. The moon shone high above the lake, or her destination, as she quietly made her way over. Swimming is something I kind of struggle at, considering my fur... If I train in the water, maybe I'll be better in combat, too. She thought, and gave a running start before jumping into the cold water and beginning to swim around the island.

(If someone wants to catch her, be my guest)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-12-26 12:17:25
Hows their cubs gonna react? OHH!!! What about Coquin? Keeping Wintergreen xD)


~ OPEN ~

Her paws twitched as the young fae slept peacefully for the first time in years. Times of her youth no longer haunting her young mind. The abandonment of practically everyone she loved crushed her, though she forgot it all for a good nights sleep. Izusa, gone, her adoptive mother, gone. Kerrin, distant as always. Her brother, disappeared into thin air one night. Her eyes snapped open, paws carrying her down to the lake as she shuddered and growled to herself. Ears slammed backwards as the beautiful young fae looked out onto the water, wintergreen colored eyes distant always. It was obvious something was wrong with the fae, though none seemed to care enough to ask.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-12-26 14:19:58
Kenai | Alpha SR

Kenai had been resting in her den, having been on a tracking mission with a set of her Kappa Daemon and her best hunters and scouts. She had left Kerrin in charge and brought Veena and Wendigo with her, to test her first two pups' skills. Upon the group's return, the pups had trudged into the apprentice den to sleep, the hunters dropped the caribou's carcass onto the kill pile and gone to bed, and Kenai had curled up with Daemon in the den.

Upon dawn spilling into the cave entrance, Kenai blinked open her eyes, her mate's body wrapped around her and her head on his back. Careful not to wake him, she rose and stepped over him, peeking out of the cave, planning on watching the remaining minutes of the sunrise.

Something moving in the lake, however, caught her attention. Swiveling her ears forwars and gazing out across the water, she noticed Xiva's delicate form swimming fitfully against the lap of the water's edge. With a small smile, Kenai let her paws carry her down the cliffside and gracefully slipped into the water, submerging herself into the water. With a few strong strokes, she paddled up beside Xiva. "Hey Xiva, care for some company on your morning dip?" She hummed, a friendly smile slipping over her features.

(Sorry, I'm rather rusty. Figured I'd slip in. ALSO, IM SORRY FOR DRAGGING CHARACTERS AROUND AT THE BEGINNING. I figured it was a good chance to get special training in for Veena and Wen, put Daemon in there to give Des something to work off of, AND explain why Kenai has been away xD hehe. :3)

Veena | Apprentice Tau SR

As Veena returned from the hunt with Wendigo, she couldn't even bring herself to greet her siblings, or harass Wendigo more. She and her brother had helped to track the caribou in snow deep enough for the two young juveniles to be buried in (but their paws were large enough to catch the snow, so they didn't sink very far), so after trekking so far, they were both very tired and very sore. Veena dropped into her mossy bed, curling up into a ball to sleep the night away.

While her mother rose with the sun just like most other mornings, Veena slept peacefully in the apprentice den, snoring as loudly as ever. "Snurrhh, Gruuuurhh" (omg dont hate me). Veena twitched in her sleep and resumed her obnoxious snoring, muttering in her sleep.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-26 17:09:42

Kerrin | Male | 6 years | Beta

"I hadn't slept in a week; I was weak, I was awake; You'd never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break."

"A little, I've got to admit," Kerrin chuckled, rubbing his tawny head under his woman's muzzle. His mistress, Coquin, had escaped his mind for now, but would surely resurface later. His face fell as Cloud mentioned their offspring, memories of Izusa's leaving flooding into his mind. "They're... well. Okay no, only one of them is," he admitted, gazing into her eyes, "Izusa... left. Ran away. Because of my sister for the most part. Storm's doing fine hopefully. He'd gone away to Starseeker for special training. Wintergreen's been... distant... since you left."

Wendigo | Male | 7 months | Delta Tau

Wendigo slumped onto his pelt bed, his muscles stiff from the strenuous activity. There was no hesitation between the young male and sleep, which he greeted with a comfortable curl of his body. Throughout his hours of sleep, the male had changed positions several times over, ending up belly-up before the roarous snoring coming from Veena disturbed him awake. "Vee," he complained in hushed tones, rolling onto his belly, "Shut up!" A small, white paw was aimed in her direction, its blunt wrath let loose on the female's rump.

Storm | Male | 1 year | Apprentice

"I probably shouldn't brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish; The scholars say I got that same virtuosity and brains as my Pops; The ladies say my brain's not where the resemblance stops ... Gotta be my own man, like my father, but bolder."

"Hurry up!," Storm shouted, galloping forward with renewed spirits. He recognized that boulder; the group was getting closer! A squirrel skull bounced against his gray chest, suspended by a sinew thread, and a knife stuck in a holster strapped to his leg bounced slightly. Thoughts of regaling the tales of his time in Starseeker to his father drove him further. Though he wasn't quick in speed, his thoughts raced quick enough for both body and mind.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-26 17:18:52
Xiva | Female | 8mo. | Apprentice [Undeclared]

She yelped, her somewhat greaceful swimming interrupted as she fell farther into the water. After a couple of long moments, she resurfaced, wheezing. "O-Oh... Um... Y-You scared me..." She whimpered, letting out a yawn, although once again interrupted. "Wait... Did you say morning?" She yelped, glancing around. "Crud, it was dark when I started... I must have been swimming for a while..." Xiva sighed, "No wonder my legs hurt. And I'm so tired." She chuckled, "Although I don't mind if you join me. I'm wondering why you'd join me, but it's alright with me." Xiva responded, finally answering her Alpha's question.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-26 23:26:52

Cloud||Female||6 years old||Loner||Mentions: Kerrin

Feeling his head under her muzzle made her smile softly, it was something she had missed. For now she was happy to be home, that was until she heard the news about her pups. Her entire face dropped, a look of utter dispair was written all over it. She looked straight back into his eyes, slowly a look of determination filled them. "Ok" was all she could reply, feeling like it was her fault they were gone. She also felt like Kerrin should've tried harder, after all it was difficult to always blame yourself for everything. Right now she just wanted to see Wintergreen, the only pup she had left. Walking she began to head home, soon breaking into a jog. It was taking everything she had to keep this up, but she wasn't about to stop until she reached camp. Soon she was there, at the edge of camp she stared in. This was home, she was not planning on leaving again.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-12-27 11:27:50
-away from laptop-

~cloud. Kerrin~

Her nose twitched, various scents filled her nose though one was distinctly familiar but one she had not smelled in a long while. Another one of Kerrin and Storm! Her muzzle rose, a hauntingly beautiful nose lifted into the air, a welcoming howl for the beta and returning apprentice though she fell silent after that once more. Body slumped as usual, she made no move to approach the smells she recognized. They'd fine her if they wanted her or whatever was their deal. Splashing distantly registered in her mind though she ignored it.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 11:28:50
[Waiting for Cindy with Soren!]

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Edited on 27/12/16 @ 18:29:10 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 12:23:01
Soren | Royal Guard SR

Soren loped alongside the young apprentice, he himself having a few little things to show for his extended stay in Starseeker. (How about anna and soren ended up staying the entire time? Idk for me that would explain their absence in sunrise and have a little fun because anna could've been taught like sewing or something xD). While he claimed no skulls or feathers on his neck, he had a simple rope-like necklace made of intertwined threads that were easy enough to slip on and off. He carried an engraved knife at his lower shoulder, attached to his torso with slip on and through detachable elk skin leather. His knife was slightly curved, fit to be sharp at the end and ready to make a clean, semi-deep cut wherever he slashed. He grinned at the leading apprentice "We're moving fast enough Storm. If we werent so close I'd consider stopping us so Anna can catch her breath." After saying this, he turned to the back, looking back to find Anna proving his point, the elder wolf trailing a bit with her arthritic joints. "It's a good thing we're carrying very potent joint medicine from Starseeker, or else she probably wouldn't have been able to keep this pace long." The double bags he carried attached to the same elk leather straps as his knife bounced softly against his sides as he slowed to a trotting pace. Hearing a small call come from the direction of the pack, he raised his head in an anseering howl, calling to the packmates he hadn't seen for a long time.

(Ok, we still need to boot starseeker back up. I wanted to play when soren met those girls and storm's growth there xD)

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 08:28:45
(*smooshes inzy*)

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 08:50:48
[aaaaa, sorry! I'll try to post now, may not be able to.]

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 10:12:00

Kerrin | Male | 6 years | Beta

"I hadn't slept in a week; I was weak, I was awake; You'd never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break."

"I'll get them back. We'll get them back," Kerrin promised, gazing at Cloud with incredible admiration. HIs legs moved with an excited gait, keeping pace with the blanche she-wolf beside him. They broke the tree line in no time, the shimmering lake reflecting the brilliant moon and pinpoint stars. "You're home," he breathed in awe. Instinctively, his snout raised and a baritone song, obviously filled with love and excitement for his love's return, sliced through the sky. "Cloud has returned!," the Beta bellowed, an announcement heavily caked in ecstasy. Giddy eyes scanned around for the monochrome pelt of Wintergreen, who, upon her arrival, would no doubt be greeted with jubilation.

Odysseus | Ancient of Prophecies and the Future

The midnight raven soared overhead of the romping cub, watching her with a slightly amused expression. Odysseus had brought her in this dreamscape himself, as he had her uncle once or twice. He dove downward, soaring beside the young female and keeping pace. His talons outstretched and he landed in the ethereal grass as Ayame halted, a thin smile across his sharp beak. "Hello, little cub," he murmured, his vocals echoey and kind.

Storm | Male | 1 year | Apprentice

"Gotta be my own man, like my father, but bolder."

Storm broke into the treeline, scent-heavy air wafting into his nostrils. He stopped beside a thick shrub, snout stuck hellward as he drew in every available aroma. The lingering scent of his father stuck to the grass, accompanied by another, only slightly familiar smell. "This way!," he chirped, galloping even quicker towards camp.

Annabelle | Female | 6 years | Warrior

"It's Annie, you pumpkin-colored dolt!," The she-wolf shouted jokingly, "The elixir's for my father. I just had to... taste it. Y'know, to see if it was poison." Several sinew necklaces and necklets, both long and short, beat gingerly against her chest, all of which had been made as gifts for her upon the woman's departure. Various feathers, bones, and small skulls adorned the majority of the necklaces, though her favorite was a demure choker, situated just below her bottom jaw and decorated with a sapphire and enstatite pendant, the gem representing the matriarch's odd eyes. A sparkling crystal shone from a piercing in her left ear, standing out brilliantly from the tannish fur. She'd been treated well through her time in Starseeker, immediately being absorbed in a clan of older females, who crafted jewelry and sewed, passing on their skills to Annabelle. She cantered to catch up with the two boys, now three with Ruari, and followed Storm's over-ecstatic approach into the Sunrise courtyard.

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Edited on 31/12/16 @ 20:48:05 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-12-30 13:52:21

Blank eyes drifted up to a distant padding of paws, though her eyes rested upon Cloud... The figure was mostly unknown to her. It had been a long, long time since she had last seen the female. Though a loud 'This way!' hit her ears she let out another haunting melody. Answering Soren's and possibly Storms if he called as well. Eyes flickered to the alpha who seemed to not even see her as she called out to the pup swimming on the lake. Her ears pinned for a brief moment before she made her way up to Kerrin and the stranger beside him.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 13:56:12
(WG didnt call to Kenai des :/ )

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