Posted by Sunrise Pack| RP Thread | Semi-Lit+

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-28 11:50:46
Gathering Place

Sunrise Pack


Kenai, the reigning Alphess, rules her wolves well and fairly. Her beta, an older male called Kerrin, likes to include himself in the business of the pack and uses his charisma to gain the trust of his packmates and others. While both the Alphess and Beta now have cubs of their own and sometimes have their paws full, they still are capable of actively leading and leading well.

The pack resides on hilly plains in the shadow of a mountain. A shallow lake shimmers at the lowest point of the valley. Beaches of sand surround the lake except for one of the corners, which has a slight ridge that is popular with younger wolves. A circular island rests in the water's center, used for a small training area. Connected to the lake by a tiny stream that dries out in the summer is a small pond utilised mainly to teach the younger ones how to swim. Dens are dug under boulders and into the hill's steepest side, with lower-ranks living nearer to the lake where it is colder, damper, and floods in heavy rain. High-ranks reside in the warmer, drier dens near the hills' peaks. The Nursery is located in the warmest, most accessible spot from the lake. All of the Apprentices sleep in one large den and the Tenderfeet in another, both near the lake. Each den can house eight wolves, but they may be asked to double up in case there's an excess. Scouts stay the furthermost away from camp and closest to the boders.


●Alpha (1) - Male OR female, the leader; has the last say in every decision.
● Beta (1) - Male OR female; second in command; advisor of Alpha and the one who is in charge of domestic decisions/debates within the pack.
●●●Epsilon - Alpha's mate
●●●Upsilon - Beta's mate
● Deltas (2) - Young wolves next in line for alpha/beta; chosen as pups/young adols to lead after alpha/beta steps down - They posess no true status (i.e. - not above or below the Zeta), but they are still higher-classed wolves as they are most likely children of the higher-ups, especially the alpha or beta.
● Zeta (1) Commander (General) of the warriors; third in command; war general; fighting and battle strategy is his/her specialty.
● Kappa (1) lead hunter; male or female; hunting and formation strategy is his/her specialty
● Nobles (2-8) 1-4 females, 1-4 males; no real duty/job. Hunt AND fight for the pack; mainly royal ambassadors in the place of the beta and alpha
● Royal Guards (2-5) Guards of the high class wolves' pups.
● Apprentices (unlimited) former Sigmas; 3-13 months old. Will become either royal guards or nobles; were not chosen to be deltas. Deltas are chosen at 12 months (One year) of age.
● Sigmas (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) pups of upper class wolves. Deltas are chosen from these pups unless there are VERY special circumstances; separated from the 'Juniors' - these wolves start training at 3 months old
~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Higher Class ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~
~~~V V V V V Lower Class V V V V V~~~
● Preists/Priestesses - Wolves with the uncanny ability to communicate with the gods and goddesses; the most difficult positions to aquire because they have to be born with the ability, it cannot be taught.
● Healer (1) possesses sharp knowledge of herbs/medicines for healing packmates; not allowed to have pups or a mate unless given permission; if they are found to be guilty of this law, they are removed from their position or, in major circumstances, expelled from the pack altogether.
● Warriors (2-7) fighters; fight for pack safety; guard the pack
● Hunters (2-7) hunters; usually females or lanky/long-legged males
● Scouts (2-4) Scout out the herds for large hunts; spies; keep track of battles and report back to the captains of the battle/alpha-beta; messengers
● Tenderfeet (unlimited 'a tenderfoot') in training to become any lower rank. Former Juniors. 4-14 months old.
● Juniors (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) Cubs born to low ranks and are watched over by the omega; begin training at 4 months old
● Elders (2) --- respected by upper class and lower class alike; the wisest/oldest of the wolves (8-12 years)
● Omega (1) Lowest ranked wolf; eats last, watches the lower-class cubs while parents are away.


• Three sentences minimum per post
• Hate the character, not the player
• When speaking out of character.. please use ()'s!
• No powerplaying!
• If you are going to be gone for a while, please alert us!
• Lioden rules apply
• Relationships with characters and NPCs are definitely allowed!


●Deltas continue their training inside of the pack until they are 16 months old and leave for a season and a half (typically during the summer) to train and learn how to lead a pack. They will have a month to touch up on their normal techniques, then spend a month with a noble to learn diplomacy and the beta to learn how to lead. After their training with their Noble and the Beta, a month is spent in the other packs meeting the other alphas, spending a few days getting to know the pack, etc.
● A wolf's gestational period is two months.
Cub Development
Time skips one month forward EVERY SATURDAY at 6:00 PM.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 28/09/16 @ 21:06:46 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-11-03 12:52:19
Xiva | Female | 8mo. | Apprentice [Undeclared]

Xiva huffed in defeat, barely freeing herself from under the weight of Carolina. Once again, she lost the sparring session, because she had finally let her guard down and got jumped. It didn't hurt at all, obviously, since that's what Xiva was worried about in the first place, but it definitely was humiliating with how quickly she went down. "S-Sorry..." She whined, knowing she wasn't much of a challenge at all.

(Sorry, I needed to just advance this thing XD)

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 02:21:45
Tundra | Female | 4yrs | Mentions: Kerrin

She stared at the blurry and fading figure of her brother, Ayame getting comfortable between her forelegs. "I'm fine..." Tundra whispered as she leaned down and kicked her look-a-like cub's head gently.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-06 10:38:19
Male / 2 / Loner / COYWOLF!
Mentions: Kerrin, Ayume, Tundra, Angeles, Eamon

The coywolf had drifted closer, a group of wolves seemed to be herding around a mother and pup. The mother looked uncomfortable and his lip curled up, are they harassing her? It didn't seem so, they weren't aggressive yet. Though Ajax remained watchful and vigilant in case things turned over. The male snorted lowly, watching with narrowed eyes. He wouldn't allow them to harm the female.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-11-12 14:04:05
Xiva | 8mo. | Female | Apprentice [Undeclared]

Of course, with Xiva being the paranoid wolf she is, began to overthink things, and her thoughts began to spiral downward. I've lost too many times... I haven't won once... I'm useless... I'm gonna be kicked to be the Omega... Or worse... I'll become like my dad... Fear creeped through her appearance, her eyes widening in terror with her muscles tensing up as well as her fur spiking up. Snapping back into reality, her heart was pounding, her chest felt like an adult wolf was sitting on it, and her vision had been reduced to tunnel vision. With nearly no warning, to herself included, she bolted toward the plains outside of camp, jumping into the cold waters of the lake and swimming faster than she thought was capable of her own weak muscles. She hauled her sopping wet body onto shore and booked it out of the camp, toward the border.

She skidded to a stop near a rock, ducking behind it in order to avoid search parties until she felt ready to return. Yet, returning was not something immediate for her, she just needed to calm down. Xiva's chest heaved as she attempted to calm down, sitting down with her back arched, her muzzle pointing straight for the ground. Although she was still dripping from her dive into the lake, her body felt like it had been lit on fire. She choked back sobs, and quickly held her breath as soon as she heard commotion nearby. They were the patrol that went out earlier, before the apprentices began to train, consisting of Angeles and Kerrin [Who had to leave the sparring thing early], as well as a voice or two that she didn't recognize. In the distance, she had also heard a wolf's howl. Or was it a coyote's howl? She put it off to being too inexperienced to know which one was which. As such, she just kept quiet to avoid being seen, although at least with the new distraction, she did calm down a bit.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-11-12 14:58:31
Kerrin | Male | 6 years | Beta

Kerrin let his features fold into a sorrowful expression, knowing that his sister was lying. "You're not," he breathed, cautiously making his way over. He knew that she may try to defend her little cub, but she had to know that he would take them in, give them shelter, food, water, whatever else she needed. As he took his place in front of her, he moved to press his own forehead against hers, a silent show of welcome, protection, and undying familial love.

Carolina | Female | 6 months | Tenderfoot

Carolina panted, her tongue hanging from the side of her mouth in a goofy way. She almost didn't hear Xiva's self-pitying apology over the sound of her own breathing, but understood it well enough. "No need to apologize," she replied, shaking her head first, then the rest of her body. In the time it took for her to finish shaking her pelt out, the older female was already gone, halfway to the lake. "Hey! Xiva! Wait! Where're you going?," she called, bursting after her, though she was slow in her exausted state.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-11-12 17:11:26
Xiva | Female | 8 mo. | Apprentice [Undeclared]

Wait... Kerrin has a loner sister? Who has a pup? She thought, listening intently to the conversation. Her vision was beginning to return to normal, at least, and she was able to make out the outline of another wolf--or was it a coyote?-- in the distance, also listening in. She turned her attention away from him and turned back toward the conversation going on between the beta and his sister. Her mind had nearly completely slipped of Carolina... Until her pawsteps and voice began to come up in her hearing range. Oh great... She thought with a sigh, lowering her head and shaking it. Was she going to be trying to give her sympathy, or start bragging that she won the spar? It didn't seem like she'd do either, judging by her personality, especially in comparison to her brother, Wendigo, who likely would have ended up rubbing it in her face.

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-11-13 09:11:50


Tundra | 4yrs | Female | Mentions: Xiva, Kerrin, Ajax, Ayame

Tundra stiffened her body as her brother came close to her, she growled as Kerrin pressed his forehead against hers. "Just because I'm losing my sight doesn't mean I'm helpless!" She snapped, trying not to make herself weak she sat up straight. "Take Ayame." Tundra said simply, she suddenly whirled around at the sound of a howl.


Ayame | 2 months | Female | Mentions: Xiva, Kerrin, Ajax, Tundra

The tiny raven-black cub sat up as she looked around at the group of wolves surrounding her mother. She looked up as a tawny-colored male approached her mother, Tundra stiffening as he rubbed his head against hers. "Who are you?" She asked the male curiously before her mother mentioned her, "What? Take me where, Mommy?"


Rachel | 7yrs | Female | Mentions: Sunrise Pack, Kerrin (indirectly), Tundra (indirectly)

The husky that resembled a wolf rose to her paws quickly, licking her wounds the rogues had given her. She winced slightly at the stinging pain in her body and stood up, sniffing the air for the scent of wolves. She knew she was putting her life in danger when she caught a whiff of a pack of wolves nearby, by the smell of it, she was near their home. Rachel sucked in a breath and weakly started towards the pack, ready to be attacked and killed on the spot. "I'll only be asking for help..." She thought, her mind flashing back in time. She knew this smell... She'd raised her cub around here, she'd raised two pups in fact. The picture of a tawny-colored male cub and a raven-black female cub came to her mind, she smiled in comfort. She knew where she was, now the problem was if they remembered Rachel.


Apache | 7mths | Male | Mentions: N/A

The husky-wolf padded through the forest with his tiny body quivering in fear. His mind flashed back to when he was attacked by a small group of rogue wolves, he fought back of course, but he was still injured. He wasn't bleeding, thankfully, but he was still very much in pain. The white cub whined as he trudged along, ears pinned to the back of his skull as he searched for a place to rest.


Keahi | 3yrs | Male | Mentions: Carolina, Sunrise

The red wolf returned to camp after a long, comforting walk around the territory. His daughter, Carolina, had been taken away from him. He spent less and less time with her because of the fact the Alpha and her mate were raising her, it seemed his cub was convinced they were her family. Keahi would love to spend time with the little red cub, but he didn't know how. All his life he'd been alone, he didn't know how to raise a cub anyway. Of course, he thanked the pack for taking care of her... But sometimes he wanted to show them he was her father.

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Edited on 14/11/16 @ 11:58:39 by *Dreaming~Paradise* (Dixie) (#71738)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-13 09:15:16
(Everyone is ignoring Ajax's howl but Nightmare o.o)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-11-13 09:17:03
[For a second I thought you were talking about a character and then I remembered... I'm Nightmare. XD)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-13 09:18:06
XDD Yee)

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-11-14 03:45:05
Kerrin | Male | 6 years | Beta

Kerrin stepped back, lowering his head level with little Ayame. "Hello, little niece. I'm your Uncle Kerrin" he cooed, offering a gentle snout in her direction. He straightened, looking Tundra in the eyes, "You don't have to interact with the pack or anything," the male stated, trying to persuade his sister, "You can stay in my den. I can even dig a little alcove for you and Ayame. I know you're not helpless, but you can't hunt if you can't see. I can bring you food. Please, just for tonight. Try it out. You can have my bed." His attention was momentarily distracted by an alien howl, looking past the black she-wolf to the direction of the sound. I'm going to have to check this out, arent I. The male sighed, looking back to his sister. "Duty calls," he said, "Stay here please. I'll be back soon." The Beta broke away, setting his tail high and trotting towards the noise. As he broke through the forest, he began small, warning barks.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-14 09:58:26
-reserving spot for post... currently nursing a headache+dizziness)

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-11-24 04:06:11


Tundra | 4yrs | Female | Mentions: Kerrin, Ayame

"I won't be staying long, you know that, brother. My heart beats for the forest and my song sings for freedom." Tundra told the tawny male calmly as she twitched her ear slightly, huffing when her brother walk right by her to investigate something. Tundra froze as her cub darted from between her legs to follow Kerrin.


Ayame | 2 months | Female | Mentions: Kerrin, Tundra

Ayame frowned when her mother didn't reply to her last question, instead she stood up and brushed her back against her mother's chest. She moved to follow Kerrin as he padded away with a proud strut, she puffed out her chest when the male started letting out warning barks and growls. "If I impress him, maybe he'll like me!"

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-24 04:12:17

Male / 2 / Loner / COYWOLF!
Mentions: Kerrin, Ayame, Everyone around.

More and more faces seemed to be joining the group, his muzzle tipped downwards as his song finished though a tawny male began moving towards his direction. Ajax pinned his ears and lowered himself back into the brush, a little black shape followed after him but the coywolf's eyes were planted on Kerrin. The male gave a series of barks and growls, and Ajax lowered himself down further, eyeing the male. He rose up as the male got closer and closer, his own pelt becoming obvious through the brush as he moved through it. The smell of death still clung to his pelt from his mother's demise and he tried his hardest to ignore it. The male twitched his ears and answered the high standing wolves barks, his own sounding like a mix between a wolf and coyote... Maybe there was both here? A coyote and a Wolf who happened to bark in unison...? No one would know until they seen Ajax himself, a perfect mix between a wolf and a coyote, both features standing out sharply on the male.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-11-24 04:19:02
Xiva | Female | 8mo. |

The apprentice jumped in surprise at the coywolf's howl, her attention turning from the brother and sister to the strange canine hiding in the bushes. Xiva noticed him getting farther out of the brush, stepping forward, as if to greet someone, when she realized that her superior's scent was also getting much stronger. She held in a yelp before scrambling to the opposite side of the rock. There's no winning here... Carolina's going to find me now!

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Edited on 24/11/16 @ 11:19:22 by Your Best Nightmare (#80128)

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