Posted by TWW (WIP, admins only)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:21:40
(c) Map made by ME: Soltero(#9059)
No stealing.

Dice and Territories

Neutral Grounds Role-play

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at age 1 1/5 said colt begins to assist in herd percentages.
- 5% of herd members being caught during a roundup.
- 10% chance of foal killing (by predator)
- - A colt/Young stallion can begin to challenge the herd stallion at age 5. (When they become fully grown)(This is optional to the colt.)
*Mares have a lesser fertility rate when mating with the younger stallion. (Can only sneaky mate 4 - 5 years of age. Rate betters with age.

Human Influence

- Chance of being caught. 15 out of 100?
-Having a 1 1/2 year colt subtracts 5% from the chance.
-Herd Territory 1 subtracts 5% from the chance.
-Upon being caught, your character (be it mare or stallion) will be suspended from the Role-play for two months (2 out-of-character weeks).

If a herd stallion:
-Your mares/territory will be vulnerable to reclaim through role-play only. [The territory will become 'locked'(mares will be stuck). The first bachelor to submit an application will be allowed to enter the existing role-play in the territory. He will be allowed these two weeks to attempt to familiar himself with the mares there. *When your stallion returns to the role-play, you can immediately challenge him. If you loose, the herd is his. If you win, he cannot return for 3 years AND looses rights to challenging next Spring.

If a Herd Mare:
- If pregnant, there will be an 80% chance of foal survival. (20% chance of miscarriage due to stress / excessive exercise.
- If nursing a foal, the foal will have a 20% chance of being taken from the mare. (80% chance of keeping your foal)
- Upon returning to the role-play, you can immediately rejoin your herd's rp.
Returning to the neutral ground is also an option, though spells an immediate death to any foals below yearling age.

I need input on this one.
I don't want the dice roll threat being too high and upsetting people too much.

Fighting System

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Rogue Info and Challenging

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Foaling and Fertility

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Herd Ranks

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- - -

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Edited on 05/12/16 @ 16:03:51 by Soltero (#9059)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:27:10
I still have to determine Human threat rolls.
Like, if the humans do visit one area.. what's the chances someone is caught?
#1 Terr has a lessened chance of actually being caught because of the hills, and they act as vantage points.

Should people have the options of returning after being caught? Maybe they have to remain caught for two - three months before returning. Any foals would have been lost during that time. This way stallions that get caught can return and try to challenge back for the herd next spring? Would those captured stallions be given the option to challenge right away?

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:30:24
I'm also thinking the Neutral grounds will have a 100% chance of human influence, but a low chance of people actually being caught? This way bachelorettes are influenced to join herds and not just play around with bachelors all the time.

And Winter is so bad, because no shelter, that all pregnancies are failed.
That gives us a reason to say you can only have foals if you're in a herd, not running around with a bachelor.
This will make it also more desirable to join herds and not linger in neutral grounds.
And make it more desirable for stallions to obtain a claimed land?

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:32:07
I like everything we have so far. I think you should include the chance of a predator taking good the foal the first spring. Also maybe as mares get older, adding in a fertility rate. Possible when the mare hits 11 or 12 her fertility rate drops. You could roll the dice for that, maybe even adding in a miscarriage for older mares as well?

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LoonyMoon {[Main]} (#16117)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:32:13
I will bring my boy Raphael. :)

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:36:04
Fertility rolls
For fertile mares i usually do this roll, out of 100
(1-45 Colt) (46-90 Filly) (91-94 Twins) (95-98 Fail, but can try again) (99-100 Failed)
- That's what I used for Sitka and we got a Filly.

For mare's over the age of 12, let's do this.
(1-30 Colt) (31-60 Filly) (61-75 Fail, can try again.) (76-95 Failed) (96-100 Miscarriage)
[ Or is that TOO terrible? ]

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Edited on 05/11/16 @ 10:36:44 by Soltero (#9059)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:38:52
Also, at what age must a herd stallion retire?
I'd say retired boys: you have the options of going to live in the event area with our boys (although excluded from events) OR the option to have him die, so you can reborn him somewhere on a foal app, if you want to start over.

14 - 15?

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Edited on 05/11/16 @ 10:39:12 by Soltero (#9059)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:39:41
No I don't think it's terrible. Because naturally as mares become over a certain age they become less fertile.

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Edited on 05/11/16 @ 10:41:01 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:42:40
I mean it all depends on how long you are going to allow horses to live. The average life span of a wild horse ranges anywhere between 30-40 years.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:45:58
Also for admin horses do you want us to put their forms on the application thread or pm their forms to you?

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:46:29
When people began comparing the lifestyles and health of domesticated horses to wild horses (mustangs), wild horses were found to be much healthier. On average, a domestic horse has a lifespan of 15-20 years, only half the 30-40 year average lifespan of a wild horse.

Let's make FORCED retirement at age 25?
But between the age of 20 - 25 they are retire-able, and are forced to role-play as being slower and having aching joints.

Same for mares. Let's cut off mare fertility at age 16?

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:46:58
PM me their forums.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:49:26
That sounds good to me. I wasn't sure the life span you were going to allow. So when stallions retire they are still able to remain within the herd correct? They would just be elders.

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LoonyMoon {[Main]} (#16117)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 03:57:05
hmmm, how about instead of that, you do (1-4 Fail) (5-9 Somatic Mutation) (10-49 Colt) (50-89 Filly) (90-94 Twins) (95-100 Chimera)

for mares over the age of 12:
(1-24 Fail) (25-29 Somatic Mutation) (30-49 Colt) (50-69 Filly) (70-74 Twins) (75-100 Chimera)

Somatic Mutation is like, Brindles or other color oddities that can not be explained. (Bird catcher spots, lace markings, things like that.)

Chimera is a Twin Failure in which one fetus absorbs the other and you end up with one horse that has the genetic code of two horses (Often expressed with patches of color that do not usually end up on the same horse. i.e., a chestnut horse with patches of black.

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Edited on 05/11/16 @ 10:58:49 by Nisa (#16117)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 04:00:07
Ehhh, I was thinking retired stallions would be chased away by a younger male that seeks to take over the herd.
We are going to play this more naturally where there is only one stallion per herd, unless a stallion chooses to keep a good son(possible heir) around. But this colt(or young stallion) will not be allowed to help defend his father against challengers in spring. And if his dad looses, both get booted from the land/herd.

An exception, a retired stallion MIGHT be allowed to hang about as an elder if he has given the herd down to his Son?
Son's choice.

Or, do you think other stallions should be allowed. Given that they cannot breed nor help defend the herd. Nor challenge a leader who's herd they are apart of. There would have to be stipulations. And having another male would not assist in helping with any of the rolls percentages such as threat or whatever.

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LoonyMoon {[Main]} (#16117)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 04:03:51
Hmmmm, well, if we're going to say that the extra stallion is not going to help at all, whats the point of having him around at all? He's just a freeloader if that's the case and I have a hard time believing that a lead stallion would tolerate that. xD

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