Posted by :Hard Mode: Clan Chat Thread

(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 12:22:50

This is an official clan thread for the :Hard Mode: Clan!


Welcome to Hard Mode's Main/Chat Thread!

We are so happy that you've decided to join the :Hard Mode: challenge!

Please use this space to introduce yourself, chat about your breeding goals and progress, trade NCLs, and ask questions.

The first post will be reserved for FAQs.
If you have any questions about the rules or parameters of :Hard Mode:, please feel free to ask and the FAQ will be updated!


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Edited on 12/01/25 @ 12:13:56 by Cerrates (TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

Indy .: Hard Mode :. (#86046)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 06:39:55
Hey guys, I think I've narrowed down my goals somewhat. If anyone comes across any lionesses with brown, black, ginger or onyx panther marks, any margay, or supernal, ivory, or nacre bases I'd be willing to buy them. :)

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NCC-1701 (#23455)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 08:35:33
I’ve got a question for you guys about Hard Mode rules:

My heirs are both 2nd generation boys, bred to hard mode specifications and they will take over soon. However, i have an NCL (The mother of my heir) on this account who would breed lovely cubs with my side account heir. Would I, according to hard Mode rules, be allowed to breed her with him even though the cubs would have off-account grandparents? I ask since both the heirs are still mine even if they are technically on different accounts. I mean, I’d send the NCL to that account but then the same problem would occur in reverse, my heir on here would have an off account mother. XD

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Edited on 08/12/17 @ 08:38:26 by Mr. Hankey {Mysterion❓} (#23455)

Astral Skies (#113229)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-12-08 11:46:44
Just wanted to make sure: I need a male lion so I can patrol and train my adols, would I be able to get one from trading without breaking the rules of Hard Mode, so I can better stat train my adols, or do I have to use an adult bred through the challenge rules? I don't want to wait for one of my adols to age up so I can do this, which is why I'm asking.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 11:48:24
@Mr. Hankey

I got a bit lost in there :'D


So long as you don't use him as a heir, it should be fine, I think.

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Vayae [G2 Frontal
Celestial] (#107100)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 11:49:13
We are allowed to own non hardmode lions as long as they are labeled correctly :) So I'm pretty sure you can have any male, not bred by yourself as the adol trainer as long as you don't king him :)

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Astral Skies (#113229)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-12-08 11:50:26
Alright, thank you!

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Vayae [G2 Frontal
Celestial] (#107100)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 12:03:05
@Mr. Hankey {Mysterion❓}
Correct me if I understood somethin wrong, but as I undersand you have two accounts, both of which have 2nd generation kings. You also have an NCL that is mother of one of those kept on the accoun where her son is a king. You want to breed her with the king from another account?
If that's the case, I think it would be allowed. You don't have to keep all the lionesses that are present in the heritage. In fact, you can trade them, give away or whatever, even if they are mother of your king, so you don't have to worry that she would be considered off-account. She was in your pride after all, and second gen cubs are allowed in any way!
Although it's better to wait for Cerrates's confirmation, especially with the accounts, since I am not sure if you can consider your side as if it is hardmode friendly.

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Toradaeus [Request
Roll] (#49785)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 19:01:29

If the mother is an NCL, then you really don't have any problem, since she would just be like a heritageless reverse stud no matter what account she is on, as long as her cubs go to their father's account.
(if the cubs go on the account where their father is not the king, then it would be the father's lineage that would cause the problem - since he is Gen 2-, not the NCL)

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Edited on 08/12/17 @ 19:03:06 by Toradaeus (Penta Margay) (#49785)

Beans :HM: (#86868)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-12-09 10:56:00
Hello! I'm a bit new considering I made the account and forgot about it for about a year ^^; I'm in the middle of setting up this challenge for my pride but not quite sure what a NCL is. Does it stand for Non-Clan Lion or??

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2017-12-09 10:59:40

NCL is the short version of Newly Claimed Lioness, that is, the lionesses you claim while exploring :3

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Beans :HM: (#86868)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-12-09 11:00:22

Oooh, I get it. Thank you <:

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Amino [Hard Mode] (#130452)

True King
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Posted on
2017-12-09 11:57:58
I just got my first naturally bred mutation from a miscarried NCL! :D It's just an adult mutation, but still, didn't have to spend anything on mutation items for it.

Also, literally a month to the day after I first started playing, I finished customizing my rolled king yesterday! Starting in november was a good idea, I pulled the majority of my customization from event stuff. All I need now is a primal mod so I can start breeding for a smilus heir. Hard mode makes that a bit more expensive, but I'm sure I'll get lucky in january and get one from the event so I don't have to shell out for a trade.

EDIT: THANKS TO THE UNBELIEVABLE GENEROSITY OF OUR VERY OWN BEREGGNOG, I AM NOW PRIMAL :D if anyone wants a free stud from a 10m special base rolled primal, I'll refund the fee of any hard mode member for the entire month of december!

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Edited on 09/12/17 @ 16:15:24 by Amino [Hard Mode] (#130452)

Toradaeus [Request
Roll] (#49785)

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Posted on
2017-12-10 02:44:14

Wow! Congrats on your king and on your mutie!

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2017-12-10 02:57:06
Anyone in hard mode breeding fiery?
Found her but got no use for her, will give for free to anyone who wants her.

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Toradaeus [Request
Roll] (#49785)

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Posted on
2017-12-10 03:16:44

I would love her actually...^_^

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