Posted by :Hard Mode: Clan Chat Thread

(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 12:22:50

This is an official clan thread for the :Hard Mode: Clan!


Welcome to Hard Mode's Main/Chat Thread!

We are so happy that you've decided to join the :Hard Mode: challenge!

Please use this space to introduce yourself, chat about your breeding goals and progress, trade NCLs, and ask questions.

The first post will be reserved for FAQs.
If you have any questions about the rules or parameters of :Hard Mode:, please feel free to ask and the FAQ will be updated!


Chat Thread - Progress Thread - Sales Thread - RP Thread

Stud Thread - Join Our Discord!

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Edited on 12/01/25 @ 12:13:56 by Cerrates (TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-15 09:26:32
@Everyone - I'm chasing off a single teardrop girl. I don't want her back, so whoever - if anyone - finds her, they can keep her. ^^

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Indy .: Hard Mode :. (#86046)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 09:29:26
I'll be looking!

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 13:07:26
Hello all!

I joined way back in the day. *points to ID number* I stopped playing for a...year or two? I honestly can't even remember!

The game has changed a ton (and mostly for the best I think? Really love a lot of the improvements). Heck, back when I was playing we'd only just got personalities and we didn't even have clans...or Primals...or neat storylines with the events! So it's like a whole new game!

I was looking around for natural-loving clans and came across this one. I pretty much play 'Hard Mode' anyway so this clan seemed like a good one to join! So I put in an application (twice because I was fiddling and accidently removed, oops) and am looking forward to meeting folks!

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🌳 Dad 🌳 (#22988)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 13:09:48
Hey, Tau! Welcome back. If you have any questions feel free to shoot them my way.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 13:14:43

Welcome back!! Here everyone will be happy to answer any questions, plus chat - when not busy - or the Helper Hub are there, too! The FAQ section is finally working, too, it's a good place to check out between hunts, and tutorial should help you get a feel of the site again :3

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 13:18:49
Thanks, Dad and Berenos!

I did the little tutorial and that was super cute and fun. I actually had to figure out to click my girls to hunters. Oops.

Combat is really different, but pretty fun! Slowly figuring it out, but I'd love to have a guide to help. Glad I found out how to turn the screen shake off; that was a bit jarring and unexpected!

It's been neat relearning the game for the past couple of days. I sort of impulsively rejoined. I was cleaning out my bookmarks and found Lioden and went "oh, hey, I remember that! I should check it out" and I'm already on the way to being addicted. Again.

I've got all chased/no heritage girls already (apparently there was a heritage wipe some time while I was gone) but most were low or second generation anyway so no huge deal. Currently running a little contest to get a new design for my king as well.

So basically, having fun and much appreciate the offers to help! And thank you for the welcome too! <3

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The Sun (#103095)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-15 13:38:52
Question question, how do you obtain a gen 1 king with breed-only bases (like celestial)?

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🌳 Dad 🌳 (#22988)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 13:39:26
You have to retire him for a male groupie which are obtained during the May event.

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Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-01-15 14:26:43

Hello and welcome back to Lioden! Man LD is so much better now (points to ID!) - I came back a few months ago and have played daily since.

Lemme drop you a couple of helpful links:
Claiming Guide
Personality Guide

There was seriously another battle guide I -cannot- find now, so lemme see if I can sum it up:
Big enemies - elephants, rhinos, etc - are best won by pouncing on their back, kicking constantly, and not letting go. If you get kicked off, get right back on. DO NOT REST. They will charge you when you go to rest and it'll be game over.
Moderate enemies - lions, hooved animals, hyena, other cats - respond best to a charge, followed by bite/swipe. If you get atop them, pound/claw. You can safely rest from these guys and I recommend it (usually about 3/4 of the way through, I will rest, charge, and finish them off real fast)
Light enemies - humans, birds, dogs - are REALLY weak to claw. So pounce, claw claw claw. Easy wins.
Snakes - pounce and pound away. They are really hard battles to win and Black Mambas can one shot you, so you need to try to keep them from hitting you at all.

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 15:44:07

Nice advice! I find these to be true as well. Having it listed out is really helpful!

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 19:19:06

Thank you! Very helpful! I'm still puzzling through battles and claiming.

I did have a few questions though!

Is it worth doing this CRB thing I keep seeing? Are mutations still wanted? Because I have a maneless male and can't even get a nibble even though he's cheap and it's still a pretty rare mutation. So I'm wondering if people are only interested in the breedable ones? (Which were not even a thing back when I was playing!)

Also, what in the word is a "Grandpaw"? o.O That's definitely new!

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The Sun (#103095)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-15 19:43:50
@Dad, is possible to get a male groupie with breed-only basis?

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🌳 Dad 🌳 (#22988)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 20:00:58
No. Male groupies are basically NCLs but male.

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 20:05:03
I just found a Teardrop! I didn't even know that was a thing! Interesting color and some neat markings. Not sure if I'm keeping her or not yet.

I'm glad I got lucky though. So far, Claiming is still pretty confusing me and despite being Dreamboat I get smacked a lot more than I get girls. (I have also discovered the forum now has cute little lion emojis. Neat!)

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-15 20:11:50
@Tau - That looks similar to the Teardrop I chased earlier today! XD Nice claim. No, I don't want her.

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