Posted by :Hard Mode: Clan Chat Thread

(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 12:22:50

This is an official clan thread for the :Hard Mode: Clan!


Welcome to Hard Mode's Main/Chat Thread!

We are so happy that you've decided to join the :Hard Mode: challenge!

Please use this space to introduce yourself, chat about your breeding goals and progress, trade NCLs, and ask questions.

The first post will be reserved for FAQs.
If you have any questions about the rules or parameters of :Hard Mode:, please feel free to ask and the FAQ will be updated!


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Edited on 12/01/25 @ 12:13:56 by Cerrates (TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-01-31 09:44:01
I use Purr → Puff Out Chest → Shake Mane → Rub Head to claim Good/Kind girls with pretty decent success.

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Hazel [HM|G2] (#135276)

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Posted on
2018-01-31 09:45:23
Huh, I never thought to use Purr as a starting move. I'll go give it a go. :)

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-01-31 09:45:58
It's still kind of hit and miss at times (even Dreamboats with the same personality don't always get the girls!), but I've had good luck with it.

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-31 09:57:38
Huh. I've never noticed that. Maybe I just never looked hard enough. Thanks for point that out!!

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Grinch [Full Vit
with Ticked] (#31955)

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Posted on
2018-01-31 11:56:21
Ugh what a conundrum! My side heritageless king should be retiring in 27 - 39 days (depending on when i want to retire him) and my main is a recently kinged gen 2 who wont be retiring in 116 - 128 days. I am wanting to use one of my MoD: Primals on at least one of my kings now. At the moment I have planned to king a gen 2 Achromia here on my side, with no current heir set for my main yet.

If I Primal my side king now, I could possibly stud him like crazy to NCLs to get one of the primal variations and use that cub as a future heir after this older gen 2 Achromia retires (he'll be kinged as a 8 year old so i'll have him as a king for at least 84 days) after he retires the possible gen 2 primal cub will be about 9 years old so i'll have him as king for about 3 months as well.

If I primal my main king, i'll have a longer chance at producing a felis, or smilus cub but they will be gen 3 cubs at best due to him being a gen 2 king and I would have to keep or release the cubs. BUT my main king isn't due to be retired until the end of may (without retiring early), which would be perfect timing for the may groupies.

Should I just king the gen 2 Achromia (i'm keeping my old kings looks btw), and by the time he retires it'll be may and I can groupie replace both kings and then have one or two heritageless primal(s)? Problem is I don't think I have the patients to wait until may lol.

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-31 12:22:28
For those who look ahead for new apps with the Feb. Event!!! Whited out...obviously for spoiler.
Look Below.
Rhodonite - Base/Mane | Ardor - Base/Mane/Markings
Look Above
ALL new apps listed above are in the wardrobe.

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Edited on 31/01/18 @ 12:24:39 by Aragami - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

Eddy (#136627)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-31 12:37:25
OMG! I am so excited. I only joined a few days ago but thanks to Aragami and my most lovely wife; I have almost finished my king already!! :) I just managed to trade 2 apps for the fire opal dust I need to change his eyes. One more marking app from oasis for the Henna Cheetah Heavy and he'll be complete!

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-31 12:44:30
You are most welcome Eddy!! :D Glad he's coming along for you well. ^^

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-01-31 14:00:19

Your best bet would be to wait for May....but yeah it would be an exercise in self control lmao



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Grinch [Full Vit
with Ticked] (#31955)

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Posted on
2018-01-31 17:00:48
I swear i'm about to kick my Chased ladies! my king has 2 Siamese markings, and I breed him with several ladies who just have one siamese in hopes for a tipple Siamese cub but ooo nooo They barely inherit one siamese marking lol.

@Cerrates Oh tell me about it! That's why I purchased the Achromia heir to try and satisfy my hunger for a primal king lol. Lets hope by burying the MoD: Primals in my hoard i'll try and forget I have them until may. :)

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august [G1 2x Ros
Tovero] (#113122)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-01-31 17:42:53
I've been digging in the Boneyard for a full day now and I still haven't caught sight of the Primal app... I'm hoping I can find it before I go to sleep I shouldn't have left this till the last day!

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-31 17:44:28
@Euradym - If you need bones, let me know. I have a surplus. ^^

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august [G1 2x Ros
Tovero] (#113122)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-01-31 17:50:16
I'll keep that in mind, thank you!

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-01-31 18:09:46
So, I'm thinking in light of the very frustrating "heritage bug" that messes up the names in the pedigree of doing a full clear of my pride. Which is kind of sad and annoying because I spent time collecting girls with the marks and looks I liked, posing them, and all that fun stuff.

However, one of the main reasons I Hard Mode is because I want the nice, clean pedigrees with 'real' names (instead of Feline/Brown/27 or Breed and Kill or something). And that's not possible with this heritage bug that still hasn't been acknowledged yet by the staff (as far as I know). And I get the staff is busy and probably has a lot on their plate, but it's still really annoying to realize that probably every cub I breed is going to have their mother listed incorrectly!

So thinking of just rehoming my girls (most aren't on cooldown or have a very low one at this point) and most of them are under 7 so not old ladies so I'm sure they're still useful to a lot of breeders. I know most people don't really mind what the pedigree looks like. It's just my one big thing that really drives me personally nuts.

After that, I might just either make some custom girls or claim some NCLs (the name Newly Claimed Lioness doesn't seem to stick, but any change to that does) so I can be sure I'm the only one to name them and don't have to deal with names I don't want in my pedigrees.

Still, really disappointing though. I like the way my pride is, but I literally cannot get what I'm aiming for with it right now, which is the clean pedigrees with the names I've chosen.

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-01-31 18:33:32

I don't think there's actually any way around this glitch until they fix it. I'm currently having the glitch with an NCL who I caught, name changed to what I wanted, and promptly bred, and she's still showing up in the cubs heritage as "Newly Claimed Lioness" so even the NCL name is sticking now.

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