Posted by Prides of..: Wetlands RP

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-14 08:20:24

Prides of the Lands
You are currently on the Wetlands Pride page.

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Wetlands Role-Play
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~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

The Marsh Brothers' Pride

Jelani & Kondo

Nakia & Mudiwa








~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

What is this Role-play about?
- Our aim is to create a Lion-based Role-play with both realistic and semi-realistic positives/negatives. Each territory [totaling in four] will have both obstacles and dangers to over come, balanced by a wide range of advantages given to both your pride's health and success. There will be a Neutral Grounds Role-play page as well for all you rogues and pride-building lions. In the beginning, only one Territory will be open for your Role-play pleasures. A Marshland governed by two, seemingly inseparable brothers. Keep your eyes open for juicy plots and unsuspecting twists! The fate of your lion's life is founded purely on chance and their willingness to survive. Do you have what it takes?

- We will start with Shy and Soltero's two males, two brothers governing a Pride of lions some wheres deep in the Marsh. This is intended to get our own pride some attention before we begin opening up the other Role-play pages. Only fair right? We made this Thread.
- Applications are open ONLY to those wishing to become a part of THE BROTHERS' PRIDE.
- Temporary.

~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

This roleplay is UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Do not Post.
- Role-play will open after a couple more applications are accepted. At that time, applications will CLOSE.

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Edited on 16/12/16 @ 14:44:51 by Soltero (#9059)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-26 07:38:17

Jelani | Male| 5 years| King| Mentions:

Days had passed since the males had left the main pride den, their mission was to remark and patrol the borders at the furthest ends of their territory. A job that was not desired but one that had to be done. But now the two were headed home, and the distance to their destination only grew shorter with every lengthened stride.

Jelani and Kondo, we near inseparable as cubs. Even to this day the bond they share is stronger then ever, which is why they both rule over a shared pride. That is not to say that they never had their share of fights...because of course they did. They had just never let the fighting tear then apart. Now major spats seemed few and far between, as both males had matters to attend to. Jelani had Nakia his queen, while Kondo had Mudiwa his own queen. Together though they shared the other females, meaning cubs were shared, well only those not mothered by their Queens. Such as Achi and Atka, the two oldest cubs of Jelani and Nakia. Even then though both males would protect each other's cubs, much like they protect each other. It was an unwritten code between brothers.

Finally the sight of tan, and amber shapes would come into view, the pride was just ahead. Rough pads would move across the wet ground, dark eyes locking on to his target. The wind would sweep though his amber and oynx mane upon his approach. A low soft rumble would resound in his chest, cranium lowered, seeking for a gentle head rub from his queen. Nakia was a gentle lioness, and even in age her beauty always captured him, turning the giant brute into a small cub at her paws. "Nakia, My queen. You are looking just as beautiful as ever." his baritone voice speaking in a sweet tongue. After all it had been a few days since he had seen her, or anyone in the pride for that matter. His duty as king had called both his brother and him away for patrols on the furthest ends of their territory. After his queen was attended to, his attention would be moved to Achi and Atka, that is if he could find his two adolescents.

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Edited on 26/12/16 @ 15:42:49 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 04:03:13

"Come, .. you have much to learn."
Kondo | 5 Years | 2nd King
Mudiwa(Directly) - Jelani, Nakia, Pride(Indirectly)

It'd been a long, tedious morning thus far. The grandiose male was never one to really take delight in fulfilling his required duties, far more favoring the leisure and lazy side of life. Someone had to do it.. though; and with Jelani's welcomed assistance, the task before them had never appeared too much for Kondo to handle. Unlike his brother's more Kingly, grace-filled strut, Kondo carried himself forwards aloft a stride completely opposite in comparison. Steps were sloppy and absentminded, lacking any sense of practiced finesse or elegance. Nay, but his body language did scream with power. Intimidation was Kondo's silent play, each weighty step garnering a thick ripple effect of his flesh and the over abundance of muscle underlying. Paws carried mounds of Earth skyward with each powerful pull, exposed talons ripping through root and rock as mass quantities of debris were left in his wake.

T'was after trailing Jelani into the heart of the courtyard, and watching the reunion between sibling and sibling's Queen, that the voluminous male was snatched from his zombie-like state. Attentive eyes scanned the yard, nostrils withdrawing oxygen in large amounts as though searching for something specific. In heat females? .. Hmm. Freshly spilled blood? Food? It wouldn't be long before attention was finally focused on his favored ma'am, the alluring Mudiwa. The Ying to his Yang, the fuel to his inextinguishable fire. Kondo would advance her direction in bold fashion, not looking for permission nor some sort of allowance, just staking his claim with a confident invasion of space. If she had him, his jaws -probably caked in dried blood- would be slid across her feminine frame where ever able. This affectionate, perhaps possessive action would cease when allowed passage towards her face. And there? Chin would look to rest over the Queen's forehead with the King's sandpapered tongue escaping jowls, intending to plant a nice wet one between her ears. Hi hunny, I'm home!

Thereafter actions would include simply plopping down onto the Earth a front the favored miss, rolling onto his back so that either skull or shoulders could be forced over Mudiwa's front paws. Like a cuddle-hungry whelp. "Did you guys hunt today?" Typical male!

If any other pride members approached, they would undoubtedly be given attention. Especially if they held either of those tantalizing smells he had previously inquired about.

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Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 04:54:15

Dayo | 7 years | Broodmother
Mentions: Everyone | Interacts with: Cubs, Johani

A tongue curling yawn erupted from Dayo shortly after she woke up and she looked briefly at her cubs to make sure they were all still there before stepping out of the thicket she had made into a den. She always chose to keep her cubs in dens that were on the outskirts of where the pride hung out during their leisure time. This particular den was far enough away that they weren't bothered by the daily activity of the pride and could not see them but close enough that it still had the effect of scaring away other predators and the other lionesses could easily get to her should they need her or vice versa.

The lioness stretched luxuriously before sitting down. She was getting close to being underweight and ribs could be seen rather then just the usual lateral muscles. It was from her body converting a lot of the nutrients she received into milk for the three ravenous cubs she was currently nursing, as was evident by the swollen milk bags hanging from her belly. The cubs would soon be able to start eating meat so that at least part of the hunger would be sated. Their teeth were certainly getting sharp and painful enough that it would be a welcome relief. As well, starting the weaning process would mean introducing the cubs to the pride and would give her extra sets of eyes on the cubs. Much to her annoyance, Zoa'x liked to go out on his own and often could get his sisters to go with him. Dayo's snout raised slightly as she smelled the air and noticed two scents that had been absent from the pride for a couple day. "Ah, the boys are back. Now would be a good time to introduce the cubs to the pride..." She thought to herself.

Dayo looked back to the cubs and chuffed at them. "Come along, cubs. It's time you met the rest of your family. She waited for them to come out of the thicket then started walking slowly towards the pride's main area. She would look back occasionally to make sure the cubs were still following her. Should they not be, she would chuff and wait for them to catch up before continuing on. The lioness finally got to where the pride was and looked around, seeing Jelani and Kondo with their queens and deciding to approach Johari, her niece first.

Dayo walked up to her and aimed to rub her forehead against Johari. This was both a greeting, a sign of affection and to mix their scents so she would start smelling like the pride again. "Hello, niece."

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Edited on 27/12/16 @ 12:17:04 by Jalesi (#99503)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 05:48:15

Zoa'x | Male Cub | 3 Months | Mentions: Dayo, Scry, Lesedi |
Zoa'x would be laying in the middle of the den russet head on paws, tail whipping back in forth with frustration while bronze irises practically radiated his displeasure. He had almost succeeded in escaping the brambles an hour before...unfortunately just before freedom could be gained the evil vegetation had dug its thorns deep within his pelt and he had been forced to call for assistance. How could his sisters stand to stay cooped up like this? When he had been younger the den had seemed larger but the young male had grown quickly and had out paced both of his sisters in size and weight. Now the life long den was starting to seem very confined, almost to the point of giving the rambunctious cub claustrophobia .

It was with surprise that Zoa'x heard his mother calling him from outside the den...she rarely let the three cubs out of the safe haven and never so soon after an attempted escapade. Her call was explained only a few seconds later, and Zoa'x being the cub he was, could not contain his excitement. Paws would immediately be gained a clumsy hop bringing the cub half on top of his youngest sister a playful growl rumbling from the small male's chest.

"Get up Scry! Did you hear mom? We get to see the others she has told us about...who do you think is bigger Jelani or Kondo? I bet the are both enormous!" A soft nip would be given to the female's ear before Zoa'x's attention would swing towards his other sister his stream of words showing no sign of slowing down. Another hop would be aimed, this time with the intention of landing on Lesedi...unfortunately the male's paws would tangle in his hurry and he would plop face down skidding slightly in the dirt. Words slightly muffled the male would continue his tirade, not in the least bothered by his own clumsiness. "What about you Lesedi? Do you think one of the kings will have your light colored pelt? Ohhhh, maybe a lot of the pride has your pelt! I can't believe we finally get to meet them all, come on guys!" The male would run out of the den, only to collide with his mother a few moments later...feet would once again be clumsily gained as the male followed his mother eyes widening to twice their normal size as he saw all the strange pride members. It was an occasion that was able to silence the russet cub, but not for long.

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Edited on 27/12/16 @ 12:50:42 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-27 06:53:47

Scry | Female Cub | 3 Months | Mentions: Dayo, Zoa'x |

The young lioness had been sleeping peacefully, unaware of the fact that her world was about to change. At least until her brother landed sloppily on her head, rudely yanking her from her dreams and into reality. What was he rambling on about now? All she caught were the names of the two kings before a sharp pain let her know he had bitten her. Before she could so much as cry out, the larger cub had already moved on to bother their sister. Scry spent a few moments watching her brother, feeling tired already due to his boundless energy. Sighing softly the small cub got to her paws and dropped into a deep stretch, yawning widely as she did so. Once her muscles felt sufficiently loose enough, she blinked owlishly and cast a quick glance around their thorny den in search of their mother. She was rather hungry, having just woke up and she wanted to nurse.

It only took a few seconds for her to realize the adult lioness was nowhere to be found. Confusion clouded her mind for a moment before her brother's words actually reached her as he ran out of their den excitedly. " I can't believe we finally get to meet them all, come on guys!" Finally get to meet them? Meet who? The kings? The entire pride? Did they really have to meet all of them at the same time? And why did they have to leave their den? Couldn't the pride come see them here? Suddenly Scry realized that the others had completely left her behind in their excitement, and she was alone in the den.

With rounded eyes, she bounded out of the thicket and raced for the safety of her mother's paws. She already knew pleading to put off the meeting for another day would be pointless, so she vowed to stay right at her mother's side instead. Despite the undercurrent of anxiety, curiosity also vied for a position at the front of her mind. What did the kings look like? Would it be obvious which one was her sire? What did the other lionesses look like? Could someone please feed her?

Those thoughts came to a screeching halt when her mother approached another adult female however. Suddenly the cub was fearful again, making sure to place herself right between Dayo's front paws. That way she could back up underneath her if she needed to! However, her mother's warm greeting to the other lioness hinted at some kind of family relationship between them and Scry's natural curiosity surfaced once more. Silently she scooted forward until she could peek out from under Dayo's head and stare in silent wonder at the other lioness.

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Edited on 27/12/16 @ 13:57:21 by Transkitty (#101285)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 07:40:31

Lesedi| Female | 3 months | Cub|

As usual the light colored cub had been following her brothers lead, landing them both slightly in trouble after he had gotten stuck. While she could agree that their living quaters had become cramped, she was not in any rush to leave. Either way Lesedi could care less. It was just her nature to be relaxed, and just go with the flow of things.

Such as in this morning, as her mother's sweet voice would beckon them from the brambles. Though Zoa'x seemed to be more eager then her or her sister, such energy showing as he pounced clumsily onto Scry. A short huff would find its way out of Lesedi's nose, his antics were already starting again. After Zoa'x attention turned to her, a soft giggle could be heard as he fell attempting to tackle her. With a quick pop on his head Lesedi would rush from the den with a "Can't catch me!" her running would cease as she stumbled over her own paws, catching herself last minute to keep her from falling flat on her nose.

Light blue green eyes would look up at her golden mother, waiting for her movement. Keeping quiet most the way, mainly due to being lost in her own train of thought. Perhaps there would be more lions like her, ones with light coats...but what if there was not? Then oh well I guess that made Lesedi special in her own way. Thoughts would stop as the pride lions came to view, one in particular was the one her mother had decided to bump heads with.

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 08:23:46

Achi || 1 Year 1 Month || Adolescent

The times when her father went out to patrol the far reaches of the territory was when the young feline got in the most trouble. She had been exploring an abandoned set that traveled far below the ground. This had been her hideaway the last few days. Achi was pretending she was queen of the old den, royalty to the little beetles and worms that wandered the set. But eventually the young lioness grew bored of these activities and had worked her way back to camp. The lass had been waiting impatiently for her father to return. If there ever was a daddy's girl, it was Achi. The adolescent padded into camp moments before her father and uncle. Her plan was to wrestle with Atka, but that would have to wait as she saw the two large figures of her family trotting towards the group.
Excitement flooded her small frame when she recognized Jelani, who was padding towards his queen, Achi's mother. Rounded ears perked as she picked up the pace to meet with the king. ; this would allow for a perfect family reunion. Well, almost perfect if Atka decided to show. Developing muscles rippled under a ungroomed pelt-- she had been in the set for many days without grooming-- as she raced towards Jelani and Nakia. "Hello, father! she called out as she approached. Achi, of course, paid no attention that she had probably interrupted her parents interactions; she cared only for greeting the king. However, in the back of her mind, she was hoping Jelani's return would distract Nakia from possibly punishing her. After all, Achi had been gone for over two days; her mother was bound to have worried at least a little. Achi bunched up her hind limbs and jumped at her father. She landed on his back, albeit sloppily, before promptly falling off to his side. "Welcome back," she chirped. Achi still had a lot to learn about the whole respect thing, so she often thought of Jelani as a friend or just her father than as her king. "Did you find anything cool?" Achi was acting like she had ants in her pelt and was bouncing all around the king.

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Edited on 27/12/16 @ 15:25:03 by RoosterChick (#46649)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 11:27:02

Johari | Lioness | 5 years | Advisor
Mentions: Dayo; Cubs

The heat crept in from outside, its stifling temperature kept mostly at bay by the walls of the stony alcove. Inside, Johari's honey eyes were hidden by cream-hued eyelids is if she were still slumbering, but the flicking ear atop her head falsified suspicion. Slenderly-structured head rested lazily on gargantuan paws until boredom compelled her to rise, jaws opening in a sharp-toothed yawn. Rough, scarred pawpads found stone and soil in slow progression as the groggy female left the cozy den behind temporarily, slinking out into the sunlight. The two kings, Kondo and Jelani, had emerged and were greeting their harem as usual, starting with the favored Queens. She, as Advisor, would be next. Whenever they finished, at least. So for now, Johari folded her back legs underneath her rump and dropped, huffing as she lay down on a grassy patch. Her eyelids met again as the Advisor dozed off, opening again in a few minutes by the chirps and squeaks of cubs and the sound of a maternal chuff. Her skull was subsequently met by Dayo's, her aunt's, which she welcomed by a quick lick to the cheek. A small smile crossed her face as three itty-bitty cubs bounded into view. "Day," she purred happily, "They're gorgeous!"

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Kelshand (#19565)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 15:15:03

Mudiwa | Queen to Kondo | 7 Years
Mentions: Kondo, Jelani and Dayo (ind)

The regal lioness had seen her king from a long distance and had arose swiftly with an attentive stance as the two brothers drew nearer to the pride. Piercing orbs would study the gait of both males, though paying extra attention to Kondo. A smirk would grace her broad maw as she watched Kondo approach with his ambling swagger. Even with a hundred yards between them, the rippling muscles of his massive and intimidating musculature kindled her desire. Mudiwa cared for Kondo dearly, even down to his less than energetic tendencies. She was a witness to his unsurmountable power and strength, and cared not if he liked to throw (or roll) himself about. The lioness was quite strong herself, and vastly independent, so she cared not how Kondo wanted to walk or portray himself as long as he remained a vigilant protector and affectionate beau. Tail tuft swayed rhythmically as her King transversed the space that separated them with sluggish paws.

Body would be eager for his touch, concerned not of his crusty jowls and masculine stench, and neck would crane towards his mammoth figure with unflinching advances. Broad head would accept his rough tongue with a mutual lather against his clean enough check. An odd taste would linger in her mouth afterwards, unsure if related to blood, dirt, or even worse. Like a huge barrel he would fall before her, hundreds of pounds of flesh rolling towards planted forepaws. Cocked head would watch him amused, brow lifted at his question. Head and shoulders would push against him with most of her weight, mug swimming in the thick tufts of his maned robe if he remained in place. One of her large paws would reach out to flop against his broad chest. ”Two things you know me loyal for; a full belly and a warm bed.” she’d reply, surrendering to his wallowing nature. ”A zebra lies under the main tree, out of the muck. Eat well, my King, the sweetest meat was reserved for the both of you.” voice would interject again, knowing he would be pleased at the prospect of a welcome home meal. Luckily the group had been successful recently and were able to present their kings with such a prize. No doubt her sister Dayo would be well-received by the meat as well after the rigors of feeding a trio of growing cubs. Now that she was thinking on the subject, it should be time to see the little ones soon. Mudiwa would be sure to speak with her sister and the others soon after Kondo would partake in his feast. For now the female remained at his mercy and attentive to his needs.

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-12-28 02:17:28

Atka | 1 year 1 Month | Male | Adolesence
Location: Courtyard | Mentions: Kondo / Jelani ~ {Open}

Noticing his kings return, he cautiously scampered towards them with his head bowed and a low hum rumbling in his wide chest to show he was happy to see the larger males. He could see Kondo rolling over onto his queens paws and made sure to sit down a few paces from them so as not to interfere.

But after the king mentioned hunting, the young adolescence found it hard to sit still, and was hoping one of the two brothers would take him out soon, for what exactly, he wasn't sure. As they had just returned from a long border patrol, he supposed they could also take him to scout out the area closer to the courtyard, or possibly teach him some fighting techniques.

Which the young white male was in desperate need of, as he was rather clumsy when it came to defending the pridelands. Looking down at his large paws, he slowly unsheathed the sharp talons hidden away within his fur and gazed down at the black sleek shell and the way they caught the sun with fascination. Yes, he needed some serious training to learn how to handle these impressive claws.

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
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Posted on
2016-12-28 10:00:39

"Come, .. you have much to learn."
Kondo | 5 Years | 2nd King
Mudiwa, Atka(Directly) - New Cubs/Dayo/Johari(Indirectly)

It didn't take long for the courtyard to come alive, now booming with life as every unique resident came forwards and made themselves known. Unfortunately, for the rest of the pride at least, Kondo's attention remained brilliantly focused onto the alluring form of his tawny Queen.. Mudiwa. An intense rumble became caged between clenched jowls as he neared, a noise that expressed obvious impassioned emotions. The sound grew in volume upon tongue's escape, razor-edged fangs unveiled as a toothy smile was staged, all in favor of his woman's returned lick cast upon the now ruffled fluff of his broad cheek. The exchanged sense of adoration seemed well matched, their fondness of one another proven further what with Mudiwa's reaction to Kondo's straight forwards inquiry. "Mmmm," he'd hum in response, lids growing heavy as another of his zombie-like states was entered. Said state lasted mere seconds before the bloke's leathery tongue sought out Mudiwa's chin, the movement followed by a couple of painless chews bestowed throughout her exposed hairs. "I knew I liked you for SOME reason.." Dry humor, obviously joking. He rose immediately after, Earthly-particles clinging to his sides as attention was directed towards the nearby adolescent male.

"Atka," he'd croon aloft a sinister-sounding tone, tongue trailing the outsides of the King's lips as though threatening to consider the child a well-portioned snack. A snarl was forged from hot lungs, rows of life-threatening teeth put on a deliberate display with a neat curl of those chocolate-stained lips. If the adolescent cowered, there would be no issue between the pair. Dominance would have been successfully stated, and Kondo would move on towards more pressing matters. "We'll make a fine male of you yet," he'd continue, a paw pushed skyward to target the younger brute's forehead for a rough noogie. Hopefully some mane was displaced and made crazy. Every young male needed some rough love in order to mature and grow up properly. "Find me one night soon." He'd end their interaction with this phrase, meaning a lesson was in store but.. what about? Further information was not disclosed.

Attention shifted towards new cubs next, as well as mother and mother's niece. Little cubrittos.. Kondo's mouth filled with saliva at the thought, tongue investigating those inner folds as the idea was mulled over. Oh, .. Zebra. Right. And just like that Kondo turned and moved off towards the main tree in which Mudiwa had spoken of, off to tear into the delectable parts of meat that the women had so generously saved him. Perhaps a meeting with newborn cubs would be better AFTER a fill of the bastard's stomach.. yes, that.

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Edited on 28/12/16 @ 17:01:43 by Soltero (#9059)

Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2016-12-28 10:23:25

Dayo | 7 years | Broodmother
Mentions: Cubs, Johari

The golden-red female accepted the lick from Johari and soon beamed with pride at the compliment to her cubs. That was one sure fire to get in her good graces, complimenting the cubs she was raising. Not that Johari had been on her bad side to begin with. Dayo sat down slowly so that if there were any cubs under her or by her back legs they would have time to move out of that way. "Thank you. That is Zoa'x and Lesedi." She looked to each cub in turn as she introduced them both so that Johari would know which cub was named which and to check their location to be sure they weren't wandering too far. "And this is Scry." The lioness looked down at the awestruck cub between her front paws and smiled at her.

Dayo was vaguely aware of what the others were doing but would not be concerned with them until they approached. She was also aware of the smell of a fresh kill but her main concern right now was ensuring the cubs were introduced to the pride members. She never took care of her own concerns before that of her cubs.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-12-28 12:41:52

Zoa'x | Male Cub | 3 Months | Mentions: Dayo, Scry, Lesedi, Everyone |
Having been left a bit behind, bronze eyes widened in awe at the shear size of the two kings, Zoa'x was snapped back to reality when he heard a complement being directed at his little group. Small russet chest would expand in pride almost toppling the cub before his eyes landed on Scry who had taken up a spot of favoritism between his mother's legs. Being the oldest, biggest, and the male of the group...Zoa'x would be sure to rectify the situation soon...but perhaps a bit of revenge was due first. The cub had been unable to catch his sister, Lesedi when they had first exited the den...but he had not forgotten her challenge of tag. His current spot was a prime place to begin stalking his little sister...and that was what he did with perhaps a bit of unintentional exaggeration.

Round fuzzy rump would be stuck into the air as the male lowered his front paws and started to sneak towards Lesedi...she seamed to be in one of her day dreams which was fantastic. One paw step, two, three, four...pounce!

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Edited on 28/12/16 @ 19:42:37 by MoeMoe (#65000)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 06:47:11

Atka | 1 year 1 Month | Male | Adolesence
Location: Courtyard | Mentions: Kondo ~ {Open}

At the sound of the king calling his name he quickly tensed every muscle in his body and bent his head, flattening his round hears to his skull. The king reached a massive paw towards him, and ruffled his mane a bit before informing the young white male of later training. Or so that's what Atka hoped was in store.

He was pleased with himself, and honored to hear Kondo say such words, and clumsily nodded in understanding, his paws shifting beneath his weight as he could not conceal his excitement. As the king walked off, he scampered away to try and find a rock or tree to practice his claw techniques, and prayed it came in handy for later tonight. He only wished to impress his king.

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Kelshand (#19565)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 08:28:52

Mudiwa | Queen to Kondo | 7 Years
Mentions: evverybody pretty much

Large paws would bat at her king's expansive mane as he joked about, a smirk garnering her feline facade. She'd shy away from his nibbles in the end as her whiskers quivered with a tickling sensation. With a grand thump she'd have tossed her legs skyward to fall on the opposite side, head rolling back to gaze at Kondo as he began moving away to address the young adolescent male nearby. The youth's safety wouldn't last long once he began coming of age but perhaps Kondo and Jelani would teach him a few lessons before such a time would come. Atka was a rare colored lion, the gold washed out to nearly the ivory of an elephant. Mudiwa was curious if this trait would pass to any offspring. It could certainly hinder a lionesses' camouflage when stalking prey. Rough tongue licked lips in idle thought for a moment before the muscular lioness rose to stand.

With Kondo welcomed and sent to feast, the mature Queen would seek out her other responsibilities for the day. Looking out across the courtyard to assess those present she'd quickly notice Dayo and simultaneously she would see three cubs bounding about. Excitement and pride immediately swelled at this reflection. She spared no time in padding over, tail flicking with obvious happiness. "Are these my newest neices and nephews?" she'd chime once near them, pace slowing to a striding walk. Bowed head would lean towards Dayo expectantly, aiming to rub faces with her full sister affectionately. Golden orbs would gleam at her sister, as well as offer open acknowledgement of Johari, before settling upon the trio of young cubs. "Hello there. I'm your aunt, Mudiwa." the regal lioness would say, tawny haunches lowering her frame into a casual position. Elongated tail would be lifted, swaying comfortably behind her but undoubtedly looking as a potential plaything of small cubs.

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