Posted by Prides of..: Wetlands RP

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-14 08:20:24

Prides of the Lands
You are currently on the Wetlands Pride page.

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Wetlands Role-Play
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~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

The Marsh Brothers' Pride

Jelani & Kondo

Nakia & Mudiwa








~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

What is this Role-play about?
- Our aim is to create a Lion-based Role-play with both realistic and semi-realistic positives/negatives. Each territory [totaling in four] will have both obstacles and dangers to over come, balanced by a wide range of advantages given to both your pride's health and success. There will be a Neutral Grounds Role-play page as well for all you rogues and pride-building lions. In the beginning, only one Territory will be open for your Role-play pleasures. A Marshland governed by two, seemingly inseparable brothers. Keep your eyes open for juicy plots and unsuspecting twists! The fate of your lion's life is founded purely on chance and their willingness to survive. Do you have what it takes?

- We will start with Shy and Soltero's two males, two brothers governing a Pride of lions some wheres deep in the Marsh. This is intended to get our own pride some attention before we begin opening up the other Role-play pages. Only fair right? We made this Thread.
- Applications are open ONLY to those wishing to become a part of THE BROTHERS' PRIDE.
- Temporary.

~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

This roleplay is UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Do not Post.
- Role-play will open after a couple more applications are accepted. At that time, applications will CLOSE.

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Edited on 16/12/16 @ 14:44:51 by Soltero (#9059)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-30 10:05:59

lion_128526356.jpgSihiri|Female|3 years old|Huntress|Mentions: Nakia

As she lay under the small amount of shade an umbrella thorn acacia tree her tail flicked, trying to keep some of the flies away. As she looked around her eyes soon rested upon the familiar figure of her sister, Nakia. The other lioness had become queen, something she was happy for her older sister to have in her life. This was mostly because it meant her sister was safe and they got to stay together. Getting to her paws she huffed, the heat gently warming up her golden pelt. She walked to her sister, gently rubbing her head to the top of Nakias before lying beside her. Although a social creature she was much rather be with Nakia than anyone else, although if Nakia felt the same she didn't know. "Wet seasons nice huh?" she spoke, her voice laced with a lazy tone. Part of her hoped she wouldn't have to hunt today, she was feeling rather lazy. The wet season was always a good season though, better than the dry season anyway. Heaving another deep sigh she lay upon her side, ears twitching to listen for Nakias response.

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Kuma ™ (#16165)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 12:18:59


Nakia | Queen | 7 years | Mentions: Jelani, Achi, Atka, Sihri, Pride Indirectly

* * *

A peaceful day was upon the Queen as she lay settled amidst the shade near the dens. With closed eyes, torn ears would flick and twitch in all directions as the lioness listened to the sounds of bustling cubs and busy pride members. Amber eyes would flicker open as Nakia blinked, sitting still for a moment before raising her broad cranium upwards to watch Jelani and Kondo return. Her hind legs were resting, one folded under the under, and wide paws were outstretched in front of her. It was lovely to wake up from a nap to the Kings returning. As Jelani approached, the pale tawny Queen would close her eyes and purr soothingly as she rubbed her forehead and the bridge of her nose upon her mate's neck and chin. "It seems like it has been so long," she purred out, beginning to lick around his maw. As Nakia welcomed back her King, she shimmied up onto her haunches, dark tail-tip flicking as purrs were eradicated from her lungs. She truly did hold the utmost respect and love for Jelani, and having him back home after such long patrols felt like the biggest relief. A ripped ear would fall backwards and her head would turn abruptly as the sound of Achi's voice would sound nearby. As the adolescent approached, Nakia narrowed her eyes and stood up, knowing that her daughter had been out for the past couple of nights. The Queen would sigh softly to herself, allowing this departure go as she knew that Achi was excited to see her father. The Queen's subtle gaze would move between Achi and Jelani, listening as the younger lioness would talk to her father and question his patrols. Clearing her throat, Nakia would say in her sweet-as-honey tone, "Achi, how about you go play with the new cubs?" Nakia smiled to her daughter, thinking of her King when she sent her rambunctious teen off. Jelani needed his space, and a nice grooming after patrols was earned, and was just what he needed. Eyes would watch as Kondo made himself comfortable within Mudiwa's grasp, smiling as the two re-connected. As Atka sat idly by, Nakia's chest became swollen as Kondo mentioned taking her son out for a patrol. Albeit her son not being a cub anymore, the Queen was still ever so protective of her offspring, and only wanted the best for them. With a swift glance to Kondo, she dipped her chin in, as in a reply to the offer. With perked ears, Nakia listened and watched as the cubs were introduced to Mudiwa and the rest of the pride. This was the newest litter, and they hold promise. Since the youngsters were busy with her fellow Queen, Nakia took the chance to get close to her mate, standing up and gliding her body across his, rubbing her neck along his body. "How were the patrols, my King", Nakia purred, beginning to groom the immense male's messy mane. She knew that what he needed was a good meal, but the tawny lioness would first begin to show affection and tenderness by beginning a grooming session. She was interested to hear about the patrols, and to know how her King's journeys were, whether bad or good. Nakia would then plop down in front of Jelani, tail held high in the air and rough tongue swiping up the legs of the lion in front of her, cleaning up the tufts and removing debris from his travels. With purrs and batting with her front paws, she encouraged Jelani to join her and lay down. As she commenced the grooming, ears would swivel and tongue would cease movement as Sihiri approached. Looking up to the huntress, Nakia smiled subtly. With her sister's head rubbing upon hers, she purred, lifting her head up back to the lioness before lowering her chin back to her chest. Sihiri would lay down with her, and a swift growl would warn the lioness to not interfere with the grooming session between her and the King. This was only subtle though, as Nakia adored Sihiri. In a quick and polite response, Nakia said, "The wet season is quite nice this year, I agree. I do appreciate the shade and the constant freshwater, as I'm sure the entire pride does as well." With a nod to her head, Nakia would swipe her tongue over Sihiri's shoulder before turning her attention back to Jelani. Shuffling closer to him, Nakia thought about the pride lands and how bountiful prey would be this wet season. Perhaps a hunt was in store for the pride.. maybe this upcoming evening.

( OOC: so sorry about the long and non-detailed response, I had a lot to catch up on! )

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2017-01-02 22:37:30

Lesedi| Female | 3 months | Cub|

A soft cry would escape her little maw as her brother caught her off guard. Paws would begin to swipe that air an sharp teeth looking to nip at the larger cub. "Not fair. You caught me off guard Zoa'x" she would growl in that cubbish tone, as she managed to wiggle free from him. As soon as she got up, she would lower into a crouch ready to pounce. Rump wiggled before taking off, she would pop up onto her hind legs and bat at Zoa'x before taking a small jump side ways. However since Lesedi was in play mode, she was unaware of those around her, and as she turned to run she smacked right into Mudiwa's to leg.

The light tone cub would fall back on her rump, green eyes looking up at the lioness she had bumped into. A cheeky smile would form on her features, as she remained still.

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Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 07:50:11

Dayo | 7 years | Broodmother

Dayo saw someone approaching in her peripheral vision and turned her head to see who it was. She immediately relaxed upon seeing it was her full sister and turned to face her. The movement meant Scry was no longer protected between her paws. The lioness lowered her head and rubbed it against Mudiwa's while giving out a happy puff to show she was undoubtedly happy to see her. "Haven't lost your sight while I was gone, have you?" she asked teasingly. Her tongue flicked out, the aim to briefly groom Mudiwa's cheek.

Dayo's attention fell to Lessedi and Zoa'x again as she heard a cry but she made no move to interfere. She only did so when the cubs were truly in danger of being hurt. They had to figure out how to fend for themselves, after all. She watched Lessedi as she bounced around and chuckled as she hit Mudiwa's leg then fell back. "You must watch where you're going, little one. You almost knocked over your aunt! And then where would we have been?" Dayo jokingly scolded with a smile on her face.

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Edited on 03/01/17 @ 17:50:32 by Jalesi (#99503)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 10:27:08

Johari | Lioness | 5 years | Advisor
Mentions: Mudiwa, Dayo; Cubs

"Zoa'x, Lesedi, and Scry," Johari repeated, her voice giving away a hint of pride, "My new cousins." Her honey eyes caught the regal form of Mudiwa, whom she addressed with a calm smile. Wanting initiate possible play or, in the very least, a laugh, the sleek lioness heaved over onto her side and rolled to her back, letting her forehead wrinkle comically and tallish ears laying flat on either side of her skull. Pink tongue darted out and back in as wide paws rested on her chest and pale belly opened to the sky. Her tail flicked, slapping softly against a large stone as the Advisor gave a rather childish grin.

[Okay, this post SERIOUSLY sucks. I needed to get something out there, though.]

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Edited on 03/01/17 @ 17:27:25 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 20:01:17

Atka | 1 year 1 Month | Male | Adolesence
Location: Courtyard | Mentions: Kondo ~ Nakia ~ Jelani {Open}

The young male was a little hesitant to go off, as he hadn't yet said hello to his father, or even spent any time with his mother in the past couple of weeks. But how could he? He needed to train, to prove himself to his kings. Yes, he needed to, or else he hadn't yet earned his place. There was still the fear of doubt that plagued him, and he's sure Kondo noticed by now how severely it has gripped his soul. But he can't let such things push him around, and pull him from his goals of becoming a great king. Wether it be in this pride or the next.

As he clumsily trotted away into the distance towards a few trees, he unsheathed his sharp claws and began to pick up his pace, aiming for one of the many trees flimsy looking trunks. He noticed a few scratch marks occupying one already, and made sure to steer clear in case this where to be one of the other pride members doing. So instead he lunged to the tree beside it, swiping his claws against the bark and tearing it clear from its trunk, like flesh from an antelope. He panted heavily as he landed on his paws with the bark still glued to the end of his black eagle like talons. Giving his large white paw a good shake, it still refused to detach and he pinned his ears back in embarrassment at the tree barks last laugh.

Still he failed to outmatch a scrawny tree and its clingy bark. Sitting roughly on his haunches he huffed to himself and glared down at the hard wood attached to his claws. Refusing to return to the other pride members with it hugging him so dearly. Yet at the thought of the antelope from early, he could feel his stomach beginning to growl furiously. And he looked over his shoulder, wondering if the lionesses had gone hunting prior to their kings return. If not he would be a little insulted that they'd not prepared a feast for them, in thanks for their sacrifice on their long journey. What if one had lost their life? He quickly spun his head back down at his paws as another loud gurgle erupted from his gut. Though it wasn't the obnoxious sound that had him bothered, but rather the thought he'd be more devastated if King Kondo where to loose his life over his own father.

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Kelshand (#19565)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 01:30:51

Mudiwa | Queen to Kondo | 7 Years
Mentions: Johari, Dayo and Cubs

Large head would lean in affectionately against sister’s own, guttural lion equivalent purr rolling in her throat. Mudiwa was severely family oriented, most lionesses were by nature, and she fully reveled in the company of the other lionesses and particularly those tied by blood. A responsive lick would present itself to Dayo in response, smirk forming across her broad mouth. A light bump against her foreleg would interrupt any reply from forming. Peering from the corner of one golden orb, she’d note the small speckled female below. Dramatically, Mudiwa would stumble backwards intentionally, and roll to her side as if she had fallen from Lesedi’s. Head would roll towards the cubs in an upside down fashion, amused grin exposing her off-white matured canines. ”We’d be like this Dayo!” she’d say, massive paws extending in a large, well-needed stretch of her entire form.

With little effort, Mudiwa would roll back onto her belly to face the small group. Johari looked to be interested in a bit of play. Perhaps the cubs would pick up on her hints, that is, if they were paying attention. Her whiskers tickled with a shift in the air, the motion initiating a twitch of her onyx nose. Watching the trio of young ones stirred maternal feelings deep within her instinctual thought processes. She’d not conceived this year, an odd occurrence, and found herself somewhat worried with the nonexistent estrus so far. Hopefully her hormones were just distracted and not completely out of working order this year, or for good. Long tail swayed rhythmically behind her, the dark tuft rolling in thought as she watched the cubs intently. They seemed lively and obviously well-fed, an observance that directed her voice to Dayo. ”I’m sure your hungry. Kondo’s taking his fill, and I assume Jelani is as well by now. I’m sure there will be something left, but it was a long journey for them.” Sandpaper tongue would wet her lips, thoughtfully. ”We will hunt again very soon it seems.”

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-07 02:38:41

Scry | Female Cub | 3 Months | Mentions: Johari|
As more and more adult lionesses turned their attention to her and her siblings, Scry suddenly realized she was no longer between her mother's paws. Gulping a few times, she cast a quick glance around looking for another hiding place that wouldn't move. However a flash of movement quickly ended the impending panic attack as the cub focused on Johari's slowly thumping tail. It was fairly obvious the older lioness was not paying attention to the cubs, and Scry figured she might be able to take her by surprise.

Instinctively the cub dropped into a crouch, although it was far from perfect. Her tail was held too high and her legs were a bit too far underneath her, so her crawl forward was clumsy. However it got the job done, and soon she was close enough to pounce. Gathering her legs underneath her, she leaped with her paws outstretched, aiming for the enticing tuft of hair on the end of Johari's tail.

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